Delight of the angels
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Delight of the angels
So great is the delight which the angels
take in executing the will of God,
that if it were His will that one of them
should come upon earth to pull up
weeds and root out nettles from a field,
he would leave Paradise immediately
and set himself to work with all his heart,
and with infinite pleasure.
--Bl. Henry Suso
October 29th - St. Chef, Abbot
[In Latin, Theuderius.] CHEF, a young gentleman of one of the best
families of the city of Vienne, by the interior call of the Holy
Ghost, forsook the world; and having long exercised himself in the
most perfect practices of a monastic life under the direction of St.
Cæsarius at Arles, returned to his own country, and being joined by
several disciples, built for them first cells, and afterwards a
monastery near the city of Vienne in Dauphine. It was anciently a
custom in the most regular monasteries, that the hebdomadarian* priest
who said the community mass, spent the week in which he discharged
that function, in the closest retirement in his cell, and in holy
contemplation and austere penance, [1] both that he might be better
prepared to offer daily the tremendous sacrifice, and that he might
more faithfully acquit himself of his mediatorship between God and his
people. [2]
It was also a peculiar custom at Vienne in the sixth century, that
some monk, of whose sanctity the people entertained a high opinion,
was chosen, who should voluntarily lead the life of a recluse, being
walled up in a cell, and spending his whole time in fasting, praying,
and weeping to implore the divine mercy in favour of himself and his
country. This practice would have been an abuse and superstition, if
any person relying on the prayers of others, were themselves more
remiss in prayer or penance. St. Chef was pitched upon for this
penitential state, which obligation he willingly took upon himself,
and discharged with so much fervour as to seem desirous to set no
bounds to his tears and mortifications. An extraordinary gift of
miracles made his name famous in the whole country. He died about the
year 575, and was buried in the monastery of St. Laurence. His relics
were translated to a collegiate church of which he is the titular
patron, and which gives the name of St. Chef to the town where it
stands, in Dauphine, eight leagues from Vienne. This saint is named in
the Roman Martyrology. See his life written by Ado, archbishop of
Vienne, in Mabill. Sæc. 1. Ben. p. 678.
Note 1. Le Brun, Explic. des Cérém. de la Messe, Tr. Prelim. Rubr. 1,
p. 73, et Pratiques pour honorer les Sacr. Prat. 28.
Note 2. Every priest receives the charge of being a common
intercessor, and by divine right is bound to offer the holy sacrifice
and his earnest prayers, not only for the remission of his own sins,
but also for those of the people, for whom, by his office, he is
appointed the intercessor. (Heb. v. l. 3; S. Chrys. de Sacerdot. l. 6,
p. 424, t. 1, ed. Ben.) And theologians and canonists agree that every
curate of a parish is obliged to offer up his mass, at least every
Sunday and festival, for those souls in particular that are committed
to his charge. Conc. Trid. sess. 23, de Reform. c. 1. Gavant, Soto,
Bonacina, several answers of the Congr. of the Council at Rome quoted
by Pasqualig. qu. 851. Reiffenstuel, Barbosa, de Offic. Parochi, the Constitution of Bened. XIV. which begins, Cum semper oblatas, &c.
* hebdomadarian
The priest or religious officiating for a week in a monastery or
church. A hebdomadarian sings the conventual Mass each day, intones
the various canonical hours in the Divine Office, sings the orations,
and gives all the necessary blessings. (Etym. Greek hebdomos,
Saint Quote:
Oh! happy is he who can say, "I have despised the kingdom of the
world, and all the glory of the time, for the love of my Lord Jesus
--St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori
Bible Quote
And answering, he said to them: Go and relate to John what you have
heard and seen: the blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are made
clean, the deaf hear, the dead rise again, to the poor the gospel is
preached: And blessed is he whosoever shall not be scandalized in me.
(Luke 7:22-23)
Angel in the morning
Angel in the morning,
Guide me through each day,
Keeping watch in the nighttime,
Please take my fears away.
--Dona M. Marone
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