On the Desire for Eternal Life and the Wonder of God's Promises [II]
Son, there are many fires, but the flame never ascends unaccompanied by
smoke. Similarly, the desires of some are afire for heavenly things,
while they themselves are not yet free from the lusts of the flesh.
Therefore they do not act solely for the glory of God when they make
such earnest requests of Him and your own desires, which you think so
sincere, are often like this. For no desires are pure and perfect that
are tainted by self-interest.
--Thomas à Kempis --Imitation of Christ Bk 3 Ch 49
13 February – Blessed Christine of Spoleto OSA
Widow, mother, religious nun of the Order of Saint Augustine – born
Agostina Camozzi in 1435 at Lake Lugano, Italy and died on 13 February
1458 in Spoleto, Italy of natural causes. Blessed Christine led a
dissolute life as a widow and a soldier’s mistress before she became a
nun and adopted a life of total repentance.
Agostina Camozzi was the daughter of a well-known doctor in Ostenso in
the Italian province of Como. A graceful and attractive young woman,
she married at an early age but within a short time was left widowed.
In a second unmarried relationship she suffered the loss of her only
child, a son. A subsequent marriage left her widowed again, this time
at the hands of a jealous rival.
In about 1450 Agostina underwent a serious conversion, became an
Augustinian Tertiary and changed her name to that of Christine. Her
time in the order became noted for the severe austerities that she
imposed upon herself as penance for her earlier life and she lived in
a number of convents where she became known as a miracle-worker until
settling in Spoleto. She clothed herself in a habit that was made from sown-together rags and meditated with great remorse, on the passion of
Jesus Christ.
In 1457 she undertook a pilgrimage with the intention of visiting
Assisi, Rome and Jerusalem. Together with another tertiary she arrived
in Spoleto in the province of Perugia where she devoted herself to the
care of the sick and where she died on 13 February 1458, not yet 30
years of age. Her body was interred in the Church of Saint Nicholas in
Spoleto, which at the time belonged to the Augustinians.
Her reputation as a woman of holiness and a worker of numerous
miracles caused devotion to Christine to spread quickly and widely.
Pope Gregory XVI confirmed her cult in 1834, proclaiming her blessed.
Saint Quote:
"To fast is not a natural cause of sadness except for those who are
yet too feebly disposed; for those who desire to contemplate wisdom,
fasting is a delight. As long as the disciples were weak, it was wiser
to wait until they became stronger. This shows that it was not an
invitation to gluttony but a recognition of their weakness."
--St. John Chrysostom (Doctor, 347-407) - "An Aquinas Reader",
Bible Quotes:
"And Jesus said to them: Can the children of the bridegroom mourn, as
long as the bridegroom is with them? But the days will come, when the bridegroom shall be taken away from them, and then they shall fast"
(Matt 9:15)
"But in all things let us exhibit ourselves as the ministers of God,
in much patience, in tribulation, in necessities, in distresses, In
stripes, in prisons, in seditions, in labours, in watchings, in
fastings" (2 Corinthians 6:4-5)
Twentieth Day
Since our Divine Redeemer has given us Mary as a mother, when,
dying upon the cross, He. spoke to His disciple, "Behold thy mother,"
the Blessed Virgin regards us all as her beloved children, but she
harbors most tender feelings of maternal love towards the suffering
souls in Purgatory. Let us then afford the Mother of love the
satisfaction of giving abundant suffrages to the souls in Purgatory.
Taking into consideration the great prerogatives of the Blessed
Virgin, and the infinite love of the Holy Trinity towards her, we
cannot doubt that by her merit and intercession every penitent
suffering soul would be delivered, that Purgatory could be emptied at
once, were such according to the inscrutable ways of God.
But God has His own designs, founded on His infinite wisdom,
justice, and mercy. The Blessed Virgin does not pray to have all the
suffering souls delivered at once, for her will is in perfect
conformity to the Will of God, and she exercises her dominion over the
souls in Purgatory in perfect union with this Divine Will.
St. Bernardine of Siena applies to Mary the text of Holy Writ, "I
have walked in the waves of the sea," (Eccl. xxiv. 8.) and adds, "She
descends into that sea of fire, quenching the flames for the suffering
souls." Denys the Carthusian attests that the souls in Purgatory
experience the same joy and relief, at the mere mention of her name,
that consoling words bring to the bedridden sick.
Prayer: O most holy and glorious Virgin Mary, Blessed Mother of our
Lord! we place our petitions for the suffering souls into thy hands;
cleanse them from all imperfections, and, by thy intercession, obtain
for them eternal rest. Through the same Jesus Christ, Thy Son, our
Lord. Amen.
Special Intercession: Pray for the souls who were most zealous in
their devotion to the Blessed Virgin.
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine
upon them; may they rest in peace. Amen. (Three times)
Practice: Say the Litany of the Blessed Virgin for the suffering souls.
Invocation: My Jesus, mercy !
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