Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part N - Daryl Kabatoff
June 24th 2023 8:14 pm 208,439 words (243 pages)
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard posts continued:
Trouble Hearing:
Almost everybody who took the bullshit Covid death jab was turning trees into decorated idols. Their priests and ministers taught them to turn trees into decorated idols, and to cap these blinkin’ idols with a miniature golden or silver Egyptian
obelisk (a representation of a penis) or with a miniature golden star (your pagan sun god), they taught you to cap your blinkin’ fertility tree idols with a second fertility idol. The Catholic church took over the Protestant churches and used these
churches to help them teach you to turn trees into decorated idols. The Catholic church also took over the other institutions (media, entertainment industry, educational system, medical system, political and legal systems) and used these other
institutions as well to help them teach you to turn trees into decorated idols. People saw the blinkin’ trees on tv and then desired to turn their homes into blinkin’ temples of fertility. Then later people saw on tv that they must take the bullshit
Covid death, and so they did as well. First the priests and ministers taught them to turn trees into decorated idols, later the priests and ministers parroted “their” media, parroted “their” entertainment industry, parroted “their” schools,
parroted “their” doctors of medicine and parroted “their” politicians and stood at their pulpits and demanded that the sheep take the bullshit Covid poison death jabs.
We live under a corrupt “Church-State” that endlessly teaches you to turn trees into decorated idols. And now you have people calling themselves Jews that magically create your money, and who work together with the Catholics to enslave you. They are
all a bunch of witches who belong to different competing covens. Witches poison, rape, torture, kill and eat people, their churches censor Scriptural references to cannibalism. Some of the witches told you there was “Covid” so you needed to take
their death jabs.
People who drink alcohol turn the music up and talk louder because the alcohol is a poison that interferes with their ability to hear. The people who drink also have their sense of smell impaired as well. People who took the bullshit Covid poison death
jab had a myriad of different poisons injected into their bodies, including venom from 36 (6x6) different species of snakes, when you have yourself injected with a large variety of poisons you can expect some degree of degradation to any and all of your
bodily functions, including the loss of taste and smell. Those who believe they lost their sense of taste and smell without having yet taken any bullshit Covid death jabs, likely believe it because they were told to, or because God sends them a strong
delusion (Second Thessalonians 2:11).
Now that people are twitching and convulsing and necrotizing from the bullshit Covid death jabs, they continue to desire to go to church, see the trees that blink, and hand over yet more cash to their executioners. They return to the church to see the
blinkin’ trees and to see a baby Jesus that is too young to speak and rebuke the utter shit that pours out of their God-damned mouths. He wants NOTHING to do with your pagan winter fertility festivities and proclaims in Scripture that it ENRAGES Him
when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols.
As they twitch and convulse and necrotize they continue to shit upon me for criticizing their pagan holidays and their censorship of Scriptural references to cannibalism, they tell me that I am wearing a tinfoil hat and that I should shut my mouth and
take another pill. They scornfully laugh at me and tell me that I am judging them, adding that I am off my meds. Not only do they want people to tickle their ears, they are willing to have people with opposing viewpoints tortured to death with
psychiatric drugs in their local medical facilities and then they laugh about it. Good for you, I sure hope you win!!!
People are twitching and convulsing and necrotizing from the bullshit Covid death jabs and they think themselves heroes because they obeyed the authorities and took the shot that caused their illness in the first place. Then they seek out a statue of a
soldier standing next to or directly upon an Egyptian penis, then they bow down and place a decorative wreath made from their beloved evergreen tree idols at the base of the dink. Then off they go to a war cemetery and place additional fertility wreaths (
pagan idols) upon the graves of the fallen soldiers. They use the fallen soldiers as tools to push their pagan idolatry upon others. Then they think of themselves as absolute SUPERSTARS because they speak up in defense of the J6 prisoners, who are all a
bunch of Catholics wanting to return to their families and help turn their homes into a blinkin’ temple of fertility. You speak up in defense of those who join with you in your putrid pagan filth.
They have me arrested and brutally tortured for years in psychiatric facilities because they desire to tithe to their executioners without having to hear any opposing viewpoints. They hear that I begged in vain for assistance to flee the country and they
laugh at me and assault me further, then they fly to tropical resorts where they pose for photographs with the pagan idols there. Then they post the photos of their children posing with the blinkin’ idols on Facebook, where the witches shop for your
children. The witches cruise Facebook and see an attractive child, they place an order, the child is abducted, delivered, raped, tortured, killed and eaten. Portions of the child are eaten before the child is killed. It is so damn important for you
arseholes to post pictures of your children posing with the pagan idols on Facebook that you would even do so even if one of your children was playing with his penis in the photograph.
After criticizing your churches I lost years of my life to brutal horrid torture and there isn’t a single one of you that has enough compassion for me or for any other victim of psychiatric horror, that you would even offer to buy a single one of us a
cookie, but you have billions of dollars to annually turn your churches, schools, homes, courts of law and entire cities into blinkin’ temples of fertility. If you would have first defended the victims of psychiatric horror (as opposed to laughing at
them, slandering and libeling them, robbing them and assaulting them further), none of this Covid shit would have happened to you. Well good for you people, I sure hope you win!!!
To The 3%, And To The Duck and Deer Hunters:
Thirty-six (6x6) different species of snake venom in the bullshit Covid death jabs, together with parasite eggs, monkey viruses, metals, and a vast number of other toxins. The witches (and the Islamists) are poisoning you with a large number of other
toxins using other delivery methods as well, and also herbs that prevent fertility and cause abortions. Thirty-six (6x6) different species of snake venom in the jabs, the witches are laughing at you!!!
And I am laughing at you as well (Proverbs 1:24-26). I said that it is no surprise that your priests and ministers ram their penises up your children's arseholes for they already advertise themselves with Egyptian penises on the roofs of their filthy
churches, and added that they were censoring Scriptural references condemning their blinkin' fertility tree idols, and censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism. Your preachers teach you to cap your fertility tree idol with an sparkling Egyptian
dink or with a sparkling star (additional symbols of fertility). So I get stripped of my rights and brutally tortured for years. And the general pubic's response is to laugh at me and assault me further and call me a pedophile for the following 35 years,
and to continue spending billions of dollars annually turning trees into decorated idols while posting photographs on Facebook their children masturbating while posing next to the pagan idols, while telling me to shut my mouth and take another pill.
The witches cruise Facebook looking for a child attractive to him or her, they place an order, the child is abducted, delivered, raped, tortured, killed and eaten. Portions of the child are eaten before the child is killed. The witches enact legislation
to make you homeless, so as not to raise alarm when you go missing (Habakkuk 3:14). The witches will not be breaking into your homes to devour you, they will instead enact legislation to make you homeless, then they will wait for you to leave your tent
or cardboard box in the middle of the night when you go out to take a piss.
I lost year after year after year to brutal horrid torture, then lost subsequent years living in utter fear of another arrest and round of torture, and begged in vain for assistance to flee the country. Most of you ultimately responded by taking an
injection that removed your fertility and your lives, those that did not continue to pose for photos with the decorated fertility idols. Now some of you speak out in defense of the J6 prisoners, who are all a bunch of Catholics, they all want to return
to their families and turn their homes into blinkin' temples of fertility. Decades of reports of veterans and others stripped of their rights and tortured to death at your psychiatric facilities and you are either silent regarding psychiatry or you tell
me to shut my mouth and take another pill.
If you tree Mary, monkey, sun, tree and penis whoreshippers succeed in expelling the invaders, I bet you will still have people arrested and tortured to death for daring to criticize your Catholic idolatry. Go to hell. And those who stand by and allow
psychiatry to thrive, such as the American 3% and the American and Canadian duck and deer hunters, can go to hell as well. I cry out to God against you!!! Go masturbate and ejaculate upon your God-damned pagan fertility tree idols. And just as you think
that years of brutal horrid psychiatric torture is hilarious, I think that your deaths and the deaths of your children is equally hilarious.
You Are Given The Choice:
They are witches, they poison, rape, torture, kill and eat people. Portions of the victims are eaten before the victim is killed. They teach you of fairies, elves, ghosts, vampires, space aliens and of good witches, and of a baby Jesus that is too young
to speak and rebuke the utter crap that flows out of people's mouths. They teach you to turn trees into decorated idols and to cap that pagan fertility idol with a second fertility idol. You are given the choice, you may cap your blinkin' fertility tree
idol with a miniature Egyptian obelisk (a representation of a penis) or with a star (your pagan sun god). Then you are expected to honour your dead soldiers by placing statues of them next to or directly upon Egyptian dinks, and then bow down and place
your fertility tree idol wreaths at the base of these dinks, and upon the grave stones of your war dead. You use your dead soldiers as tools to help you push your pagan fertility rites upon others, and you are really good at it. There is no real vocal
opposition to your putrid God-damned filth, you have psychiatrists to insure of that. You laughed at or ignored the victims of psychiatric horror, some criticized your churches and those are the people you especially laughed at, you bowed to fertility
idols, you supported churches that capped their roofs with Egyptian penises even after you heard that the priests and ministers were ramming their penises up your children’s arseholes, you turned your homes and entire cities into blinkin' temples of
fertility, elected and re-elected a homosexual Indonesian Islamist who is also a pedophile and a cannibal to the Presidency of the United States of America because you assumed he shared your values when he posed for photographs while standing next to the
pagan idols, and then you took injections that removed your fertility and is sure to take your life. Good for you, I sure hope you win!!! (Proverbs 1:24-26)
The Ignored Psyop:
They were waving evergreen trees turned into decorated idols in front of your faces for the last 4 thousand years. In 2020 they waved a fake virus in your faces together with homosexuality and the blinkin' trees. Then in 2021 (and 2022) they waved the
poison injections in your faces together with the homosexuality and the blinkin' fertility tree idols. Then in 2022 they waved the poison injections together with Ukraine, the homosexuality and the blinkin' trees in your faces. Then in 2023 they
continued waving the entire shit show in front of your faces. And some people are upset that their churches are pushing the homosexual agenda, but they continue to embrace the pagan fertility tree idols. The reason why your churches are pushing the
homosexual agenda is because you first supported them when they taught you to turn trees into decorated idols.
We live in a corrupt church-state, giving some people who call themselves Jews the power to print money out of thin air over a hundred years ago does not change the fact that we live in a corrupt church-state. The Catholic church co-opted the Protestant
churches and now use the Protestant churches to assist them to teach you to turn trees into decorated idols. The Catholic church co-opted the other institutions as well and use them to help teach you to turn trees into decorated idols. So you get the so-
called "Protestant" Queen and now her son heading a supposedly “Protestant” church while teaching you to adopt the "Catholic" fertility rites, you get the media and the entertainment industry teaching you to adopt the Catholic fertility rites, you
get the courts of law, the hospitals and the schools teaching you to adopt the Catholic fertility rites. You get psychiatrists torturing people to death when they complain that the churches are run by witches who teach you to turn trees into decorated
idols. And you respond by decorating and bowing to the pagan idols while telling me to shut my mouth and take another pill.
Catholics desire that you go to a war cemetery and place decorative wreaths made from the branches of evergreen trees upon the grave stones of your war dead. They want you to bow down and place the pagan symbol of fertility not only upon the graves of
your war dead, but at the base of the Egyptian obelisks (penises) that are erected to commemorate your war dead. They taught you to cap the very top of your blinkin' evergreen fertility idol with a miniature Egyptian penis or with a star (your sun god),
they teach you to cap your fertility tree idol with another pagan symbol of fertility.
The Catholics teach you to ignore the victims of psychiatric horror and encourage you to speak out in defense of the J6 prisoners, who are all a bunch of Catholics. All the J6 prisoners want to return to their families and turn their homes into blinkin'
Catholic temples of fertility. You do not have to pray to Mary, when you folks adopt the pomp and glitter of the Catholic fertility rites then you become a Catholic. Decades of reports of people being tortured to death in psychiatric facilities, all
ignored, the only time people speak about psychiatry is when they tell me to shut my mouth and to take another pill.
They were waving evergreen trees turned into decorated idols in front of your faces for the last 4 thousand years, and you like it.
The General Pubic:
They incorporate pagan fertility symbols into the architecture of their Catholic churches, Sikh temples and Islamic mosques. The Catholic churches usually have windows shaped like penises together with sun-shaped windows. Often they cap their churches
with Egyptian obelisks (representations of penises). The Catholics co-opted the Protestant churches and did the same. The general pubic likes it all and attends church on Sunday. The Catholics killed off the Christians that kept His Sabbath and changed
the Sabbath to Sunday. Jesus was crucified on the sixth day of the week, He rested in the tomb on the Seventh Day of the week (it was His custom and Commandment to rest on the Seventh Day), then He rose from the dead on the first day of the week to
resume His ministry (His work). He rose from the dead on the first day of the week to "work", and the filthy churches teach you that by rising from the dead on Sunday, the first day, to "work", changes His day of "rest" to Sunday.
They (the general pubic) cannot tolerate criticisms of their filthy churches. They employ Hindu, Sikh and Islamic psychiatrists to torture to death those Christians who criticize their pagan fertility rites. When they hear these tortured individual
complain about psychiatry and beg for assistance to flee the country, they only laugh at them and assault them further. You are not allowed to point out the sun-shaped windows, the phallic-shaped windows and phallic-shaped steeples on their filthy
churches, nor point out Scripture that condemns turning trees into decorated idols, nor point out that the churches are censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism, and if you do then you are sick and in need of a needle stuck into your arse.
Such Tremendous Unity:
Pretty much everybody who is taking the death jabs are the same people who turn trees into decorated idols. Pretty much everybody who isn't taking the death jabs are also turning trees into decorated idols. The Catholic church teaches you to turn trees
into decorated idols and has co-opted the other institutions to assist it to teach you to turn trees into decorated idols. Everybody accepts the Catholic bullshit and turns trees into decorated idols. Now it has been revealed that the Vatican is directly
responsible for developing the death jabs, with the intention to kill. People do not care and continue to embrace the Catholic fertility rites. They (people who embrace the Catholic fertility rites, which is everybody) laughed and laughed and laughed at
me, and assaulted me further, when I begged for assistance to flee the country, they covered their blinkin' trees with copious quantities of tinfoil and said that I was wearing a tinfoil hat. My major criticism is not against the Catholic church (and
their Protestant churches which they own), nor is my major criticism against psychiatry, my criticism is against you folks for being utterly compassionless to me and to the other victims of psychiatric horror. You reserve seats for Hindus, Sikhs and
Islamists at our universities and train them there to become psychiatrists, while Trudeau allows them to "work" in Canada without being Canadian citizens, and not a peep about this from you, or from your friends, or from your neighbors. All you folks
have done for me is slander me, libel me, rob me, assault me, torture me and laugh at me, I had enough of your bullshit, I cry out to God against you and am praying for your deaths and for the deaths of your children. Compassionless God-damned turds is
all that you people are. You laugh at or ignore the victims of psychiatric horror and then suddenly you people think of yourselves as Nuremberg Code Heroes because you start speaking out against the bullshit Covid death jabs. Anthropologists in the
future will call you "The People of The Jingle Bells," jingle all the way.
The Catholic church's role in the shit show:
For Further Reading:
A History of Gold and Money: 1450-1920 - Pierre Vilar
A Nation of Counterfeiters: Capitalists, Con Men, and the Making of the United States - Stephen Mihm
Arming and Disarming: A History of Gun Control In Canada - R. Blake Brown Babylon Mystery Religion - Ralph Woodrow
Doukhobors At War - John P. Zubek and Patricia Anne Solberg
Flight Without Formula - A.C. Kermode
Frances Farmer Shadowland - William Arnold
Late Victorian Holocausts: El Nino Famines and the Making of the Third World - Mike Davis
Mosquito: A Pictorial History of the DH98 - Philip Birtles
Paris In The Terror - Stanley Loomis
Royal Babylon: The Alarming History of European Royalty - Karl Shaw Spiritualism Today - LeRoy Edwin Froom
The Anti-Christ and a Cup of Tea - Tim Cohen
The Girl Aviator’s Motor Butterfly - Margaret Burnham
The Grip of Death: A Study of Modern Money, Debt Slavery, and Destructive Economics - Michael Rowbotham
Videos To Be Sure To Watch (maybe on or, or maybe on
Nice - Ann Barnhardt (11 minutes)
Brigitte Gabriel Reads the Muslim Brotherhood Plan for America (4 minutes)
They Killed Granny, Now They’re Going To Kill the Kids - Dr. Vernon Coleman (12 minutes)
Global Warming, The Fraud Behind the Covid Fraud - Dr. Vernon Coleman (23 minutes)
Finally! Medical Proof The Covid Jab is Murder - Dr. Vernon Coleman (4 minutes) The Poison Death Shot - Vladimir Zelenko (30 minutes)
We Are Witnessing Intentional Medical Genocide - Dr. Bryan Ardis (55 minutes) Understanding How Covid-19 Was Made Up - Dr. Sam Bailey (19 minutes)
Stop Saying That You Had It, Stop Saying You Know Someone Who Had It - Amandha Vollmer (13 minutes)
You Want The Truth? Here it is!! Grand Jury Trial Begins Into Crimes Against Humanity - Day 1 (18 minutes)
A Message To Killer Nurses - Dr. Jane Ruby (17 minutes)
They Only Managed To Kill 50 Million Last Time With A Vaccine - Vera Sharav (8 minutes)
Don’t Drink Tap Water - Dr. Bryan Ardis (8 minutes)
This Needs To Be Stopped Now! - Dr. Vernon Coleman (28 minutes)
It is governments not the Coronavirus which threaten our lives - Dr. Vernon Coleman (10 minutes)
They faked a pandemic, they faked a test, they faked a cure - Dr. Vernon Coleman (28 minutes)
This is a power grab - Tucker Carlson (15 minutes)
Ready For The Big Kill - Dr. Vernon Coleman (28 minutes)
Nothing’s Happening By Accident - Dr. Vernon Coleman (34 minutes)
Martial Law Worldwide - The Illuminati Puppets Sold Us To Their God: Satan (10 minutes)
Hospitals Medically Kidnapping Patients and Killing Them With Covid Protocols - Dr. Amandha Vollmer (13 minutes)
Infant and Toddler Deaths Are Up 700% Over Previous Year - Dr. Jane Ruby
There Were Never Any Safe Effective Or Valid Vaccines - Dr. Amandha Vollmer Covid-19 Vaccinations are Weapons of Mass Destruction and Could Wipe Out The Human Race - Dr. Vernon Coleman (22 minutes)
This Should Be A Crime - It’s Dark and Horrifying - Tucker Carlson (17 minutes)
The Cold Hard Facts of Murder of the Elderly And Disabled And It Isn’t From The Shot! - Kate Shemirani (65 minutes)
WWII’s Forgotten First Battle - Czech Republic 1939 - Mark Felton Productions (15 minutes)
The 243 Winchester - Mild Mannered Accuracy For Varmint or Deer - GunBlue 490 (18 minutes)
The 25-06 Remington - Is This Accurate Rifle For You? - GunBlue 490 (36 minutes)
A Little Jive Is Good For You - Martha Tilton (3 minutes)
Soldier Speaks Out: F*CK Your Job They Are Coming For Your Kids!! (6 minutes) Biden is the Most Destructive President In American History - Tucker Carlson (12 minutes)
Exposed: Government Euthanized The Elderly In 2020! - Blamed “COVID” For Deaths! - World Alternative Media
The Rape of Ukraine and the Rise of Heavenly Jerusalem - Christopher Jon Bjerknes (40 minutes)
The Vatican Is Behind Cull of Humanity - Dr. David Martin (49 minutes)
Reviews To Be Sure To Read:
“Squeaky Eureaky!!!” - Professor Squeak Squeak, Scientific Journal of Squeaks
“Sweet Squeak” - Squeaky Squeaky Squeak, Squeak Beat
“Sneaky peeky Squeaky” - Ms. Squeak Squeaky, True Crime Squeaks
“Squishy squishy squeak squeak” - Squeaky Squeak Squeak, Teen Squeakers “Simply squeaky” - Simon Squeaky Squeaker The Third, Important Squeakers Today
“Squeak squeak” - Poofy Squeak
“Squeeeeek!!! Squeaky squeaky squeeeeek!!! Squeakity squeak squeak. Squeaky squeaky sweety, squeak squeak squeak” - Olga Squeakoff (singing)
“Squawk squawk” - Inspector Squeakity Squawk, Royal Canadian Mounted Squeakers
June 24th 2023 8:14 pm 208,439 words (243 pages)
Dr. Amandha Vollmer - There is no Covid
There is no Covid, there never was Covid, nobody is infected with Covid, there is no such thing.
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