• The Great Commission

    From Weedy@21:1/5 to All on Sat Apr 8 00:54:38 2023
    The Great Commission

    "The command to the apostles to be witnesses to him in Jerusalem,
    Judea, Samaria, and even to the uttermost parts of the earth was not
    addressed exclusively to those to whom it was immediately spoken. They
    alone would not be the only ones who would carry such an enormous task
    to completion. Similarly he seems to be speaking to the apostles very personally when he says: "Behold I am with you even to the end of the
    world," yet who does not know that he made this promise to the
    universal church which will last from now even to the consummation of
    the world by successive births and deaths?"
    --St. Augustine-- (excerpt from Letter 199, To Hesychius 49)

    April 8th - Saint Perpetuus, Bishop of Tours

    Saint Perpetuus was the eighth Bishop of Tours, who governed that see
    for more than thirty years, from 461 to 494. During all that time he
    labored by zealous sermons, many synods and wholesome regulations, to
    lead souls to virtue.

    Saint Perpetuus had great veneration for the Saints and respect for
    their relics; he adorned their shrines and enriched their churches. As
    there was a continual succession of miracles at the tomb of Saint
    Martin, Perpetuus, finding the church built by Saint Bricius too small
    for the concourse of people coming there, directed its enlargement.
    When the building was finished, the good bishop solemnized the
    dedication of this large new church, which a writer of that time said
    was one of the marvels of the world and worthy to be compared with the
    temple of Solomon. The translation of the body of Saint Martin was
    carried out on the 4th of July in 491. It is believed that either
    Saint Martin or his Angel assisted on this occasion, for the coffin
    was so heavy that no means were found to move it, until an unknown
    elderly gentleman came forward and offered his aid, immediately

    Saint Perpetuus had made and signed his last will, which is still
    extant, on the 1st of March, 475, a number of years before his death.
    In this testament of love, he remitted all debts owing to him; and
    having bequeathed to his church his library and several farms, and
    establishing a fund for the maintenance of lamps and the purchase of
    sacred vessels, he declared the poor his heirs for all the rest. He
    added exhortations to concord and piety, and begged a remembrance in
    prayer. His ancient epitaph equals him to the great Saint Martin. He
    died on the 8th of April, 494.

    Reflection. The sting of poverty, says a spiritual writer, is allayed
    even more by a word of true sympathy than by the alms we give. Alms
    given coldly and harshly irritate rather than soothe. Even when we
    cannot give, words of kindness are like a precious balm; and when we
    can give, they are salt and seasoning for our alms.

    Source: Little Pictorial Lives of the Saints, a compilation based on
    Butler’s Lives of the Saints and other sources by John Gilmary Shea

    Saint Quote
    "O ye souls who wish to go on with so much safety and consolation, if
    you knew how pleasing to God is suffering, and how much it helps in
    acquiring other good things, you would never seek consolation in
    anything; but you would rather look upon it as a great happiness to
    bear the Cross after the Lord"
    --St. John of the Cross

    Blessed William the Abbot saw, one night in a dream, some angels who
    were weaving a crown of marvelous richness and beauty; and when he
    asked them for whom they were making it, they said that it was for
    him, and would be finished when he had suffered enough.
    ("A Year with the Saints". April - Patience)

    Bible Quote:
    Wherefore I say to thee: Many sins are forgiven her, because she hath
    loved much. But to whom less is forgiven, he loveth less. (Luke 7:47)

    The story

    He is the One who brought us out of slavery into freedom, out of
    darkness into light, out of death into life, out of tyranny into an
    eternal kingdom; who made us a new priesthood, a people chosen to be
    his own for ever. He is the Passover that is our salvation. It is he
    who endured every kind of suffering in all those who foreshadowed him.
    In Abel he was slain, in Isaac bound, in Jacob exiled, in Joseph sold,
    in Moses exposed to die. He was sacrificed in the Passover lamb,
    persecuted in David, dishonored in the prophets.
    It is he who was made man of the Virgin, he who was hung on the
    tree; it is he who was buried in the earth, raised from the dead, and
    taken up to the heights of heaven. He is the mute lamb, the slain
    lamb, the lamb born of Mary, the fair ewe. He was seized from the
    flock, dragged off to be slaughtered, sacrificed in the evening, and
    buried at night. On the tree no bone of his was broken; in the earth
    his body knew no decay. He is the One who rose from the dead, and who
    raised us from the depths of the tomb.
    --Melito of Sardis

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