First Path of Repentance
A first path of repentance is the condemnation of your own sins: be
the first to admit your sins and you will be justified. For this
reason, too, the prophet wrote: I said: I will accuse myself of my
sins to the Lord and you forgave the weakness of my heart. Therefore,
you too should condemn your own sins; that will be enough reason for
the Lord to forgive you, for a man who condemns his own sins is slower
to commit them again. Rouse your conscience to accuse you within your
own house, lest it become your accuser before the judgment seat of the
--Excerpt from sermon of St. John Chrysostom
March 24th - Blessed Didacus Joseph of Cadiz
This humble Capuchin, who could make no progress at school, this
"dunce of Cadiz" was later on admired by the world as the savior of
the Faith in Spain, as a second Paul, as the apostle of his century.
His lineage dated from the Visigoth kings. After he had taken the
habit of St. Francis with the Capuchins in Seville, had been ordained
to the priesthood, and had prepared himself by a holy life, he was
appointed to the task of preaching. Everybody marveled at the singular
power and unction of his words, which swayed his audiences and left an impression on their lives. But most astonished of all was the
venerable Dominican, Antonio Querero, a fellow student of Didacus, who
knew how difficult study had been for him. A child, however, solved
the problem one day during a sermon, when he shouted aloud in the
church: "Mother, mother, see the dove resting on the shoulder of
Father Didacus! I could preach like that too if a dove told me all
that I should say!"
And there was the secret. Because of his humility and virtue, the Holy
Spirit had converted this unlearned man into the most celebrated
preacher in Spain. But how Father Didacus prayed before his sermons!
How he scourged himself even unto blood, in order to draw down God's
mercy upon the people!
Once when his superior chided him because of the austerity of his
life, the saint replied: "Ah, Father, my sins and the sins of the
people compel me to do it. Those who have been charged with the
conversion of sinners must remember that the Lord has imposed upon
them the sins of all their clients. By means of our penances we should
atone for the sins of our fellowmen and thus preserve ourselves and
them from eternal death. It would hardly be too much if we shed the
last drop of our blood for their conversion."
In this disposition he journeyed through all Spain and infused new
Catholic life wherever he went. In a very pronounced way he preached
the praise of the most Holy Trinity and of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Honors did not escape him. He was appointed extraordinary consultor of
the Church, synodal examiner in almost all the Spanish dioceses,
honorary canon, and honorary doctor of several universities. He died
in 1801, in the 58th year of his highly blessed life, and was
beatified by Pope Leo XIII.
Saint Quote:
As a mother delights in taking her child on her knees, in caressing
and feeding him, so does our God delight in treating with love and
tenderness those souls who give themselves entirely to Him, and place
all their hopes in His goodness and bounty.
-- St. Alphonsus Liguori
Do not grumble, brethren, one against another, that you may not be
judged. Behold the judge standeth before the door. James 5:9 DRB
1. Consider the rigorous penance of Blessed Didacus. We do not need,
nor are we permitted to imitate him in it. But it would be well if we
strove to cultivate the spirit which prompted him to undertake it. Not
without reason does the holy council of Trent explain: "The whole life
of a Christian should be one continuous act of penance." We are
sinners, and the first requisite of true penance is the acknowledgment
and confession of our sinfulness and hearty sorrow for our offenses.
-- Do you possess at least this kind of contrition?
2. Consider the admonition of our Lord: "Except you do penance, you
shall all likewise perish" (Luke 13:5), that is to say, by sudden
death. Our Lord spoke these words after it had been reported to Him
that a number of persons had died a sudden death. But who is there who
would care to be surprised in his sins by sudden death? Let us,
therefore, heed that other word also: "Today, if you hear His voice,
harden not your hearts" (Heb 3:8). --Should you not long ago have
followed the call to penance?
3. Consider penance as atonement for the sins of others. What fruitful
penance Blessed Didacus took upon himself in order to atone for the
sins of the people. Hence, his sermons produced "fruits worthy of
penance" (Luke 3:8). He who seriously considers how frequently our
good God is offended every day, will count it as a sweet obligation to
impose small mortifications upon himself by way of atonement.-- Have
you ever thought of doing that? On Fridays? During Lent? During the
Ember weeks?
Oh God, who did endow Thy blessed confessor, Didacus, with the science
of the saints and didst work wonders through him for the salvation of
his people, grant us through his intercession to think those things
that are right and just, so that we may arrive safely at the kingdom
of Thy glory. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
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