Those who spout vain words
"Those who spout vain words and are true Philistines do not form
part of the family of Christ. "Who can equal me? Who dares attack me?"
Is not this the language of those who pride themselves on their own
resources? The just will bring low all that pride.
This is what martyrs did. They vanquished the wicked at the very
moment when the latter appeared to be victorious."
--St. Augustine--Sermon 32, 4
Prayer: Lord, you are delightful food for the pure of heart.
--St. Augustine--Confessions 13, 21
12 February – Saint Goscelinus of Turin OSB
(Died c 1053)
Monk, Abbot. Died on 12 February c 1053 of natural causes. at his
Monastery in Turin. Also known as – Goscelinus of San Solutore,
Goslin, Goslino, Gozzelino, Gozzelinus.
In the Middle Ages, wars were continuous and severely tested entire populations, often already tried by hunger and epidemics. In most
Cities, the highest authority was the Bishop. Turin, being part of a
Marquisate with Susa, while undergoing the raids of the Hungarians and Saracens, had the Burgundians as particular enemies. Political
instability also caused the malpractice of both the people and the
Around the year 1000, Bishop Gezone, a lover of the Monastic ideal,
saw in the foundation of new Monasteries, a way to counter this moral
decline. While St William of Montevergine founded the famous Abbey of Fruttuaria and St Giovanni Vincenzo illuminated the Abbey of St
Michael with his holiness, a Benedictine Monastery was born in Turin
at the Chapel of the the Protomartyrs of Turin, Sts Solutore,
Adventore and Octavius.
The Monks, far from earthly affections, dedicated to prayer and the
study of Sacred Scripture, humbly respected the vows of poverty,
chastity and obedience. To love the Lord meant to love one’s neighbour
and their example was of edification to all. Day and night the
incessant prayers accompanied the various occupations to which each
one was in charge. The task of the Monks was also to counter the
spread of heresies.
The Monastery of St Solutore was founded in the year 1006 and one of
the first young people who offered their life to God was Goscelinus.
Goscelinu belonging to the noble Turin Avari family, he was educated
and instructed in literature and human sciences.
The religious vocation arrived early and, therefore, he renounced the
world to embrace the Rule of St Benedict. His master was the first
Abbot, Romanus, while his privileged companion was Atanasius.
Goscelinus respect for the Rule was exceptionable, no leniency was
granted, even when he was sick. Most humble, he never dominated his
companions although he was superior to most in education and doctrine.
Fasts and penances were the weapon to fight the passions while food
for the soul was the reading of spiritual books.
In 1031, although he had always declined all honour, he was elected
Abbot. Everyone agreed on his appointment and he accepted to fulfill
God’s will. He entrusted the care of material things to some trusted collaborators, while he only wished to take care of the spiritual
ones. The observance of the Rule by all the Monks guaranteed the path
of the community towards evangelical perfection and Goscelinus, first
of all, was the model. He was very attentive to the poor, both to
those of the surrounding area and to pilgrims, even at the cost of
considerably impoverishing the Monastery’s food. Helping others in
material needs meant being able to attend to those of the Spirit. The
Lord watched over the Monks and they never lacked what they needed.
Bishop Cunibert, for his part, made new donations (1048).
Loaded with hard work and above all merits, he died on 12 February c
1053. (some say 1051). He was venerated and esteemed by both the
people and the clergy. Considered a Saint, his memory was handed down
to the ancient writers of the Order. Unfortunately, however, time has
not given us the manuscripts of those who, his contemporaries, had the opportunity to know him.
Goscelinus was buried humbly, as he had lived, but over the centuries,
traces of his tomb were lost. It was only in 1472 that the sacred body
dressed with a miter and crosier was found – an epitaph clearly
indicated that this was our Saint. The whiteness of his bones aroused
great astonishment, as if to testify to his holy life. The discovery
had a wide effect and numerous were the graces that the people
obtained through his intercession. The first miracle was granted to
the court doctor, Michele Brutis.
The Monastery was destroyed by the French in 1536. Its relics, along
with those of the Protomartyrs and of the Blessed Giuliano, had
fortunately been placed in safety in the Consolata Monastery, also run
by the Benedictines. It was the last Abbot of St Solutore, Vincent
Parpaglia, who took care to give them a worthy location. During one of
his missions to Rome, he met St Frances Borgia, third General of the
Society of Jesus and Pope St Pius V. It was defined that the Jesuits,
who had recently arrived in Turin, would build a Church dedicated to
the three Turin Protomartyrs to welcome their remains, as well as the
2 Saints of the Monastery, St Goscelinus and St Giuliano.
The translation of the five Saints was solemnly celebrated, in the
presence of Duke Emanuele Filiberto di Savoia on 19 January 1575. .
The relics of St Goscelinus were sealed in a Reliquary and kept with
the others, first in the oratory, then in the Chapel of St Paul.
Today, they are preserved under the his Statue. The memorial is
locally fixed on 12 February.
“Self-love dies three days after ourselves,” St Francis de Sales was accustomed to remark.
What he meant was that it is very difficult to think and act only for
God, without our own ego raising its head and stealing some of His
It is difficult to be humble in the presence of God.
But, it is more difficult still, to be humble before men.
When anyone genuflects in front of the Altar and begins to pray in the
presence of God, it is not too difficult for him to bow his head and
recognise his own weakness and dependance.
But it is different among other men.
In the presence of men, we are easily tempted to display ourselves and
our endowments.
We feel displeased when we are not noticed, not praised.
Let us steer clear of the esteem of men.
Humility is the foundation of every virtue.
If we are not humble, we can never become holy!”
--Antonio Cardinal Bacci
Saint Quote:
Three things upset the balance of the body's temperament: lack of
restraint in our diet, a change in the weather, and the touch of the
demonic powers.
--St. Thalassios the Libyan
Bible Quote:
13 I saw in the night visions,
and behold, with the clouds of heaven
there came one like a son of man,[b]
and he came to the Ancient of Days
and was presented before him.
14 And to him was given dominion
and glory and kingdom,
that all peoples, nations, and languages
should serve him;
his dominion is an everlasting dominion,
which shall not pass away,
and his kingdom one
that shall not be destroyed. Daniel 7:13-14 RSVCE
O Jesus, Thou true physician of our souls! Thou who dost wound us and
heal us, yea, even permittest us often to grow sick in body, that our
souls may get well; grant, that I may employ every bodily pain,
according to Thy merciful purposes, to the furtherance of my
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