• my blue rose vision

    From David Dalton@21:1/5 to All on Mon Jan 16 03:56:46 2023
    XPost: alt.bible, alt.bible.prophecy, alt.christian.religion
    XPost: alt.religion, talk.religion.newage

    Some, including high level ordained individuals you could
    relay this to, may be interested in my blue rose vision
    of September 6, 1991. For details see my Salmon on the Thorns
    webpage at https://www.nfld.com//~dalton/dtales.html .

    Some related points:

    1. On Christy Moore's recording Voyage there is a song written
    by Jimmy MacCarthy entitled Bright Blue Rose with lyrics that

    "One bright blue rose
    Outlives all those
    Two thousand years and still it goes,
    To ponder his life and his death eternally".

    This would seem to indicate that Jesus had a blue rose vision
    like mine.

    2. In his song Santa Fe Thief, Jimmie Dale Gilmore sings

    "Oh, the caretaker's daughter,
    she lives near the Garden of Eden
    She knows the name of each flower,
    she remembers which let you in"

    3. There is association of Mary and/or Mary Magdalene
    with the blue rose, including (for Mary Magdalene)
    by the Cathors and Essenes (but Mary is described
    as the rose without thorns and is often dressed
    in blue).

    4. From the gnostic Nag Hammadi Library -- On the Origin of
    the World there are the lines "And the first soul (psyche)
    loved Eros, who was with her, and poured her blood upon him
    and upon the earth. And out of that blood the rose first
    sprouted up, out of the earth, out of the thorn bush, to be
    a source of joy for the light that was to appear in the bush."

    5. Another Christian legend says that when the blood of the
    crucified Jesus dripped onto the moss at the foot of the
    cross, moss roses were created.

    6. My blue rose vision was glowing, at night (pre-dawn) near
    the top of my naked thorn hill climb. I relate this to
    the "burning that did not consume" (glowing) in the thorn
    bush of Moses, who was barefoot (and I suspect naked
    like me). The original Jewish sources do say thorn bush
    whereas I think the Christian bible omits the word "thorn".

    7. The colour of my blue rose vision was between sky
    blue and sea blue but closer to sky blue, and I have
    observed a similar colour in Muslim hijabs on a few
    occasions. I also relate it to the mystic Sufi
    blue knot mentioned in Keri Hulme's book The Bone People.

    My latest attempt to change the world is described on
    the thread "Salmon of Wisdom?" on alt.religion.druid.

    Please relay this to any ordained individuals that you know
    or can easily contact, even just as a joke. You may be
    surprised and find they are interested.

    David Dalton dalton@nfld.com https://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page) https://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page) "And now the angry morning; Gives the early signs of warning; You must face alone the plans you make; Decisions they will try to break" (S. McLachlan)

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