• Imitating Christ and Despising All Vanities on Earth {3}

    From Weedy@21:1/5 to All on Fri Jan 6 00:36:14 2023
    Imitating Christ and Despising All Vanities on Earth {3}

    What good does it do to speak learnedly about the Trinity if, lacking
    humility, you displease the Trinity? Indeed it is not learning that
    makes a man holy and just, but a virtuous life makes him pleasing to
    God. I would rather feel contrition than know how to define it. For
    what would it profit us to know the whole Bible by heart and the
    principles of all the philosophers if we live without grace and the
    love of God? Vanity of vanities and all is vanity, except to love God
    and serve Him alone.
    --Thomas à Kempis --Imitation of Christ Book 1 Ch. 1

    January 6th - Saint Erminold of Prüffening

    (died 1121)
    Today we celebrate the feast of Saint Erminold of Prüffening, abbot
    and martyr for the faith. Saint Erminold was a Benedictine abbot, who maintained such strictness in his monastery, that he was slain by one
    of his own lay brothers. His life is an example of order and
    devotion, in a troubled world. He is famed for his spirit of prayer
    and charity for the poor and needy.

    Erminold was born to one of the royal families in Swabia (one of the
    four original provinces of Germany), and was given to the abbot of
    Hirschau, a local monastery, to be educated. His tutor, William, was
    one of the most learned and pious men of those times, and Erminold
    flourished under his tutelage, by the grace of God. He made rapid
    progress in his studies, and upon completion, promptly took the vows
    of monastic life. There, he lived a life of quiet devotion and strict adherence to community rules.

    In 1110, Erminold was appointed Abbot of the Monastery at Lorch by
    Emperor Hney V. However, as the Emperor owed Erminold’s brother a
    favor, he refused the position, given the appearance of simony (the
    buying or selling of ecclesiastical positions, or profit from sacred
    things). Returning to Hirschau, he resumed his quiet life.

    Only seven years later, the Bishop of Bamberg, invited Erminold to
    assume the abbotship of the Abbey at Pruffening, near Ratisbon,
    Germany. He became the first father there, attracting new members and
    growing the congregation in the faith.

    Saint Erminold was a great friend of the poor. Upon assuming
    leadership at Pruffening, Erminold emptied all the storehouses of his
    monastery to feed the needy during a famine. When at length nothing
    was left to feed his monks, the saintly man begged God to intervene,
    and invoked the intercession of the martyr, Saint George. His prayers
    were answered when the next day a rich noble came to the abbot,
    promising to relieve their want from his own wealth.

    Saint Erminold insisted on strict discipline, according to the Rule of
    Saint Benedict. While the majority of his community lived in harmony,
    some lay brothers took offense at his strictness, and in 1121, one
    named Aaron killed him. It is said by some that he was beaten with a
    piece of timber, whereas other accounts indicate he was stabbed. All
    accounts agree that following his mortal wound, he lingered in life
    for a few days, passing into Heaven on Epiphany at the hour he had
    predicted. He had stated, “Tomorrow, during the solemnities of the
    greater Mass, with the choir singing, ‘Glory to God in the highest,’ I shall depart from this world.” Following his death, a large number of miracles were recorded at his tomb at St. George Church at Prüffening
    Abbey in Regensburg, Germany
    by Jacob

    Who is going to save our Church? Not our bishops, not our priests and religious. It is up to you, the people. You have the minds, the
    eyes, the ears to save the Church. Your mission is to see that your
    priests act like priests, your bishops like bishops and your religious
    act like religious.
    --Abp. Fulton J. Sheen

    Saint Quote:
    God is certainly more desirous of our best welfare than we are
    ourselves; and He knows the ways and means of promoting it better than
    we, for they are in His hands as Ruler of the Universe; wherefore, in
    all the accidents which befall us, most certainly that happens which
    is the best.
    -- St. Augustine

    Bible Quote:
    And Simon Peter answered him: Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the
    words of eternal life. (John 6:69)

    Holy Mary, my patron,
    I ask you to pray for me to Jesus your son.
    Through your constant prayers,
    may God continue to guide my paths
    and help me to follow Jesus in love.

    Holy Mary, pray for me
    and for all the people of God.


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