Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part J - Daryl Kabato
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All on Wed Nov 2 11:27:10 2022
Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part J - Daryl Kabatoff November 1st 2022 7:53 am 150,348 words (170 pages)
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Honour killings shouldn’t be called ‘barbaric.’” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“They are not sexual assaults, but ‘honour’ rapes.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Who remembers the Armenian genocide? If they can’t remember the Armenian genocide, who is goink to be concerned about the Jews?” - Adolph Hitler speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard
In the news there was a mass murder that took place centered at the James Smith First Nation here in Saskatchewan Canada. This reserve is sitting upon a vast fortune of diamonds, each and every single member was set to be paid $46.89 each and every
single year ($160,000 annually spread over 3,412 members), as long as the sun shines, the winds blow and them rivers flow. Now with the loss of eleven members of their tribe, the surviving band members are set to obtain $47.04 annually (an additional 15
cents for each and everyone). All they have to do is allow their traditional hunting grounds to be decimated before they obtain the annual cheques.
Some 82% of Canadians took the bullshit covid death jab, if the James Smith band members did so as well, then the $160,000 annual diamond payment will be handed out to just 614 people (everybody else at the James Smith reserve will perish from the
covid death jabs), and these 614 survivors would be getting about $260 each. That is an annual payment of $260, having cash like that would make the surviving James Smith band members more eligible to become marriageable, they would no longer have to
flip-flop between traditional aboriginal and Catholic beliefs depending whom they are trying to fuck on any particular day. Regardless if they profess to hold traditional aboriginal beliefs or if they profess to be Christians (Protestant or Catholic),
they will all be abiding by Catholic traditions when they turn the trees into decorated idols. They turn evergreen trees into always green decorated fertility tree idols that they bow to when they place and retrieve presents at the base of the blinkin’
trees, then took injections that removed their fertility and their lives. The Indians are poised to turn their traditional hunting grounds into a big hole, when the diamonds are gone the wildlife will fall into the big hole where they will be slaughtered
and everyone will eat and be happy. And that $260 they can use to buy some clean bottled water or some more beer, or continue to buy illegal drugs at wholesale prices from Sikhs and Islamists.
The big-nosed Cree are like the rest of us in that they are paid in paper certificates that are made out of thin air that the government then borrows and pays compound interest on. The garbage so-called money is printed and distributed, and is first
and foremost given back to the banks as these banks are charging us the compound interest, and other so-called money is handed out by our Islamic Canadian and Islamic American governments to Islamic nations located on the other side of the planet, and
also freely given out to Islamists now living in Canada and the USA, who are all competing with the red and the white for the goods and services. Some people work for their food and shelter, the costs of which are increasing as there is more competition
for these limited resources while at the same time an increased flood of so-called money was distributed. The banks are eager to inflate the money supply as they are collecting the compound interest on it. The banks create money out of thin air and
charge interest on it, but they do not print the money required to pay that interest, so people at all economic levels compete furiously for that paper money so they can pay income tax, and pay taxes on their land and on the goods they consume, and so
they can support themselves, and you end up with gangs on reserves selling drugs for money.
Trudeau created the carbon tax so that this carbon tax money would be rebated back to the largest families, to those who consume the most energy, to the Islamic families with multiple wives. Little money trickles down to the Indians on the reserves, as
the Asian and African Islamists with their large families are collecting the bulk of it. The lack of funding together with corruption in the reserves, and with the voices of the grandmothers unheard, and you end up with gangs on reserves selling drugs
for money and a bunch of unhappy people.
People are competing for bogus money and are prevented from mining gold (real money), in many areas people are forbidden from mining, many other places only allowed one to dig down a few feet as the gold belongs to the crown, to Islamic King Charles,
and he needs the gold to help him fund Islam for he is the defender of their faith. His mom did a real bang up job too in changing Britain from being white Christian to Asian and African Moslem. The more Elizabeth posed with the evergreen tree idols, the
more the nations under her suffered under Islamic immigration, and the more her son Charles funded Islamic expansion.
In the news, not the mainstream news, Obama (a homosexual Indonesian Islamist, pedophile and a cannibal, he tells Biden what to do and say) blew up portions of a Russian pipeline that carries natural gas to Germany, and just before winter sets in.
People in Europe have recently seen their home heating and electrical bills increase some ten times over, many Europeans are unable to afford to heat their homes, many are without homes, while the invading Islamists are being provided with every need.
Islam rules over the United States of America is at war against the Christians here, in Europe, in Russia and around the world. But, Obama posed with the blinkin’ evergreen tree idols and he furthermore placed his hand upon the Bible, so not to worry.
The Bible says we are not to worry, the Bible also says that God is enraged when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols. Still, Americans are free to fly to Saskatoon and catch a connecting flight to the northern portion of our province,
so they may hunt and fish and see the evergreen trees, that is if they took injections that are sure to kill them. As the European people shiver this winter, I hope they consider the evils that Obama and the European Union is perpetrating upon them.
I have a peace plan to end the war in Ukraine, it is to provide the Ukrainian people with holidays in Russia, grant them special permits that will allow them cheap and easy access to places such as Siberia and to the Russian far east where they would
be treated with respect and be celebrated heroes that brought about the peace. Nationalize the mining wealth and return the land to the Ukrainian farmers and to the other Ukrainian people, utilize a portion of the mining and farming wealth to subsidize
trips for Ukrainians so they may visit other Russian provinces. Trust that Putin will share in this farming and mining wealth and use it to build up Russia and help keep Russia (including the Ukrainian people) strong and secure. The Russians, Ukrainians,
Canadians, Americans, Europeans and others should stop for a moment and recognize that they are all engaged in pagan fertility rites, and that their churches are modeling the behavior and are actively teaching you to conduct such activities of turn the
evergreen trees into decorated idols, and capping these idols with sparkling golden or sparkling silver Egyptian obelisks (penises), a much smaller penis than they cap their church roofs with. Recognize your common filth and phone the police on me for
daring to criticize your churches. Under my peace plan, the Ukrainians will go on holidays into the far Russian east and teach the people there to turn chicken eggs into decorated idols. I imagine life can be pretty rough in the Russian far east, that is
because the people there are not engaged in turning chicken eggs into decorated idols, or they are not doink such with enough zeal.
Some of these Ukrainians would enjoy having Ukrainian towns established in gold, diamond and other mineral rich areas in Siberia, Yakutia and Magadan, in areas where they can also enjoy fishing and hunting. Putin would insure that the Ukrainians were
well outfitted if they chose to take a holiday in the Russian far east. Russia was born in the Ukraine, the region is inseparable from Russia, it is the heart of Russia, the Ukrainians and the Russians (and the Sakha) are all one people, they are
brothers and sisters inhabiting a very rich land, they should be enjoying life and growing wealthy and powerful together. Putin would close down the many American bio-weapon labs operating in the Ukraine and work together with Trump to end the
trafficking of children and other people. The Ukrainians and the Yakutians and the Magadanians and other Russian peoples would unite as brothers and sisters and help one another obtain wealth and enjoy peace. I think all the individual gold miners in
Russia should strive to contribute far more than ten percent of the gold they obtain to Putin for defense of the empire, especially now that Russia’s heartland is being used by America to create biological weapons and to traffic in children and women (
many of the victims are eaten).
Russian women, including the Ukrainian women, have for centuries been hunted down in Russia and shipped as sex slaves to what is now Turkey, and the practice continues with a vengeance in the Ukraine and the rest of Europe. Now the Ukrainian refugees
come to Canada and hope to get good paying unionized jobs working as janitors or food service providers in a psychiatric ward, perhaps at The University of Saskatchewan where I was tortured for daring to criticize churches, which these Ukrainians support
with every breath they take. Perhaps it is better to be kidnapped and sent to Turkey to be an Islamic sex slave than to be kidnapped and sent to America to be eaten by the witches. The Ukrainian refugees think they are safe now that they are in Canada,
where they may continue tithing to churches that teach them to honour pagan traditions in place of God’s Commandments. Canadians spent millions having me brutally tortured in an attempt to shut me up about their pagan traditions, now they import
Ukrainians, in part because they like to see the Ukrainians turn eggs into decorative fertility idols. Putin will have to pose in photographs with the Ukrainian eggs to help placate the region.
In the news in October 2022 (not the mainstream news) the Chinese Communist Party is opening police stations in western nations, including in Canada. Trudeau is handing our sovereignty to Communist China. Soon the Chinese will be peacefully unloading
their tanks and other military supplies at our western ports, any Canadian soldiers located near these ports will be ordered to stand down. There is a vast jungle along the coast of the interior of British Columbia, my best guess is that Chinese soldiers,
who are trained in jungle warfare, will soon occupy the land. They have a great army of robots that fly around and can accomplish tasks.
In the news in October 2022 (not the mainstream news) China now rules over Burma, and America rules over the Ukraine. China conducted a military coup in Burma and now rules Burma. Similarly America conducted a military coup in the Ukraine and now
rules the Ukraine. After America conducted the military coup in the Ukraine the farm land was purchased by rich American corporations using bogus paper money. Under American rule, the Ukrainians have become greatly impoverished. The witches work to make
people impoverished so that they become homeless, and more easily devoured without raising alarm. By contrast, Putin would bring safety, peace and prosperity to the Ukraine. My suggestion is that we flee Canada for our very lives and take our metal and
wood working equipment with us, and go to Japan to consolidate our resources and purchase additional metal and wood working supplies, and then travel on to Magadan when the port is ice free, where Saskatoon’s Aviation Department would build factories
and airplanes, boats, all-terrain vehicles, guns and such. Putin will allow us to bring our guns with us when we emigrate, and allow us to build additional guns, or we would flee to Finland instead and learn to speak through our noses. The Japanese don’
t want us emigrating to Japan, we would only be there until we could move our many thousands of pounds of equipment and supplies to Magadan. While waiting for Magadan to become ice-free, we would be purchasing Japanese-made metal and wood-working tools,
high quality Japanese-made guns such as the Japanese-made Browning SA-22 and guns of larger calibers. All we need is for Putin to give us permission to land in Magadan with our guns and other equipment, and then with such permission issued to us
Canadians, we can then start fleeing with our very lives to Sapporo Japan, where we would meet and work together to purchase vehicles and camper trailers and gather additional supplies in preparation for our trip to Magadan. Rather than be a burden to
the Japanese, we will aid their economy by purchasing many of their goods. Friendships will be made, cities will be twinned, people will sing and dance in the streets.
Some Canadians will object to the Chinese takeover of Canada and start squeaking, Instead of sending these Canadian squeakers to psychiatric horror, they will have their organs harvested. During which time the Catholics will continue to turn trees
into decorated idols, sing Jingle Bells and proclaim they are saved, keeping in mind that when you abide by Catholic fertility rites, you become a Catholic. The media will repeat the story that the Chinese are just like you and me and point out that the
Chinese are celebrating Christmas (the use of God’s name in vain) as well. While the media repeats their story of how the Chinese are just like you and me because they are celebrating your pagan holiday, I will continue to cry out to God against
Canadians will every ounce of my soul. People spent millions of dollars having me repeatedly brutally tortured in an attempt to make me shut up about the pagan filth taught to you by your churches, and many of them think it is funny. Anthropologically
speaking, the red and the white here in Canada are “The People of The Jingle Bells.” They are a people who follow traditions and dream of riding in one horse open sleighs.
In the news (not the mainsteam news) in October 2022, Jean Lasalle, a former French presidential candidate says that French President Emmanuel Marcron lied about his vaccination status and coerced others to take the jabs by preventing the unjabbed
from participating in society. Because of the coercion, Jean Lasalle took the jabs, which destroyed his health, and soon he will surely perish. Similarly in Canada, Trudeau shut down the Canadian economy and prevented the unjabbed from participating in
the few venues that he allowed to remain open, while allowing an invasion of a great influx of Muslims who were not required to take the death jabs. It is the Great Replacement, the Islamists and other Satanists co-opted our governments and demanded the
red and white take jabs that are sure to kill them. The Christian churches are complicit, they worked hard to teach you to abide by pagan traditions, they bought and used the media to help teach you to turn trees into decorated idols, then more recently
worked hard to parrot their own media and parrot their Satanic politicians and demand you take the jabs. While this is goink on, there isn’t a single one of you who communicates any degree of concern about those people who were stripped of their rights
for daring to squeak and who were or currently are being tortured to death in psychiatric facilities.
In the news (not the mainstream news) in October 2022, 50% the world’s population is expected to die by 2023 due to the bullshit covid jabs. So this means that if the James Smith Reserve members accept the $160,000 offer of an annual payment spread
over 3,412 members in order to allow their traditional hunting grounds at the Fort-a-la-Corne Forest to be dug up for the diamonds hiding below, the surviving 1,706 band members would each receive $93.78 annually. And because the Indians flip-flop
between traditional aboriginal beliefs and Catholicism depending upon whom they are attempting to fuck on any given day, the Indians in western Canada have among the highest rates of syphilis and other sexually transmitted diseases in the world, and so
those few who survive this additional plague will be set to benefit even further by the generous handout. With a combination of the bullshit covid jab deaths and the deadly sexual diseases, by 2024 the surviving band members would be receiving over $100
annually for the diamonds under the forest. The Europeans are freezing from lack of home heating oil, coal, propane, and electricity, and are starting to horde wood to heat their homes, resulting in North America trees being turned into wood pellets and
shipped overseas, and this will result in an even greater cash windfall for the band members. In France King Louis 14th suffered from assorted sexual diseases but maintained his sexual desirability by wearing copious quantities of diamonds, the James
Smith Reserve members can accomplish similar. The Indians living near North Battleford obtained jobs and wealth by helping Graham Construction build new psychiatric torture facilities there, the members of the James Smith Reserve live too far away from
North Battleford to share in this wealth, and so it is fitting that God now provides diamonds for these other band members. The James Smith Reserve members will soon have so much money, that they will be able to turn not just evergreen trees but all the
rotting houses on their reserve into blinkin’ temples of fertility.
And consider that there is a possibility that the James Smith First Nation members took the bullshit covid jabs to a greater degree than the average Canadian. Then on top of that factor in all the Fentanyl and other drug related deaths removing
additional lives. It is possible, considering these two factors alone (and without adding the additional loss from any car accidents, murders or future wars), it is possible that the James Smith First Nation could lose 80% of their band members by the
end of 2024, so 682 survivors would each be receiving $234.60 for their annual diamond payment. And their population would shrink even further in 2025, 2026 and beyond as those that took the jabs are shedding toxins and contaminating those who did not
take the jabs, many of the surviving band members will be rendered infertile, some will be in shock from the loss of their community members and will be unable to progress from there. A portion of the female James Smith First Nation members that retain
their fertility and manage to give birth will be giving birth to children fathered by African or Asian Islamists. The Europeans want wood pellets, the surviving Indians can block the oil pipelines and rail lines and turn the entire Fort-a-la-Corne forest
into wood pellets, it is another stream of income for these folks.
The mainstream media reported on October 15th 2022 that 92% of Canadian military have been injected with the death shots, if the James Smith First Nation band members did so as well, then their 3,412 members will be reduced to 273 members who would
then divide that $160,000 annual diamond payment, leaving $586.08 for each member, annually. Regardless if the James Smith Reserve members accept the $160,000 annual diamond payment or not, the Islamists are taking over Canada and will be the
benefactors. The Islamists are not here for the welfare, they are here for the land. Good thing the Islamists in the United States and in Canada and in Europe and in Australia were not required to take the bullshit covid jabs, as they will need all of
their strength to mine the diamonds, other minerals, and the metals.
The Christians are Christians in name only, they swoon when they see photographs of Obama (a homosexual Indonesian Islamist, pedophile and cannibal) posing with the blinkin’ evergreen tree idols. If awake in that wheel chair, every three weeks I
attempted to defend my sanity at the psychiatric appeal panel hearings and did so by saying that the Bible repeatedly condemns turning trees into decorated idols (hard to do when you jaw is locked open, your lips and tongue turned to hard leather, you
are nauseous beyond belief and your brain is pounding in pain, or when you are sleeping in a wheel chair). All people could do for me is laugh at me and assault me further. The psychiatric abuse was horrendous, all I can do is spend the rest of my life
attempting to raise attention to the absolute horror, all you can do in turn is continue to spend billions of dollars annually turning trees into decorated idols while telling me I am wearing a tinfoil hat. You people (the red and the white) are truly
the God-damned shit of the earth, now dying in droves from the jabs, and while dying in droves from the jabs, remain utterly compassionless to those people who were or continue to be tortured in psychiatric facilities. You are being spread out like dung
over the surface of the earth and while being spread out like dung, you continually sing praises for your Catholic evergreen tree fertility idols. All I can do is cry out to God against you.
American military veterans and other people have been stripped of their rights and tortured to death in psychiatric facilities for decades, and nobody ever cares, suddenly these other J6 prisoners are all important to you. These political J6 prisoners
are all Catholics, they all abide by the Catholic tradition of turning trees into decorated idols. They think it funny that I was stripped of my rights and brutally tortured for daring to criticize the pagan idolatry taught by their churches, they drape
tinfoil on their blinkin' trees and proclaim that I am wearing a tinfoil hat. They like to see Egyptian penises on the roofs of their Catholic churches, they like to place a little sparkly silver or golden Egyptian penis on the very top of their blinkin'
evergreen tree idols. When they see a statue of a soldier standing on top of or standing next to an Egyptian penis, they bow down to the penis and place a decorative wreath (a pagan fertility idol) made out of evergreen tree branches at the base of the
Egyptian penis, they place a fertility idol at the base of another fertility idol. They bow down and place the decorated Catholic fertility wreaths upon the graves of the dead soldiers, they use dead soldiers as tools to push their Catholic fertility
idolatry upon others. Even the atheists among them abide by the Catholic fertility rituals, when you abide by God-damned Catholic fertility rites, then you become a God-damned Catholic. They employ Hindu, Sikh, Islamic and Catholic psychiatrists to
torture people to death when they make effective criticisms against their Catholic churches. I begged in vain for assistance to flee the repeated arrests and rounds of psychiatric horror and they laughed at me and assaulted me further, and assured me
that they were saved and headed to heaven, and said that I was judging them. You folks abide by Catholic fertility rituals with every ounce of your being and then blame Jews for your problems. You stick penises on the roofs of your filthy churches and
defend your pagan traditions with brutal horrid violence. I cry out to God against you, against your J6 prisoners, and against every one of your priests and ministers. I even cry out to God against your children. You are ok with using your universities
to train Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to become brutal psychiatrists, you are ok with using your hospitals to torture people to death who criticize your pagan idolatry, and I am ok with crying out to God against you and praying for your deaths and for the
deaths of your children. Americans elected a homosexual Indonesian Islamist, pedophile and a cannibal to the presidency of the United States of America because they loved to see him pose in photographs next to trees turned into Catholic idols, they saw
the blinkin’ idols and thought he shared their values. Different aspects of your winter festival are in opposition to God’s First Three Commandments. God proclaims in Scripture that it enrages Him when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated
These political J6 prisoners are all Catholics, they all abide by the Catholic tradition of turning trees into decorated idols. In the winter they flew to tropical resorts and posed with their children next to the pagan idols there, then posted the
photos on Facebook where the witches are shopping for their next meals. The witches see a child attractive to them, knows where they live, knows where they are visiting, they place an order, the child is abducted, delivered, raped, tortured, killed and
eaten. Now the parents are outraged at Disney for teaching perversions to their children, but deeply down they love Mickey Mouse and the rest of the characters because like Obama, they posed with the pagan idols.
In the news (not the mainstream news) in October 2022, the Canadian military is dismissing the unvaccinated members even after dropping the requirement for them to be jabbed, and by doink so are setting the stage for foreign troops to arrive. People
need to wake up and see that the .22 rimfire, .223 and the 30-30 calibers of rifle are greatly inadequate to defend Canada from hostile takeover. The most popular round in western North America is the .270 as it can reach out to great distances, but
there are other capable calibers, such as the .243 and the 7mm-08, although not the best for killing moose or bear, they are ideal for the defense of our nation. The .50 caliber rifles will of course outgun these other rounds and is considered as an anti-
material round in that it can stop vehicles. I’ve been encouraging people to purchase guns for themselves and for their children, but people are becoming more impoverished and less able to make the purchase.
The impoverishment is on purpose, the witches want people to be homeless so they can more easily be devoured without raising alarm (Habakkuk 3:14), while the Islamists and Chinese want Americans and Canadians to be impoverished so that they can more
easily take over their nations. The Canadian red and white are about to lose some 80% to 90% of their numbers due to the death jabs, the few remaining red and white Canadians are busy ramming their penises up each other’s arseholes, singing Jingle
Bells and turning trees into decorated idols, so it will be the Islamists and the Chinese who will battle each other for the ownership of Canada and the United States of America. The Africans currently living in North America are hated by both the
Chinese and the Islamists, even the African Islamists are hated by the other Islamists, I don’t see black people winning this war, and besides, the blacks already reduced their numbers by about half due to them aborting their own babies. Canadians
equipped with far reaching rifles will be unable to defend themselves against the Islamists and Chinese, who are equipped with night vision scopes. Americans give these scopes away to Islamists while banning the sale to Canadians.
And of course I think this loss of Canada and the USA to the Islamists or to the Chinese is absolutely hilarious, just as you people think it hilarious that I get brutally tortured in psychiatric facilities for years after daring to criticize your
Catholic fertility rites, I think that the loss of your family members and the loss of your nations is equally hilarious. You people strip me of my rights, have me brutally tortured in psychiatric facilities for years, I begged in vain for assistance to
flee the country, and now you can’t even find it in your hearts to buy me a simple single holiday to anywhere in a feeble attempt to make up the loss of years of my life to brutal horrid torture, or due to the threat of additional rounds of brutal
horrid torture. You use your universities to train Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to become brutal psychiatrists and now allow them to work (torture Canadians to death) in Canada without being Canadian citizens. For decades there have been reports of
American service men being stripped of their rights and tortured in American psychiatric facilities, you continue to ignore the victims of psychiatry and now you see yourselves as heroes because you express outrage over the J6 prisoners. None of this
Covid poop, Obama poop, nor the J6 poop nor the Anti-Christ UN Islamic Army poop would have happened to you if you first defended the rights of the psychiatric victims and ended psychiatry by force.
In the news (not the mainstream news) on October 21st 2022, assorted Democrats are receiving many millions of dollars from Mexican and other drug cartels in order to keep the southern border open. Evil first paid you people to turn trees into
decorated idols, you abided by the Catholic fertility rites in order to obtain family favours, jobs and promotions. You gloried in the evil and proudly told everyone who would listen that you close your stores on Sunday. Fish-god Dagon may not want you
to lie, steal, nor murder, so when you do not lie steal nor murder, are you doing it in honour of fish-god Dagon or Jesus? Only Jesus requests that you keep the Seventh day as a day of rest, it is a sign to Him that you honour Him rather than Dagon, who
may also not want you to lie, steal nor murder. Adventists keep the Seventh day as a day of rest as requested by God in His Fourth Commandment, but they then honour pagan fertility rites that are in opposition to His first Three Commandments.
[continued in next message]
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All on Thu Dec 1 04:36:56 2022
Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part J - Daryl Kabatoff November 30th 2022 3:29 pm 158.298 words (179 pages)
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard
The Funny Side:
Look at the funny side of this bogus pandemic. I said that it was no surprise that your priests and ministers were ramming their penises up your children’s arseholes for they already advertise themselves with Egyptian dinks on the roofs of their
churches. I criticized the pagan fertility rites taught by the churches then faced years of brutal horrid torture in psychiatric facilities, and all people could do is laugh at me, slander and libel me, rob me and assault me further. Now the same media
that taught you to turn trees into decorated idols is telling you to take an injection, and you comply. You laughed and laughed at me when I got needles forced upon me, and now all I can do is laugh at you for willingly taking an injection that is sure
to take your life. You trust in medications and blinkin’ tree idols rather than in The Word of God. Spend millions having me brutally tortured, laugh at me and the loss of my rights, then annually spend billions getting your trees to blink. Honour your
war dead by placing statues of them standing next to or directly on top of Egyptian penises, and make sure to cover their grave stones with Catholic evergreen tree fertility idol wreaths while you are at it (these soldiers never fought in defense of your
Catholic fertility rites but for your country and America’s constitution). I lost year after year after year of my life to brutal horrid torture then lost additional years living in utter fear of another arrest and round of torture, I begged in vain
for assistance to flee the country, and you people are so cheap and ignorant that you can’t even find it in your hearts to buy me a measly cookie in a feeble attempt to make up for the loss of years of my life!!! Keep laughing and getting your trees to
blink. The same church that teaches you to sing Jingle Bells and bow to blinkin’ trees is now teaching you to take the poison death jab, so here you are dying from the injection while singing Jingle Bells. The poisoned unite with those who refused the
jab and together they sing Jingle Bells and then phone the police on me because I criticized their pagan fertility rites. The Bible proclaims that you are about to be spread out like dung over the surface of the earth and I think it is absolutely
Using Science:
The priests of fish-god Dagon would dress up as fish and turn evergreen trees into decorated idols, the relationship being that the fish is seen as a symbol of fertility as some fish lay great multitudes of eggs while the evergreen tree is viewed as
being a symbol of fertility due to remaining green throughout the year. Today the followers of fish-god Dagon continue to embrace these fertility rites but are losing their fertility, and risk losing their nations. Why?
Maybe they are failing to decorate large enough trees, or maybe they are not using enough decorations for their trees, or maybe they are not decorating enough trees. Perhaps they are getting their trees to blink at the wrong frequency. Or perhaps they
are using too many blinkin’ red lights and not enough blinkin’ blue lights, or blinkin’ lights of other colors. Maybe they are not covering their idols with enough tinfoil. The ancient Egyptians worshipped the penis and made obelisks, which are
representations of penises, which they bowed to, as the penis is seen as another symbol of fertility. So of course people make miniature obelisks (representations of penises) and call them steeples and place these dinks on the roofs of their churches,
yet still they lose their fertility, and risk losing their nations. Even when they place miniature Egyptian dinks on the very top of their blinkin’ evergreen trees they continue to lose their children and lose their fertility, and continue to risk
losing their nations. Why?
Maybe they are not showing proper reverence to their blinkin’ trees. Maybe if people would cap their blinkin’ trees with miniature Egyptian penises that are golden then they would receive the blessings. It is written in Scripture that God is enraged
when He sees people turn trees into blinkin’ idols, perhaps He is only enraged because the Egyptian penises on the very top of the trees are not golden, or maybe because people entirely failed to place an Egyptian penis on the top of the tree, or maybe
because the trees are blinkin’ at the wrong frequency. Or maybe the sheep are failing to dress up as fish when they decorate their trees.
Using science we can restore our fertility and restore our nations, we can dress up like fish and systematically try different frequencies and different colors of blinkin’ lights. And we can insure that the subject is approached with reverence by
preventing people from mocking our traditions. Those who dare to criticize our blinkin’ trees can go to hell, but first we can get Hindu, Sikh and Islamic psychiatrists to torture them before we send them to hell. We will save our nations and restore
our fertility by using science!!!
Symbols of Fertility:
Hitler was an artist, he was able to pump out perhaps three works of art a day. Some days Adolf sat around uninspired, wandering the streets of Vienna looking for inspiration, other days he could produce perhaps a dozen works of art, resulting in perhaps
an average of three works of fine art a day.
Hitler loved having evergreen trees turned into blinkin’ idols, and so much of his artistic work featured images of decorated trees. Hitler soon learned to hate the Jews, it was because they would not buy his crappy art, and turning trees into
decorated idols was contrary to their teachings to begin with. Then Adolf was refused admission into art school and again blamed the Jews. At about this time Adolf was being accosted by bulbous women who paid him but a trifle to paint their overflowing
images onto canvas. Painting the bulbous fat-assed women, who weighed perhaps up to six times the average woman’s weight clearly traumatized Hitler, who was already facing discrimination from the Jews. Poor Hitler.
The fat-assed women saw themselves as symbols of fertility, they would fly to Africa and the Caribbean to have sex with the black men at the beach resorts there, while insisting that their airfare be equal to that of women who were a sixth of their
weight. Their enormity required that they occupy two seats on the aircraft on their frequent trips to Africa and to the Caribbean, and then would only pay Hitler a small trifle of copper coins for his artistical labor in Vienna. Clearly Hitler was
traumatized by these bulbous women, resulting in World War Two.
Hitler went on to murder millions of people who did not appreciate his blinkin’ trees. Stalin killed a few million as well. But the numbers of people killed by Stalin and Hitler will be dwarfed by the numbers of people killed by taking the death jabs.
Obama is a homosexual Indonesian Islamist, he rules America and tells Biden what to say and do. Obama and Trudeau are both Islamists, both demand you take the Islamic death jabs. Over 80% of the white and aboriginal Indian residents of Canada and USA are
now shedding toxins contained in the Islamic death jabs and nasal swabs, are rendered infertile, their sperm and eggs are toxic, they have AIDS - their immune systems barely function, they are developing cancers and are suddenly dropping dead… Obama
and Trudeau have slaughtered more people than Hitler and Stalin combined. Both Trudeau and Obama are great military leaders who managed (with their witch jabs and their nasal swabs and toxic medical care) to kill over 80% of their enemies without ever
firing a single shot. Trudeau is a great and fearless military leader, not a fool at all.
You are united under the banner of Catholicism as you all turn trees into decorated idols, it is a Catholic fertility rite. You defend your Catholic fertility rites with brutal horrid psychiatric torture. I am not uniting with that. Your Catholicism is a
stumbling block to others, rather than pushing these Catholic beliefs on others, it is best that you perish.
Your CIA funded the development of the horrid psychiatric drugs and killed many in Saskatoon and in other Canadian cities. You people have no shame, you spend billions of dollars annually turning your churches, homes, schools, shopping malls and entire
cities into blinkin' temples of fertility, and then you cover the graves of your war dead with the decorated Catholic evergreen idolatry, you spend millions of dollar having each individual tortured to death in psychiatric facilities and then you laugh
at the victims of psychiatric horror!!! Different aspects of your Catholic fertility rites are in opposition to God’s First Three Commandments, those who indicate such are mocked, if they continue to speak out in defense of God’s Commandments they
are then laughed at, then the abuse is escalated and they are shunned and removed from the churches, and then eventually arrested and tortured under the Mental Health Act for daring to speak out against Catholicism. Most individuals defend turning trees
into decorated idols by first mocking the messenger and exclaiming that the individual is wearing a tinfoil hat, and then this abuse is escalated and the messenger is told to take a pill. The Catholic churches censor Scriptural references to cannibalism,
and the Catholics will phone the police on you if you mention that their churches are censoring the Scriptural references to cannibalism, and then the Catholic judges and Catholic police work together to arrest the individual for quoting unpleasant
Scripture. Cannibalism is another Catholic fertility rite as the cannibals believe they can extend their lives and virility by eating children. The Catholics train and employ Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to become brutal psychiatrists at our western
universities, and in Canada Trudeau allows them to work (torture Canadians to death) without them being Canadian citizens. God dothn't care which particular pagan fertility cult rules over America. God saw that westerners embrace pagan fertility rites,
and saw that they defend their pagan fertility rites with brutal violence, and allowed them to take the death jabs. Islam is the major benefactor of the jabs as when the westerners die, the Islamists will take over your nations. The women will face the
greatest horrors, in the Islamic system they do not have to pay women for their labor and most women (and children) will simply become sex slaves. I encourage all you Catholics to take a jab that removes your fertility and your lives. I begged in vain
for assistance to flee the country and all you people could do for me is laugh at me and assault me further, or otherwise just ignore the plight of the victims of psychiatry. Good for you, I sure hope you win!!!
In the Beginning:
It starts with the churches teaching you to turn trees into decorated idols, if one was to question this teaching at the church, the individual will be mocked. If mocking is insufficient to shut the parishioner up, then the individual will be laughed at
and be made to feel uncomfortable and unwelcome, and that will quickly escalate to shunning the individual and banning him or her from the church entirely. Remain vocal and face assaults, libel, slander, arrest and torture in psychiatric facilities,
especially if you are adamant that the churches are censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism and that there are cannibals running the churches and other institutions. The Protestant churches were co-opted by the Catholic Church and assists that
church to teach you to turn trees into decorated idols. Your Catholic church employs Hindu, Sikh and Islamic psychiatrists to torture people to death when they criticize their various churches and other institutions they own.
But to the average North American, evergreen tree fertility idols (and psychiatric horror) is not an issue, and they happily honor the trees by decorating them, and they bow to the trees when placing presents at the base of the trees. Even though they do
not attend church, they like to see the steeples (Egyptian penises) capping the roofs of the churches. They like to see the blinkin’ evergreen tree fertility idols gracing the church properties and then respond by turning their own homes into blinkin’
temples of fertility. When Catholics stick statues of soldiers on top of or directly next to Egyptian obelisks (representations of penises), Americans follow behind and bow down to the base of these Egyptian dink when they place their pagan idols there.
In all your wisdom you decorate these monuments and the graves of your war dead with branches from evergreen trees turned into decorative wreaths, they are pagan symbols of fertility. God proclaims in Scripture that He is enraged when He sees you
arseholes turn trees into decorated idols. Scripture doth NOT proclaim that God is enraged when He sees cannibals rape, kill and eat your children, just when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols.
The end result of embracing these pagan fertility rites is that you now get to lose your nations to members of alternative fertility cults. You also lose your children... you honored pagan crap and then allowed Satanists to inject you and your children
with concoctions that made you infertile and necrotize (rot). The witches running the churches taught you to turn trees into decorated idols, then these witches preached from the pulpits and parroted “their” media and demanded you to take a jab that
causes sterility and is sure to take your life. And while you twitch and convulse and necrotize from the jabs, you still desire to tithe to your executioners. Well good for you, I sure hope you win.
Tolerance and Trees:
You tolerate Obama's destruction of the USA because Obama (a homosexual Indonesian Islamist, pedophile and a cannibal) posed with your evergreen tree idols, you love your evergreen tree idols more than the Word of God. Those who voted for him loved the
decorated evergreen tree idols dearly, those that did not vote for him still loved his decorated evergreen tree idols, dearly. When I spoke out against the idols in 1988 (and pointed out that the churches were censoring Scriptural references to
cannibalism) I was mocked, shunned, arrested, tortured, and people said I was wearing a tinfoil hat while they decorated their trees with tinfoil, and they laughed and laughed. They made me a home in psychiatric ward at a cost of many millions of dollars,
then they spent billions of dollars giving free homes to Islamists.
All you could do is laugh, now all I can do is cry out to God against you while simultaneously laughing at you (Proverbs 1:26 RSV). You had brutal psychiatrists torturing me for years and all you Mary, monkey, sun, tree and penis whoreshippers could do
is laugh at me. Americans funded the CIA who developed, tested and "treated" people to these horrid drugs at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, then other patriotic Americans stop briefly in Saskatoon but only in order to catch a connecting
flight to the north so they may hunt and fish. They love to go up north and see the evergreen trees, which they idolize in the winter. They also make decorative wreaths from the branches of evergreen trees (pagan idols) and use these year around to
decorate the graves of the fallen soldiers, they push their Catholic beliefs upon the fallen and use the dead soldiers to promote their Catholic faith. They stick statues of soldiers next to or directly on top of Egyptian penises, then they bow to these
dinks when they place their decorative idols at the base of these Egyptian penises. They place their symbols of fertility at the base of the Egyptian penis, another symbol of fertility.
Rather than assist me to end psychiatry and the forced administration of the brutal drugs, people sang Jingle Bells and had themselves injected with snake venom and a myriad of other toxins. They laughed at me when I convulsed in horror, similarly that
is now what I offer you as you convulse in horror from the venoms and other toxins you willingly chose to inject. You people embrace Catholic fertility rites, that makes you Catholics. Even the atheists among you adopt the Catholic fertility tree rituals
and so have become Catholics as well. You (Canadians and Americans) spent millions having me tortured for years, then annually you spend billions turning your churches, schools, homes, shopping malls and entire cities into blinkin’ temples of fertility,
and you think it is funny!!! Well good for you, I sure hope you win!!!
Children On Facebook and Other Social Media:
Obama (an Islamist, sodomite, pedophile and cannibal) rules, he tells Biden what to do and say. If you attempt to remove Obama, then Prince Charles (the Anti-Christ) will come with his massive United Nations (Islamic) army and put you people in your
proper place. Your proper place is to turn trees into decorated idols and sing Jingle Bells, jingle all the way. It is written in Scripture that God is enraged when He see you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols. The reason why your churches teach
you to turn trees into decorated idols is because different aspects of this pagan winter festival are in opposition to God's First Three Commandments, which they hate. The reason why your churches censor Scriptural references to cannibalism is because
the priests and ministers not only rape your children, but they eat them as well. The churches publish books praising themselves on how they civilized the cannibals in Africa and the South Seas and did away with cannibalism, while ignoring the
cannibalism being conducted by the witches in the west, and while ignoring Scripture dealing with this pagan fertility rite. Eating children is a pagan fertility rite, the cannibals believe they may extend their virility and longevity by consuming the
Turning the evergreen tree into a blinkin’ idol is another pagan fertility rite, the tree is worshipped as a symbol of fertility for it remains green throughout the year. Some of you even place shiny silver or golden miniature Egyptian obelisks (
penises) on the very tops of your blinkin’ trees and on the roofs of your blinkin’ churches. You defend your churches with brutal violence for you believe nobody has the right to criticize your blinkin’ trees and phallic capped churches, and your
pedophile-cannibal priests and ministers. You can easily find a Catholic judge aiding a Catholic police officer to arrest the offending member and deliver that member to your local psychiatric ward, where a Hindu, Sikh, Islamic or a Catholic psychiatrist
will inform the individual that they think too much about cannibals, penises and evergreen trees.
I lost year after year after year of my life to brutal horrid psychiatric torture and begged in vain for assistance to flee the horror. Your response is to fly to tropical resorts and post pictures of your family members posing with the blinkin’ idols
on Facebook, where the witches shop for their next meal, and laugh at me and assault me further. Good for you, I sure hope you win.
Squeak Squeak!!!:
It is estimated that some 82% of the Americans took jabs that robbed them of their fertility, causes a myriad of diseases and is certain to take their lives. The Patriot Elite 3% see themselves as the saviors of America, but some 82% of these people took
the bullshit Covid jabs as well, they are twitching, convulsing, necrotizing and dying, and are in no shape to defend their nation
If the Americans manage to expel the Islamic, Hindu, Sikh, African, Asian and Latin American invaders, they would still have people arrested and tortured in psychiatric facilities for daring to speak out against their Catholic fertility rites. The
Americans turn trees into decorated idols. They decorate the graves of their veterans with decorative wreaths made from the branches of evergreen trees (pagan idols). They honor their dead veterans by erecting statues of them and placing the statues next
to or on top of Egyptian obelisks (penises). They bow to these Egyptian penises when they place their pagan presents at the base of the pagan dinks. They cap their church roofs with Egyptian penises and call them steeples, and they stick miniature
Egyptian penises on the very top of their blinkin’ tree idols. They reserve seats for and train Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to become brutal psychiatrists at their universities. They honor their living veterans by allowing them to be stripped of their
rights and tortured in psychiatric facilities by Catholic, Hindu, Sikh and Islamic psychiatrists and by never attempting to raise a finger in their defense.
Even before the 3% took the jabs that robbed them of their health, they were unable to find the energy to end psychiatric horror, now they are even less apt to raise a finger in defense of their people and their nation. Americans are more likely to phone
the police on people who criticize their Catholic traditions and lobby to have them arrested and treated in psychiatric facilities. Now the Patriot Elite 3% see themselves as heroes because they speak out in defense of the J6 prisoners, while continuing
a painful silence about the topic of psychiatric horror, and a painful silence about the CIA developing the drugs at Canadian and other western universities.
It is written in Scripture that God is enraged when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols, squeak squeak. Different aspects of your pagan winter festival are in opposition to God's First Three Commandments. The left and the right are
united in their Catholic fertility tree rituals, the left and the right are united in enraging God. Just a bunch of pagans who now get to lose their nations to members of alternative fertility cults.
Heroes and Hype:
You know that people suffer in psychiatric facilities and you ignore it and allow it to continue for decades, and allow it to increase in magnitude. Some of these people are being tortured to death with psychiatric drugs as a reward for speaking (for
speaking against your Catholic fertility rites). Those who ignore this horror and instead choose to hype more recent events see themselves as absolute heroes as opposed to being compassionless turds whose main concern is getting their evergreen trees to
blink. While you post your memes and comments criticizing the bogus pandemic and criticizing the imprisonment of the Americans who entered Congress on January 6th, you scorn those who dare to criticize your Catholic fertility idols. While you decorate
your pagan idols with copious quantities of tinfoil, you tell those who attempted to warn you of your idolatry that they are wearing tinfoil hats and then smugly tell them to take another pill. You make decorated wreaths (pagan idols) out of evergreen
tree branches, and place these pagan idols upon the graves of the war dead, you use the dead soldiers as tools to push your Catholic fertility rites upon others. You make statues of soldiers and place them next to or standing upon Egyptian penises, then
you bow down and place your pagan symbols of fertility at the base of the Egyptian dink, and you call me crazy and deserving of years of brutal horrid psychiatric torture. You spend billions of dollars annually turning your churches, schools, homes,
shopping malls and entire cities into blinkin’ temples of fertility, and then use your universities to train Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to become brutal psychiatrists who then torture to death those who criticize your Catholic churches. Then under
Trudeau allow these foreign psychiatrists to work (torture Canadians to death) in Canada without them becoming Canadian citizens.
You post photographs on Facebook of your children posing with the pagan idols, then you fly to tropical resorts and post photographs your children posing with the pagan idols there. You will post photos of your children posing with the pagan idols even
if your child is playing with his penis. You post photos of your children on Facebook, where the witches shop for their next meal. A witch sees a child on Facebook that appeals to him or her and places an order, the child is abducted, delivered, raped,
tortured, killed and eaten, then you phone the police on me for daring to point out that your churches are censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism, and for saying that different aspects of your winter festivities are in opposition to God’s First
Three Commandments. It is written in Scripture that God is enraged when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols.
Now you see yourselves as heroes because you speak out against the imprisonment of those who took a walk in a building they and you purchased. Or you consider yourselves as heroes because you complain about the bullshit Covid injections that people were
coerced to take, as opposed to the psychiatric injections people are forced to take. Ya, you are a hero who bows to pagan symbols of fertility and then phones the police on me for daring to criticize the cannibalism and the pagan idolatry in your
churches, and you do that while waiting patiently for Halloween to be over so you can erect and decorate your blinkin’ idol. Absolute heroes. It is the latest thing, what event will your next big outrage be over?
Jingle All The Way:
If you first stood up for the victims of psychiatric horror none of this shit would have happened to you. Now you will fight desperately for your nations and if you win, you will still have people tortured to death in psychiatric facilities because they
continue to criticize the pagan idolatry in your Catholic churches and continue to claim that your churches are censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism. You are utterly and totally compassionless to the victims of psychiatric horror, you use your
universities to train Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to become brutal psychiatrists, and in Canada allow these pagans to practice psychiatry (torture Canadians to death) without them being Canadian citizens. Your compassion is limited to your pagan
evergreen tree idols and to the Egyptian penises you cap your churches and blinkin' trees with. Rather than assist you to fight for the survival of your nations, I am crying out to God against you, against your children, and against your nations. You
people are compassionless turds, the God-damned shit of the earth!!! Years of absolute horror in the psychiatric wards, additional years of absolute horror utterly fearful of another arrest and round of torture, and all you filthy pagan pricks can do for
me or for any other victim of psychiatric horror is laugh at us, slander and libel us and assault us further, and then sing Jingle Bells, jingle all the way. You turn trees into decorated idols and then cap these idols with miniature sparkling silver or
golden Egyptian penises because you follow the example made by the cannibals running your filthy phallic-capped churches. You turn your homes into blinkin' temples of fertility and then fly to tropical resorts where you pose with the pagan idols there,
then you post the photos of your children posing with the idols on Facebook, where the witches shop for children. The witches see an attractive child on Facebook, place and order, the child is abducted, delivered, raped, tortured, killed and eaten. God
proclaims in Scripture that He is enraged when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols, not when cannibals rape, torture, kill and eat your children. You spend millions of dollars having me brutally tortured in psychiatric facilities and
think it funny, then you annually spend billions of dollars turning your churches, schools, homes, shopping malls and entire cities into blinkin' temples of fertility. I begged in vain for assistance to flee the brutal horrid torture and you can’t even
find it in your hearts to buy me a simple single holiday to anywhere in a feeble attempt to make up for the loss of years of my life to brutal horrid torture, you don’t even have the compassion to buy me a cookie!!! Good for you, I sure hope you win.
Respond By Laughing:
Multitudes of soldiers gave their lives for our freedom, and our governments honor their sacrifices by erecting Egyptian obelisks (representations of penises) for them, and by placing statues of soldiers next to or on top of these Egyptian penises. And
every winter the soldier’s tombstones are decorated with wreaths made from evergreen trees (decorated idols). Turning evergreen trees into decorated idols is an ancient fertility rite that is now religiously observed by the Catholic Church. When
Catholics decorate the graves of the war dead with their Catholic symbols of fertility, they are using the dead soldiers to push their Catholic beliefs upon others. These soldiers never fought for your Catholic fertility rites but instead fought in
defense of the American constitution and your freedom. There are more appropriate ways to thank service men and women for their service than to honor them with a pagan dink, or with a decorated fertility tree idol.
To their defense the Catholics thought it appropriate to place statues of soldiers next to or directly on top of Egyptian penises because they cap their churches with Egyptian penises. The Protestants adopted the Catholic fertility rites and by doink so,
became Catholics, they followed traditions instead of the Word of God. To their shame, all these Catholics could have read the Bible and seen that the pagan representations of penises and evergreen tree idols enrages God. The Catholics employed
predominantly Hindu psychiatrists to torture me for years for daring to point out the pagan penises and pagan evergreen tree idols they embrace as Gospel. The sheep hear about it and respond by laughing at me, and getting bigger trees and decorating them
to greater degrees. I respond by crying out to God against all the people who adopted Catholic fertility rites (Adventists, Baptists and Doukhobors included), God responds to my cries and prayers with storms, supposed accidents, or other acts of God.
People spent millions of dollars having me brutally tortured for years, then annually spend billions of dollars turning trees into decorated idols, it all enrages God and the resulting storms destroy infrastructure, homes and many lives. I am crying out
to God against all you Catholics and praying for your deaths. Of course you care little about me praying for your deaths because you believe your prayers are so full of power while mine are of no effect. Laugh about it and tell me to take a pill.
Handing Over Authority:
[continued in next message]
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Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part J - Daryl Kabatoff December 23rd 2022 7:36 pm 169,132 words (192 pages)
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard
In the news in October 2022 (not the mainstream news) the Chinese Communist Party is opening police stations in western nations, including in Canada. Trudeau is handing our sovereignty to Communist China. Soon the Chinese will be peacefully unloading
their tanks and other military supplies at our western ports, any Canadian soldiers located near these ports will be ordered to stand down. Already the Canadian soldiers are training the Chinese soldiers to fly jets over Canada. There is a vast jungle
along the coast of the interior of British Columbia, my best guess is that Chinese soldiers, who are trained in jungle warfare, will soon occupy the land, including this rain forest along our western coast. They have a great army of robots that fly
around and can accomplish tasks.
In the news in October 2022 (not the mainstream news) China now rules over Burma, and America rules over the Ukraine. China conducted a military coup in Burma and now rules Burma. Similarly America conducted a military coup in the Ukraine and now
rules the Ukraine. After America conducted the military coup in the Ukraine the farm land was purchased by rich American corporations using bogus paper money. Under American rule, the Ukrainians have become greatly impoverished. The witches work to make
people impoverished so that they become homeless and more easily devoured without raising alarm (Habakkuk 3:14). By contrast, with peace between Ukraine and the other Russian regions, there would be safety and prosperity. My suggestion is that we (
Saskatoonians and Canadians) flee Canada for our very lives and take our metal and wood working equipment with us, and go to Japan to consolidate our resources and purchase additional metal and wood working supplies, and then travel on to Magadan when
the port is ice free, where we would build factories and airplanes, boats, all-terrain vehicles, guns and such and bring training and employment opportunities to the native residents. Putin will allow us to bring our guns with us when we emigrate, and
allow us to build additional guns, or we would flee for our very lives to Finland instead and learn to speak through our noses. The Japanese don’t want us emigrating to Japan, we would only be there until we could consolidate and move our many
thousands of tons of equipment and supplies to Magadan. While waiting for Magadan to become ice-free, we would be purchasing Japanese-made metal and wood-working tools, metal, cement and canvas for our building projects, fishing and camping supplies and
such. All we need is for Putin to give us permission to land in Magadan with our guns and other equipment, and then with such permission issued to us Canadians, we can then start fleeing for our very lives to Sapporo Japan, where we would meet and work
together to purchase vehicles and camper trailers and gather additional supplies in preparation for our trip to Magadan. Rather than be a burden to the Japanese, we will aid their economy by purchasing many of their goods. Friendships will be made,
cities will be twinned, people will sing and dance in the streets. Then when the port is ice-free we would arrive to Magadan and travel the region, where we would meet up with Ukrainians enjoying their holidays. The Ukrainians would be fishing and
camping and boating and drinking beer throughout Siberia, Yakutia and Magadan, we will find them and share camp sites and eat sausages and drink beer together. Russia and Ukraine will declare peace, and many Ukrainians would then be sponsored by Putin so
that they could go fishing and camping and boating and beer drinking in the Russian far east, it is my Ukrainian/Russian peace plan.
Some Canadians will object to the Chinese takeover of Canada and start squeaking, Instead of sending these Canadian squeakers to psychiatric horror, they will have their organs harvested. During which time the Catholics will continue to turn trees
into decorated idols, sing Jingle Bells and proclaim they are saved, keeping in mind that when you abide by Catholic fertility rites, you become a Catholic. The media will repeat the story that the Chinese are just like you and me and point out that the
Chinese are celebrating Christmas (the use of God’s name in vain) as well. While the media repeats their story of how the Chinese are just like you and me because they are celebrating your pagan holiday, I will continue to cry out to God against
Canadians will every ounce of my soul. People spent millions of dollars having me repeatedly brutally tortured in an attempt to make me shut up about the pagan filth taught to you by your churches, and many of them think it is funny. Anthropologically
speaking, the red and the white here in Canada are “The People of The Jingle Bells.” They are a people who follow traditions and dream of riding in one horse open sleighs.
In the news (not the mainsteam news) in October 2022, Jean Lasalle, a former French presidential candidate says that French President Emmanuel Marcron lied about his vaccination status and coerced others to take the jabs by preventing the unjabbed
from participating in society. Because of the coercion, Jean Lasalle took the jabs, which destroyed his health, and soon he will surely perish. Similarly in Canada, Trudeau shut down the Canadian economy and prevented the unjabbed from participating in
the few venues that he allowed to remain open, while allowing an invasion of a great influx of Muslims who were not required to take the death jabs. It is the Great Replacement, the Islamists and other Satanists co-opted our governments and demanded the
red and white take jabs that are sure to kill them. The Christian churches are complicit, they worked hard to teach you to abide by pagan traditions, they bought and used the media to help teach you to turn trees into decorated idols, then more recently
worked hard to parrot their own media and parrot their Satanic politicians and demand you take the jabs. While this is goink on, there isn’t a single one of you who communicates any degree of concern about those people who were stripped of their rights
for daring to squeak and who were or currently are being tortured to death in psychiatric facilities.
In the news (not the mainstream news) in October 2022, 50% the world’s population is expected to die by 2023 due to the bullshit covid jabs. So this means that if the James Smith Reserve members accept the $160,000 offer of an annual payment spread
over 3,412 members in order to allow their traditional hunting grounds at the Fort-a-la-Corne Forest to be dug up for the diamonds hiding below, the surviving 1,706 band members would each receive $93.78 annually. And because the Indians flip-flop
between traditional aboriginal beliefs and Catholicism depending upon whom they are attempting to fuck on any given day, the Indians in western Canada have among the highest rates of syphilis and other sexually transmitted diseases in the world, and so
those few who survive this additional plague will be set to benefit even further by the generous handout. With a combination of the bullshit covid jab deaths and the deadly sexual diseases, by 2024 the surviving band members would be receiving over $100
annually for the diamonds under the forest. The Europeans are freezing from lack of home heating oil, coal, propane, and electricity, and are starting to horde wood to heat their homes, resulting in North America trees being turned into wood pellets and
shipped overseas, and this will result in an even greater cash windfall for the band members. In France King Louis 14th suffered from assorted sexual diseases but maintained his sexual desirability by wearing copious quantities of diamonds, the James
Smith Reserve members can accomplish similar. The Indians living near North Battleford obtained jobs and wealth by helping Graham Construction build new psychiatric torture facilities there, the members of the James Smith Reserve live too far away from
North Battleford to share in this wealth, and so it is fitting that God now provides diamonds for these other band members. The James Smith Reserve members will soon have so much money, that they will be able to turn not just evergreen trees but all the
rotting houses on their reserve into blinkin’ temples of fertility.
And consider that there is a possibility that the James Smith First Nation members took the bullshit covid jabs to a greater degree than the average Canadian. Then on top of that factor in all the Fentanyl and other drug related deaths removing
additional lives. It is possible, considering these two factors alone (and without adding the additional loss from any car accidents, murders or future wars), it is possible that the James Smith First Nation could lose 80% of their band members by the
end of 2024, so 682 survivors would each be receiving $234.60 for their annual diamond payment. And their population would shrink even further in 2025, 2026 and beyond as those that took the jabs are shedding toxins and contaminating those who did not
take the jabs, many of the surviving band members will be rendered infertile, some will be in shock from the loss of their community members and will be unable to progress from there. A portion of the female James Smith First Nation members that retain
their fertility and manage to give birth will be giving birth to children fathered by African or Asian Islamists. The Europeans want wood pellets, the surviving Indians can block the oil pipelines and rail lines and turn the entire Fort-a-la-Corne forest
into wood pellets, it is another stream of income for these folks.
The mainstream media reported on October 15th 2022 that 92% of Canadian military have been injected with the death shots, if the James Smith First Nation band members did so as well, then their 3,412 members will be reduced to 273 members who would
then divide that $160,000 annual diamond payment, leaving $586.08 for each member, annually. Regardless if the James Smith Reserve members accept the $160,000 annual diamond payment or not, the Islamists are taking over Canada and will be the benefactors.
The Islamists are not here for the welfare, they are here for the land. Good thing the Islamists in the United States and in Canada and in Europe and in Australia were not required to take the bullshit covid jabs, as they will need all of their strength
to mine the diamonds, other minerals, and the metals, and to farm the land.
The Christians are Christians in name only, they swoon when they see photographs of Obama (a homosexual Indonesian Islamist, pedophile and cannibal) posing with the blinkin’ evergreen tree idols. If awake in that wheel chair, every three weeks I
attempted to defend my sanity at the psychiatric appeal panel hearings and did so by saying that the Bible repeatedly condemns turning trees into decorated idols (hard to do when you jaw is locked open, your lips and tongue turned to hard leather, you
are nauseous beyond belief and your brain is pounding in pain, or when you are sleeping in a wheel chair). All people could do for me is laugh at me and assault me further. The psychiatric abuse was horrendous, all I can do is spend the rest of my life
attempting to raise attention to the absolute horror, all you can do in turn is continue to spend billions of dollars annually turning trees into decorated idols while telling me I am wearing a tinfoil hat. You people (the red and the white) are truly
the God-damned shit of the earth, now dying in droves from the jabs, and while dying in droves from the jabs, remain utterly compassionless to those people who were or continue to be tortured in psychiatric facilities. You are being spread out like dung
over the surface of the earth and while being spread out like dung, you continually sing praises for your Catholic evergreen tree fertility idols. All I can do is cry out to God against you. Graham Construction borrowed money from the children of
Saskatchewan so they could upgrade and build additional torture facilities in North Battleford, maybe the vast diamond wealth under the Fort-a-la-Corne Forest will enable the members of James Smith First Nation to build additional psychiatric torture
facilities without having to borrow money from the children.
American military veterans and other people have been stripped of their rights and tortured to death in psychiatric facilities for decades, and nobody ever cares, suddenly these other J6 prisoners are all important to you. These political J6 prisoners
are all Catholics, they all abide by the Catholic tradition of turning trees into decorated idols. They think it funny that I was stripped of my rights and brutally tortured for daring to criticize the pagan idolatry taught by their churches, they drape
tinfoil on their blinkin' trees and proclaim that I am wearing a tinfoil hat. They like to see Egyptian penises on the roofs of their Catholic churches, they like to place a little sparkly silver or golden Egyptian penis on the very top of their blinkin'
evergreen tree idols. When they see a statue of a soldier standing on top of or standing next to an Egyptian penis, they bow down to the penis and place a decorative wreath (a pagan fertility idol) made out of evergreen tree branches at the base of the
Egyptian penis, they place a fertility idol at the base of another fertility idol. They bow down and place the decorated Catholic fertility wreaths upon the graves of the dead soldiers, they use dead soldiers as tools to push their Catholic fertility
idolatry upon others. Even the atheists among them abide by the Catholic fertility rituals, when you abide by God-damned Catholic fertility rites, then you become a God-damned Catholic. They employ Hindu, Sikh, Islamic and Catholic psychiatrists to
torture people to death when they make effective criticisms against their Catholic churches. I begged in vain for assistance to flee the repeated arrests and rounds of psychiatric horror and they laughed at me and assaulted me further, and assured me
that they were saved and headed to heaven, and said that I was judging them. You folks abide by Catholic fertility rituals with every ounce of your being and then blame Jews for your problems. You stick penises on the roofs of your filthy churches and
defend your pagan traditions with brutal horrid violence. I cry out to God against you, against your J6 prisoners, and against every one of your priests and ministers. I even cry out to God against your children. You are ok with using your universities
to train Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to become brutal psychiatrists, you are ok with using your hospitals to torture people to death who criticize your pagan idolatry, and I am ok with crying out to God against you and praying for your deaths and for the
deaths of your children. Americans elected a homosexual Indonesian Islamist, pedophile and a cannibal to the presidency of the United States of America because they loved to see him pose in photographs next to trees turned into Catholic idols, they saw
the blinkin’ idols and thought he shared their values. Different aspects of your winter festival are in opposition to God’s First Three Commandments. God proclaims in Scripture that it enrages Him when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated
These political J6 prisoners are all Catholics, they all abide by the Catholic tradition of turning trees into decorated idols. In the winter they flew to tropical resorts and posed with their children next to the pagan idols there, then posted the
photos on Facebook where the witches are shopping for their next meals. The witches see a child attractive to them, knows where they live, knows where they are visiting, they place an order, the child is abducted, delivered, raped, tortured, killed and
eaten. Now the parents are outraged at Disney for teaching perversions to their children, but deeply down they love Mickey Mouse and the rest of the characters because like Obama, they posed with the pagan idols.
In the news (not the mainstream news) in October 2022, the Canadian military is dismissing the unvaccinated members even after dropping the requirement for them to be jabbed, and by doink so are setting the stage for foreign troops to arrive. People
need to wake up and see that the .22 rimfire, .223 and the 30-30 calibers of rifle are greatly inadequate to defend Canada from hostile takeover. The most popular round in western North America is the .270 as it can reach out to great distances, but
there are other capable calibers, such as the .243 and the 7mm-08, although not the best for killing moose or bear, they are ideal for the defense of our nation. The .50 caliber rifles will of course outgun these other rounds and is considered as an anti-
material round in that it can stop vehicles. I’ve been encouraging people to purchase guns for themselves and for their children, but people are becoming more impoverished and less able to make the purchase.
The impoverishment is on purpose, the witches want people to be homeless so they can more easily be devoured without raising alarm (Habakkuk 3:14), while the Islamists and Chinese want Americans and Canadians to be impoverished so that they can more
easily take over their nations. The Canadian red and white are about to lose some 80% to 90% of their numbers due to the death jabs, the few remaining red and white Canadians are busy ramming their penises up each other’s arseholes, singing Jingle
Bells and turning trees into decorated idols, so it will be the Islamists and the Chinese who will battle each other for the ownership of Canada and the United States of America. The Africans currently living in North America are hated by both the
Chinese and the Islamists, even the African Islamists are hated by the other Islamists, I don’t see black people winning this war, and besides, the blacks already reduced their numbers by about half due to them aborting their own babies. Canadians
equipped with far reaching rifles will be unable to defend themselves against the Islamists and Chinese, who are equipped with night vision scopes. Americans give these scopes away to Islamists while banning the sale to Canadians.
And of course I think this loss of Canada and the USA to the Islamists or to the Chinese is absolutely hilarious, just as you people think it hilarious that I get brutally tortured in psychiatric facilities for years after daring to criticize your
Catholic fertility rites, I think that the loss of your family members and the loss of your nations is equally hilarious. You people strip me of my rights, have me brutally tortured in psychiatric facilities for years, I begged in vain for assistance to
flee the country, and now you can’t even find it in your hearts to buy me a simple single holiday to anywhere in a feeble attempt to make up the loss of years of my life to brutal horrid torture, or due to the threat of additional rounds of brutal
horrid torture. You use your universities to train Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to become brutal psychiatrists and now allow them to work (torture Canadians to death) in Canada without being Canadian citizens. For decades there have been reports of
American service men being stripped of their rights and tortured in American psychiatric facilities, you continue to ignore the victims of psychiatry and now you see yourselves as heroes because you express outrage over the J6 prisoners. None of this
Covid poop, Obama poop, nor the J6 poop nor the Anti-Christ UN Islamic Army poop would have happened to you if you first defended the rights of the psychiatric victims and ended psychiatry by force.
In the news (not the mainstream news) on October 21st 2022, assorted Democrats are receiving many millions of dollars from Mexican and other drug cartels in order to keep the southern border open. Evil first paid you people to turn trees into
decorated idols, you abided by the Catholic fertility rites in order to obtain family favours, jobs and promotions. You gloried in the evil and proudly told everyone who would listen that you close your stores on Sunday. Fish-god Dagon may not want you
to lie, steal, nor murder, so when you do not lie steal nor murder, are you doing it in honour of fish-god Dagon or Jesus? Only Jesus requests that you keep the Seventh day as a day of rest, it is a sign to Him that you honour Him rather than Dagon, who
may also not want you to lie, steal nor murder. Adventists keep the Seventh day as a day of rest as requested by God in His Fourth Commandment, but they then honour pagan fertility rites that are in opposition to His first Three Commandments.
In the news (not the mainstream news) a doctor euthanized a child in Canada because he had diabetes, was depressed and did not have a girlfriend. Now in Canada the doctors may not only kill children, they may do so without the permission of their
parents. The white children are quite impoverished, and the impoverished are much more likely to be depressed. Doctors are now euthanizing impoverished white children in Canada. Trudeau’s Carbon Tax rebates are handed out to the largest families, to
the families that consume the greatest amount of carbon, to the Islamic families with the four wives, the Islamists are rejoicing in this and other economic incentives and so are unlikely to be depressed, and are unlikely to suffer from diabetes as they
have the money to purchase more wholesome foods. The white children are encouraged to engage in homosexuality, doctors are providing them with hormones so they may take on characteristics of the opposite sexes, and are cutting off breasts and sexual
organs, are being told that they are racists, little wonder that the children are depressed. I criticized the paganism taught by your churches and received years of brutal horrid torture at the Royal University Hospital in Saskatoon and at Saskatoon City
Hospital, people laughed at me, slandered and libeled me, robbed me and assaulted me further, now all I can do about this entire situation is laugh. No matter how big your evergreen tree was, no matter how many dollars you spent on decorating the tree,
your child was unable to find Santa. First the resulting depression of being unable to find Santa resulted in the parents sending their children for psychiatric treatments, then the depression from the treatments led the children to seek out further
medical care (euthanasia). The psychiatric drugs impaired the health of the children, the parents had the children injected not only with brutal psychiatric medications, but with a myriad of vaccinations and then later also with the bullshit Covid death
jabs, resulting in children necrotizing and seeking out more effective death jabs. Then the parents hang pictures of their dead children on their blinkin’ evergreen tree idols and sing Jingle Bells, jingle all the way, while continuing to laugh at the
victims of psychiatric horror. Keep telling those complaining of the horror of the psychiatric drugs to take another pill, keep telling those who warn you about your pagan idolatry that they are wearing tinfoil hats, keep phoning the police on people who
attempt to warn you that the churches are censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism, and I will keep reminding God what you arseholes are all about and will keep on requesting that He honours His assorted promises in Scripture and terminates your
lives and the lives of your children. Yes, in the news (not the mainstream news) a doctor euthanized a child in Canada because he had diabetes, was depressed and did not have a girlfriend, and I think it is absolutely hilarious. Just as you think it
hilarious that I faced year after year after year of brutal horrid psychiatric torture, I think that the deaths of your children is equally hilarious. If only you had bigger trees and decorated them to greater degrees… You God-damned pagan pricks hear
about the loss of years of my life to brutal horrid torture, and rather than show me the slightest compassion and attempt to make up for the loss of years of my life, you continue to laugh and fly to tropical resorts and take pictures of you and your
children posing with the pagan idols there, then post the photos on Facebook, where the witches shop for children.
In the news (not the mainstream news) 40 people in Vancouver British Columbia are responsible for 6300 incidents (assaults, rapes, robberies and such), the situation is similar in North Battleford Saskatchewan where just a small handful of people
commit the bulk of the crimes. The legal system is corrupted by witches who actually eat people and are seeking to destroy civilization so that they can continue to get away with murder. People are being purposely impoverished in order to make them
homeless, then the homeless people get devoured by witches without anybody raising alarm, as supposedly nobody went missing. Their delight is to devour the poor without anybody being aware what is going on (Habakkuk 3:14). And big-nosed Cree, when caught
committing multiple thefts and robberies in a single day and get shot for their efforts, can and did appeal to the Islamic United Nations for support. The Islamists are invading and taking the bulk of the social services resources, the big-nosed Cree
respond by appealing to Islamists for help against the white man who pay the taxes. I get years of brutal horrid torture as a reward for speaking against the Catholic fertility rites, nobody cares and the big-nosed Cree continue bowing to the blinkin’
evergreen tree idols, tithe to churches that teach them to do so, seek support from the cannibal Queen (for she had such nice blinkin’ trees), and then seek further support from Islamists running the United Nations. There are treaties in Canada between
the red and the white, but since the big-nosed Cree and other Indians have sacred alliances with the cannibal crown and are now seeking alliances with Islamists, it may be best to leave the country. If people want to make an effort to bring back law and
order to Canada, we are going to have to start by deporting the African, Asian and Latin Americans, as the red and white treaties doth not grant us permission to import them. And we are going to have to insure that those red and white that commit serious
crimes are rewarded with serious times.
In the news (not the mainstream news) in November 2022, the College Physicians and Surgeons in Ontario are saying that unvaccinated people are mentally ill and should be put on psychiatric drugs. In the news Kate Shemirani says that hospitals in the
UK are killing over 1,000 people a day with bad medicine, they are following protocols that insure death (see Kate Shemirani in The Cold Hard Facts of Murder of the Elderly And Disabled And It Isn’t From The Shot!). Kate Shemirani says that the
hospitals are mass murdering people, independently of the murder the doctors and nurses are accomplishing with the bullshit Civid jabs. The government actively assists Islamists to arrive that are crossing over the channel from France, and lavishly
provides for them and without demanding that these people be injected with the deadly drugs.
In the news (not the mainstream news) in November 2022, United Nations aircraft are landing in Canada in numbers, this is the arrival of the Anti-Christ’s Islamic Army. Canadians will likely respond by hanging little sparkling plastic Islamic
beheading swords on their blinkin’ trees.
In the news (not the mainstream news), the only time we see a white couple on television in Canada is in government commercials suggesting that they kill themselves. And it is also reported that babies who are nursing from the snake venom and gene
altering jabbed mothers are getting sick and dying. And in the news (not the mainstream news) the World Economic Forum (Satanically possessed people who are trying to kill you) desires to fight climate change (which doesn’t exist) by killing off the
dogs and cats. The Moslems that moved into your neighborhoods do not want to see dogs nor hear them barking. And they want to shut down the horse racing and play soccer in the field there instead. Maybe the Moslems will permit camel racing in Saskatoon
in the future.
In the news the governments of Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba are attempting to control their own economic destiny and be free of Ottawa’s desire to shut down our industries, by preventing us from extracting coal and oil, by using our taxes to
fund the Hindu, Sikh, Islamic and Chinese invaders. The Big-nosed Cree object to this change of government as they feel the British crown will continue to look out for their best interests. The British crown is composed of witches, they are cannibals,
they actually eat people. Because the Big-nosed Cree are allied with King Charles (the Islamic Anti-Christ), I feel it best to flee Canada. If the Big-nosed Cree desire to reaffirm the treaties with the average white Canadian rather than with Charles (
The Anti-Christ), and then worked together with us to remove the foreign pagans, then the white Canadians should stay and fight along side of the Big-nosed Cree and the other Indians whose noses are not so big, squeak squeak. Charles has lots of cash and
will likely buy off the Indians to their utter destruction. Complicating matters is that over 80% of the Indians are about to drop dead from taking the snake venom and gene altering jabs. I think it would be wise to flee for our very lives to Magadan and
Yakutia, or to Finland and learn to speak through our noses. Ask Putin to change the law, to allow us to bring our guns and marijuana when we come with our metal working and heavy duty construction equipment (bulldozers and such), and allow us to arrive
via Magadan rather than Moscow. We should either work together to peacefully return the immigrants to their home continents or the white Canadians should flee to northern Europe or to Northern Asia.
In the news (not the mainstream news) we can’t flee to Russia or most any other country as these countries will scan you at the airport and see if you are glowing. The bullshit Covid snake venom injections contain proteins derived from fireflies
that glow, if your upper arm does not glow upon arrival at most any country they will force you to take a deadly gene-altering, AIDS contaminated, snake venom filled injection combined with the firefly protein, so you glow, and so they are sure you are
about to die.
[continued in next message]
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Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part J - Daryl Kabatoff January 19th 2023 4:37 pm 173,839 words (200 pages)
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard
In the news (not the mainstream news), doctors in Canada are encouraging the poor and the sick to kill themselves and are assisting them in their suicides. Doctors assisted 10,064 Canadians to die in 2021, which is a 32% increase from the previous
year. In Europe the cost of natural gas is increasing some 8 times over, this together with the increased cost of food is resulting in people starving, and they will be freezing to death this fall and winter. The politicians continue to claim there is a
climate emergency and are targeting the farmers and reducing their ability to plant, fertilize and harvest their crops. About a thousand Islamists are crossing the channel daily from France and invading Britain, they are mainly males of fighting age,
they are placed into warm hotels and provided with money. Scotland is cutting down 14 million trees to make way for wind turbines. Hundred-year-old trees are being cut down in America, turned into wood pellets and shipped across the ocean to Europe.
American tax payers are now forced to pay off the student loans for the Democrats (communists) who were taught bullshit university programs, while the universities are allowed to keep the money they earned from teaching the bullshit (and from having
people tortured to death in their psychiatric facilities). The university programs that result in jobs have their seats reserved for foreign students (Islamists), who remain in western nations after completing their schooling. White British people are
being beaten, stabbed and killed, the police have no funds to investigate the crimes and are instead using their time to dance in public with the homosexuals. Entire cities in Britain have been transformed into Third World shitholes, there are very few
white people to be seen, and those people who speak of the great replacement are troublemakers, they are racists. Southern Sweden is no longer a place that one would want to visit. Millions have already died from the jabs, others are too sick to work,
now Saskatchewan is short of workers and seeks to import replacements from around the world, as doth other western provinces, states and nations. Still people are being paid not to work, even non-Canadians who were unable to obtain employment in Canada
were provided with huge benefits by Trudeau. The Koran commands their flock to conduct immigration jihad, they use immigration to take over nations, and Trudeau and Obama, the Islamic leaders of Canada and the USA, are therefore obligated to implement
policies that benefit immigration jihad.
The mothers and others took their bullshit Islamic Covid death jabs by choice while the victims of psychiatric horror had absolutely horrid injections forced upon them. The mothers and others turned trees into decorated idols while I and other
Christians were brutally tortured in psychiatric facilities as a reward for criticizing your churches teaching pagan idolatry rather than God's Commandments. The mothers and others laughed at the victims of psychiatric horror, told them that they were
wearing tinfoil hats and to go take a pill, then they draped copious quantities of tinfoil on their blinkin' trees. The mothers and others flew to tropical resorts, posed with their children next to the blinkin' idols over there, then posted those photos
of their children on Facebook, where the witches shop for your children. The witches search Facebook for a child that appeals to him or her, they place an order, the child is abducted, delivered, raped, tortured, killed and eaten. Some Christians tried
to warn the mothers and others that the same churches that were teaching them to bow to blinkin' trees were also censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism. Now as the mothers necrotize from the bullshit Islamic covid death jabs, their vaginas are
rotting, they smell like death before they die. And still their greatest desire is to survive until “Christmas” (not His Mass, it is the use of God’s Name in vain) so they can attend various churches and see the trees that blink.
The mothers and others also like to place decorated boughs made from the branches of evergreen trees upon the graves of the war dead, they push their Catholic fertility rites upon the dead soldiers, they use the dead soldiers as tools to push their
pagan beliefs upon others. They make statues of soldiers and place them directly on top of or next to Egyptian penises, then bow to these pagan phalluses when they place their presents (decorated evergreen tree boughs, aka pagan idols) at the base of the
dinks. They attend and tithe to churches that are capped with miniature Egyptian penises, and the clergy there teaches them to cap their blinkin’ evergreen trees with an Egyptian dink as well. When they hear about it, then they phone the police on me.
The psychiatric drugs are a real horror show, now you God-damned Catholic necrotizing assholes can experience a little horror of your own. Just as you people think it hilarious that I get repeatedly arrested and tortured by predominantly Hindu
psychiatrists, I think that the deaths of your children and other family members is equally hilarious. I lost year after year after year of my life to brutal horrid psychiatric torture, I begged for assistance to flee the horror and all you pagan pricks
could do is laugh and assault me further. There wasn’t a single one of you with so much compassion in your hearts that you would even attempt to make up the loss of years of my life to this brutal horrid torture by buying me a simple single holiday to
anywhere, let alone a cookie. Well good for you, I sure hope you win!!!
See the similarity… those taking their jabs attribute their illnesses to anything other than the jabs, while those societies who turn trees into decorated idols attribute their downfall to anything other than turning trees into decorated idols, the
more impoverished they and their nations become, the greater desire they have to embrace the pagan idolatry and sing Jingle Bells. The blinkin’ trees are so important that the Americans were willing to overlook that Obama is a homosexual Indonesian
Islamist, pedophile and a cannibal, they assumed he shared their values because he posed with the decorated evergreen tree idols. For Obama, posing with the pagan fertility tree idols was a stepping stone to the presidency, it allowed him to rule and
maintain his presidency, even Christians voted for him as they swooned over the photographs because of the blinkin’ pagan idols. Obama swore on the Bible and posed with the blinkin’ evergreen tree idols, and that was good enough for the Christians
and for the rest of America. Posing for photographs while standing next to the blinkin’ idols was an essential part of the American way of life, so those that did not vote for the homosexual Indonesian Islamist, pedophile and a cannibal tolerated him,
for he posed for photographs with their beloved blinkin’ idols.
In the news there was a mass murder that took place centered at the James Smith First Nation here in Saskatchewan Canada. This reserve is sitting upon a vast fortune of diamonds, each and every single member was set to be paid $46.89 each and every
single year ($160,000 annually spread over 3,412 members), as long as the sun shines, the winds blow and them rivers flow. Now with the loss of eleven members of their tribe, the surviving band members are set to obtain $47.04 annually (an additional 15
cents for each and everyone). All they have to do is allow their traditional hunting grounds to be decimated before they obtain the annual cheques.
Some 82% of Canadians took the bullshit covid death jab, if the James Smith band members did so as well, then the $160,000 annual diamond payment will be handed out to just 614 people (everybody else at the James Smith reserve will perish from the
covid death jabs), and these 614 survivors would be getting about $260 each. That is an annual payment of $260, having cash like that would make the surviving James Smith band members more eligible to become marriageable, they would no longer have to
flip-flop between traditional aboriginal and Catholic beliefs depending whom they are trying to fornicate with on any particular day. Regardless if they profess to hold traditional aboriginal beliefs or if they profess to be Christians (Protestant or
Catholic), they will all be abiding by Catholic traditions when they turn the trees into decorated idols. They turn evergreen trees into always green decorated fertility tree idols that they bow to when they place and retrieve presents at the base of the
blinkin’ trees, then took injections that removed their fertility and their lives. The Indians are poised to turn their traditional hunting grounds into a big hole, when the diamonds are gone the wildlife will fall into the big hole where they will be
slaughtered and everyone will eat and be happy. And that $260 they can use to buy some clean bottled water or some more beer, or continue to buy illegal drugs at wholesale prices from Sikhs and Islamists.
The big-nosed Cree are like the rest of us in that they are paid in paper certificates that are made out of thin air that the government then borrows and pays compound interest on. The garbage so-called money is printed and distributed, and is first
and foremost given back to the banks as these banks are charging us the compound interest, and other so-called money is handed out by our Islamic Canadian and Islamic American governments to Islamic nations located on the other side of the planet, and
also freely given out to Islamists now living in Canada and the USA, who are all competing with the red and the white for the goods and services. Some people work for their food and shelter, the costs of which are increasing as there is more competition
for these limited resources due to immigration while at the same time an increased flood of so-called money was distributed. The banks are eager to inflate the money supply as they are collecting the compound interest on it. The banks create money out of
thin air and charge interest on it, but they do not print the money required to pay that interest, so people at all economic levels compete furiously for that paper money so they can pay income tax, and pay taxes on their land and on the goods they
consume, and so they can support themselves, and you end up gangs on reserves selling drugs, while the reserves themselves are run by elected gangs that hands out favours to their friends and relatives, and to themselves.
Trudeau created the carbon tax so that this carbon tax money would be rebated back to the largest families, to those who consume the most energy, to the Islamic families with multiple wives. Little money trickles down to the Indians on the reserves, as
the Asian and African Islamists with their large families are collecting the bulk of it. The lack of funding together with corruption in the reserves, and with the voices of the grandmothers unheard, and you end up with gangs on reserves selling drugs
and a bunch of very unhappy people. The young women in the reserves are utterly impoverished, rather than try to assist them, the males on the reserve further exploit them and infect them with Syphilis, Gonorrhea, AIDS and a myriad of other sexual
People are competing for bogus money and are prevented from mining gold (real money), in many areas people are forbidden from mining, many other places only allow one to dig down a few feet as the gold belongs to the crown, to Islamic King Charles, and
he needs the gold to help him fund Islam for he is the defender of their faith. His mom did a real bang up job too in changing Britain from being white Christian to Asian and African Moslem. The more Elizabeth posed with the evergreen tree idols, the
more the nations under her suffered under Islamic immigration, and the more her son Charles funded Islamic expansion.
In the news, not the mainstream news, Obama (a homosexual Indonesian Islamist, pedophile and a cannibal, he tells Biden what to do and say) blew up portions of a Russian pipeline that carries natural gas to Germany, and just before winter sets in. If
the British blew up the pipeline, it was still likely that Obama gave the orders. People in Europe have recently seen their home heating and electrical bills increase some ten times over, many Europeans are unable to afford to heat their homes, many are
without homes, while the invading Islamists are being provided with every need. Islam rules over the United States of America and is at war against the Christians here, in Europe, in Russia and around the world. But, Obama posed with the blinkin’
evergreen tree idols and he furthermore placed his hand upon the Bible, so not to worry. The Bible says we are not to worry, the Bible also says that God is enraged when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols. Still, Americans are free to
fly to Saskatoon and catch a connecting flight to the northern portion of our province, so they may hunt and fish and see the evergreen trees, that is if they took injections that are sure to kill them. As the European people shiver this winter, I hope
they consider the evils that Obama and the European Union is perpetrating upon them.
I have a peace plan to end the war in Ukraine, it is to provide the Ukrainian people with holidays in Russia, grant them special permits that will allow them cheap and easy access to places such as Siberia and to the Russian far east where they would
be treated with respect and be celebrated heroes that brought about the peace. Nationalize the mining wealth and return the land to the Ukrainian farmers and to the other Ukrainian people, utilize a portion of the mining and farming wealth to subsidize
trips for Ukrainians so they may visit other Russian provinces. Trust that Putin will share in this farming and mining wealth and use it to build up Russia and help keep Russia (including the Ukrainian people) strong and secure. The Russians, Ukrainians,
Canadians, Americans, Europeans and others should stop for a moment and recognize that they are all engaged in pagan fertility rites, and that their churches are modeling the behavior and are actively teaching you to conduct such activities of turn the
evergreen trees into decorated idols, and capping these idols with sparkling golden or sparkling silver Egyptian obelisks (penises), a much smaller penis than they cap their church roofs with. Recognize your common filth and phone the police on me for
daring to criticize your churches. Under my peace plan, the Ukrainians will go on holidays into the far Russian east and teach the people there to turn chicken eggs into decorated idols. I imagine life can be pretty rough in the Russian far east, that is
because the people there are not engaged in turning chicken eggs into decorated idols, or they are not doink such with enough zeal.
Some of these Ukrainians would enjoy having Ukrainian towns established in gold, diamond and other mineral rich areas in Siberia, Yakutia and Magadan, in areas where they can also enjoy fishing and hunting. Putin would insure that the Ukrainians were
well outfitted if they chose to take a holiday in the Russian far east. Russia was born in the Ukraine, the region is inseparable from Russia, it is the heart of Russia, the Ukrainians and the Russians (and the Sakha) are all one people, they are
brothers and sisters inhabiting a very rich land, they should be enjoying life and growing wealthy and powerful together. Putin would close down the many American bio-weapon labs operating in the Ukraine and work together with Trump to end the
trafficking of children and other people (I don’t believe it). The Ukrainians and the Yakutians and the Magadanians and other Russian peoples would unite as brothers and sisters and help one another obtain wealth and enjoy peace (I don’t believe that
either). I think all the individual gold miners in Russia should strive to contribute far more than ten percent of the gold they obtain to Putin for defense of the empire, especially now that Russia’s heartland is being used by America to create
biological weapons and to traffic in children and women (many of the victims are eaten). While he was president, Trump allowed the uninterrupted torture of Americans in every state of America, psychiatric drugs are forced upon both Americans and Russians
in every state of America and throughout Russia.
Russian women, including the Ukrainian women, have for centuries been hunted down in Russia and shipped as sex slaves to what is now Turkey, and the practice continues with a vengeance in the Ukraine and the rest of Europe. Now the Ukrainian refugees
come to Canada and hope to get good paying unionized jobs working as janitors or food service providers in a psychiatric ward, perhaps at The University of Saskatchewan where I was tortured for daring to criticize churches, which these Ukrainians support
with every breath they take. Perhaps it is better to be kidnapped and sent to Turkey to be an Islamic sex slave than to be kidnapped and sent to America to be eaten by the witches. The Ukrainian refugees think they are safe now that they are in Canada,
where they may continue tithing to churches that teach them to honour pagan traditions in place of God’s Commandments. Canadians spent millions having me brutally tortured in an attempt to shut me up about their pagan traditions, now they import
Ukrainians, in part because they like to see the Ukrainians turn eggs into decorative fertility idols. Putin will have to pose in photographs with the decorative Ukrainian egg idols to help placate the region.
In the news in October 2022 (not the mainstream news) the Chinese Communist Party is opening police stations in western nations, including in Canada. Trudeau is handing our sovereignty to Communist China. Soon the Chinese will be peacefully unloading
their tanks and other military supplies at our western ports, any Canadian soldiers located near these ports will be ordered to stand down. Already the Canadian soldiers are training the Chinese soldiers to fly jets over Canada. There is a vast jungle
along the coast of the interior of British Columbia, my best guess is that Chinese soldiers, who are trained in jungle warfare, will soon occupy the land, including this rain forest along our western coast. They have a great army of robots that fly
around and can accomplish tasks.
In the news in October 2022 (not the mainstream news) China now rules over Burma, and America rules over the Ukraine. China conducted a military coup in Burma and now rules Burma. Similarly America conducted a military coup in the Ukraine and now
rules the Ukraine. After America conducted the military coup in the Ukraine the farm land was purchased by rich American corporations using bogus paper money. Under American rule, the Ukrainians have become greatly impoverished. The witches work to make
people impoverished so that they become homeless and more easily devoured without raising alarm (Habakkuk 3:14). By contrast, with peace between Ukraine and the other Russian regions, there would be safety and prosperity. My suggestion is that we (
Saskatoonians and Canadians) flee Canada for our very lives and take our metal and wood working equipment with us, and go to Japan to consolidate our resources and purchase additional metal and wood working supplies, and then travel on to Magadan when
the port is ice free, where we would build factories and airplanes, boats, all-terrain vehicles, guns and such and bring training and employment opportunities to the native residents. Putin will allow us to bring our guns with us when we emigrate, and
allow us to build additional guns, or we would flee for our very lives to Finland instead and learn to speak through our noses. The Japanese don’t want us emigrating to Japan, we would only be there until we could consolidate and move our many
thousands of tons of equipment and supplies to Magadan. While waiting for Magadan to become ice-free, we would be purchasing Japanese-made metal and wood-working tools, metal, cement and canvas for our building projects, fishing and camping supplies and
such. All we need is for Putin to give us permission to land in Magadan with our guns and other equipment, and then with such permission issued to us Canadians, we can then start fleeing for our very lives to Sapporo Japan, where we would meet and work
together to purchase vehicles and camper trailers and gather additional supplies in preparation for our trip to Magadan. Rather than be a burden to the Japanese, we will aid their economy by purchasing many of their goods. Friendships will be made,
cities will be twinned, people will sing and dance in the streets. Then when the port is ice-free we would arrive to Magadan and travel the region, where we would meet up with Ukrainians enjoying their holidays. The Ukrainians would be fishing and
camping and boating and drinking beer throughout Siberia, Yakutia and Magadan, we will find them and share camp sites and eat sausages and drink beer together. Russia and Ukraine will declare peace, and many Ukrainians would then be sponsored by Putin so
that they could go fishing and camping and boating and beer drinking in the Russian far east, it is my Ukrainian/Russian peace plan.
Some Canadians will object to the Chinese takeover of Canada and start squeaking, Instead of sending these Canadian squeakers to psychiatric horror, they will have their organs harvested. During which time the Catholics will continue to turn trees
into decorated idols, sing Jingle Bells and proclaim they are saved, keeping in mind that when you abide by Catholic fertility rites, you become a Catholic. The media will repeat the story that the Chinese are just like you and me and point out that the
Chinese are celebrating Christmas (the use of God’s name in vain) as well. While the media repeats their story of how the Chinese are just like you and me because they are celebrating your pagan holiday, I will continue to cry out to God against
Canadians will every ounce of my soul. People spent millions of dollars having me repeatedly brutally tortured in an attempt to make me shut up about the pagan filth taught to you by your churches, and many of them think it is funny. Anthropologically
speaking, the red and the white here in Canada are “The People of The Jingle Bells.” They are a people who follow traditions and dream of riding in one horse open sleighs.
In the news (not the mainsteam news) in October 2022, Jean Lasalle, a former French presidential candidate says that French President Emmanuel Marcron lied about his vaccination status and coerced others to take the jabs by preventing the unjabbed
from participating in society. Because of the coercion, Jean Lasalle took the jabs, which destroyed his health, and soon he will surely perish. Similarly in Canada, Trudeau shut down the Canadian economy and prevented the unjabbed from participating in
the few venues that he allowed to remain open, while allowing an invasion of a great influx of Muslims who were not required to take the death jabs. It is the Great Replacement, the Islamists and other Satanists co-opted our governments and demanded the
red and white take jabs that are sure to kill them. The Christian churches are complicit, they worked hard to teach you to abide by pagan traditions, they bought and used the media to help teach you to turn trees into decorated idols, then more recently
worked hard to parrot their own media and parrot their Satanic politicians and demand you take the jabs. While this is goink on, there isn’t a single one of you who communicates any degree of concern about those people who were stripped of their rights
for daring to squeak and who were or currently are being tortured to death in psychiatric facilities.
In the news (not the mainstream news) in October 2022, 50% the world’s population is expected to die by 2023 due to the bullshit Covid jabs. So this means that if the James Smith Reserve members accept the $160,000 offer of an annual payment spread
over 3,412 members in order to allow their traditional hunting grounds at the Fort-a-la-Corne Forest to be dug up for the diamonds hiding below, the surviving 1,706 band members would each receive $93.78 annually. And because the Indians flip-flop
between traditional aboriginal beliefs and Catholicism depending upon whom they are attempting to fuck on any given day, the Indians in western Canada have among the highest rates of syphilis and other sexually transmitted diseases in the world, and so
those few who survive this additional plague will be set to benefit even further by the generous handout. With a combination of the bullshit Covid jab deaths and the deadly sexual diseases, by 2024 the surviving band members would be receiving over $100
annually for the diamonds under the forest. The Europeans are freezing from lack of home heating oil, coal, propane, and electricity, and are starting to horde wood to heat their homes, resulting in North America trees being turned into wood pellets and
shipped overseas, and this will result in an even greater cash windfall for the band members. In France King Louis 14th suffered from assorted sexual diseases but maintained his sexual desirability by wearing copious quantities of diamonds, the James
Smith Reserve members can accomplish similar. The Indians living near North Battleford obtained jobs and wealth by helping Graham Construction build new psychiatric torture facilities there, the members of the James Smith Reserve live too far away from
North Battleford to share in this wealth, and so it is fitting that God now provides diamonds for these other band members. The James Smith Reserve members will soon have so much money, that they will be able to turn not just evergreen trees but all the
rotting houses on their reserve into blinkin’ temples of fertility.
And consider that there is a possibility that the James Smith First Nation members took the bullshit Covid jabs to a greater degree than the average Canadian. Then on top of that factor in all the Fentanyl and other drug related deaths removing
additional lives. It is possible, considering these two factors alone (and without adding the additional loss from any car accidents, murders or future wars), it is possible that the James Smith First Nation could lose 80% of their band members by the
end of 2024, so 682 survivors would each be receiving $234.60 for their annual diamond payment. And their population would shrink even further in 2025, 2026 and beyond as those that took the jabs are shedding toxins and contaminating those who did not
take the jabs, many of the surviving band members will be rendered infertile, some will be in shock from the loss of their community members and will be unable to progress from there. A portion of the female James Smith First Nation members that retain
their fertility and manage to give birth will be giving birth to children fathered by African or Asian Islamists. The Europeans want wood pellets, the surviving Indians can block the oil pipelines and rail lines and turn the entire Fort-a-la-Corne forest
into wood pellets, it is another stream of income for these folks.
The mainstream media reported on October 15th 2022 that 92% of Canadian military have been injected with the death shots, if the James Smith First Nation band members did so as well, then their 3,412 members will be reduced to 273 members who would
then divide that $160,000 annual diamond payment, leaving $586.08 for each member, annually. Regardless if the James Smith Reserve members accept the $160,000 annual diamond payment or not, the Islamists are taking over Canada and will be the benefactors.
The Islamists are not here for the welfare, they are here for the land. Good thing the Islamists in the United States and in Canada and in Europe and in Australia were not required to take the bullshit Covid jabs, as they will need all of their strength
to mine the diamonds, other minerals, and the metals, and to farm the land.
The Christians are Christians in name only, they swoon when they see photographs of Obama (a homosexual Indonesian Islamist, pedophile and cannibal) posing with the blinkin’ evergreen tree idols. If awake in that wheel chair, every three weeks I
attempted to defend my sanity at the psychiatric appeal panel hearings and did so by saying that the Bible repeatedly condemns turning trees into decorated idols (hard to do when you jaw is locked open, your lips and tongue turned to hard leather, you
are nauseous beyond belief and your brain is pounding in pain, or when you are sleeping in a wheel chair). All people could do for me is laugh at me and assault me further. The psychiatric abuse was horrendous, all I can do is spend the rest of my life
attempting to raise attention to the absolute horror, all you can do in turn is continue to spend billions of dollars annually turning trees into decorated idols while telling me I am wearing a tinfoil hat. You people (the red and the white) are truly
the God-damned shit of the earth, now dying in droves from the jabs, and while dying in droves from the jabs, remain utterly compassionless to those people who were or continue to be tortured in psychiatric facilities. You are being spread out like dung
over the surface of the earth and while being spread out like dung, you continually sing praises for your Catholic evergreen tree fertility idols. All I can do is cry out to God against you. Graham Construction borrowed money from the children of
Saskatchewan so they could upgrade and build additional torture facilities in North Battleford, maybe the vast diamond wealth under the Fort-a-la-Corne Forest will enable the members of James Smith First Nation to build additional psychiatric torture
facilities without having to borrow money from the children.
[continued in next message]
--- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
* Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
Squeaky Squeaky@21:1/5 to
All on Sun Feb 19 20:53:20 2023
Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part J - Daryl Kabatoff February 19th 2023 12:21 pm 186,292 words (216 pages)
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard
In the news in October 2022 (not the mainstream news) the Chinese Communist Party is opening police stations in western nations, including in Canada. Trudeau is handing our sovereignty to Communist China. Soon the Chinese will be peacefully unloading
their tanks and other military supplies at our western ports, any Canadian soldiers located near these ports will be ordered to stand down. Already the Canadian soldiers are training the Chinese soldiers to fly jets over Canada. There is a vast jungle
along the coast of the interior of British Columbia, my best guess is that Chinese soldiers, who are trained in jungle warfare, will soon occupy the land, including this rain forest along our western coast. They have a great army of robots that fly
around and can accomplish tasks.
In the news in October 2022 (not the mainstream news) China now rules over Burma, and America rules over the Ukraine. China conducted a military coup in Burma and now rules Burma. Similarly America conducted a military coup in the Ukraine and now
rules the Ukraine. After America conducted the military coup in the Ukraine the farm land was purchased by rich American corporations using bogus paper money. Under American rule, the Ukrainians have become greatly impoverished. The witches work to make
people impoverished so that they become homeless and more easily devoured without raising alarm (Habakkuk 3:14). By contrast, with peace between Ukraine and the other Russian regions, there would be safety and prosperity. My suggestion is that we (
Saskatoonians and Canadians) flee Canada for our very lives and take our metal and wood working equipment with us, and go to Japan to consolidate our resources and purchase additional metal and wood working supplies, and then travel on to Magadan when
the port is ice free, where we would build factories and airplanes, boats, all-terrain vehicles, guns and such and bring training and employment opportunities to the native residents. Putin will allow us to bring our guns with us when we emigrate, and
allow us to build additional guns, or we would flee for our very lives to Finland instead and learn to speak through our noses. The Japanese don’t want us emigrating to Japan, we would only be there until we could consolidate and move our many
thousands of tons of equipment and supplies to Magadan. While waiting for Magadan to become ice-free, we would be purchasing Japanese-made metal and wood-working tools, metal, cement and canvas for our building projects, fishing and camping supplies and
such. All we need is for Putin to give us permission to land in Magadan with our guns and other equipment, and then with such permission issued to us Canadians, we can then start fleeing for our very lives to Sapporo Japan, where we would meet and work
together to purchase vehicles and camper trailers and gather additional supplies in preparation for our trip to Magadan. Rather than be a burden to the Japanese, we will aid their economy by purchasing many of their goods. Friendships will be made,
cities will be twinned, people will sing and dance in the streets. Then when the port is ice-free we would arrive to Magadan and travel the region, where we would meet up with Ukrainians enjoying their holidays. The Ukrainians would be fishing and
camping and boating and drinking beer throughout Siberia, Yakutia and Magadan, we will find them and share camp sites and eat sausages and drink beer together. Russia and Ukraine will declare peace, and many Ukrainians would then be sponsored by Putin so
that they could go fishing and camping and boating and beer drinking in the Russian far east, it is my Ukrainian/Russian peace plan.
Some Canadians will object to the Chinese takeover of Canada and start squeaking, Instead of sending these Canadian squeakers to psychiatric horror, they will have their organs harvested. During which time the Catholics will continue to turn trees
into decorated idols, sing Jingle Bells and proclaim they are saved, keeping in mind that when you abide by Catholic fertility rites, you become a Catholic. The media will repeat the story that the Chinese are just like you and me and point out that the
Chinese are celebrating Christmas (the use of God’s name in vain) as well. While the media repeats their story of how the Chinese are just like you and me because they are celebrating your pagan holiday, I will continue to cry out to God against
Canadians will every ounce of my soul. People spent millions of dollars having me repeatedly brutally tortured in an attempt to make me shut up about the pagan filth taught to you by your churches, and many of them think it is funny. Anthropologically
speaking, the red and the white here in Canada are “The People of The Jingle Bells.” They are a people who follow traditions and dream of riding in one horse open sleighs.
In the news (not the mainsteam news) in October 2022, Jean Lasalle, a former French presidential candidate says that French President Emmanuel Marcron lied about his vaccination status and coerced others to take the jabs by preventing the unjabbed
from participating in society. Because of the coercion, Jean Lasalle took the jabs, which destroyed his health, and soon he will surely perish. Similarly in Canada, Trudeau shut down the Canadian economy and prevented the unjabbed from participating in
the few venues that he allowed to remain open, while allowing an invasion of a great influx of Muslims who were not required to take the death jabs. It is the Great Replacement, the Islamists and other Satanists co-opted our governments and demanded the
red and white take jabs that are sure to kill them. The Christian churches are complicit, they worked hard to teach you to abide by pagan traditions, they bought and used the media to help teach you to turn trees into decorated idols, then more recently
worked hard to parrot their own media and parrot their Satanic politicians and demand you take the jabs. While this is goink on, there isn’t a single one of you who communicates any degree of concern about those people who were stripped of their rights
for daring to squeak and who were or currently are being tortured to death in psychiatric facilities.
In the news (not the mainstream news) in October 2022, 50% the world’s population is expected to die by 2023 due to the bullshit Covid jabs. So this means that if the James Smith Reserve members accept the $160,000 offer of an annual payment spread
over 3,412 members in order to allow their traditional hunting grounds at the Fort-a-la-Corne Forest to be dug up for the diamonds hiding below, the surviving 1,706 band members would each receive $93.78 annually. And because the Indians flip-flop
between traditional aboriginal beliefs and Catholicism depending upon whom they are attempting to fuck on any given day, the Indians in western Canada have among the highest rates of syphilis and other sexually transmitted diseases in the world, and so
those few who survive this additional plague will be set to benefit even further by the generous handout. With a combination of the bullshit Covid jab deaths and the deadly sexual diseases, by 2024 the surviving band members would be receiving over $100
annually for the diamonds under the forest. The Europeans are freezing from lack of home heating oil, coal, propane, and electricity, and are starting to horde wood to heat their homes, resulting in North America trees being turned into wood pellets and
shipped overseas, and this will result in an even greater cash windfall for the band members. In France King Louis 14th suffered from assorted sexual diseases but maintained his sexual desirability by wearing copious quantities of diamonds, the James
Smith Reserve members can accomplish similar. The Indians living near North Battleford obtained jobs and wealth by helping Graham Construction build new psychiatric torture facilities there, the members of the James Smith Reserve live too far away from
North Battleford to share in this wealth, and so it is fitting that God now provides diamonds for these other band members. The James Smith Reserve members will soon have so much money, that they will be able to turn not just evergreen trees but all the
rotting houses on their reserve into blinkin’ temples of fertility.
And consider that there is a possibility that the James Smith First Nation members took the bullshit Covid jabs to a greater degree than the average Canadian. Then on top of that factor in all the Fentanyl and other drug related deaths removing
additional lives. It is possible, considering these two factors alone (and without adding the additional loss from any car accidents, murders or future wars), it is possible that the James Smith First Nation could lose 80% of their band members by the
end of 2024, so 682 survivors would each be receiving $234.60 for their annual diamond payment. And their population would shrink even further in 2025, 2026 and beyond as those that took the jabs are shedding toxins and contaminating those who did not
take the jabs, many of the surviving band members will be rendered infertile, some will be in shock from the loss of their community members and will be unable to progress from there. A portion of the female James Smith First Nation members that retain
their fertility and manage to give birth will be giving birth to children fathered by African or Asian Islamists. The Europeans want wood pellets, the surviving Indians can block the oil pipelines and rail lines and turn the entire Fort-a-la-Corne forest
into wood pellets, it is another stream of income for these folks.
The mainstream media reported on October 15th 2022 that 92% of Canadian military have been injected with the death shots, if the James Smith First Nation band members did so as well, then their 3,412 members will be reduced to 273 members who would
then divide that $160,000 annual diamond payment, leaving $586.08 for each member, annually. Regardless if the James Smith Reserve members accept the $160,000 annual diamond payment or not, the Islamists are taking over Canada and will be the benefactors.
The Islamists are not here for the welfare, they are here for the land. Good thing the Islamists in the United States and in Canada and in Europe and in Australia were not required to take the bullshit Covid jabs, as they will need all of their strength
to mine the diamonds, other minerals, and the metals, and to farm the land.
The Christians are Christians in name only, they swoon when they see photographs of Obama (a homosexual Indonesian Islamist, pedophile and cannibal) posing with the blinkin’ evergreen tree idols. If awake in that wheel chair, every three weeks I
attempted to defend my sanity at the psychiatric appeal panel hearings and did so by saying that the Bible repeatedly condemns turning trees into decorated idols (hard to do when you jaw is locked open, your lips and tongue turned to hard leather, you
are nauseous beyond belief and your brain is pounding in pain, or when you are sleeping in a wheel chair). All people could do for me is laugh at me and assault me further. The psychiatric abuse was horrendous, all I can do is spend the rest of my life
attempting to raise attention to the absolute horror, all you can do in turn is continue to spend billions of dollars annually turning trees into decorated idols while telling me I am wearing a tinfoil hat. You people (the red and the white) are truly
the God-damned shit of the earth, now dying in droves from the jabs, and while dying in droves from the jabs, remain utterly compassionless to those people who were or continue to be tortured in psychiatric facilities. You are being spread out like dung
over the surface of the earth and while being spread out like dung, you continually sing praises for your Catholic evergreen tree fertility idols. All I can do is cry out to God against you. Graham Construction borrowed money from the children of
Saskatchewan so they could upgrade and build additional torture facilities in North Battleford, maybe the vast diamond wealth under the Fort-a-la-Corne Forest will enable the members of James Smith First Nation to build additional psychiatric torture
facilities without having to borrow money from the children.
American military veterans and other people have been stripped of their rights and tortured to death in psychiatric facilities for decades, and nobody ever cares, suddenly these other J6 prisoners are all important to you. These political J6 prisoners
are all Catholics, they all abide by the Catholic tradition of turning trees into decorated idols. They think it funny that I was stripped of my rights and brutally tortured for daring to criticize the pagan idolatry taught by their churches, they drape
tinfoil on their blinkin' trees and proclaim that I am wearing a tinfoil hat. They like to see Egyptian penises on the roofs of their Catholic churches, they like to place a little sparkly silver or golden Egyptian penis on the very top of their blinkin'
evergreen tree idols. When they see a statue of a soldier standing on top of or standing next to an Egyptian penis, they bow down to the penis and place a decorative wreath (a pagan fertility idol) made out of evergreen tree branches at the base of the
Egyptian penis, they place a fertility idol at the base of another fertility idol. They bow down and place the decorated Catholic fertility wreaths upon the graves of the dead soldiers, they use dead soldiers as tools to push their Catholic fertility
idolatry upon others. Even the atheists among them abide by the Catholic fertility rituals, when you abide by God-damned Catholic fertility rites, then you become a God-damned Catholic. They employ Hindu, Sikh, Islamic and Catholic psychiatrists to
torture people to death when they make effective criticisms against their Catholic churches. I begged in vain for assistance to flee the repeated arrests and rounds of psychiatric horror and they laughed at me and assaulted me further, and assured me
that they were saved and headed to heaven, and said that I was judging them. You folks abide by Catholic fertility rituals with every ounce of your being and then blame Jews for your problems. You stick penises on the roofs of your filthy churches and
defend your pagan traditions with brutal horrid violence. I cry out to God against you, against your J6 prisoners, and against every one of your priests and ministers. I even cry out to God against your children. You are ok with using your universities
to train Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to become brutal psychiatrists, you are ok with using your hospitals to torture people to death who criticize your pagan idolatry, and I am ok with crying out to God against you and praying for your deaths and for the
deaths of your children. Americans elected a homosexual Indonesian Islamist, pedophile and a cannibal to the presidency of the United States of America because they loved to see him pose in photographs next to trees turned into Catholic idols, they saw
the blinkin’ idols and thought he shared their values. Different aspects of your winter festival are in opposition to God’s First Three Commandments. God proclaims in Scripture that it enrages Him when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated
These political J6 prisoners are all Catholics, they all abide by the Catholic tradition of turning trees into decorated idols. In the winter they flew to tropical resorts and posed with their children next to the pagan idols there, then posted the
photos on Facebook where the witches are shopping for their next meals. The witches see a child attractive to them, knows where they live, knows where they are visiting, they place an order, the child is abducted, delivered, raped, tortured, killed and
eaten. Now the parents are outraged at Disney for teaching perversions to their children, but deeply down they love Mickey Mouse and the rest of the characters because like Obama, they posed with the pagan idols.
In the news (not the mainstream news) in October 2022, the Canadian military is dismissing the unvaccinated members even after dropping the requirement for them to be jabbed, and by doink so are setting the stage for foreign troops to arrive. People
need to wake up and see that the .22 rimfire, .223 and the 30-30 calibers of rifle are greatly inadequate to defend Canada from hostile takeover. The most popular round in western North America is the .270 as it can reach out to great distances, but
there are other capable calibers, such as the .243 and the 7mm-08, although not the best for killing moose or bear, they are ideal for the defense of our nation. The .50 caliber rifles will of course outgun these other rounds and is considered as an anti-
material round in that it can stop vehicles. I’ve been encouraging people to purchase guns for themselves and for their children, but people are becoming more impoverished and less able to make the purchase.
The impoverishment is on purpose, the witches want people to be homeless so they can more easily be devoured without raising alarm (Habakkuk 3:14), while the Islamists and Chinese want Americans and Canadians to be impoverished so that they can more
easily take over their nations. The Canadian red and white are about to lose some 80% to 90% of their numbers due to the death jabs, the few remaining red and white Canadians are busy ramming their penises up each other’s arseholes, singing Jingle
Bells and turning trees into decorated idols, so it will be the Islamists and the Chinese who will battle each other for the ownership of Canada and the United States of America. The Africans currently living in North America are hated by both the
Chinese and the Islamists, even the African Islamists are hated by the other Islamists, I don’t see black people winning this war, and besides, the blacks already reduced their numbers by about half due to them aborting their own babies. Canadians
equipped with far reaching rifles will be unable to defend themselves against the Islamists and Chinese, who are equipped with night vision scopes. Americans give these scopes away to Islamists while banning the sale to Canadians.
And of course I think this loss of Canada and the USA to the Islamists or to the Chinese is absolutely hilarious, just as you people think it hilarious that I get brutally tortured in psychiatric facilities for years after daring to criticize your
Catholic fertility rites, I think that the loss of your family members and the loss of your nations is equally hilarious. You people strip me of my rights, have me brutally tortured in psychiatric facilities for years, I begged in vain for assistance to
flee the country, and now you can’t even find it in your hearts to buy me a simple single holiday to anywhere in a feeble attempt to make up the loss of years of my life to brutal horrid torture, or due to the threat of additional rounds of brutal
horrid torture. You use your universities to train Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to become brutal psychiatrists and now allow them to work (torture Canadians to death) in Canada without being Canadian citizens. For decades there have been reports of
American service men being stripped of their rights and tortured in American psychiatric facilities, you continue to ignore the victims of psychiatry and now you see yourselves as heroes because you express outrage over the J6 prisoners. None of this
Covid poop, Obama poop, nor the J6 poop nor the Anti-Christ UN Islamic Army poop would have happened to you if you first defended the rights of the psychiatric victims and ended psychiatry by force.
In the news (not the mainstream news) on October 21st 2022, assorted Democrats are receiving many millions of dollars from Mexican and other drug cartels in order to keep the southern border open. Evil first paid you people to turn trees into
decorated idols, you abided by the Catholic fertility rites in order to obtain family favours, jobs and promotions. You gloried in the evil and proudly told everyone who would listen that you close your stores on Sunday. Fish-god Dagon may not want you
to lie, steal, nor murder, so when you do not lie steal nor murder, are you doing it in honour of fish-god Dagon or Jesus? Only Jesus requests that you keep the Seventh day as a day of rest, it is a sign to Him that you honour Him rather than Dagon, who
may also not want you to lie, steal nor murder. Adventists keep the Seventh day as a day of rest as requested by God in His Fourth Commandment, but they then honour pagan fertility rites that are in opposition to His first Three Commandments.
In the news (not the mainstream news) a doctor euthanized a child in Canada because he had diabetes, was depressed and did not have a girlfriend. Now in Canada the doctors may not only kill children, they may do so without the permission of their
parents. The white children are quite impoverished, and the impoverished are much more likely to be depressed. Doctors are now euthanizing impoverished white children in Canada. Trudeau’s Carbon Tax rebates are handed out to the largest families, to
the families that consume the greatest amount of carbon, to the Islamic families with the four wives, the Islamists are rejoicing in this and other economic incentives and so are unlikely to be depressed, and are unlikely to suffer from diabetes as they
have the money to purchase more wholesome foods. The white children are encouraged to engage in homosexuality, doctors are providing them with hormones so they may take on characteristics of the opposite sexes, and are cutting off breasts and sexual
organs, are being told that they are racists, little wonder that the children are depressed. I criticized the paganism taught by your churches and received years of brutal horrid torture at the Royal University Hospital in Saskatoon and at Saskatoon City
Hospital, people laughed at me, slandered and libeled me, robbed me and assaulted me further, now all I can do about this entire situation is laugh. No matter how big your evergreen tree was, no matter how many dollars you spent on decorating the tree,
your child was unable to find Santa. First the resulting depression of being unable to find Santa resulted in the parents sending their children for psychiatric treatments, then the depression from the treatments led the children to seek out further
medical care (euthanasia). The psychiatric drugs impaired the health of the children, the parents had the children injected not only with brutal psychiatric medications, but with a myriad of vaccinations and then later also with the bullshit Covid death
jabs, resulting in children necrotizing and seeking out more effective death jabs. Then the parents hang pictures of their dead children on their blinkin’ evergreen tree idols and sing Jingle Bells, jingle all the way, while continuing to laugh at the
victims of psychiatric horror. Keep telling those complaining of the horror of the psychiatric drugs to take another pill, keep telling those who warn you about your pagan idolatry that they are wearing tinfoil hats, keep phoning the police on people who
attempt to warn you that the churches are censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism, and I will keep reminding God what you arseholes are all about and will keep on requesting that He honours His assorted promises in Scripture and terminates your
lives and the lives of your children. Yes, in the news (not the mainstream news) a doctor euthanized a child in Canada because he had diabetes, was depressed and did not have a girlfriend, and I think it is absolutely hilarious. Just as you think it
hilarious that I faced year after year after year of brutal horrid psychiatric torture, I think that the deaths of your children is equally hilarious. If only you had bigger trees and decorated them to greater degrees… You pagans hear about the loss of
years of my life to brutal horrid torture, and rather than show me the slightest compassion and attempt to make up for the loss of years of my life, you continue to laugh and fly to tropical resorts and take pictures of you and your children posing with
the pagan idols there, then post the photos on Facebook, where the witches shop for children.
In the news (not the mainstream news) 40 people in Vancouver British Columbia are responsible for 6300 incidents (assaults, rapes, robberies and such), the situation is similar in North Battleford Saskatchewan where just a small handful of people
commit the bulk of the crimes. The legal system is corrupted by witches who actually eat people and are seeking to destroy civilization so that they can continue to get away with murder. People are being purposely impoverished in order to make them
homeless, then the homeless people get devoured by witches without anybody raising alarm, as supposedly nobody went missing. Their delight is to devour the poor without anybody being aware what is going on (Habakkuk 3:14). And big-nosed Cree, when caught
committing multiple thefts and robberies in a single day and get shot for their efforts, can and did appeal to the Islamic United Nations for support. The Islamists are invading and taking the bulk of the social services resources, the big-nosed Cree
respond by appealing to Islamists for help against the white man who pay the taxes. I get years of brutal horrid torture as a reward for speaking against the Catholic fertility rites, nobody cares and the big-nosed Cree continue bowing to the blinkin’
evergreen tree idols, tithe to churches that teach them to do so, seek support from the cannibal Queen (for she had such nice blinkin’ trees), and then seek further support from Islamists running the United Nations. There are treaties in Canada between
the red and the white, but since the big-nosed Cree and other Indians have sacred alliances with the cannibal crown and are now seeking alliances with Islamists, it may be best to leave the country. If people want to make an effort to bring back law and
order to Canada, we are going to have to start by deporting the African, Asian and Latin Americans, as the red and white treaties doth not grant us permission to import them. And we are going to have to insure that those red and white that commit serious
crimes are rewarded with serious times.
In the news (not the mainstream news) in November 2022, the College Physicians and Surgeons in Ontario are saying that unvaccinated people are mentally ill and should be put on psychiatric drugs. In the news Kate Shemirani says that hospitals in the
UK are killing over 1,000 people a day with bad medicine, they are following protocols that insure death (see Kate Shemirani in The Cold Hard Facts of Murder of the Elderly And Disabled And It Isn’t From The Shot!). Kate Shemirani says that the
hospitals are mass murdering people, independently of the murder the doctors and nurses are accomplishing with the bullshit Civid jabs. The government actively assists Islamists to arrive that are crossing over the channel from France, and lavishly
provides for them and without demanding that these people be injected with the deadly drugs.
In the news (not the mainstream news) in November 2022, United Nations aircraft are landing in Canada in numbers, this is the arrival of the Anti-Christ’s Islamic Army. Canadians will likely respond by hanging little sparkling plastic Islamic
beheading swords on their blinkin’ trees.
In the news (not the mainstream news), the only time we see a white couple on television in Canada is in government commercials suggesting that they kill themselves. And it is also reported that babies who are nursing from the snake venom and gene
altering jabbed mothers are getting sick and dying. And in the news (not the mainstream news) the World Economic Forum (Satanically possessed people who are trying to kill you) desires to fight climate change (which doesn’t exist) by killing off the
dogs and cats. The Moslems that moved into your neighborhoods do not want to see dogs nor hear them barking. And they want to shut down the horse racing and play soccer in the field there instead. Maybe the Moslems will permit camel racing in Saskatoon
in the future.
In the news the governments of Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba are attempting to control their own economic destiny and be free of Ottawa’s desire to shut down our industries, by preventing us from extracting coal and oil, by using our taxes to
fund the Hindu, Sikh, Islamic and Chinese invaders. The Big-nosed Cree object to this change of government as they feel the British crown will continue to look out for their best interests. The British crown is composed of witches, they are cannibals,
they actually eat people. Because the Big-nosed Cree are allied with King Charles (the Islamic Anti-Christ), I feel it best to flee Canada. If the Big-nosed Cree desire to reaffirm the treaties with the average white Canadian rather than with Charles (
The Anti-Christ), and then worked together with us to remove the foreign pagans, then the white Canadians should stay and fight alongside of the Big-nosed Cree and the other Indians whose noses are not so big, squeak squeak. Charles has lots of cash and
will likely buy off the Indians to their utter destruction. Complicating matters is that over 80% of the Indians are about to drop dead from taking the snake venom and gene altering jabs. I think it would be wise to flee for our very lives to Magadan and
Yakutia, or to Finland and learn to speak through our noses. Ask Putin to change the law, to allow us to bring our guns and marijuana when we come with our metal working and heavy duty construction equipment (bulldozers and such), and allow us to arrive
via Magadan rather than Moscow. We should either work together to peacefully return the immigrants to their home continents or the white Canadians should flee to northern Europe or to Northern Asia.
In the news (not the mainstream news) we can’t flee to Russia or most any other country as these countries will scan you at the airport and see if you are glowing. The bullshit Covid snake venom injections contain proteins derived from fireflies
that glow, if your upper arm does not glow upon arrival at most any country they will force you to take a deadly gene-altering, AIDS contaminated, snake venom filled injection combined with the firefly protein, so you glow, and so they are sure you are
about to die.
[continued in next message]
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* Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
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All on Wed Mar 15 15:31:26 2023
Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part J - Daryl Kabatoff
March 15th 2023 4:29 pm 188,451 words (218 pages)
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard
American military veterans and other people have been stripped of their rights and tortured to death in psychiatric facilities for decades, and nobody ever cares, suddenly these other J6 prisoners are all important to you. These political J6 prisoners
are all Catholics, they all abide by the Catholic tradition of turning trees into decorated idols. They think it funny that I was stripped of my rights and brutally tortured for daring to criticize the pagan idolatry taught by their churches, they drape
tinfoil on their blinkin' trees and proclaim that I am wearing a tinfoil hat. They like to see Egyptian penises on the roofs of their Catholic churches, they like to place a little sparkly silver or golden Egyptian penis on the very top of their blinkin'
evergreen tree idols. When they see a statue of a soldier standing on top of or standing next to an Egyptian penis, they bow down to the penis and place a decorative wreath (a pagan fertility idol) made out of evergreen tree branches at the base of the
Egyptian penis, they place a fertility idol at the base of another fertility idol. They bow down and place the decorated Catholic fertility wreaths upon the graves of the dead soldiers, they use dead soldiers as tools to push their Catholic fertility
idolatry upon others. Even the atheists among them abide by the Catholic fertility rituals, when you abide by God-damned Catholic fertility rites, then you become a God-damned Catholic. They employ Hindu, Sikh, Islamic and Catholic psychiatrists to
torture people to death when they make effective criticisms against their Catholic churches. I begged in vain for assistance to flee the repeated arrests and rounds of psychiatric horror and they laughed at me and assaulted me further, and assured me
that they were saved and headed to heaven, and said that I was judging them. You folks abide by Catholic fertility rituals with every ounce of your being and then blame Jews for your problems. You stick penises on the roofs of your filthy churches and
defend your pagan traditions with brutal horrid violence. I cry out to God against you, against your J6 prisoners, and against every one of your priests and ministers. I even cry out to God against your children. You are ok with using your universities
to train Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to become brutal psychiatrists, you are ok with using your hospitals to torture people to death who criticize your pagan idolatry, and I am ok with crying out to God against you and praying for your deaths and for the
deaths of your children. Americans elected a homosexual Indonesian Islamist, pedophile and a cannibal to the presidency of the United States of America because they loved to see him pose in photographs next to trees turned into Catholic idols, they saw
the blinkin’ idols and thought he shared their values. Different aspects of your winter festival are in opposition to God’s First Three Commandments. God proclaims in Scripture that it enrages Him when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated
These political J6 prisoners are all Catholics, they all abide by the Catholic tradition of turning trees into decorated idols. In the winter they flew to tropical resorts and posed with their children next to the pagan idols there, then posted the
photos on Facebook where the witches are shopping for their next meals. The witches see a child attractive to them, knows where they live, knows where they are visiting, they place an order, the child is abducted, delivered, raped, tortured, killed and
eaten. Now the parents are outraged at Disney for teaching perversions to their children, but deeply down they love Mickey Mouse and the rest of the characters because like Obama, they posed with the pagan idols.
In the news (not the mainstream news) in October 2022, the Canadian military is dismissing the unvaccinated members even after dropping the requirement for them to be jabbed, and by doink so are setting the stage for foreign troops to arrive. People
need to wake up and see that the .22 rimfire, .223 and the 30-30 calibers of rifle are greatly inadequate to defend Canada from hostile takeover. The most popular round in western North America is the .270 as it can reach out to great distances, but
there are other capable calibers, such as the .243 and the 7mm-08, although not the best for killing moose or bear, they are ideal for the defense of our nation. The .50 caliber rifles will of course outgun these other rounds and is considered as an anti-
material round in that it can stop vehicles. I’ve been encouraging people to purchase guns for themselves and for their children, but people are becoming more impoverished and less able to make the purchase.
The impoverishment is on purpose, the witches want people to be homeless so they can more easily be devoured without raising alarm (Habakkuk 3:14), while the Islamists and Chinese want Americans and Canadians to be impoverished so that they can more
easily take over their nations. The Canadian red and white are about to lose some 80% to 90% of their numbers due to the death jabs, the few remaining red and white Canadians are busy ramming their penises up each other’s arseholes, singing Jingle
Bells and turning trees into decorated idols, so it will be the Islamists, the Chinese and the Jews who will battle each other for the ownership of Canada and the United States of America. The Africans currently living in North America are hated by both
the Chinese and the Islamists, even the African Islamists are hated by the other Islamists, I don’t see black people winning this war, and besides, the blacks already reduced their numbers by about half due to them aborting their own babies. Canadians
equipped with far reaching rifles will be unable to defend themselves against the Islamists, Chinese, and Jews, who are equipped with night vision scopes. Americans give these scopes away to Islamists while banning the sale to Canadians.
And of course I think this loss of Canada and the USA to the Islamists or to the Chinese is absolutely hilarious, just as you people think it hilarious that I get brutally tortured in psychiatric facilities for years after daring to criticize your
Catholic fertility rites, I think that the loss of your family members and the loss of your nations is equally hilarious. You people strip me of my rights, have me brutally tortured in psychiatric facilities for years, I begged in vain for assistance to
flee the country, and now you can’t even find it in your hearts to buy me a simple single holiday to anywhere in a feeble attempt to make up the loss of years of my life to brutal horrid torture, or due to the threat of additional rounds of brutal
horrid torture. You use your universities to train Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to become brutal psychiatrists and now allow them to work (torture Canadians to death) in Canada without being Canadian citizens. For decades there have been reports of
American service men being stripped of their rights and tortured in American psychiatric facilities, you continue to ignore the victims of psychiatry and now you see yourselves as heroes because you express outrage over the J6 prisoners. None of this
Covid poop, Obama poop, nor the J6 poop nor the Anti-Christ UN Islamic Army poop would have happened to you if you first defended the rights of the psychiatric victims and ended psychiatry by force.
In the news (not the mainstream news) on October 21st 2022, assorted Democrats are receiving many millions of dollars from Mexican and other drug cartels in order to keep the southern border open. Evil first paid you people to turn trees into
decorated idols, you abided by the Catholic fertility rites in order to obtain family favours, jobs and promotions. You gloried in the evil and proudly told everyone who would listen that you close your stores on Sunday. Fish-god Dagon may not want you
to lie, steal, nor murder, so when you do not lie steal nor murder, are you doing it in honour of fish-god Dagon or Jesus? Only Jesus requests that you keep the Seventh day as a day of rest, it is a sign to Him that you honour Him rather than Dagon, who
may also not want you to lie, steal nor murder. Adventists keep the Seventh day as a day of rest as requested by God in His Fourth Commandment, but they then honour pagan fertility rites that are in opposition to His first Three Commandments.
In the news (not the mainstream news) a doctor euthanized a child in Canada because he had diabetes, was depressed and did not have a girlfriend. Now in Canada the doctors may not only kill children, they may do so without the permission of their
parents. The white children are quite impoverished, and the impoverished are much more likely to be depressed. Doctors are now euthanizing impoverished white children in Canada. Trudeau’s Carbon Tax rebates are handed out to the largest families, to
the families that consume the greatest amount of carbon, to the Islamic families with the four wives, the Islamists are rejoicing in this and other economic incentives and so are unlikely to be depressed, and are unlikely to suffer from diabetes as they
have the money to purchase more wholesome foods. The white children are encouraged to engage in homosexuality, doctors are providing them with hormones so they may take on characteristics of the opposite sexes, and are cutting off breasts and sexual
organs, are being told that they are racists, little wonder that the children are depressed. I criticized the paganism taught by your churches and received years of brutal horrid torture at the Royal University Hospital in Saskatoon and at Saskatoon City
Hospital, people laughed at me, slandered and libeled me, robbed me and assaulted me further, now all I can do about this entire situation is laugh. No matter how big your evergreen tree was, no matter how many dollars you spent on decorating the tree,
your child was unable to find Santa. First the resulting depression of being unable to find Santa resulted in the parents sending their children for psychiatric treatments, then the depression from the treatments led the children to seek out further
medical care (euthanasia). The psychiatric drugs impaired the health of the children, the parents had the children injected not only with brutal psychiatric medications, but with a myriad of vaccinations and then later also with the bullshit Covid death
jabs, resulting in children necrotizing and seeking out more effective death jabs. Then the parents hang pictures of their dead children on their blinkin’ evergreen tree idols and sing Jingle Bells, jingle all the way, while continuing to laugh at the
victims of psychiatric horror. Keep telling those complaining of the horror of the psychiatric drugs to take another pill, keep telling those who warn you about your pagan idolatry that they are wearing tinfoil hats, keep phoning the police on people who
attempt to warn you that the churches are censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism, and I will keep reminding God what you arseholes are all about and will keep on requesting that He honours His assorted promises in Scripture and terminates your
lives and the lives of your children. Yes, in the news (not the mainstream news) a doctor euthanized a child in Canada because he had diabetes, was depressed and did not have a girlfriend, and I think it is absolutely hilarious. Just as you think it
hilarious that I faced year after year after year of brutal horrid psychiatric torture, I think that the deaths of your children is equally hilarious. If only you had bigger trees and decorated them to greater degrees… You pagans hear about the loss of
years of my life to brutal horrid torture, and rather than show me the slightest compassion and attempt to make up for the loss of years of my life, you continue to laugh and fly to tropical resorts and take pictures of you and your children posing with
the pagan idols there, then post the photos on Facebook, where the witches shop for children.
In the news (not the mainstream news) 40 people in Vancouver British Columbia are responsible for 6300 incidents (assaults, rapes, robberies and such), the situation is similar in North Battleford Saskatchewan where just a small handful of people
commit the bulk of the crimes. The legal system is corrupted by witches who actually eat people and are seeking to destroy civilization so that they can continue to get away with murder. People are being purposely impoverished in order to make them
homeless, then the homeless people get devoured by witches without anybody raising alarm, as supposedly nobody went missing. Their delight is to devour the poor without anybody being aware what is going on (Habakkuk 3:14). And big-nosed Cree, when caught
committing multiple thefts and robberies in a single day and get shot for their efforts, can and did appeal to the Islamic United Nations for support. The Islamists are invading and taking the bulk of the social services resources, the big-nosed Cree
respond by appealing to Islamists for help against the white man who pay the taxes. I get years of brutal horrid torture as a reward for speaking against the Catholic fertility rites, nobody cares and the big-nosed Cree continue bowing to the blinkin’
evergreen tree idols, tithe to churches that teach them to do so, seek support from the cannibal Queen (for she had such nice blinkin’ trees), and then seek further support from Islamists running the United Nations. There are treaties in Canada between
the red and the white, but since the big-nosed Cree and other Indians have sacred alliances with the cannibal crown and are now seeking alliances with Islamists, it may be best to leave the country. If people want to make an effort to bring back law and
order to Canada, we are going to have to start by deporting the African, Asian and Latin Americans, as the red and white treaties doth not grant us permission to import them. And we are going to have to insure that those red and white that commit serious
crimes are rewarded with serious times.
In the news (not the mainstream news) in November 2022, the College Physicians and Surgeons in Ontario are saying that unvaccinated people are mentally ill and should be put on psychiatric drugs. In the news Kate Shemirani says that hospitals in the
UK are killing over 1,000 people a day with bad medicine, they are following protocols that insure death (see Kate Shemirani in The Cold Hard Facts of Murder of the Elderly And Disabled And It Isn’t From The Shot!). Kate Shemirani says that the
hospitals are mass murdering people, independently of the murder the doctors and nurses are accomplishing with the bullshit Civid jabs. The government actively assists Islamists to arrive that are crossing over the channel from France, and lavishly
provides for them and without demanding that these people be injected with the deadly drugs.
In the news (not the mainstream news) in November 2022, United Nations aircraft are landing in Canada in numbers, this is the arrival of the Anti-Christ’s Islamic Army. Canadians will likely respond by hanging little sparkling plastic Islamic
beheading swords on their blinkin’ trees.
In the news (not the mainstream news), the only time we see a white couple on television in Canada is in government commercials suggesting that they kill themselves. And it is also reported that babies who are nursing from the snake venom and gene
altering jabbed mothers are getting sick and dying. And in the news (not the mainstream news) the World Economic Forum (Satanically possessed people who are trying to kill you) desires to fight climate change (which doesn’t exist) by killing off the
dogs and cats. The Moslems that moved into your neighborhoods do not want to see dogs nor hear them barking. And they want to shut down the horse racing and play soccer in the field there instead. Maybe the Moslems will permit camel racing in Saskatoon
in the future.
In the news the governments of Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba are attempting to control their own economic destiny and be free of Ottawa’s desire to shut down our industries, by preventing us from extracting coal and oil, by using our taxes to
fund the Hindu, Sikh, Islamic and Chinese invaders. The Big-nosed Cree object to this change of government as they feel the British crown will continue to look out for their best interests. The British crown is composed of witches, they are cannibals,
they actually eat people. Because the Big-nosed Cree are allied with King Charles (the Islamic Anti-Christ), I feel it best to flee Canada. If the Big-nosed Cree desire to reaffirm the treaties with the average white Canadian rather than with Charles (
The Anti-Christ), and then worked together with us to remove the foreign pagans, then the white Canadians should stay and fight alongside of the Big-nosed Cree and the other Indians whose noses are not so big, squeak squeak. Charles has lots of cash and
will likely buy off the Indians to their utter destruction. Complicating matters is that over 80% of the Indians are about to drop dead from taking the snake venom and gene altering jabs. I think it would be wise to flee for our very lives to Magadan and
Yakutia, or to Finland and learn to speak through our noses. Ask Putin to change the law, to allow us to bring our guns and marijuana when we come with our metal working and heavy duty construction equipment (bulldozers and such), and allow us to arrive
via Magadan rather than Moscow. We should either work together to peacefully return the immigrants to their home continents or the white Canadians should flee to northern Europe or to Northern Asia.
In the news (not the mainstream news) we can’t flee to Russia or most any other country as these countries will scan you at the airport and see if you are glowing. The bullshit Covid snake venom injections contain proteins derived from fireflies
that glow, if your upper arm does not glow upon arrival at most any country they will force you to take a deadly gene-altering, AIDS contaminated, snake venom filled injection combined with the firefly protein, so you glow, and so they are sure you are
about to die.
On page A2 of the October 20th 2020 Saskatoon Star-Phoenix we read that 45-year-old Mohamed Hassan Omer slashed the throat and severed the spine of a 29-year-old woman in Saskatoon in the morning of May 27th 2020, he stabbed her in the arm and in the
back and stole the vehicle she was sitting in. Then on December 29th 2022 (page A1) we read that he got his sentence reduced. Mohamed argued that he is a black Sudanese refugee and should therefore suffer a reduced penalty like the Big Nosed Cree obtain
when their “Gladue factors” repressions are factored in. Mohamed also argued that the judge failed to take into account his personal circumstances (he was being a violent and abusive asshole so his children were apprehended). Mohamed added that seven
and a half years is too long of a sentence for slashing the women’s throat, then stabbing her in the arm, then stabbing her in the spine, then stealing her vehicle, as other people who slash women’s throats and then stab them in the arm, and who then
stab them in the back, and who then steal their vehicles, get less time for the same crime. Something Mohamed said rang true with the judge, who then reduced his sentence to six years. Mohamed will not be spending the entire 6 years in prison, these
violent offenders always seem to get out after serving a small fraction of their allotted time.
In the Saskatoon Star-Phoenix in January 2023 we continue to read encouragements for parents to get themselves and their children injected with the bullshit Covid snake venom death jabs. And we also read that the children’s hospital in Saskatoon is
overwhelmed with a large number of children who are experiencing difficulty breathing, as the bullshit Covid snake venom death jabs have destroyed their natural immunity and ability to resist the common flu. And the children’s hospital is overwhelmed
due to staff quitting their jobs after they got deathly sick from taking the bullshit Covid snake venom death jabs. People are not dying from Covid, this so-called Covid has not been isolated and has not even been proven to exist. People are dying from
the poisoned food, the fluoridated water, the microwave radiation, from the sexual diseases they obtained after following advice from the media, from the fentanyl and other street drugs, from the bullshit Covid snake venom death jabs, and from being
murdered in the hospitals by being administered additional bad medicine there. The medical system now hopes to improve the collapsing medical system by importing more Hindu, Sikh and Islamic doctors and nurses. There will always be enough Hindu, Sikh and
Islamic psychiatrists available to keep the psychiatric facilities open (where Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists are rarely themselves detained and tortured, unless they are female). The Americans (via the CIA) spent billions of dollars developing the horrid
psychiatric drugs, and also spent billions making the common cold more lethal, then together the Canadians and Americans spent many billions of dollars having individuals tortured to death in their psychiatric facilities (millions spent torturing each
individual victim), and they laugh and laugh and laugh at the victims of psychiatric horror, now they double down and begin to import additional Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to keep the system operating. The parents laughed and laughed at the victims of
psychiatric horror, many people were brutally tortured and killed from the psychiatric drugs, then the parents had themselves and their children injected with equally horrific drugs, then the parents bring their children who are gasping for air to the
children’s hospital where each and every hallway is decorated with evergreen trees turned into decorated idols, which they greatly love and adore.
In the news in February 2023 black people in Canada who commit crimes are not required to do time as they are special. Also people who commit crimes while drunk or intoxicate on whatever drugs do not have to face the normal penalty, if any at all.
Normally in Canada it is the children who are allowed to commit murders and not face serious repercussions, now it is the black adults and the alcoholics and the drug addicts who are allowed to commit murders without any serious penalty. This lack of
penalties being handed out to the perpetrators will result in the assassination of the judges, and in the assassination of pedophiles, rapists, robbers, murderers, drug dealers and other thugs, I predict. Millions of Latin Americans, Africans and Asians
are pouring into the USA from the southern border, they are being bused to northern American cities where they are then provided with bus tickets to Canada, where they are going to be shot. Canada is red and white, we are a country of Native Indians and
white Europeans who signed treaties to share the land, neither of us gave permission for Asians, Africans and Latin Americans to come here.
Because of your absolute compassionlessness to the victims of psychiatric horror the situation is absolutely hilarious. Stick a sparkling silver or a glittering golden miniature Egyptian penis on the very top of your blinkin’ evergreen tree idol and
laugh. If you hear me state that both your churches and your blinkin’ evergreen tree idols are capped with Egyptian penises you will laugh at me, you will call me a pedophile and assault me further, then phone the police on me in an effort to have me
arrested under the Mental Health Act and returned to psychiatric horror, doink so might help you to get your children to breathe a little easier. All you can do for the victims of psychiatric horror is laugh at us and assault us further, it is fitting
that since you embrace fertility idols that you and your children lose your fertility and your lives. Year after year after year of brutal horrid psychiatric torture at The University of Saslkatchewan and at Saskatoon City Hospital and all you filthy God-
damned Mary, monkey, sun, tree and penis whoreshippers could do for me is laugh.
In the mainstream news on January 18th 2023, the Sikh leader of the New Democratic Party (NDP) says that the Liberal Party is waging a war against the middle-class. We are being ruled over by a Sikh / Islamic coalition, both parties are in agreement
to increase immigration from third-world, resulting in increased competition for jobs, housing and other resources. Together the NDP and the Liberals are waging the war against the red and the white. Canada is red and white, bound by treaties that do not
grant us permission to import Africans. Asians, Latin Americans.
In the mainstream news on January 18th 2023, both Canada and the USA are giving away military equipment to the Ukraine for their battle against the Christians in Russia. It was discovered that the USA was running 47 different bioweapons labs in the
Ukraine, they were developing materials to kill humanity. The USA conducted a coup in the Ukraine and installed a Jewish homosexual comedian nazi, who then banned opposition parties and the media. On one hand we are importing people who want to cut our
heads off, on the other hand we are stripping our countries of military hardware.
In the news (not the mainstream news) in January 2023, Canada, the United States of America and Mexico no longer exist as nations as they have been merged into one single nation. This will go a long way to help destroy the American and Canadian people
(the red and the white). The American and Canadian people turn trees into decorated idols and tithe to priests and ministers who teach them to, and who ram their penises up your children’s arseholes. The Americas through their CIA funded torture
research at the University of Saskatchewan and the development of the horrid psychiatric drugs. In the late 1980’s it became common knowledge that the priests were raping children, it took a while due to the media censoring the allegations for decades,
if not for centuries. In the late 1980’s there was widespread discussion in the media about the sexual abuse of the children, and I spoke up as well to add to that discussion. I said that it was no surprise that your priests and ministers were ramming
their penises up your children’s arseholes for they already advertise themselves with Egyptian penises on the roofs of their filthy churches. I added that the churches were censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism and that many of the missing
children had been eaten. So they arrested me under the Mental Health Act, the police drove me past the front gates of the University of Saskatchewan which are made out of four Egyptian obelisks (representations of penises), and I was given to a Hindu
psychiatrist who said that I think too much about cannibals, penises and children, but it is the Hindus who obtain their spiritual bliss via orgasm. The Hindu tortured me off and on for years, and people laughed and laughed and laughed. People on social
media called me a pedophile so many times that the mainstream media then started quoting those on social media who were libeling me, making my already difficult life a little less tolerable. I begged in vain for assistance to flee the country and all
people could do for me is laugh and laugh and laugh and assault me further. Now all I can do is laugh and mock your calamity (Proverbs 1:24-26). You people lose your nations because you turn trees into decorated idols. God proclaims in Scripture that He
is ENRAGED when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols. They laughed at me when I begged for assistance to flee the country and they flew to tropical resorts and posed for photos with the pagan idols there. It was so vitally important for
the Mary, monkey, sun, tree and penis whoreshippers to pose for photos with the blinkin’ idols and then post the photos on Facebook, that they would do so even if one of their children was playing with his penis in the photograph. They posted the
photos of their children on Facebook, where the witches shop for children. The witches cruise Facebook looking for a child attractive to him or her, they place an order, the child is abducted, delivered, raped, tortured, killed and eaten, portions of the
child are eaten before the child is killed. And the Americans elected and re-elected a homosexual Indonesian Islamist who is also a pedophile and a cannibal to the presidency of the USA because they assumed “Obama” shared their values when they saw
the photographs of him posing with the pagan idols. Collectively people are compassionless turds, the God-damned shit of the earth, who are not only utterly compassionless to me, but are so utterly compassionless to the other victims of psychiatric
horror that they can’t even mention on their social media posts that people are being stripped of their rights and tortured with the horrid drugs. I complained that I was being tortured by a Hindu psychiatrist and now they reserve seats for and use
their universities to train Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to become brutal psychiatrists, and in Canada Trudeau allows them to “work” (torture Canadians to death) without them becoming Canadian citizens. All I can do is laugh and cry out to God against
you God-damned Catholic pricks, I am praying to Jesus for Him to terminate your lives and bring this world to an end. Year after year after year of brutal horrid torture and all you pagan pricks can do for me is laugh!!!
In the mainstream news in January 2023, somebody has been dropping off pamphlets in mail boxes in Saskatoon. Somebody complained about the contents and the police are investigating the matter as hate speech. The person who dropped off the information (
whatever it is) is obviously sick and requires intervention (years of brutal psychiatric horror). We can’t be too careful. It would be for the best. We don’t want to upset anybody. Anybody dropping off pamphlets in Saskatoon containing information
that dothn’t coincide with the established views is sick and dangerous. Arrest the individual under the Mental Health Act and drive him or her past the front gates of the University of Saskatchewan, which is made out of four Egyptian penises, and hand
him or her over to a Hindu, Sikh, Islamic psychiatrist, or perhaps to a Catholic psychiatrist who professes to be an expert in religious delusions. The psychiatrist would be sure to inform the poor slob that he or she thinks too much about pamphlets and
mailboxes. We as citizens of the City of Saskatoon should do our part, find the individual, call him or her a pedophile and brutally assault him or her further, then laugh and laugh and laugh. It would be for the good of our city.
[continued in next message]
--- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
* Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
Squeak@21:1/5 to
All on Mon May 22 11:57:39 2023
Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part J - Daryl Kabatoff
May 22nd 2023 11:57 am 200,496 words (233 pages)
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard
See the similarity… those taking their jabs attribute their illnesses to anything other than the jabs, while those societies who turn trees into decorated idols attribute their downfall to anything other than turning trees into decorated idols, the
more impoverished they and their nations become, the greater desire they have to embrace the pagan idolatry and sing Jingle Bells. The blinkin’ trees are so important that the Americans were willing to overlook that Obama is a homosexual Indonesian
Islamist, pedophile and a cannibal, they assumed he shared their values because he posed with the decorated evergreen tree idols. For Obama, posing with the pagan fertility tree idols was a stepping stone to the presidency, it allowed him to rule and
maintain his presidency, even Christians voted for him as they swooned over the photographs because of the blinkin’ pagan idols. Obama swore on the Bible and posed with the blinkin’ evergreen tree idols, and that was good enough for the Christians
and for the rest of America. Posing for photographs while standing next to the blinkin’ idols was an essential part of the American way of life, so those that did not vote for the homosexual Indonesian Islamist, pedophile and a cannibal tolerated him,
for he posed for photographs with their beloved blinkin’ idols.
In the news there was a mass murder that took place centered at the James Smith First Nation here in Saskatchewan Canada. This reserve is sitting upon a vast fortune of diamonds, each and every single member was set to be paid $46.89 each and every
single year ($160,000 annually spread over 3,412 members), as long as the sun shines, the winds blow and them rivers flow. Now with the loss of eleven members of their tribe, the surviving band members are set to obtain $47.04 annually (an additional 15
cents for each and everyone). All they have to do is allow their traditional hunting grounds to be decimated before they obtain the annual cheques.
Some 82% of Canadians took the bullshit covid death jab, if the James Smith band members did so as well, then the $160,000 annual diamond payment will be handed out to just 614 people (everybody else at the James Smith reserve will perish from the
covid death jabs), and these 614 survivors would be getting about $260 each. That is an annual payment of $260, having cash like that would make the surviving James Smith band members more eligible to become marriageable, they would no longer have to
flip-flop between traditional aboriginal and Catholic beliefs depending whom they are trying to fornicate with on any particular day. Regardless if they profess to hold traditional aboriginal beliefs or if they profess to be Christians (Protestant or
Catholic), they will all be abiding by Catholic traditions when they turn the trees into decorated idols. They turn evergreen trees into always green decorated fertility tree idols that they bow to when they place and retrieve presents at the base of the
blinkin’ trees, then took injections that removed their fertility and their lives. The Indians are poised to turn their traditional hunting grounds into a big hole, when the diamonds are gone the wildlife will fall into the big hole where they will be
slaughtered and everyone will eat and be happy. And that $260 they can use to buy some clean bottled water or some more beer, or continue to buy illegal drugs at wholesale prices from Sikhs and Islamists.
The Big-Nosed Cree are like the rest of us in that they are paid in paper certificates that are made out of thin air that the government then borrows and pays compound interest on. The garbage so-called money is printed and distributed, and is first
and foremost given back to the banks as these banks are charging us the compound interest, and other so-called money is handed out by our Islamic Canadian and Islamic American governments to Islamic nations located on the other side of the planet, and
also freely given out to Islamists now living in Canada and the USA, who are all competing with the red and the white for the goods and services. Some people work for their food and shelter, the costs of which are increasing as there is more competition
for these limited resources due to immigration while at the same time an increased flood of so-called money was distributed. The banks are eager to inflate the money supply as they are collecting the compound interest on it. The banks create money out of
thin air and charge interest on it, but they do not print the money required to pay that interest, so people at all economic levels compete furiously for that paper money so they can pay income tax, and pay taxes on their land and on the goods they
consume, and so they can support themselves, and you end up gangs on reserves selling drugs, while the reserves themselves are run by elected gangs that hands out favours to their friends and relatives, and to themselves.
Trudeau created the carbon tax so that this carbon tax money would be rebated back to the largest families, to those who consume the most energy, to the Islamic families with multiple wives. Little money trickles down to the Indians on the reserves, as
the Asian and African Islamists with their large families are collecting the bulk of it. The lack of funding together with corruption in the reserves, and with the voices of the grandmothers unheard, and you end up with gangs on reserves selling drugs
and a bunch of very unhappy people. The young women in the reserves are utterly impoverished, rather than try to assist them, the males on the reserve further exploit them and infect them with Syphilis, Gonorrhea, AIDS and a myriad of other sexual
People are competing for bogus money and are prevented from mining gold (real money), in many areas people are forbidden from mining, many other places only allow one to dig down a few feet as the gold belongs to the crown, to Islamic King Charles, and
he needs the gold to help him fund Islam for he is the defender of their faith. His mom did a real bang up job too in changing Britain from being white Christian to Asian and African Moslem. The more Elizabeth posed with the evergreen tree idols, the
more the nations under her suffered under Islamic immigration, and the more her son Charles funded Islamic expansion.
In the news, not the mainstream news, Obama (a homosexual Indonesian Islamist, pedophile and a cannibal, he tells Biden what to do and say) blew up portions of a Russian pipeline that carries natural gas to Germany, and just before winter sets in. If
the British blew up the pipeline, it was still likely that Obama gave the orders. People in Europe have recently seen their home heating and electrical bills increase some ten times over, many Europeans are unable to afford to heat their homes, many are
without homes, while the invading Islamists are being provided with every need. Islam rules over the United States of America and is at war against the Christians here, in Europe, in Russia and around the world. But, Obama posed with the blinkin’
evergreen tree idols and he furthermore placed his hand upon the Bible, so not to worry. The Bible says we are not to worry, the Bible also says that God is enraged when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols. Still, Americans are free to
fly to Saskatoon and catch a connecting flight to the northern portion of our province, so they may hunt and fish and see the evergreen trees, that is if they took injections that are sure to kill them. As the European people shiver this winter, I hope
they consider the evils that Obama and the European Union is perpetrating upon them.
I have a peace plan to end the war in Ukraine, it is to provide the Ukrainian people with holidays in Russia, grant them special permits that will allow them cheap and easy access to places such as Siberia and to the Russian far east where they would
be treated with respect and be celebrated heroes that brought about the peace. Nationalize the mining wealth and return the land to the Ukrainian farmers and to the other Ukrainian people, utilize a portion of the mining and farming wealth to subsidize
trips for Ukrainians so they may visit other Russian provinces. Trust that Putin will share in this farming and mining wealth and use it to build up Russia and help keep Russia (including the Ukrainian people) strong and secure. The Russians, Ukrainians,
Canadians, Americans, Europeans and others should stop for a moment and recognize that they are all engaged in pagan fertility rites, and that their churches are modeling the behavior and are actively teaching you to conduct such activities of turn the
evergreen trees into decorated idols, and capping these idols with sparkling golden or sparkling silver Egyptian obelisks (penises), a much smaller penis than they cap their church roofs with. Recognize your common filth and phone the police on me for
daring to criticize your churches. Under my peace plan, the Ukrainians will go on holidays into the far Russian east and teach the people there to turn chicken eggs into decorated idols. I imagine life can be pretty rough in the Russian far east, that is
because the people there are not engaged in turning chicken eggs into decorated idols, or they are not doink such with enough zeal.
Some of these Ukrainians would enjoy having Ukrainian towns established in gold, diamond and other mineral rich areas in Siberia, Yakutia and Magadan, in areas where they can also enjoy fishing and hunting. Putin would insure that the Ukrainians were
well outfitted if they chose to take a holiday in the Russian far east. Russia was born in the Ukraine, the region is inseparable from Russia, it is the heart of Russia, the Ukrainians and the Russians (and the Sakha) are all one people, they are
brothers and sisters inhabiting a very rich land, they should be enjoying life and growing wealthy and powerful together. Putin would close down the many American bio-weapon labs operating in the Ukraine and work together with Trump to end the
trafficking of children and other people (I don’t believe it). The Ukrainians and the Yakutians and the Magadanians and other Russian peoples would unite as brothers and sisters and help one another obtain wealth and enjoy peace (I don’t believe that
either). I think all the individual gold miners in Russia should strive to contribute far more than ten percent of the gold they obtain to Putin for defense of the empire, especially now that Russia’s heartland is being used by America to create
biological weapons and to traffic in children and women (many of the victims are eaten). While he was president, Trump allowed the uninterrupted torture of Americans in every state of America, psychiatric drugs are forced upon both Americans and Russians
in every state of America and throughout Russia.
Russian women, including the Ukrainian women, have for centuries been hunted down in Russia and shipped as sex slaves to what is now Turkey, and the practice continues with a vengeance in the Ukraine and the rest of Europe. Now the Ukrainian refugees
come to Canada and hope to get good paying unionized jobs working as janitors or food service providers in a psychiatric ward, perhaps at The University of Saskatchewan where I was tortured for daring to criticize churches, which these Ukrainians support
with every breath they take. Perhaps it is better to be kidnapped and sent to Turkey to be an Islamic sex slave than to be kidnapped and sent to America to be eaten by the witches. The Ukrainian refugees think they are safe now that they are in Canada,
where they may continue tithing to churches that teach them to honour pagan traditions in place of God’s Commandments. Canadians spent millions having me brutally tortured in an attempt to shut me up about their pagan traditions, now they import
Ukrainians, in part because they like to see the Ukrainians turn eggs into decorative fertility idols. Putin will have to pose in photographs with the decorative Ukrainian egg idols to help placate the region.
In the news in October 2022 (not the mainstream news) the Chinese Communist Party is opening police stations in western nations, including in Canada. Trudeau is handing our sovereignty to Communist China. Soon the Chinese will be peacefully unloading
their tanks and other military supplies at our western ports, any Canadian soldiers located near these ports will be ordered to stand down. Already the Canadian soldiers are training the Chinese soldiers to fly jets over Canada. There is a vast jungle
along the coast of the interior of British Columbia, my best guess is that Chinese soldiers, who are trained in jungle warfare, will soon occupy the land, including this rain forest along our western coast. They have a great army of robots that fly
around and can accomplish tasks.
In the news in October 2022 (not the mainstream news) China now rules over Burma, and America rules over the Ukraine. China conducted a military coup in Burma and now rules Burma. Similarly America conducted a military coup in the Ukraine and now
rules the Ukraine. After America conducted the military coup in the Ukraine the farm land was purchased by rich American corporations using bogus paper money. Under American rule, the Ukrainians have become greatly impoverished. The witches work to make
people impoverished so that they become homeless and more easily devoured without raising alarm (Habakkuk 3:14). By contrast, with peace between Ukraine and the other Russian regions, there would be safety and prosperity. My suggestion is that we (
Saskatoonians and Canadians) flee Canada for our very lives and take our metal and wood working equipment with us, and go to Japan to consolidate our resources and purchase additional metal and wood working supplies, and then travel on to Magadan when
the port is ice free, where we would build factories and airplanes, boats, all-terrain vehicles, guns and such and bring training and employment opportunities to the native residents. Putin will allow us to bring our guns with us when we emigrate, and
allow us to build additional guns, or we would flee for our very lives to Finland instead and learn to speak through our noses. The Japanese don’t want us emigrating to Japan, we would only be there until we could consolidate and move our many
thousands of tons of equipment and supplies to Magadan. While waiting for Magadan to become ice-free, we would be purchasing Japanese-made metal and wood-working tools, metal, cement and canvas for our building projects, fishing and camping supplies and
such. All we need is for Putin to give us permission to land in Magadan with our guns and other equipment, and then with such permission issued to us Canadians, we can then start fleeing for our very lives to Sapporo Japan, where we would meet and work
together to purchase vehicles and camper trailers and gather additional supplies in preparation for our trip to Magadan. Rather than be a burden to the Japanese, we will aid their economy by purchasing many of their goods. Friendships will be made,
cities will be twinned, people will sing and dance in the streets. Then when the port is ice-free we would arrive to Magadan and travel the region, where we would meet up with Ukrainians enjoying their holidays. The Ukrainians would be fishing and
camping and boating and drinking beer throughout Siberia, Yakutia and Magadan, we will find them and share camp sites and eat sausages and drink beer together. Russia and Ukraine will declare peace, and many Ukrainians would then be sponsored by Putin so
that they could go fishing and camping and boating and beer drinking in the Russian far east, it is my Ukrainian/Russian peace plan.
Some Canadians will object to the Chinese takeover of Canada and start squeaking, Instead of sending these Canadian squeakers to psychiatric horror, they will have their organs harvested. During which time t)he Catholics will continue to turn trees
into decorated idols, sing Jingle Bells and proclaim they are saved, keeping in mind that when you abide by Catholic fertility rites, you become a Catholic. The media will repeat the story that the Chinese are just like you and me and point out that the
Chinese are celebrating Christmas (the use of God’s name in vain) as well. While the media repeats their story of how the Chinese are just like you and me because they are celebrating your pagan holiday, I will continue to cry out to God against
Canadians will every ounce of my soul. People spent millions of dollars having me repeatedly brutally tortured in an attempt to make me shut up about the pagan filth taught to you by your churches, and many of them think it is funny. Anthropologically
speaking, the red and the white here in Canada are “The People of The Jingle Bells.” They are a people who follow traditions and dream of riding in one horse open sleighs.
In the news (not the mainsteam news) in October 2022, Jean Lasalle, a former French presidential candidate says that French President Emmanuel Marcron lied about his vaccination status and coerced others to take the jabs by preventing the unjabbed
from participating in society. Because of the coercion, Jean Lasalle took the jabs, which destroyed his health, and soon he will surely perish. Similarly in Canada, Trudeau shut down the Canadian economy and prevented the unjabbed from participating in
the few venues that he allowed to remain open, while allowing an invasion of a great influx of Muslims who were not required to take the death jabs. It is the Great Replacement, the Islamists and other Satanists co-opted our governments and demanded the
red and white take jabs that are sure to kill them. The Christian churches are complicit, they worked hard to teach you to abide by pagan traditions, they bought and used the media to help teach you to turn trees into decorated idols, then more recently
worked hard to parrot their own media and parrot their Satanic politicians and demand you take the jabs. While this is goink on, there isn’t a single one of you who communicates any degree of concern about those people who were stripped of their rights
for daring to squeak and who were or currently are being tortured to death in psychiatric facilities.
In the news (not the mainstream news) in October 2022, 50% the world’s population is expected to die by 2023 due to the bullshit Covid jabs. So this means that if the James Smith Reserve members accept the $160,000 offer of an annual payment spread
over 3,412 members in order to allow their traditional hunting grounds at the Fort-a-la-Corne Forest to be dug up for the diamonds hiding below, the surviving 1,706 band members would each receive $93.78 annually. And because the Indians flip-flop
between traditional aboriginal beliefs and Catholicism depending upon whom they are attempting to fuck on any given day, the Indians in western Canada have among the highest rates of syphilis and other sexually transmitted diseases in the world, and so
those few who survive this additional plague will be set to benefit even further by the generous handout. With a combination of the bullshit Covid jab deaths and the deadly sexual diseases, by 2024 the surviving band members would be receiving over $100
annually for the diamonds under the forest. The Europeans are freezing from lack of home heating oil, coal, propane, and electricity, and are starting to horde wood to heat their homes, resulting in North America trees being turned into wood pellets and
shipped overseas, and this will result in an even greater cash windfall for the band members. In France King Louis 14th suffered from assorted sexual diseases but maintained his sexual desirability by wearing copious quantities of diamonds, the James
Smith Reserve members can accomplish similar. The Indians living near North Battleford obtained jobs and wealth by helping Graham Construction build new psychiatric torture facilities there, the members of the James Smith Reserve live too far away from
North Battleford to share in this wealth, and so it is fitting that God now provides diamonds for these other band members. The James Smith Reserve members will soon have so much money, that they will be able to turn not just evergreen trees but all the
rotting houses on their reserve into blinkin’ temples of fertility.
And consider that there is a possibility that the James Smith First Nation members took the bullshit Covid jabs to a greater degree than the average Canadian. Then on top of that factor in all the Fentanyl and other drug related deaths removing
additional lives. It is possible, considering these two factors alone (and without adding the additional loss from any car accidents, murders or future wars), it is possible that the James Smith First Nation could lose 80% of their band members by the
end of 2024, so 682 survivors would each be receiving $234.60 for their annual diamond payment. And their population would shrink even further in 2025, 2026 and beyond as those that took the jabs are shedding toxins and contaminating those who did not
take the jabs, many of the surviving band members will be rendered infertile, some will be in shock from the loss of their community members and will be unable to progress from there. A portion of the female James Smith First Nation members that retain
their fertility and manage to give birth will be giving birth to children fathered by African or Asian Islamists. The Europeans want wood pellets, the surviving Indians can block the oil pipelines and rail lines and turn the entire Fort-a-la-Corne forest
into wood pellets, it is another stream of income for these folks.
The mainstream media reported on October 15th 2022 that 92% of Canadian military have been injected with the death shots, if the James Smith First Nation band members did so as well, then their 3,412 members will be reduced to 273 members who would
then divide that $160,000 annual diamond payment, leaving $586.08 for each member, annually. Regardless if the James Smith Reserve members accept the $160,000 annual diamond payment or not, the Islamists are taking over Canada and will be the benefactors.
The Islamists are not here for the welfare, they are here for the land. Good thing the Islamists in the United States and in Canada and in Europe and in Australia were not required to take the bullshit Covid jabs, as they will need all of their strength
to mine the diamonds, other minerals, and the metals, and to farm the land.
The Christians are Christians in name only, they swoon when they see photographs of Obama (a homosexual Indonesian Islamist, pedophile and cannibal) posing with the blinkin’ evergreen tree idols. If awake in that wheel chair, every three weeks I
attempted to defend my sanity at the psychiatric appeal panel hearings and did so by saying that the Bible repeatedly condemns turning trees into decorated idols (hard to do when you jaw is locked open, your lips and tongue turned to hard leather, you
are nauseous beyond belief and your brain is pounding in pain, or when you are sleeping in a wheel chair). All people could do for me is laugh at me and assault me further. The psychiatric abuse was horrendous, all I can do is spend the rest of my life
attempting to raise attention to the absolute horror, all you can do in turn is continue to spend billions of dollars annually turning trees into decorated idols while telling me I am wearing a tinfoil hat. You people (the red and the white) are now
dying in droves from the jabs, and while dying in droves from the jabs, remain utterly compassionless to those people who were or continue to be tortured in psychiatric facilities. You are being spread out like dung over the surface of the earth and
while being spread out like dung, you continually sing praises for your Catholic evergreen tree fertility idols. All I can do is cry out to God against you. People in Saskatchewan borrowed money from their children (they placed their children in debt) so
they could upgrade and build additional torture facilities in North Battleford, maybe the vast diamond wealth under the Fort-a-la-Corne Forest will enable the members of James Smith First Nation to build additional psychiatric torture facilities without
having to borrow money from the children.
American military veterans and other people have been stripped of their rights and tortured to death in psychiatric facilities for decades, and nobody ever cares, suddenly these other J6 prisoners are all important to you. These political J6 prisoners
are all Catholics, they all abide by the Catholic tradition of turning trees into decorated idols. They think it funny that I was stripped of my rights and brutally tortured for daring to criticize the pagan idolatry taught by their churches, they drape
tinfoil on their blinkin' trees and proclaim that I am wearing a tinfoil hat. They like to see Egyptian penises on the roofs of their Catholic churches, they like to place a little sparkly silver or golden Egyptian penis on the very top of their blinkin'
evergreen tree idols. When they see a statue of a soldier standing on top of or standing next to an Egyptian penis, they bow down to the penis and place a decorative wreath (a pagan fertility idol) made out of evergreen tree branches at the base of the
Egyptian penis, they place a fertility idol at the base of another fertility idol. They bow down and place the decorated Catholic fertility wreaths upon the graves of the dead soldiers, they use dead soldiers as tools to push their Catholic fertility
idolatry upon others. Even the atheists among them abide by the Catholic fertility rituals, when you abide by God-damned Catholic fertility rites, then you become a God-damned Catholic. They employ Hindu, Sikh, Islamic and Catholic psychiatrists to
torture people to death when they make effective criticisms against their Catholic churches. I begged in vain for assistance to flee the repeated arrests and rounds of psychiatric horror and they laughed at me and assaulted me further, and assured me
that they were saved and headed to heaven, and said that I was judging them. You folks abide by Catholic fertility rituals with every ounce of your being and then blame Jews for your problems. You stick penises on the roofs of your filthy churches and
defend your pagan traditions with brutal horrid violence. I cry out to God against you, against your J6 prisoners, and against every one of your priests and ministers. I even cry out to God against your children. You are ok with using your universities
to train Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to become brutal psychiatrists, you are ok with using your hospitals to torture people to death who criticize your pagan idolatry, and I am ok with crying out to God against you and praying for your deaths and for the
deaths of your children. Americans elected a homosexual Indonesian Islamist, pedophile and a cannibal to the presidency of the United States of America because they loved to see him pose in photographs next to trees turned into Catholic idols, they saw
the blinkin’ idols and thought he shared their values. Different aspects of your winter festival are in opposition to God’s First Three Commandments. God proclaims in Scripture that it enrages Him when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated
These political J6 prisoners are all Catholics, they all abide by the Catholic tradition of turning trees into decorated idols. In the winter they flew to tropical resorts and posed with their children next to the pagan idols there, then posted the
photos on Facebook where the witches are shopping for their next meals. The witches see a child attractive to them, knows where they live, knows where they are visiting, they place an order, the child is abducted, delivered, raped, tortured, killed and
eaten. Now the parents are outraged at Disney for teaching perversions to their children, but deeply down they love Mickey Mouse and the rest of the characters because like Obama, they posed with the pagan idols.
In the news (not the mainstream news) in October 2022, the Canadian military is dismissing the unvaccinated members even after dropping the requirement for them to be jabbed, and by doink so are setting the stage for foreign troops to arrive. People
need to wake up and see that the .22 rimfire, .223 and the 30-30 calibers of rifle are greatly inadequate to defend Canada from hostile takeover. The most popular round in western North America is the .270 as it can reach out to great distances, but
there are other capable calibers, such as the .243 and the 7mm-08, although not the best for killing moose or bear, they are ideal for the defense of our nation. The .50 caliber rifles will of course outgun these other rounds and is considered as an anti-
material round in that it can stop vehicles. I’ve been encouraging people to purchase guns for themselves and for their children, but people are becoming more impoverished and less able to make the purchase.
The impoverishment is on purpose, the witches want people to be homeless so they can more easily be devoured without raising alarm (Habakkuk 3:14), while the Islamists and Chinese want Americans and Canadians to be impoverished so that they can more
easily take over their nations. The Canadian red and white are about to lose some 80% to 90% of their numbers due to the death jabs, the few remaining red and white Canadians are busy ramming their penises up each other’s arseholes, singing Jingle
Bells and turning trees into decorated idols, so it will be the Islamists, the Chinese and the Jews who will battle each other for the ownership of Canada and the United States of America. The Africans currently living in North America are hated by both
the Chinese and the Islamists, even the African Islamists are hated by the other Islamists, I don’t see black people winning this war, and besides, the blacks already reduced their numbers by about half due to them aborting their own babies. Canadians
equipped with far reaching rifles will be unable to defend themselves against the Islamists, Chinese, and Jews, who are equipped with night vision scopes. Americans give these scopes away to Islamists while banning the sale to Canadians.
[continued in next message]
--- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
* Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
Squeak@21:1/5 to
All on Sun Jun 25 14:51:30 2023
Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part J - Daryl Kabatoff
June 24th 2023 8:14 pm 208,439 words (243 pages)
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard
In the news in October 2022 (not the mainstream news) China now rules over Burma, and America rules over the Ukraine. China conducted a military coup in Burma and now rules Burma. Similarly America conducted a military coup in the Ukraine and now
rules the Ukraine. After America conducted the military coup in the Ukraine the farm land was purchased by rich American corporations using bogus paper money. Under American rule, the Ukrainians have become greatly impoverished. The witches work to make
people impoverished so that they become homeless and more easily devoured without raising alarm (Habakkuk 3:14). By contrast, with peace between Ukraine and the other Russian regions, there would be safety and prosperity. My suggestion is that we (
Saskatoonians and Canadians) flee Canada for our very lives and take our metal and wood working equipment with us, and emigrate directly to Magadan, or go to Japan to consolidate our resources and purchase additional metal and wood working supplies, and
then travel on to Magadan when the port is ice free, where we would build factories and airplanes, boats, all-terrain vehicles, guns and such and bring training and employment opportunities to the native residents. Putin will allow us to bring our guns
with us when we emigrate, and allow us to build additional guns, or we would flee for our very lives to Finland instead and learn to speak through our noses. The Japanese don’t want us emigrating to Japan, we would only be there until we could
consolidate and move our many thousands or millions of tons of equipment and supplies to Magadan. While waiting for Magadan to become ice-free, we would be purchasing Japanese-made metal and wood-working tools, metal, cement and canvas for our building
projects, fishing and camping supplies and such. All we need is for Putin to give us permission to land in Magadan with our guns and other equipment, and then with such permission issued to us Canadians, we can then start fleeing for our very lives
directly to Magadan, or to Sapporo Japan, where we would meet and work together to purchase vehicles and camper trailers and gather additional supplies in preparation for our trip to Magadan. Rather than be a burden to the Japanese, we will aid their
economy by purchasing many of their goods. Friendships will be made, cities will be twinned, people will sing and dance in the streets. Then when the port is ice-free we would arrive to Magadan and travel the region, where we would meet up with
Ukrainians enjoying their holidays which are being paid for by Putin in my peace plan. President Putin already has a peace plan and has offered to relocate Ukrainians in homes in other Russian lands. The Ukrainians would be fishing and camping and
boating and drinking beer throughout Siberia, Yakutia and Magadan, we will find them in these locations and share camp sites and eat sausages and drink beer together. Russia and Ukraine will declare peace, and many Ukrainians would then be sponsored by
Putin so that they could go fishing and camping and boating and beer drinking in the Russian far east, it is my Ukrainian/Russian peace plan. If Putin doesn’t make it easy for us to emigrate to Magadan, then he should expect Chinese troops to arrive
and take over the entire Russian far east. We will leave Canada behind us together with The Big-Nosed Cree and the other Indians, who are engaged in making new treaties with the African, Asian, Islamic, Hindu, Sikh and Latin American invaders. The
Islamists, Sikhs and Hindus are being trained in Canada and at other western universities to become brutal psychiatrists while The Big-Nosed Cree are happy to help build new psychiatric torture facilities for them, either in North Battleford, or wherever.
My best guess, is that not a single one of The Big-Nosed Cree who were employed building the new psychiatric torture facilities in North Battleford used any of their income to purchase a rifle or a handgun, or some other tool that can provide them with
safety and security and can legally generate them an income, and instead pissed it all away.
In the news in October 2022 (not the mainstream news) the Chinese Communist Party is opening police stations in western nations, including in Canada. Trudeau is handing our sovereignty to Communist China. Soon the Chinese will be peacefully unloading
their tanks and other military supplies at our western ports, any Canadian soldiers located near these ports will be ordered to stand down. Already the Canadian soldiers are training the Chinese soldiers to fly jets over Canada. There is a vast jungle
along the coast of the interior of British Columbia, my best guess is that Chinese soldiers, who are trained in jungle warfare, will soon occupy the land, including this rain forest along our western coast. They have a great army of robots that fly
around and can accomplish tasks.
Some Canadians will object to the Chinese takeover of Canada and start squeaking, Instead of sending these Canadian squeakers to psychiatric horror, they will have their organs harvested. During which time the Catholics will continue to turn trees
into decorated idols, sing Jingle Bells and proclaim they are saved, keeping in mind that when you abide by Catholic fertility rites, you become a Catholic. The media will repeat the story that the Chinese are just like you and me and point out that the
Chinese are celebrating Christmas (the use of God’s name in vain) as well. While the media repeats their story of how the Chinese are just like you and me because they are celebrating your pagan holiday, I will continue to cry out to God against
Canadians will every ounce of my soul. People spent millions of dollars having me repeatedly brutally tortured in an attempt to make me shut up about the pagan filth taught to you by your churches, and many of them think it is funny. Anthropologically
speaking, the red and the white here in Canada are “The People of The Jingle Bells.” They are a people who follow traditions and dream of riding in one horse open sleighs.
In the news (not the mainsteam news) in October 2022, Jean Lasalle, a former French presidential candidate says that French President Emmanuel Marcron lied about his vaccination status and coerced others to take the jabs by preventing the unjabbed
from participating in society. Because of the coercion, Jean Lasalle took the jabs, which destroyed his health, and soon he will surely perish. Similarly in Canada, Trudeau shut down the Canadian economy and prevented the unjabbed from participating in
the few venues that he allowed to remain open, while allowing an invasion of a great influx of Muslims who were not required to take the death jabs. It is the Great Replacement, the Islamists and other Satanists co-opted our governments and demanded the
red and white take jabs that are sure to kill them. The Christian churches are complicit, they worked hard to teach you to abide by pagan traditions, they bought and used the media to help teach you to turn trees into decorated idols, then more recently
worked hard to parrot their own media and parrot their Satanic politicians and demand you take the jabs. While this is goink on, there isn’t a single one of you who communicates any degree of concern about those people who were stripped of their rights
for daring to squeak and who were or currently are being tortured to death in psychiatric facilities.
In the news (not the mainstream news) in October 2022, 50% the world’s population is expected to die by 2023 due to the bullshit Covid jabs. So this means that if the James Smith Reserve members accept the $160,000 offer of an annual payment spread
over 3,412 members in order to allow their traditional hunting grounds at the Fort-a-la-Corne Forest to be dug up for the diamonds hiding below, the surviving 1,706 band members would each receive $93.78 annually. And because the Indians flip-flop
between traditional aboriginal beliefs and Catholicism depending upon whom they are attempting to fuck on any given day, the Indians in western Canada have among the highest rates of syphilis and other sexually transmitted diseases in the world, and so
those few who survive this additional plague will be set to benefit even further by the generous handout. With a combination of the bullshit Covid jab deaths and the deadly sexual diseases, by 2024 the surviving band members would be receiving over $100
annually for the diamonds under the forest. The Europeans are freezing from lack of home heating oil, coal, propane, and electricity, and are starting to horde wood to heat their homes, resulting in North America trees being turned into wood pellets and
shipped overseas, and this will result in an even greater cash windfall for the band members. In France King Louis 14th suffered from assorted sexual diseases but maintained his sexual desirability by wearing copious quantities of diamonds, the James
Smith Reserve members can accomplish similar. The Indians living near North Battleford obtained jobs and wealth by helping Graham Construction build new psychiatric torture facilities there, the members of the James Smith Reserve live too far away from
North Battleford to share in this wealth, and so it is fitting that God now provides diamonds for these other band members. The James Smith Reserve members will soon have so much money, that they will be able to turn not just evergreen trees but all the
rotting houses on their reserve into blinkin’ temples of fertility.
And consider that there is a possibility that the James Smith First Nation members took the bullshit Covid jabs to a greater degree than the average Canadian. Then on top of that factor in all the Fentanyl and other drug related deaths removing
additional lives. It is possible, considering these two factors alone (and without adding the additional loss from any car accidents, murders or future wars), it is possible that the James Smith First Nation could lose 80% of their band members by the
end of 2024, so 682 survivors would each be receiving $234.60 for their annual diamond payment. And their population would shrink even further in 2025, 2026 and beyond as those that took the jabs are shedding toxins and contaminating those who did not
take the jabs, many of the surviving band members will be rendered infertile, some will be in shock from the loss of their community members and will be unable to progress from there. A portion of the female James Smith First Nation members that retain
their fertility and manage to give birth will be giving birth to children fathered by African or Asian Islamists. The Europeans want wood pellets, the surviving Indians can block the oil pipelines and rail lines and turn the entire Fort-a-la-Corne forest
into wood pellets, it is another stream of income for these folks.
The mainstream media reported on October 15th 2022 that 92% of Canadian military have been injected with the death shots, if the James Smith First Nation band members did so as well, then their 3,412 members will be reduced to 273 members who would
then divide that $160,000 annual diamond payment, leaving $586.08 for each member, annually. Regardless if the James Smith Reserve members accept the $160,000 annual diamond payment or not, the Islamists are taking over Canada and will be the benefactors.
The Islamists are not here for the welfare, they are here for the land. Good thing the Islamists in the United States and in Canada and in Europe and in Australia were not required to take the bullshit Covid jabs, as they will need all of their strength
to mine the diamonds, other minerals, and the metals, and to farm the land.
The Christians are Christians in name only, they swoon when they see photographs of Obama (a homosexual Indonesian Islamist, pedophile and cannibal) posing with the blinkin’ evergreen tree idols. If awake in that wheel chair, every three weeks I
attempted to defend my sanity at the psychiatric appeal panel hearings and did so by saying that the Bible repeatedly condemns turning trees into decorated idols (hard to do when you jaw is locked open, your lips and tongue turned to hard leather, you
are nauseous beyond belief and your brain is pounding in pain, or when you are sleeping in a wheel chair). All people could do for me is laugh at me and assault me further. The psychiatric abuse was horrendous, all I can do is spend the rest of my life
attempting to raise attention to the absolute horror, all you can do in turn is continue to spend billions of dollars annually turning trees into decorated idols while telling me I am wearing a tinfoil hat. You people (the red and the white) are now
dying in droves from the jabs, and while dying in droves from the jabs, remain utterly compassionless to those people who were or continue to be tortured in psychiatric facilities. You are being spread out like dung over the surface of the earth and
while being spread out like dung, you continually sing praises for your Catholic evergreen tree fertility idols. All I can do is cry out to God against you. People in Saskatchewan borrowed money from their children (they placed their children in debt) so
they could upgrade and build additional torture facilities in North Battleford, maybe the vast diamond wealth under the Fort-a-la-Corne Forest will enable the members of James Smith First Nation to build additional psychiatric torture facilities without
having to borrow money from the children.
American military veterans and other people have been stripped of their rights and tortured to death in psychiatric facilities for decades, and nobody ever cares, suddenly these other J6 prisoners are all important to you. These political J6 prisoners
are all Catholics, they all abide by the Catholic tradition of turning trees into decorated idols. They think it funny that I was stripped of my rights and brutally tortured for daring to criticize the pagan idolatry taught by their churches, they drape
tinfoil on their blinkin' trees and proclaim that I am wearing a tinfoil hat. They like to see Egyptian penises on the roofs of their Catholic churches, they like to place a little sparkly silver or golden Egyptian penis on the very top of their blinkin'
evergreen tree idols. When they see a statue of a soldier standing on top of or standing next to an Egyptian penis, they bow down to the penis and place a decorative wreath (a pagan fertility idol) made out of evergreen tree branches at the base of the
Egyptian penis, they place a fertility idol at the base of another fertility idol. They bow down and place the decorated Catholic fertility wreaths upon the graves of the dead soldiers, they use dead soldiers as tools to push their Catholic fertility
idolatry upon others. Even the atheists among them abide by the Catholic fertility rituals, when you abide by God-damned Catholic fertility rites, then you become a God-damned Catholic. They employ Hindu, Sikh, Islamic and Catholic psychiatrists to
torture people to death when they make effective criticisms against their Catholic churches. I begged in vain for assistance to flee the repeated arrests and rounds of psychiatric horror and they laughed at me and assaulted me further, and assured me
that they were saved and headed to heaven, and said that I was judging them. You folks abide by Catholic fertility rituals with every ounce of your being and then blame Jews for your problems. You stick penises on the roofs of your filthy churches and
defend your pagan traditions with brutal horrid violence. I cry out to God against you, against your J6 prisoners, and against every one of your priests and ministers. I even cry out to God against your children. You are ok with using your universities
to train Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to become brutal psychiatrists, you are ok with using your hospitals to torture people to death who criticize your pagan idolatry, and I am ok with crying out to God against you and praying for your deaths and for the
deaths of your children. Americans elected a homosexual Indonesian Islamist, pedophile and a cannibal to the presidency of the United States of America because they loved to see him pose in photographs next to trees turned into Catholic idols, they saw
the blinkin’ idols and thought he shared their values. Different aspects of your winter festival are in opposition to God’s First Three Commandments. God proclaims in Scripture that it enrages Him when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated
These political J6 prisoners are all Catholics, they all abide by the Catholic tradition of turning trees into decorated idols. In the winter they flew to tropical resorts and posed with their children next to the pagan idols there, then posted the
photos on Facebook where the witches are shopping for their next meals. The witches see a child attractive to them, knows where they live, knows where they are visiting, they place an order, the child is abducted, delivered, raped, tortured, killed and
eaten. Now the parents are outraged at Disney for teaching perversions to their children, but deeply down they love Mickey Mouse and the rest of the characters because like Obama, they posed with the pagan idols.
In the news (not the mainstream news) in October 2022, the Canadian military is dismissing the unvaccinated members even after dropping the requirement for them to be jabbed, and by doink so are setting the stage for foreign troops to arrive. People
need to wake up and see that the .22 rimfire, .223 and the 30-30 calibers of rifle are greatly inadequate to defend Canada from hostile takeover. The most popular round in western North America is the .270 as it can reach out to great distances, but
there are other capable calibers, such as the .243 and the 7mm-08, although not the best for killing moose or bear, they are ideal for the defense of our nation. The .50 caliber rifles will of course outgun these other rounds and is considered as an anti-
material round in that it can stop vehicles. I’ve been encouraging people to purchase guns for themselves and for their children, but people are becoming more impoverished and less able to make the purchase.
The impoverishment is on purpose, the witches want people to be homeless so they can more easily be devoured without raising alarm (Habakkuk 3:14), while the Islamists and Chinese want Americans and Canadians to be impoverished so that they can more
easily take over their nations. The Canadian red and white are about to lose some 80% to 90% of their numbers due to the death jabs, the few remaining red and white Canadians are busy ramming their penises up each other’s arseholes, singing Jingle
Bells and turning trees into decorated idols, so it will be the Islamists, the Chinese and the Jews who will battle each other for the ownership of Canada and the United States of America. The Africans currently living in North America are hated by both
the Chinese and the Islamists, even the African Islamists are hated by the other Islamists, I don’t see black people winning this war, and besides, the blacks already reduced their numbers by about half due to them aborting their own babies. Canadians
equipped with far reaching rifles will be unable to defend themselves against the Islamists, Chinese, and Jews, who are equipped with night vision scopes. Americans give these scopes away to Islamists while banning the sale to Canadians.
And of course I think this loss of Canada and the USA to the Islamists or to the Chinese is absolutely hilarious, just as you people think it hilarious that I get brutally tortured in psychiatric facilities for years after daring to criticize your
Catholic fertility rites, I think that the loss of your family members and the loss of your nations is equally hilarious. You people strip me of my rights, have me brutally tortured in psychiatric facilities for years, I begged in vain for assistance to
flee the country, and now you can’t even find it in your hearts to buy me a simple single holiday to anywhere in a feeble attempt to make up the loss of years of my life to brutal horrid torture, or due to the threat of additional rounds of brutal
horrid torture. You use your universities to train Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to become brutal psychiatrists and now allow them to work (torture Canadians to death) in Canada without being Canadian citizens. For decades there have been reports of
American service men being stripped of their rights and tortured in American psychiatric facilities, you continue to ignore the victims of psychiatry and now you see yourselves as heroes because you express outrage over the J6 prisoners. None of this
Covid poop, Obama poop, nor the J6 poop nor the Anti-Christ UN Islamic Army poop would have happened to you if you first defended the rights of the psychiatric victims and ended psychiatry by force.
In the news (not the mainstream news) on October 21st 2022, assorted Democrats are receiving many millions of dollars from Mexican and other drug cartels in order to keep the southern border open. Evil first paid you people to turn trees into
decorated idols, you abided by the Catholic fertility rites in order to obtain family favours, jobs and promotions. You gloried in the evil and proudly told everyone who would listen that you close your stores on Sunday. Fish-god Dagon may not want you
to lie, steal, nor murder, so when you do not lie steal nor murder, are you doing it in honour of fish-god Dagon or Jesus? Only Jesus requests that you keep the Seventh day as a day of rest, it is a sign to Him that you honour Him rather than Dagon, who
may also not want you to lie, steal nor murder. Adventists keep the Seventh day as a day of rest as requested by God in His Fourth Commandment, but they then honour pagan fertility rites that are in opposition to His first Three Commandments.
In the news (not the mainstream news) a doctor euthanized a child in Canada because he had diabetes, was depressed and did not have a girlfriend. Now in Canada the doctors may not only kill children, they may do so without the permission of their
parents. The white children are quite impoverished, and the impoverished are much more likely to be depressed. Doctors are now euthanizing impoverished white children in Canada. Trudeau’s Carbon Tax rebates are handed out to the largest families, to
the families that consume the greatest amount of carbon, to the Islamic families with the four wives, the Islamists are rejoicing in this and other economic incentives and so are unlikely to be depressed, and are unlikely to suffer from diabetes as they
have the money to purchase more wholesome foods. The white children are encouraged to engage in homosexuality, doctors are providing them with hormones so they may take on characteristics of the opposite sexes, and are cutting off breasts and sexual
organs, are being told that they are racists, little wonder that the children are depressed. I criticized the paganism taught by your churches and received years of brutal horrid torture at the Royal University Hospital in Saskatoon and at Saskatoon City
Hospital, people laughed at me, slandered and libeled me, robbed me and assaulted me further, now all I can do about this entire situation is laugh. No matter how big your evergreen tree was, no matter how many dollars you spent on decorating the tree,
your child was unable to find Santa. First the resulting depression of being unable to find Santa resulted in the parents sending their children for psychiatric treatments, then the depression from the treatments led the children to seek out further
medical care (euthanasia). The psychiatric drugs impaired the health of the children, the parents had the children injected not only with brutal psychiatric medications, but with a myriad of other injections and then later also with the bullshit Covid
death jabs, resulting in children necrotizing and seeking out more effective death jabs. Then the parents hang pictures of their dead children on their blinkin’ evergreen tree idols and sing Jingle Bells, jingle all the way, while continuing to laugh
at the victims of psychiatric horror. Keep telling those complaining of the horror of the psychiatric drugs to take another pill, keep telling those who warn you about your pagan idolatry that they are wearing tinfoil hats, keep phoning the police on
people who attempt to warn you that the churches are censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism, and I will keep reminding God what you arseholes are all about and will keep on requesting that He honours His assorted promises in Scripture and
terminates your lives and the lives of your children. Yes, in the news (not the mainstream news) a doctor euthanized a child in Canada because he had diabetes, was depressed and did not have a girlfriend, and I think it is absolutely hilarious. Just as
you think it hilarious that I faced year after year after year of brutal horrid psychiatric torture, I think that the deaths of your children is equally hilarious. If only you had bigger trees and decorated them to greater degrees… You pagans hear
about the loss of years of my life to brutal horrid torture, and rather than show me the slightest compassion and attempt to make up for the loss of years of my life, you continue to laugh and fly to tropical resorts and take pictures of you and your
children posing with the pagan idols there, then post the photos on Facebook, where the witches shop for children. It is not just me, you have zero compassion for any of the victims of psychiatric horror.
In the news (not the mainstream news) 40 people in Vancouver British Columbia are responsible for 6300 incidents (assaults, rapes, robberies and such), the situation is similar in North Battleford Saskatchewan where just a small handful of people
commit the bulk of the crimes. The legal system is corrupted by witches who actually eat people and are seeking to destroy civilization so that they can continue to get away with murder. People are being purposely impoverished in order to make them
homeless, then the homeless people get devoured by witches without anybody raising alarm, as supposedly nobody went missing. Their delight is to devour the poor without anybody being aware what is going on (Habakkuk 3:14). And Big-Nosed Cree, when caught
committing multiple thefts and robberies in a single day and get shot for their efforts, can and did appeal to the Islamic United Nations for support. The Islamists are invading and taking the bulk of the social services resources, the Big-Nosed Cree
respond by appealing to Islamists for help against the white man who pay the taxes. I get years of brutal horrid torture as a reward for speaking against the Catholic fertility rites, nobody cares and the Big-Nosed Cree continue bowing to the blinkin’
evergreen tree idols, tithe to churches that teach them to do so, seek support from the cannibal Queen (for she had such nice blinkin’ trees), and then seek further support from Islamists running the United Nations. There are treaties in Canada between
the red and the white, but since the Big-Nosed Cree and other Indians have sacred alliances with the cannibal crown and are now seeking alliances with Islamists, it may be best to leave the country. If people want to make an effort to bring back law and
order to Canada, we are going to have to start by deporting the African, Asian and Latin Americans, as the red and white treaties doth not grant us permission to import them. And we are going to have to insure that those red and white that commit serious
crimes are rewarded with serious times.
In the news (not the mainstream news) in November 2022, the College Physicians and Surgeons in Ontario are saying that unvaccinated people are mentally ill and should be put on psychiatric drugs. In the news Kate Shemirani says that hospitals in the
UK are killing over 1,000 people a day with bad medicine, they are following protocols that insure death (see Kate Shemirani in The Cold Hard Facts of Murder of the Elderly And Disabled And It Isn’t From The Shot!). Kate Shemirani says that the
hospitals are mass murdering people, independently of the murder the doctors and nurses are accomplishing with the bullshit Civid jabs. The government actively assists Islamists to arrive that are crossing over the channel from France, and lavishly
provides for them and without demanding that these people be injected with the deadly drugs.
In the news (not the mainstream news) in November 2022, United Nations aircraft are landing in Canada in numbers, this is the arrival of the Anti-Christ’s Islamic Army. Canadians will likely respond by hanging little sparkling plastic Islamic
beheading swords on their blinkin’ trees.
In the news (not the mainstream news), the only time we see a white couple on television in Canada is in government commercials suggesting that they kill themselves. And it is also reported that babies who are nursing from the snake venom and gene
altering jabbed mothers are getting sick and dying. And in the news (not the mainstream news) the World Economic Forum (Satanically possessed people who are trying to kill you) desires to fight climate change (which doesn’t exist) by killing off the
dogs and cats. The Moslems that moved into your neighborhoods do not want to see dogs nor hear them barking. And they want to shut down the horse racing and play soccer in the field there instead. Maybe the Moslems will permit camel racing in Saskatoon
in the future.
[continued in next message]
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Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part J - Daryl Kabatoff
July 24th 2023 7:52 pm 213,072 words (249 pages)
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard
The Big-Nosed Cree are like the rest of us in that they are paid in paper certificates that are made out of thin air that the government then borrows and pays compound interest on. The garbage so-called “money” is printed and distributed, and is
first and foremost given back to the banks as these banks are charging us the compound interest, and other so-called money is handed out by our Islamic Canadian and Islamic American governments to Islamic nations located on the other side of the planet,
and also freely given out to Islamists now living in Canada and the USA, who are all competing with the red and the white for the goods and services. Some people work for their food and shelter, the costs of which are increasing as there is more
competition for these limited resources due to immigration while at the same time an increased flood of so-called money was distributed. The banks are eager to inflate the money supply as they are collecting the compound interest on it. The banks create
money out of thin air and charge interest on it, but they do not print the money required to pay that interest, so people at all economic levels compete furiously for that paper money so they can pay income tax, and pay taxes on their land and on the
goods they consume, and so they can support themselves, and you end up gangs on reserves selling drugs, while the reserves themselves are run by elected gangs that hands out favours to their friends and relatives, and to themselves.
Trudeau created the carbon tax so that this carbon tax money would be rebated back to the largest families, to those who consume the most energy, to the Islamic families with multiple wives. Little money trickles down to the Indians on the reserves, as
the Asian and African Islamists with their large families are collecting the bulk of it. The lack of funding together with corruption in the reserves, and with the voices of the grandmothers unheard, you end up with a bunch of very unhappy people. The
young women in the reserves are utterly impoverished, rather than try to assist them, the males on the reserve further exploit them and infect them with Syphilis, Gonorrhea, AIDS and a myriad of other sexual diseases.
People are competing for bogus money and are prevented from mining gold (real money), in many areas people are forbidden from mining, many other places only allow one to dig down a few feet as the gold belongs to the crown, to Islamic King Charles, and
he needs the gold to help him fund Islam for he is the defender of their faith. His mom did a real bang up job too in changing Britain from being white Christian to Asian and African Moslem. The more Elizabeth posed with the evergreen tree idols, the
more the nations under her suffered under Islamic immigration, and the more her son Charles funded Islamic expansion.
In the news, not the mainstream news, Obama (a homosexual Indonesian Islamist, pedophile and a cannibal, he tells Biden what to do and say) blew up portions of a Russian pipeline that carries natural gas to Germany, and just before winter sets in. If
the British blew up the pipeline, it was still likely that Obama gave the orders. People in Europe have recently seen their home heating and electrical bills increase some ten times over, many Europeans are unable to afford to heat their homes, many are
without homes, while the invading Islamists are being provided with every need. Islam rules over the United States of America and is at war against the Christians here, in Europe, in Russia and around the world. But, Obama posed with the blinkin’
evergreen tree idols and he furthermore placed his hand upon the Bible, so not to worry. The Bible says we are not to worry, the Bible also says that God is ENRAGED when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols. Still, Americans are free to
fly to Saskatoon and catch a connecting flight to the northern portion of our province, so they may hunt and fish and see the evergreen trees, that is if they took injections that are sure to kill them. As the European people shiver this winter, I hope
they consider the evils that Obama and the European Union is perpetrating upon them.
I have a peace plan to end the war in Ukraine, it is to provide the Ukrainian people with holidays in Russia, grant them special permits that will allow them cheap and easy access to places such as to the Russian far east where they would be treated
with respect and be celebrated heroes that brought about the peace. Putin already has a peace plan and has offered to relocate Ukrainians in homes in other Russian lands, but they would be better served by first allowing the Ukrainians to travel around
Russia and then chose new towns or cities to reside in, then assist them with housing. Nationalize the mining wealth and return the land to the Ukrainian farmers and to the other Ukrainian people, utilize a portion of the mining and farming wealth to
subsidize trips for Ukrainians so they may visit other Russian provinces. Trust that Putin will share in this farming and mining wealth and use it to build up Russia and help keep Russia (including the Ukrainian people) strong and secure. The Russians,
Ukrainians, Canadians, Americans, Europeans and others should stop for a moment and recognize that they are all engaged in pagan fertility rites, and that their churches are modeling the behavior and are actively teaching you to conduct such activities
as to turn the evergreen trees into decorated idols, and capping these idols with sparkling golden or sparkling silver Egyptian obelisks (penises), a much smaller penis than they cap their church roofs with. Recognize your common filth and phone the
police on me for daring to criticize your churches. Under my peace plan, the Ukrainians will go on holidays into the far Russian east, perhaps to Magadan, and teach the people there to turn chicken eggs into decorated idols. I imagine life can be pretty
rough in the Russian far east, that is because the people there are not engaged in turning chicken eggs into decorated idols, or they are not doink such with enough zeal.
Some of these Ukrainians would enjoy having Ukrainian towns established in gold, diamond and other mineral rich areas in Siberia, Yakutia and Magadan, in areas where they can also enjoy fishing and hunting. Putin would insure that the Ukrainians were
well outfitted if they chose to take a holiday at a lake in the Russian far east, they would be given state of the art carbon-fiber fishing rods and fancy fishing reels, warm tents and sleeping bags, sausages and beer. Russia was born in the Ukraine, the
region is inseparable from Russia, it is the heart of Russia, the Ukrainians and the Russians (and the Sakha) are all one people, they are brothers and sisters inhabiting a very rich land, they should be enjoying life and growing wealthy and powerful
together. Putin would close down the many American bio-weapon labs operating in the Ukraine and work together with Trump to end the trafficking of children and other people. The Ukrainians and the Yakutians and the Magadanians and other Russian peoples
would unite as brothers and sisters and help one another obtain wealth and enjoy peace. I think all the individual gold miners in Russia should strive to contribute far more than ten percent of the gold they obtain to Putin for defense of the empire,
especially now that Russia’s heartland is being used by America to create biological weapons and to traffic in children and women (many of the victims are eaten). While he was president, Trump allowed the uninterrupted torture of Americans in every
state of America, psychiatric drugs are forced upon both Americans and Russians in every state of America and throughout Russia. So the Ukrainians who go on fishing trips to the Russian far east would have to be mindful of their speech lest they get a
needle in their bum.
Russian women have for centuries been hunted down and shipped as sex slaves to what is now Turkey, and the practice continues with a vengeance in the Ukraine and the rest of Europe. Now the Ukrainian refugees come to Canada and hope to get good paying
unionized jobs working as janitors or food service providers in a psychiatric ward, perhaps at The University of Saskatchewan where I was tortured for daring to criticize churches, which these Ukrainians support with every breath they take. Perhaps it is
better to be kidnapped and sent to Turkey to be an Islamic sex slave than to be kidnapped and sent to America to be eaten by the witches. The Ukrainian refugees think they are safe now that they are in Canada, where they may continue tithing to churches
that teach them to honour pagan traditions in place of God’s Commandments. Canadians spent millions having me brutally tortured in an attempt to shut me up about their pagan traditions, now they import Ukrainians, in part because they like to see the
Ukrainians turn eggs into decorative fertility idols. Putin will have to pose in photographs with the decorative Ukrainian egg idols to help placate the region, just as “Obama” posed for photographs with the blinkin’ evergreen tree idols.
In the news in October 2022 (not the mainstream news) China now rules over Burma, and America rules over the Ukraine. China conducted a military coup in Burma and now rules Burma. Similarly America conducted a military coup in the Ukraine and now
rules the Ukraine. After America conducted the military coup in the Ukraine the farm land was purchased by rich American corporations using bogus paper money. Under American rule, the Ukrainians have become greatly impoverished. The witches work to make
people impoverished so that they become homeless and more easily devoured without raising alarm (Habakkuk 3:14). By contrast, with peace between Ukraine and the other Russian regions, there would be safety and prosperity. My suggestion is that we (
Saskatoonians and Canadians) flee Canada for our very lives and take our metal and wood working equipment with us, and emigrate directly to Magadan, or go to Japan to consolidate our resources and purchase additional metal and wood working supplies, and
then travel on to Magadan when the port is ice free, where we would build factories and airplanes, boats, all-terrain vehicles, guns and such and bring training and employment opportunities to the native residents. Putin will allow us to bring our guns
with us when we emigrate, and allow us to build additional guns, or we would flee for our very lives to Finland instead and learn to speak through our noses. The Japanese don’t want us emigrating to Japan, we would only be there until we could
consolidate and move our many thousands or millions of tons of equipment and supplies to Magadan. While waiting for Magadan to become ice-free, we would be purchasing Japanese-made metal and wood-working tools, metal, cement and canvas for our building
projects, fishing and camping supplies and such. All we need is for Putin to give us permission to land in Magadan with our guns and other equipment, and then with such permission issued to us Canadians, we can then start fleeing for our very lives
directly to Magadan, or to Sapporo Japan, where we would meet and work together to purchase vehicles and camper trailers and gather additional supplies in preparation for our trip to Magadan. Rather than be a burden to the Japanese, we will aid their
economy by purchasing many of their goods. Friendships will be made, cities will be twinned, people will sing and dance in the streets. Then when the port is ice-free we would arrive to Magadan and travel the region, where we would meet up with
Ukrainians enjoying their holidays which are being paid for by Putin in my peace plan. President Putin already has a peace plan and has offered to relocate Ukrainians in homes in other Russian lands. The Ukrainians would be fishing and camping and
boating and drinking beer throughout Siberia, Yakutia and Magadan, we will find them in these locations and share camp sites and eat sausages and drink beer together. Russia and Ukraine will declare peace, and many Ukrainians would then be sponsored by
Putin so that they could go fishing and camping and boating and beer drinking in the Russian far east, it is my Ukrainian/Russian peace plan. If Putin doesn’t make it easy for us to emigrate to Magadan, then he should expect Chinese troops to arrive
and take over the entire Russian far east. We will leave Canada behind us together with The Big-Nosed Cree and the other Indians, who are engaged in making new treaties with the African, Asian, Islamic, Hindu, Sikh and Latin American invaders. The
Islamists, Sikhs and Hindus are being trained in Canada and at other western universities to become brutal psychiatrists while The Big-Nosed Cree are happy to help build new psychiatric torture facilities for them, either in North Battleford, or wherever.
My best guess, is that not a single one of The Big-Nosed Cree who were employed building the new psychiatric torture facilities in North Battleford used any of their income to purchase a rifle or a handgun, or some other tool that can provide them with
safety and security and can legally generate them an income, and instead pissed it all away.
In the news in October 2022 (not the mainstream news) the Chinese Communist Party is opening police stations in western nations, including in Canada. Trudeau is handing our sovereignty to Communist China. Soon the Chinese will be peacefully unloading
their tanks and other military supplies at our western ports, any Canadian soldiers located near these ports will be ordered to stand down. Already the Canadian soldiers are training the Chinese soldiers to fly jets over Canada. There is a vast jungle
along the coast of the interior of British Columbia, my best guess is that Chinese soldiers, who are trained in jungle warfare, will soon occupy the land, including this rain forest along our western coast. They have a great army of robots that fly
around and can accomplish tasks.
Some Canadians will object to the Chinese takeover of Canada and start squeaking, Instead of sending these Canadian squeakers to psychiatric horror, they will have their organs harvested. During which time the Catholics will continue to turn trees
into decorated idols, sing Jingle Bells and proclaim they are saved, keeping in mind that when you abide by Catholic fertility rites, you become a Catholic. The media will repeat the story that the Chinese are just like you and me and point out that the
Chinese are celebrating Christmas (the use of God’s name in vain) as well. While the media repeats their story of how the Chinese are just like you and me because they are celebrating your pagan holiday, I will continue to cry out to God against
Canadians will every ounce of my soul. People spent millions of dollars having me repeatedly brutally tortured in an attempt to make me shut up about the pagan filth taught to you by your churches, and many of them think it is funny. Anthropologically
speaking, the red and the white here in Canada are “The People of The Jingle Bells.” They are a people who follow traditions and dream of riding in one horse open sleighs.
In the news (not the mainsteam news) in October 2022, Jean Lasalle, a former French presidential candidate says that French President Emmanuel Marcron lied about his vaccination status and coerced others to take the jabs by preventing the unjabbed
from participating in society. Because of the coercion, Jean Lasalle took the jabs, which destroyed his health, and soon he will surely perish. Similarly in Canada, Trudeau shut down the Canadian economy and prevented the unjabbed from participating in
the few venues that he allowed to remain open, while allowing an invasion of a great influx of Muslims who were not required to take the death jabs. It is the Great Replacement, the Islamists and other Satanists co-opted our governments and demanded the
red and white take jabs that are sure to kill them. The Christian churches are complicit, they worked hard to teach you to abide by pagan traditions, they bought and used the media to help teach you to turn trees into decorated idols, then more recently
worked hard to parrot their own media and parrot their Satanic politicians and demand you take the jabs. While this is goink on, there isn’t a single one of you who communicates any degree of concern about those people who were stripped of their rights
for daring to squeak and who were or currently are being tortured to death in psychiatric facilities.
In the news (not the mainstream news) in October 2022, 50% the world’s population is expected to die by 2023 due to the bullshit Covid jabs. So this means that if the James Smith Reserve members accept the $160,000 offer of an annual payment spread
over 3,412 members in order to allow their traditional hunting grounds at the Fort-a-la-Corne Forest to be dug up for the diamonds hiding below, the surviving 1,706 band members would each receive $93.78 annually. And because the Indians flip-flop
between traditional aboriginal beliefs and Catholicism depending upon whom they are attempting to fuck on any given day, the Indians in western Canada have among the highest rates of syphilis and other sexually transmitted diseases in the world, and so
those few who survive this additional plague will be set to benefit even further by the generous handout. With a combination of the bullshit Covid jab deaths and the deadly sexual diseases, by 2024 the surviving band members would be receiving over $100
annually for the diamonds under the forest. The Europeans are freezing from lack of home heating oil, coal, propane, and electricity, and are starting to horde wood to heat their homes, resulting in North America trees being turned into wood pellets and
shipped overseas, and this will result in an even greater cash windfall for the band members. In France King Louis 14th suffered from assorted sexual diseases but maintained his sexual desirability by wearing copious quantities of diamonds, the James
Smith Reserve members can accomplish similar. The Indians living near North Battleford obtained jobs and wealth by helping Graham Construction build new psychiatric torture facilities there, the members of the James Smith Reserve live too far away from
North Battleford to share in this wealth, and so it is fitting that God now provides diamonds for these other band members. The James Smith Reserve members will soon have so much money, that they will be able to turn not just evergreen trees but all the
rotting houses on their reserve into blinkin’ temples of fertility.
And consider that there is a possibility that the James Smith First Nation members took the bullshit Covid jabs to a greater degree than the average Canadian. Then on top of that factor in all the Fentanyl and other drug related deaths removing
additional lives. It is possible, considering these two factors alone (and without adding the additional loss from any car accidents, murders or future wars), it is possible that the James Smith First Nation could lose 80% of their band members by the
end of 2024, so 682 survivors would each be receiving $234.60 for their annual diamond payment. And their population would shrink even further in 2025, 2026 and beyond as those that took the jabs are shedding toxins and contaminating those who did not
take the jabs, many of the surviving band members will be rendered infertile, some will be in shock from the loss of their community members and will be unable to progress from there. A portion of the female James Smith First Nation members that retain
their fertility and manage to give birth will be giving birth to children fathered by African or Asian Islamists. The Europeans want wood pellets, the surviving Indians can block the oil pipelines and rail lines and turn the entire Fort-a-la-Corne forest
into wood pellets, it is another stream of income for these folks.
The mainstream media reported on October 15th 2022 that 92% of Canadian military have been injected with the death shots, if the James Smith First Nation band members did so as well, then their 3,412 members will be reduced to 273 members who would
then divide that $160,000 annual diamond payment, leaving $586.08 for each member, annually. Regardless if the James Smith Reserve members accept the $160,000 annual diamond payment or not, the Islamists are taking over Canada and will be the benefactors.
The Islamists are not here for the welfare, they are here for the land. Good thing the Islamists in the United States and in Canada and in Europe and in Australia were not required to take the bullshit Covid jabs, as they will need all of their strength
to mine the diamonds, other minerals, and the metals, and to farm the land.
The Christians are Christians in name only, they swoon when they see photographs of Obama (a homosexual Indonesian Islamist, pedophile and cannibal) posing with the blinkin’ evergreen tree idols. If awake in that wheel chair, every three weeks I
attempted to defend my sanity at the psychiatric appeal panel hearings and did so by saying that the Bible repeatedly condemns turning trees into decorated idols (hard to do when you jaw is locked open, your lips and tongue turned to hard leather, you
are nauseous beyond belief and your brain is pounding in pain, or when you are sleeping in a wheel chair). All people could do for me is laugh at me and assault me further. The psychiatric abuse was horrendous, all I can do is spend the rest of my life
attempting to raise attention to the absolute horror, all you can do in turn is continue to spend billions of dollars annually turning trees into decorated idols while telling me I am wearing a tinfoil hat. You people (the red and the white) are now
dying in droves from the jabs, and while dying in droves from the jabs, remain utterly compassionless to those people who were or continue to be tortured in psychiatric facilities. You are being spread out like dung over the surface of the earth and
while being spread out like dung, you continually sing praises for your Catholic evergreen tree fertility idols. All I can do is cry out to God against you. People in Saskatchewan borrowed money from their children (they placed their children in debt) so
they could upgrade and build additional torture facilities in North Battleford, maybe the vast diamond wealth under the Fort-a-la-Corne Forest will enable the members of James Smith First Nation to build additional psychiatric torture facilities without
having to borrow money from the children.
American military veterans and other people have been stripped of their rights and tortured to death in psychiatric facilities for decades, and nobody ever cares, suddenly these other J6 prisoners are all important to you. These political J6 prisoners
are all Catholics, they all abide by the Catholic tradition of turning trees into decorated idols. They think it funny that I was stripped of my rights and brutally tortured for daring to criticize the pagan idolatry taught by their churches, they drape
tinfoil on their blinkin' trees and proclaim that I am wearing a tinfoil hat. They like to see Egyptian penises on the roofs of their Catholic churches, they like to place a little sparkly silver or golden Egyptian penis on the very top of their blinkin'
evergreen tree idols. When they see a statue of a soldier standing on top of or standing next to an Egyptian penis, they bow down to the penis and place a decorative wreath (a pagan fertility idol) made out of evergreen tree branches at the base of the
Egyptian penis, they place a fertility idol at the base of another fertility idol. They bow down and place the decorated Catholic fertility wreaths upon the graves of the dead soldiers, they use dead soldiers as tools to push their Catholic fertility
idolatry upon others. Even the atheists among them abide by the Catholic fertility rituals, when you abide by God-damned Catholic fertility rites, then you become a God-damned Catholic. They employ Hindu, Sikh, Islamic and Catholic psychiatrists to
torture people to death when they make effective criticisms against their Catholic churches. I begged in vain for assistance to flee the repeated arrests and rounds of psychiatric horror and they laughed at me and assaulted me further, and assured me
that they were saved and headed to heaven, and said that I was judging them. You folks abide by Catholic fertility rituals with every ounce of your being and then blame Jews for your problems. You stick penises on the roofs of your filthy churches and
defend your pagan traditions with brutal horrid violence. I cry out to God against you, against your J6 prisoners, and against every one of your priests and ministers. I even cry out to God against your children. You are ok with using your universities
to train Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to become brutal psychiatrists, you are ok with using your hospitals to torture people to death who criticize your pagan idolatry, and I am ok with crying out to God against you and praying for your deaths and for the
deaths of your children. Americans elected a homosexual Indonesian Islamist, pedophile and a cannibal to the presidency of the United States of America because they loved to see him pose in photographs next to trees turned into Catholic idols, they saw
the blinkin’ idols and thought he shared their values. Different aspects of your winter festival are in opposition to God’s First Three Commandments. God proclaims in Scripture that it enrages Him when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated
These political J6 prisoners are all Catholics, they all abide by the Catholic tradition of turning trees into decorated idols. In the winter they flew to tropical resorts and posed with their children next to the pagan idols there, then posted the
photos on Facebook where the witches are shopping for their next meals. The witches see a child attractive to them, knows where they live, knows where they are visiting, they place an order, the child is abducted, delivered, raped, tortured, killed and
eaten. Now the parents are outraged at Disney for teaching perversions to their children, but deeply down they love Mickey Mouse and the rest of the characters because like Obama, they posed with the pagan idols.
In the news (not the mainstream news) in October 2022, the Canadian military is dismissing the unvaccinated members even after dropping the requirement for them to be jabbed, and by doink so are setting the stage for foreign troops to arrive. People
need to wake up and see that the .22 rimfire, .223 and the 30-30 calibers of rifle are greatly inadequate to defend Canada from hostile takeover. The most popular round in western North America is the .270 as it can reach out to great distances, but
there are other capable calibers, such as the .243 and the 7mm-08, although not the best for killing moose or bear, they are ideal for the defense of our nation. The .50 caliber rifles will of course outgun these other rounds and is considered as an anti-
material round in that it can stop vehicles. I’ve been encouraging people to purchase guns for themselves and for their children, but people are becoming more impoverished and less able to make the purchase.
The impoverishment is on purpose, the witches want people to be homeless so they can more easily be devoured without raising alarm (Habakkuk 3:14), while the Islamists and Chinese want Americans and Canadians to be impoverished so that they can more
easily take over their nations. The Canadian red and white are about to lose some 80% to 90% of their numbers due to the death jabs, the few remaining red and white Canadians are busy ramming their penises up each other’s arseholes, singing Jingle
Bells and turning trees into decorated idols, so it will be the Islamists, the Chinese and the Jews who will battle each other for the ownership of Canada and the United States of America. The Africans currently living in North America are hated by both
the Chinese and the Islamists, even the African Islamists are hated by the other Islamists, I don’t see black people winning this war, and besides, the blacks already reduced their numbers by about half due to them aborting their own babies. Canadians
equipped with far reaching rifles will be unable to defend themselves against the Islamists, Chinese, and Jews, who are equipped with night vision scopes. Americans give these scopes away to Islamists while banning the sale to Canadians.
And of course I think this loss of Canada and the USA to the Islamists or to the Chinese is absolutely hilarious, just as you people think it hilarious that I get brutally tortured in psychiatric facilities for years after daring to criticize your
Catholic fertility rites, I think that the loss of your family members and the loss of your nations is equally hilarious. You people strip me of my rights, have me brutally tortured in psychiatric facilities for years, I begged in vain for assistance to
flee the country, and now you can’t even find it in your hearts to buy me a simple single holiday to anywhere in a feeble attempt to make up the loss of years of my life to brutal horrid torture, or due to the threat of additional rounds of brutal
horrid torture. You use your universities to train Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to become brutal psychiatrists and now allow them to work (torture Canadians to death) in Canada without being Canadian citizens. For decades there have been reports of
American service men being stripped of their rights and tortured in American psychiatric facilities, you continue to ignore the victims of psychiatry and now you see yourselves as heroes because you express outrage over the J6 prisoners. None of this
Covid poop, Obama poop, nor the J6 poop nor the Anti-Christ UN Islamic Army poop would have happened to you if you first defended the rights of the psychiatric victims and ended psychiatry by force.
[continued in next message]
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Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part J - Daryl Kabatoff August 27th 2023 11:58 am 220,242 words (258 pages)
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard
The mothers and others took their bullshit Islamic Covid death jabs by choice while the victims of psychiatric horror had absolutely horrid injections forced upon them. The mothers and others turned trees into decorated idols while I and other
Christians were brutally tortured in psychiatric facilities as a reward for criticizing your churches teaching pagan idolatry rather than God's Commandments. The mothers and others laughed at the victims of psychiatric horror, told them that they were
wearing tinfoil hats and to go take a pill, then they draped copious quantities of tinfoil on their blinkin' trees. The mothers and others flew to tropical resorts, posed with their children next to the blinkin' idols over there, then posted those photos
of their children on Facebook, where the witches shop for your children. The witches search Facebook for a child that appeals to him or her, they place an order, the child is abducted, delivered, raped, tortured, killed and eaten. Some Christians tried
to warn the mothers and others that the same churches that were teaching them to bow to blinkin' trees were also censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism, but to no avail (they were arrested under the Mental Health Act and tortured to death at the
western universities). Now as the mothers necrotize from the bullshit Islamic covid death jabs, their vaginas are rotting, they smell like death before they die. And still their greatest desire is to survive until “Christmas” (not His Mass, it is the
use of God’s Name in vain) so they can attend various churches and see the trees that blink.
The mothers and others also like to place decorated boughs made from the branches of evergreen trees upon the graves of the war dead, they push their Catholic fertility rites upon the dead soldiers, they use the dead soldiers as tools to push their
pagan beliefs upon others. They make statues of soldiers and place them directly on top of or next to Egyptian penises, then bow to these pagan phalluses when they place their presents (decorated evergreen tree boughs, aka pagan idols) at the base of the
dinks. They attend and tithe to churches that are capped with miniature Egyptian penises, and the clergy there teaches them to cap their blinkin’ evergreen trees with an Egyptian dink as well. When they hear about it, then they phone the police on me.
The psychiatric drugs are a real horror show, now you God-damned Catholic necrotizing assholes can experience a little horror of your own. Just as you people think it hilarious that I get repeatedly arrested and tortured by predominantly Hindu
psychiatrists, I think that the deaths of your children and other family members is equally hilarious. I lost year after year after year of my life to brutal horrid psychiatric torture, I begged for assistance to flee the horror and all you pagan pricks
could do is laugh and assault me further. There wasn’t a single one of you with so much compassion in your hearts that you would even attempt to make up the loss of years of my life to this brutal horrid torture by buying me or any other victim of
psychiatric horror a simple single holiday to anywhere, let alone a cookie. Well good for you, I sure hope you win!!!
See the similarity… those taking their jabs attribute their illnesses to anything other than the jabs, while those societies who turn trees into decorated idols attribute their downfall to anything other than turning trees into decorated idols, the
more impoverished they and their nations become, the greater desire they have to embrace the pagan idolatry and sing Jingle Bells. The blinkin’ trees are so important that the Americans were willing to overlook that Obama is a homosexual Indonesian
Islamist, pedophile and a cannibal, they assumed he shared their values because he posed with the decorated evergreen tree idols. For Obama, posing with the pagan fertility tree idols was a stepping stone to the presidency, it allowed him to rule and
maintain his presidency, even Christians voted for him as they swooned over the photographs because of the blinkin’ pagan idols. Obama swore on the Bible and posed with the blinkin’ evergreen tree idols, and that was good enough for the Christians
and for the rest of America. Posing for photographs while standing next to the blinkin’ idols was an essential part of the American way of life, so those that did not vote for the homosexual Indonesian Islamist, pedophile and a cannibal tolerated him,
for he posed for photographs with their beloved blinkin’ idols.
In the news there was a mass murder that took place centered at the James Smith First Nation here in Saskatchewan Canada. This reserve is sitting upon a vast fortune of diamonds, each and every single member was set to be paid $46.89 each and every
single year ($160,000 annually spread over 3,412 members), as long as the sun shines, the winds blow and them rivers flow. Now with the loss of eleven members of their tribe, the surviving band members are set to obtain $47.04 annually (an additional 15
cents for each and everyone). All they have to do is allow their traditional hunting grounds to be decimated before they obtain the annual cheques.
Some 82% of Canadians took the bullshit Covid death jab, if the James Smith band members did so as well, then the $160,000 annual diamond payment will be handed out to just 614 people (everybody else at the James Smith reserve will perish from the
covid death jabs), and these 614 survivors would be getting about $260 each. That is an annual payment of $260, having cash like that would make the surviving James Smith band members more eligible to become marriageable, they would no longer have to
flip-flop between traditional aboriginal and Catholic beliefs depending whom they are trying to fornicate with on any particular day. Regardless if they profess to hold traditional aboriginal beliefs or if they profess to be Christians (Protestant or
Catholic), they will all be abiding by Catholic traditions when they turn the trees into decorated idols. They turn evergreen trees into always green decorated fertility tree idols that they bow to when they place and retrieve presents at the base of the
blinkin’ trees, then took injections that removed their fertility and their lives. The Indians are poised to turn their traditional hunting grounds into a big hole, when the diamonds are gone the wildlife will fall into the big hole where they will be
slaughtered and everyone will eat and be happy. And that $260 they can use to buy some clean bottled water or some more beer, or continue to buy illegal drugs at wholesale prices from Sikhs and Islamists.
The Big-Nosed Cree are like the rest of us in that they are paid in paper certificates that are made out of thin air that the government then borrows and pays compound interest on. The garbage so-called “money” is printed and distributed, and is
first and foremost given back to the banks as these banks are charging us the compound interest, and other so-called money is handed out by our Islamic Canadian and Islamic American governments to Islamic nations located on the other side of the planet,
and also freely given out to Islamists now living in Canada and the USA, who are all competing with the red and the white for the goods and services. Some people work for their food and shelter, the costs of which are increasing as there is more
competition for these limited resources due to immigration while at the same time an increased flood of so-called money was distributed. The banks are eager to inflate the money supply as they are collecting the compound interest on it. The banks create
money out of thin air and charge interest on it, but they do not print the money required to pay that interest, so people at all economic levels compete furiously for that paper money so they can pay income tax, and pay taxes on their land and on the
goods they consume, and so they can support themselves, and you end up gangs on reserves selling drugs, while the reserves themselves are run by elected gangs that hands out favours to their friends and relatives, and to themselves.
Trudeau created the carbon tax so that this carbon tax money would be rebated back to the largest families, to those who consume the most energy, to the Islamic families with multiple wives. Little money trickles down to the Indians on the reserves, as
the Asian and African Islamists with their large families are collecting the bulk of it. The lack of funding together with corruption in the reserves, and with the voices of the grandmothers unheard, you end up with a bunch of very unhappy people. The
young women in the reserves are utterly impoverished, rather than try to assist them, the males on the reserve further exploit them and infect them with Syphilis, Gonorrhea, AIDS and a myriad of other sexual diseases.
People are competing for bogus money and are prevented from mining gold (real money), in many areas people are forbidden from mining, many other places only allow one to dig down a few feet as the gold belongs to the crown, to Islamic King Charles, and
he needs the gold to help him fund Islam for he is the defender of their faith. His mom did a real bang up job too in changing Britain from being white Christian to Asian and African Moslem. The more Elizabeth posed with the evergreen tree idols, the
more the nations under her suffered under Islamic immigration, and the more her son Charles funded Islamic expansion.
In the news, not the mainstream news, Obama (a homosexual Indonesian Islamist, pedophile and a cannibal, he tells Biden what to do and say) blew up portions of a Russian pipeline that carries natural gas to Germany, and just before winter sets in. If
the British blew up the pipeline, it was still likely that Obama gave the orders. People in Europe have recently seen their home heating and electrical bills increase some ten times over, many Europeans are unable to afford to heat their homes, many are
without homes, while the invading Islamists are being provided with every need. Islam rules over the United States of America and is at war against the Christians here, in Europe, in Russia and around the world. But, Obama posed with the blinkin’
evergreen tree idols and he furthermore placed his hand upon the Bible, so not to worry. The Bible says we are not to worry, the Bible also says that God is ENRAGED when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols. Still, Americans are free to
fly to Saskatoon and catch a connecting flight to the northern portion of our province, so they may hunt and fish and see the evergreen trees, that is if they took injections that are sure to kill them. As the European people shiver this winter, I hope
they consider the evils that Obama and the European Union is perpetrating upon them.
I have a peace plan to end the war in Ukraine, it is to provide the Ukrainian people with holidays in Russia, grant them special permits that will allow them cheap and easy access to places such as to the Russian far east where they would be treated
with respect and be celebrated heroes that brought about the peace. Putin already has a peace plan and has offered to relocate Ukrainians in homes in other Russian lands, but they would be better served by first allowing the Ukrainians to travel around
Russia and then chose new towns or cities to reside in, then assist them with housing. Nationalize the mining wealth and return the land to the Ukrainian farmers and to the other Ukrainian people, utilize a portion of the mining and farming wealth to
subsidize trips for Ukrainians so they may visit other Russian provinces. Trust that Putin will share in this farming and mining wealth and use it to build up Russia and help keep Russia (including the Ukrainian people) strong and secure. The Russians,
Ukrainians, Canadians, Americans, Europeans and others should stop for a moment and recognize that they are all engaged in pagan fertility rites, and that their churches are modeling the behavior and are actively teaching you to conduct such activities
as to turn the evergreen trees into decorated idols, and capping these idols with sparkling golden or sparkling silver Egyptian obelisks (penises), a much smaller penis than they cap their church roofs with. Recognize your common filth and phone the
police on me for daring to criticize your churches. Under my peace plan, the Ukrainians will go on holidays into the far Russian east, perhaps to Magadan, and teach the people there to turn chicken eggs into decorated idols. I imagine life can be pretty
rough in the Russian far east, that is because the people there are not engaged in turning chicken eggs into decorated idols, or they are not doink such with enough zeal.
Some of these Ukrainians would enjoy having Ukrainian towns established in gold, diamond and other mineral rich areas in Siberia, Yakutia and Magadan, in areas where they can also enjoy fishing and hunting. Putin would insure that the Ukrainians were
well outfitted if they chose to take a holiday at a lake in the Russian far east, they would be given state of the art carbon-fiber fishing rods and fancy fishing reels, warm tents and sleeping bags, sausages and beer. Russia was born in the Ukraine, the
region is inseparable from Russia, it is the heart of Russia, the Ukrainians and the Russians (and the Sakha) are all one people, they are brothers and sisters inhabiting a very rich land, they should be enjoying life and growing wealthy and powerful
together. Putin would close down the many American bio-weapon labs operating in the Ukraine and work together with Trump to end the trafficking of children and other people. The Ukrainians and the Yakutians and the Magadanians and other Russian peoples
would unite as brothers and sisters and help one another obtain wealth and enjoy peace. I think all the individual gold miners in Russia should strive to contribute far more than ten percent of the gold they obtain to Putin for defense of the empire,
especially now that Russia’s heartland is being used by America to create biological weapons and to traffic in children and women (many of the victims are eaten). While he was president, Trump allowed the uninterrupted torture of Americans in every
state of America, psychiatric drugs are forced upon both Americans and Russians in every state of America and throughout Russia. So the Ukrainians who go on fishing trips to the Russian far east would have to be mindful of their speech lest they get a
needle in their bum.
Russian women have for centuries been hunted down and shipped as sex slaves to what is now Turkey, and the practice continues with a vengeance in the Ukraine and the rest of Europe. Now the Ukrainian refugees come to Canada and hope to get good paying
unionized jobs working as janitors or food service providers in a psychiatric ward, perhaps at The University of Saskatchewan where I was tortured for daring to criticize churches, which these Ukrainians support with every breath they take. Perhaps it is
better to be kidnapped and sent to Turkey to be an Islamic sex slave than to be kidnapped and sent to America to be eaten by the witches. The Ukrainian refugees think they are safe now that they are in Canada, where they may continue tithing to churches
that teach them to honour pagan traditions in place of God’s Commandments. Canadians spent millions having me brutally tortured in an attempt to shut me up about their pagan traditions, now they import Ukrainians, in part because they like to see the
Ukrainians turn eggs into decorative fertility idols. Putin will have to pose in photographs with the decorative Ukrainian egg idols to help placate the region, just as “Obama” posed for photographs with the blinkin’ evergreen tree idols.
In the news in October 2022 (not the mainstream news) China now rules over Burma, and America rules over the Ukraine. China conducted a military coup in Burma and now rules Burma. Similarly America conducted a military coup in the Ukraine and now
rules the Ukraine. After America conducted the military coup in the Ukraine the farm land was purchased by rich American corporations using bogus paper money. Under American rule, the Ukrainians have become greatly impoverished. The witches work to make
people impoverished so that they become homeless and more easily devoured without raising alarm (Habakkuk 3:14). By contrast, with peace between Ukraine and the other Russian regions, there would be safety and prosperity. My suggestion is that we (
Saskatoonians and Canadians) flee Canada for our very lives and take our metal and wood working equipment with us, and emigrate directly to Magadan, or go to Japan to consolidate our resources and purchase additional metal and wood working supplies, and
then travel on to Magadan when the port is ice free, where we would build factories and airplanes, boats, all-terrain vehicles, guns and such and bring training and employment opportunities to the native residents. Putin will allow us to bring our guns
with us when we emigrate, and allow us to build additional guns, or we would flee for our very lives to Finland instead and learn to speak through our noses. The Japanese don’t want us emigrating to Japan, we would only be there until we could
consolidate and move our many thousands or millions of tons of equipment and supplies to Magadan. While waiting for Magadan to become ice-free, we would be purchasing Japanese-made metal and wood-working tools, metal, cement and canvas for our building
projects, fishing and camping supplies and such. All we need is for Putin to give us permission to land in Magadan with our guns and other equipment, and then with such permission issued to us Canadians, we can then start fleeing for our very lives
directly to Magadan, or to Sapporo Japan, where we would meet and work together to purchase vehicles and camper trailers and gather additional supplies in preparation for our trip to Magadan. Rather than be a burden to the Japanese, we will aid their
economy by purchasing many of their goods. Friendships will be made, cities will be twinned, people will sing and dance in the streets. Then when the port is ice-free we would arrive to Magadan and travel the region, where we would meet up with
Ukrainians enjoying their holidays which are being paid for by Putin in my peace plan. President Putin already has a peace plan and has offered to relocate Ukrainians in homes in other Russian lands. The Ukrainians would be fishing and camping and
boating and drinking beer throughout Siberia, Yakutia and Magadan, we will find them in these locations and share camp sites and eat sausages and drink beer together. Russia and Ukraine will declare peace, and many Ukrainians would then be sponsored by
Putin so that they could go fishing and camping and boating and beer drinking in the Russian far east, it is my Ukrainian/Russian peace plan. If Putin doesn’t make it easy for us to emigrate to Magadan, then he should expect Chinese troops to arrive
and take over the entire Russian far east. We will leave Canada behind us together with The Big-Nosed Cree and the other Indians, who are engaged in making new treaties with the African, Asian, Islamic, Hindu, Sikh and Latin American invaders. The
Islamists, Sikhs and Hindus are being trained in Canada and at other western universities to become brutal psychiatrists while The Big-Nosed Cree are happy to help build new psychiatric torture facilities for them, either in North Battleford, or wherever.
My best guess, is that not a single one of The Big-Nosed Cree who were employed building the new psychiatric torture facilities in North Battleford used any of their income to purchase a rifle or a handgun, or some other tool that can provide them with
safety and security and can legally generate them an income, and instead pissed it all away.
In the news in October 2022 (not the mainstream news) the Chinese Communist Party is opening police stations in western nations, including in Canada. Trudeau is handing our sovereignty to Communist China. Soon the Chinese will be peacefully unloading
their tanks and other military supplies at our western ports, any Canadian soldiers located near these ports will be ordered to stand down. Already the Canadian soldiers are training the Chinese soldiers to fly jets over Canada. There is a vast jungle
along the coast of the interior of British Columbia, my best guess is that Chinese soldiers, who are trained in jungle warfare, will soon occupy the land, including this rain forest along our western coast. They have a great army of robots that fly
around and can accomplish tasks.
Some Canadians will object to the Chinese takeover of Canada and start squeaking, Instead of sending these Canadian squeakers to psychiatric horror, they will have their organs harvested. During which time the Catholics will continue to turn trees
into decorated idols, sing Jingle Bells and proclaim they are saved, keeping in mind that when you abide by Catholic fertility rites, you become a Catholic. The media will repeat the story that the Chinese are just like you and me and point out that the
Chinese are celebrating Christmas (the use of God’s name in vain) as well. While the media repeats their story of how the Chinese are just like you and me because they are celebrating your pagan holiday, I will continue to cry out to God against
Canadians will every ounce of my soul. People spent millions of dollars having me repeatedly brutally tortured in an attempt to make me shut up about the pagan filth taught to you by your churches, and many of them think it is funny. Anthropologically
speaking, the red and the white here in Canada are “The People of The Jingle Bells.” They are a people who follow traditions and dream of riding in one horse open sleighs.
In the news (not the mainsteam news) in October 2022, Jean Lasalle, a former French presidential candidate says that French President Emmanuel Marcron lied about his vaccination status and coerced others to take the jabs by preventing the unjabbed
from participating in society. Because of the coercion, Jean Lasalle took the jabs, which destroyed his health, and soon he will surely perish. Similarly in Canada, Trudeau shut down the Canadian economy and prevented the unjabbed from participating in
the few venues that he allowed to remain open, while allowing an invasion of a great influx of Muslims who were not required to take the death jabs. It is the Great Replacement, the Islamists and other Satanists co-opted our governments and demanded the
red and white take jabs that are sure to kill them. The Christian churches are complicit, they worked hard to teach you to abide by pagan traditions, they bought and used the media to help teach you to turn trees into decorated idols, then more recently
worked hard to parrot their own media and parrot their Satanic politicians and demand you take the jabs. While this is goink on, there isn’t a single one of you who communicates any degree of concern about those people who were stripped of their rights
for daring to squeak and who were or currently are being tortured to death in psychiatric facilities.
In the news (not the mainstream news) in October 2022, 50% the world’s population is expected to die by 2023 due to the bullshit Covid jabs. So this means that if the James Smith Reserve members accept the $160,000 offer of an annual payment spread
over 3,412 members in order to allow their traditional hunting grounds at the Fort-a-la-Corne Forest to be dug up for the diamonds hiding below, the surviving 1,706 band members would each receive $93.78 annually. And because the Indians flip-flop
between traditional aboriginal beliefs and Catholicism depending upon whom they are attempting to fuck on any given day, the Indians in western Canada have among the highest rates of syphilis and other sexually transmitted diseases in the world, and so
those few who survive this additional plague will be set to benefit even further by the generous handout. With a combination of the bullshit Covid jab deaths and the deadly sexual diseases, by 2024 the surviving band members would be receiving over $100
annually for the diamonds under the forest. The Europeans are freezing from lack of home heating oil, coal, propane, and electricity, and are starting to horde wood to heat their homes, resulting in North America trees being turned into wood pellets and
shipped overseas, and this will result in an even greater cash windfall for the band members. In France King Louis 14th suffered from assorted sexual diseases but maintained his sexual desirability by wearing copious quantities of diamonds, the James
Smith Reserve members can accomplish similar. The Indians living near North Battleford obtained jobs and wealth by helping Graham Construction build new psychiatric torture facilities there, the members of the James Smith Reserve live too far away from
North Battleford to share in this wealth, and so it is fitting that God now provides diamonds for these other band members. The James Smith Reserve members will soon have so much money, that they will be able to turn not just evergreen trees but all the
rotting houses on their reserve into blinkin’ temples of fertility.
And consider that there is a possibility that the James Smith First Nation members took the bullshit Covid jabs to a greater degree than the average Canadian. Then on top of that factor in all the Fentanyl and other drug related deaths removing
additional lives. It is possible, considering these two factors alone (and without adding the additional loss from any car accidents, murders or future wars), it is possible that the James Smith First Nation could lose 80% of their band members by the
end of 2024, so 682 survivors would each be receiving $234.60 for their annual diamond payment. And their population would shrink even further in 2025, 2026 and beyond as those that took the jabs are shedding toxins and contaminating those who did not
take the jabs, many of the surviving band members will be rendered infertile, some will be in shock from the loss of their community members and will be unable to progress from there. A portion of the female James Smith First Nation members that retain
their fertility and manage to give birth will be giving birth to children fathered by African or Asian Islamists. The Europeans want wood pellets, the surviving Indians can block the oil pipelines and rail lines and turn the entire Fort-a-la-Corne forest
into wood pellets, it is another stream of income for these folks.
The mainstream media reported on October 15th 2022 that 92% of Canadian military have been injected with the death shots, if the James Smith First Nation band members did so as well, then their 3,412 members will be reduced to 273 members who would
then divide that $160,000 annual diamond payment, leaving $586.08 for each member, annually. Regardless if the James Smith Reserve members accept the $160,000 annual diamond payment or not, the Islamists are taking over Canada and will be the benefactors.
The Islamists are not here for the welfare, they are here for the land. Good thing the Islamists in the United States and in Canada and in Europe and in Australia were not required to take the bullshit Covid jabs, as they will need all of their strength
to mine the diamonds, other minerals, and the metals, and to farm the land.
The Christians are Christians in name only, they swoon when they see photographs of Obama (a homosexual Indonesian Islamist, pedophile and cannibal) posing with the blinkin’ evergreen tree idols. If awake in that wheel chair, every three weeks I
attempted to defend my sanity at the psychiatric appeal panel hearings and did so by saying that the Bible repeatedly condemns turning trees into decorated idols (hard to do when you jaw is locked open, your lips and tongue turned to hard leather, you
are nauseous beyond belief and your brain is pounding in pain, or when you are sleeping in a wheel chair). All people could do for me is laugh at me and assault me further. The psychiatric abuse was horrendous, all I can do is spend the rest of my life
attempting to raise attention to the absolute horror, all you can do in turn is continue to spend billions of dollars annually turning trees into decorated idols while telling me I am wearing a tinfoil hat. You people (the red and the white) are now
dying in droves from the jabs, and while dying in droves from the jabs, remain utterly compassionless to those people who were or continue to be tortured in psychiatric facilities. You are being spread out like dung over the surface of the earth and
while being spread out like dung, you continually sing praises for your Catholic evergreen tree fertility idols. All I can do is cry out to God against you. People in Saskatchewan borrowed money from their children (they placed their children in debt) so
they could upgrade and build additional torture facilities in North Battleford, maybe the vast diamond wealth under the Fort-a-la-Corne Forest will enable the members of James Smith First Nation to build additional psychiatric torture facilities without
having to borrow money from the children.
[continued in next message]
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Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part J - Daryl Kabatoff October 3rd 2023 12:41 pm 227,006 words (264 pages)
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard
In the Saskatoon Star-Phoenix newspaper on June 29th 2022, it is announced that three levels of government (federal, provincial and city) got together and funded a “vaccine” manufacturing facility at the Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization
s (VIDO) facilities at the University of Saskatchewan. Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe said “There are many issues where we fully disagree with the direction of the federal government… this is not one of them.” The facility being built could
manufacture up to 40 million doses a year, including RNA vaccines, which alter the DNA that God provided us with. The direction of the federal government is to kill off the Canadians with injections and replace the population with Islamists. Premier
Scott Moe is on board, the mayor of Saskatoon Charlie Clark is on board. Scott Moe provides welfare payments to each of the four Islamic brides, he provides a house paid for with your tax money to each of them and allows them to purchase guns and
ammunition without them showing their faces. Mayor Charlie Clark employs non-Canadians (Islamists) rather than provide the jobs to Saskatoonians or to other people raised in Saskatchewan, or to other Canadians. They are poised to start manufacturing “
vaccines” at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, this is where people are being tortured to death with psychiatric drugs.
Most of those people who understand that the so-called “covid” jabs and other inoculations are killing off many millions of people are upset about this and spend their time on social media complaining about it. But the adults among them, although
coerced into taking the jab, still took the jab by choice, while those who are tortured to death in psychiatric facilities are NOT taking the jabs by choice. Few stand up for the victims of psychiatric horror, it is not a concern to them, their concern
is only the recent jabs that Trudeau and Obama (tells Biden what to do and say) demand that the red and white citizens in Canada and the United States take. They are outraged that they took the jabs by choice and are now sterile and have begun rotting
before they even die. They are not outraged that I and many others faced brutal episodes of psychiatric torture but instead turn their backs or laugh. They are rotting before they even die, many women among you have their vaginas rotting away and stink
like death, the women who’s vaginas are not yet necrotizing should expect it. While necrotizing from the jabs you look forward to “Christmas” (the use of God’s name in vain, it is not His Mass) so you can collectively spend billions of dollars
turning your churches, schools, homes, shopping malls and entire cities into blinkin’ temples of fertility. They honor the evergreen tree by decorating it, it is a symbol of fertility, then they lose their fertility to a jab. The priests and ministers
modeled the behavior of turning trees into decorated idols and then later encouraged their sheep to take a jab that removed their fertility and their lives.
Similarly you are all upset about the American political prisoners who were arrested and jailed as a result of the January 6th peaceful demonstration yet nobody is concerned about the military vets being tortured to death in psychiatric facilities,
which has being going on for decades. I criticized the decorated evergreen tree idols (and the churches censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism) and was repeatedly detained and tortured, I complained that I was being tortured by predominantly
Hindu psychiatrists and people laughed at me or ignored me (or robbed or assaulted me), now you have Hindu, Sikh and Islamic psychiatrists torturing people to death and you still ignore it. And you reserve seats in medical schools for these foreign
pagans and train them to practice their “arts” here (it isn’t science), mainly against the white Spirit-filled Christians who dare to raise their voices against the churches who teach people to honor the pagan fertility rites, some of whom tried to
warn you of the cannibals running your institutions and among you. Anyway, those who are rotting from the jabs that their priests and ministers urged them to take, are looking forward to the coming winter festival so they may tithe yet more funds to
their executioners. Well good for you, I sure hope you win!!!
In the news (not the mainstream news) in July 2022 an American judge imposed a lesser sentence for an MS-13 gang member who murdered an American, so that he would be allowed to stay in the United States after his sentence is served. Justin Trudeau
paid out millions of dollars to a 14-year-old girl that he raped, in order to insure her silence (this latter news has been circulating on the internet for months).
In the mainstream news on July 21st 2022, Jaskirat Singh Sidhu, the Sikh truck driver who in 2018 plowed into a busload of Catholic hockey players, killing 16 and injuring 13, was later sentence to 8 years (224 days per death) in prison and has now
been granted parole (that was quick). The Catholic family members of the killed and injured are upset that Sidhu is now a free man. The Catholics engage in a pagan fertility rite when they turn trees into decorated idols, and here they lost their
children to a Sikh, a member of an alternative fertility cult. The message being sent out by the legal system is that your European lives have little value. Those family members who are upset with this turn of events can seek “treatment” from Hindu,
Sikh and Islamic psychiatrists (who were trained at western universities), who will likely tell them that they think too much about children, Sikhs and trucks. Sidhu never received psychiatric torture as a reward for plowing into the busload of hockey
players, it is I who received years of brutal horrid psychiatric torture after daring to speak out against your churches for pushing Catholic fertility rites and for censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism, which people then laugh about and
assault me further. The Sikh truck drivers that are caught transporting drugs into Canada similarly do not face years of brutal horrid psychiatric torture for their crimes, are instead given a slap on the wrist and are allowed to purchase farm land and
mansions. So post some more photos of your children whoreshipping trees on social media (the witches shop for your children on social media, they place an order, the child is abducted, delivered, raped, tortured, killed, cooked and eaten, often eaten
without being cooked), and consider importing Sikhs who drive a little better. The situation is simply absolutely hilarious. Just as you people are utterly compassionless to me and to other victims of psychiatric horror, just as you people think that me
being tortured by primarily Hindu psychiatrists is hilarious, I think that the deaths of your children is equally hilarious (Proverbs 1:26).
Also in the July 2022 news, the Saskatchewan provincial government expects to receive 13,000 doses of poison and will use this crap to inject into and sicken, sterilize and kill children aged six months to five years old. In other news (not the
mainstream news) there is a shortage of children’s caskets, children in North America are now dying at such an elevated rate that the industry is unable to make and ship the caskets quick enough. The provincial Saskatchewan Party is in bed with the
federal Liberal Party, together they are working hard to replace the red (aboriginal) and white (European) people, in part so they do not have to pay wages to women, and so they may steal the pensions from the seniors that they murder. Our Islamic and
satanic rulers hate women so much that they would rather ram their penises up each other’s arseholes than have sexual relations with real women.
In the news (not the mainstream news) the co-opted western governments are implementing assorted measures to bankrupt farmers, so they leave and the land be used to house Islamists, and so their citizens starve and are replaced with Islamists.
Shutting down oil extraction, oil pipelines and oil refineries is making it difficult for the farmers to obtain fuels and fertilizers so they can continue growing food for the population. The governments claims that it desires to replace oil with green
energy (wind and solar) for the sake of the planet, but wind and solar will result in Europeans (people living in Europe and North America) to freeze to death in the winter, and is inadequate to operate farm machinery. While the western nations shut down
their economies with the bogus covid measures and by lack of oil, the Chinese are using fossil fuels in record amounts in order to grow their military to record size and power. An estimated 82% of the Canadians and Americans took the death jabs, are
either dead or perishing, while Islamists and other African and Asian and Latin American “immigrants” are not required to take the jabs. I tried to warn people in 1988 that the witches were running the show, eating your children and implementing
measures to destroy the world, was rewarded with years of brutal horrid torture by predominantly Hindu psychiatrists that many of you continue to think as being funny.
In the news (not the mainstream news) we learn that a “quarantine” locks down sick people, while “tyranny” locks down all people. While the people were locked down and told to have themselves injected with snake venom and other toxins, those
who rule over you worked overtime to install 5G towers, many of which were erected close to schools. The 5G towers utilize AI (artificial intelligence) to automatically target those people who indicated right-wing views (anti-Catholic, anti-Islamic and
anti-immigration views) on social media and blasts them with microwave radiation when they wander near, in an effort to cause cellular damage, cancer and death. The 5G antennas are highly directional, are a weapon system designed to kill those people who
they failed to murder with the toxic jabs and other bad medicine. And in the not the mainstream news, Biden (Obama tells Biden what to do and say, while Satan instructs Obama) is weaponizing government organizations that have no business to be acting in
a military role, and will now seek out American patriots and have them arrested for daring to hold views that are supported by the Constitution of The United States of America.
People don’t care, just like they don’t care that some people were stripped of their rights and brutally tortured at their local universities, all they really care about is turning trees into decorated idols and singing Jingle Bells. You adopt
Catholic fertility rites then you lose your fertility to toxic jabs and microwave radiation, and still you laugh and sing Jingle Bells, jingle all the way. Years of brutal horrid torture after criticizing your pagan fertility rituals, people thought it
funny and assaulted me further, the jabs and the 5G microwaves are a just reward. After the Islamists take over the western nations, then the 5G microwaves will be turned off, I predict.
In the news (not the mainstream news) toxins from 36 (6x6) different shellfish and venomous snakes have been found in the people who took the bullshit Covid Islamic death jabs. The respiratory illness people are suffering from is not due to a virus
but from the microwaves and also from the venom and other toxins in the jabs. A reminder that the churches displayed the behavior and taught you to turn trees into decorated fertility idols, then later these same churches urged the sheep to take a jab
that removed their fertility and their lives. I think that the Catholic Church pulls most of the strings and implements policies that are beneficial to Islam, other people blame the Jews, some blame white people. I think that Charles is the Anti-Christ (
he has been using his fabulous wealth to build mosques around the world and assist Islam in a variety of other ways, for decades), other people claim the Anti-Christ is any one of a number of other people. Whatever. The issue to me is that psychiatry is
absolutely brutal, and that no matter how much any of the victims of psychiatric horror complain of the psychiatric drugs and psychiatric profession, people don’t care and continue to allow their universities to reserve seats for Hindus, Sikhs and
Islamists, and many of those seats are reserved in medical schools where these pagans are taught psychiatry, and who are then allowed to practice this brutality in Canada without them even being Canadian citizens. I complained I was being tortured by
predominantly Hindu psychiatrists and people laughed at me (and assaulted me further), and now allow their universities to train Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to become psychiatrists, and now you allow these pagans to “work” (torture Canadians to death)
in Canada without them even being Canadian citizens. After criticizing the pagan practices taught by the churches (and criticizing their censorship of Scriptural references to cannibalism) I lost year after year of my life to brutal horrid torture, and
all people could do is laugh and continue to fly to tropical resorts and post pictures on Facebook (where the witches shopped for your children and placed orders) of themselves and their children posing beside the decorated idols there. Then Trudeau (an
Islamist) interrupted your festivities and demanded you take the death jab if you wanted to work, go to school, or go to a bar, or if you wanted to celebrate your pagan holiday in the tropics. People have so little compassion for me or for any other
victims of psychiatric horror that they can’t even offer to buy any one of us a measly cookie, yet will continue to tithe to the cannibals running the churches, to those people that taught them to destroy their lives with jabs and their souls with
fertility idols.
In the news (not the mainstream news) over 96% of the Australian population has been “vaccinated” (given the kill shot) and has set a new record for “covid” (kill shot) deaths. I guess the Chinese are poised to complete the transition, and
they will be competing with Indonesia (competing with Islamists) for the continent. This is what happens to a nation that gives up its guns. Also this is what happens to a nation that turns its back on their Papuan allies and allows them to be invaded (
genocided) by Indonesia with Chinese assistance. The Australians will want to flee to Canada, where they will continue with their Catholic fertility tree rituals, and will join the Canadians in laughing at the victims of psychiatric horror (they appear
to be in pain and they shuffle their feet rather than walk, these are people who rarely ever smile). Anybody criticizing your blinkin’ trees deserves years of brutal psychiatric horror and deserves to be laughed at and assaulted further, especially if
they are shuffling their feet and appear to be in pain.
Australians employ thousands of Hindu, Sikh and Islamic psychiatrists, and psychiatric horror is not an issue to them. They are just as compassionless and ignorant as the Canadians are, and Canada is simply not in need of a great influx of additional
compassionless and ignorant Catholics. The Americans take the cake, there were reports of soldiers being tortured in psychiatric facilities for decades and the so-called “patriots” allow it to slide, then, like everybody else, allows the government
to reserves seats in medical schools to train Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to become brutal psychiatrists, who then “work” in American hospitals. The psychiatric drugs are exceedingly brutal, most people die from these drugs, some kill themselves to
avoid additional horror, neither the Democrats nor the Republicans, nor political parties in other countries address the issue because they benefit when they prevent people from inappropriately squeaking. You folks laugh at the victims of psychiatric
horror, or ignore them, then allow an influx of Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists and train them at your universities to become brutal psychiatrists. And Trudeau allows them to “work” in Canada without them being Canadian citizens. So you continue tithing
to the churches that teach you to turn trees into decorated idols, and they use that money to buy courts (and judges), schools (and pedophiles), hospitals (executioners), governments (traitors) and to train the Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to become
brutal psychiatrists. The priests and ministers taught the sheep to turn trees into decorated idols and then they parroted their very own politicians and media and told their sheep to take a poison death jab. And as they twitch, convulse and necrotize
from the toxins, their greatest desire is to attend church this winter and see the trees that blink.
You now have learned to hate Disneyland for the perverts there and for the perversions they teach, but you still love Mickey, Minnie and Donald Duck because they pose beside the idols, which you love more than God’s Word. The reason Americans either
voted for Obama or tolerated his presidency (past and current) is because he decorated and he posed next to your beloved trees. Anybody displaying the appropriate behavior is rewarded. Now the American patriots are waiting for Christmas 2022 so they can
pose beside the many decorated idols in their communities, or will fly to distant tropical resorts and pose with the idols there. You will post pictures of your children posing with the blinkin’ trees on Facebook where the witches shop for their next
Americans will vote for Republican politicians who pose for photographs beside the blinkin’ Catholic idols, for it is tradition. Likely the American Republican politicians will pose with the Catholic evergreen tree idols and not address the issue of
psychiatry. If the patriots in Canada and the USA raid the hospitals and destroy the psychiatric and other deadly drugs, occupy the airports and seaports and appoint mayors and police chiefs and police officers and teachers who uphold basic human rights
in Canada, or who uphold the Constitution of the United States in America, and deport the invaders, the result would likely be civil war and the Moslems who had not been detained and deported will be exploding bombs, while Charles will come with his
United Nations army, while the patriots would lose the battle as they only annually enrage God when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols. You really should not allow Islamists near your food, water and medical supplies (trucking,
processing, storing, preparing, serving, administering) and stop turning trees into idols… just a gentle suggestion to those who have ears.
These recent immigrants dream of becoming union members and then working for high wages as janitors or food service providers in the psychiatric facilities and in other hospital wings. Some will become aids and assist in the sterilization of your
children, again for the high union wages. Deport them, we have Treaties between the Red Aboriginals and White Europeans in Canada that do not give either of us permission to import Africans, Asians and Latin Americans. All the Latin Americans, Islamists,
the Hindus and the Sikh appeasers have to go, leave Canada, either cross the border to USA or be deported to Africa, Asia, the Middle East or to Latin America.
In the news (not the mainstream news), Trudeau is handing over many millions of dollars to Islamic organizations. The Bank of Canada prints “money” out of thin air, then the government of Canada borrows this “money” and makes Canadians pay
compound interest on the unnecessary debt (nations have the right to coin their own debt-free currency). Canadians are borrowing bogus “money”, then giving it to Islamists, then paying compound interest on the unnecessary debt. While this is goink on,
Canadians are being tortured to death in psychiatric facilities, and universities are training Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to become brutal psychiatrists, who are then allowed to “work” (torture white Canadians to death) without they themselves
being Canadian citizens. The NDP came to power provincially in Saskatchewan and their first act of legislation was to remove more rights from the psychiatric abuse victims, then the Saskatchewan Party was elected and kept the NDP’s abusive legislation
on the books. And people laugh and sing Jingle Bells (engage in fertility tree whoreship) and continue to support these political parties.
In the mainstream news in August 2022, the medical system is collapsing in Canada, hospitals are closing their doors and refusing to “treat” those seeking care. Nurses are in short supply, many took the jabs and either now dead or too sick to work,
other nurses see the carnage caused by the gene-altering snake venom-filled syringes and are unable to cope with the influx of the vax-injured. Hopefully this will continue until the psychiatric facilities shut down. Under Trudeau people may work in
Canada without being Canadian citizens, so it is likely that more people from third-world shit holes will be staffing the psychiatric wards in order to keep them open and to keep Canadians in their place, and these invaders are exempt from taking the
death jabs. Christians are praying for peace (while at the same time are teaching the world to engage in fertility tree whoreship and are supporting the spread of Islam), they would be a more effective force if they picked up arms and forced the third-
world invaders to return to Africa, Asia and Latin America. They would have to occupy the airports and enforce a no-fly zone, then peacefully bus or possibly fly the invaders to a seaport and put them on ships bound for distant shores, while guarding
their own shores and borders.
Treat them nicely, don’t abuse them. Feed them along the route, give them fresh fruit and beef steaks, and baked potatoes with lots of sour cream, onions, chives, olive oil and such. Offer a variety of cheeses, including old cheddar, mozzarella and
blue cheese. Offer salmon sandwiches, Greek salads with black olives and feta cheese. Make certain to provide cinnamon-raisin toast, lavishly covered with butter and honey. Provide a variety of pies for desserts along the route, offer Apple, Saskatoon
Berry, Pumpkin, Rhubarb, and Lemon Meringue, together with a choice of at least two different high quality vanilla ice-creams. Make sure it is all fresh, don’t be offering sour and rubbery lemon tarts, and make an effort to heat the apple pies. Make
their deportation a pleasant experience. I can imagine how this will play out, the Islamists, Sikhs and Hindus would travel together and sit next to one another. They will say things like “Excuse me young woman, would you please be so kind as to cook
my steak to medium rare?” and “Excuse me young man, would you please be so kind as to provide me with some extra sour cream for my baked potato?” By the time they arrive to Dakar, Karachi, Mumbai and Shanghai, they will be satiated and fully rested,
ready to tell of their varied experiences in the New World and their pleasant journey home.
It is an error to allow Islamists into Canada, here they are engaged in rapes and other brutal crimes, and then have the audacity to stand in front of inner-city mosques and make dress-code demands of the non-Islamic women walking by. Studies show over
and over that as they increase their percentage of the population, that they make increasing demands upon the invaded nations. For centuries Islamists prided themselves in their knowledge of herbs, they are skilled in using herbs to reduce the fertility
of the non-believers, but now the Islamists are adding snake venom to the mixture. Some 80% or more of the white European Canadians and the native American Indians took the jab that will take their lives, soon you will have few patriots and warriors left
to pick up arms and halt the invasion.
Christian prayer is not stopping the invasion, Christians are praying to the god of the evergreen tree fertility idols and to a version of Jesus that is too young to speak and rebuke their pagan rituals, and many of them purchase Halal certified foods
and so directly help fund the spread of Islam. Christians laughed at me and assaulted me when I attempted to inform them that Scripture condemns their evergreen tree idols, other Christians hear about it and smugly sit back waiting for their next round
of pagan winter festivities. Their churches are phallic-capped, their churches are censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism, their churches are run by pedophiles and cannibals. The psychiatric torture was brutal, absolutely horrendous, but the
mainstream Christians should not fear psychiatry as they are not being persecuted, they are more likely to phone the police on other Christians who quote unpleasant Scripture, and more likely to work in some psychiatric support role in order to
experience financial gain where they will help turn a tree into a blinkin’ idol. Decorate your fertility tree idols with tinfoil, tell the opposition they are wearing a tinfoil hat, hold them down while the nurse comes with their psychiatric needle,
then willingly take bullshit covid injections that remove your fertility and your lives. They turn trees into decorated idols then claim their prayers are oh-so-powerful. God proclaims in Scripture that He is ENRAGED when He sees you arseholes turn trees
into decorated idols. He cares little which particular fertility cult occupies this land. You have miniature Egyptian penises on the roofs of your churches and on the very tops of your blinkin’ evergreen tree idols. Those who pray to Mary are praying
to the dead and are engaging in necromancy, Jesus did not agree with the woman who believed His mother was blessed. The prayers of the righteous have great power, it is not righteousness when you merge pagan fertility rites in with your Christian worship.
Christians voted for Obama (a homosexual Indonesian Islamist, pedophile and cannibal) after they saw photos of him posing with the blinkin’ fertility tree idols, they simply adored him and thought he shared in their values.
In the news (not the mainstream news), Obama (an Islamist, he tells Biden what to do and say, while Obama has a direct connection to Satan) is provoking an American civil war, in order to impose martial law and cancel the next elections, and so that
there is an excuse for the United Nations (Islamic) army to come to America and disarm Americans, so they can be later beheaded or killed in some other manner. Charles (an Islamist and is the Anti-Christ) is the head of the United Nations (Islamic) army,
he has been using his fabulous wealth to build mosques and otherwise fund the expansion of Islam into western nations, for decades. The Chinese may also come to America on a peace-keeping (taking people’s guns away) mission. It is suggested that Biden (
Obama) will order the American military to stand down while the Chinese unload their troops, tanks and artillery along the west coast. To the north, Canada is ruled by an Islamist who raped a little girl than paid her money to shut up about it, Trudeau (
Islamic pedophile) thinks the Chinese (communist) system is simply fabulous, and so the Canadian military will also be ordered to stand down while the Chinese unload their tanks, trucks, robots and artillery.
Some of the victims of psychiatric torture were able to eventually break free of the evil psychiatric system and live free of the drugs, but they lived their final years horrified by the drugs, they were eternally tormented by the drugs and by the
compassionlessness of their neighbors who were unwilling to lift a finger to get them out of the psychiatric system. The drugs make one very disturbed, think, act and talk disturbed, the pre-psychiatric years the victim experiences no longer matters, it
is all now about what the psychiatrist has done to them and continues to do to them, or threatens to do to them again if they do not comply to the order. Psychiatrist Dr. Gene Marcoux, self-proclaimed expert in religious delusions, said my posters were
crazy and if he ever catches me placing additional posters in Saskatoon, that he would have me returned to him for further treatment. Although the psychiatric treatment was horrendous, I am horrified even more by the people who allow it to occur and
laugh about it and who then abuse the victim further, so now when the Chinese and The Anti-Christ (Charles and his UN army) invade, all I can do is laugh at your calamity. I think that Canadians should have been assisting any and all psychiatric abuse
victims by spiriting them out of the country and giving them a holiday, rather than spend billions of dollars annually turning trees into decorated idols. In my case, it was criticizing the evergreen trees and other pagan fertility rites pushed by your
churches that resulted in my repeated arrest and torture. Now your preachers not only teach you to turn trees into idols, they told you to take a jab that is sure to cause sterility and take your life, your vaginas and other body parts may necrotize
before you perish, and still your greatest desire is to tithe to your phallic-capped evergreen tree fertility churches. Your churches pushed the pagan fertility rites and then demanded you take a jab that destroyed your fertility and is sure to take your
[continued in next message]
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Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part J - Daryl Kabatoff November 6th 2023 9:51 pm 234,234 words (273 pages)
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard
In the news (not the mainstream news) toxins from 36 (6x6) different shellfish and venomous snakes have been found in the people who took the bullshit Covid Islamic death jabs. The respiratory illness people are suffering from is not due to a virus
but from the microwaves and also from the venom and other toxins in the jabs. A reminder that the churches displayed the behavior and taught you to turn trees into decorated fertility idols, then later these same churches urged the sheep to take a jab
that removed their fertility and their lives. I think that the Catholic Church pulls most of the strings and implements policies that are beneficial to Islam, other people blame the Jews, some blame white people. I think that Charles is the Anti-Christ (
he has been using his fabulous wealth to build mosques around the world and assist Islam in a variety of other ways, for decades), other people claim the Anti-Christ is any one of a number of other people. Whatever. The issue to me is that psychiatry is
absolutely brutal, and that no matter how much any of the victims of psychiatric horror complain of the psychiatric drugs and psychiatric profession, people don’t care and continue to allow their universities to reserve seats for Hindus, Sikhs and
Islamists, and many of those seats are reserved in medical schools where these pagans are taught psychiatry, and who are then allowed to practice this brutality in Canada without them even being Canadian citizens. I complained I was being tortured by
predominantly Hindu psychiatrists and people laughed at me (and assaulted me further), and now allow their universities to train Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to become psychiatrists, and now you allow these pagans to “work” (torture Canadians to death)
in Canada without them even being Canadian citizens. After criticizing the pagan practices taught by the churches (and criticizing their censorship of Scriptural references to cannibalism) I lost year after year of my life to brutal horrid torture, and
all people could do is laugh and continue to fly to tropical resorts and post pictures on Facebook (where the witches shopped for your children and placed orders) of themselves and their children posing beside the decorated idols there. Then Trudeau (an
Islamist) interrupted your festivities and demanded you take the death jab if you wanted to work, go to school, or go to a bar, or if you wanted to celebrate your pagan holiday in the tropics. People have so little compassion for me or for any other
victims of psychiatric horror that they can’t even offer to buy any one of us a measly cookie, yet will continue to tithe to the cannibals running the churches, to those people that taught them to destroy their lives with jabs and their souls with
fertility idols.
In the news (not the mainstream news) over 96% of the Australian population has been “vaccinated” (given the kill shot) and has set a new record for “covid” (kill shot) deaths. I guess the Chinese are poised to complete the transition, and
they will be competing with Indonesia (competing with Islamists) for the continent. This is what happens to a nation that gives up its guns. Also this is what happens to a nation that turns its back on their Papuan allies and allows them to be invaded (
genocided) by Indonesia with Chinese assistance. The Australians will want to flee to Canada, where they will continue with their Catholic fertility tree rituals, and will join the Canadians in laughing at the victims of psychiatric horror (they appear
to be in pain and they shuffle their feet rather than walk, these are people who rarely ever smile). Anybody criticizing your blinkin’ trees deserves years of brutal psychiatric horror and deserves to be laughed at and assaulted further, especially if
they are shuffling their feet and appear to be in pain.
Australians employ thousands of Hindu, Sikh and Islamic psychiatrists, and psychiatric horror is not an issue to them. They are just as compassionless and ignorant as the Canadians are, and Canada is simply not in need of a great influx of additional
compassionless and ignorant Catholics. The Americans take the cake, there were reports of soldiers being tortured in psychiatric facilities for decades and the so-called “patriots” allow it to slide, then, like everybody else, allows the government
to reserves seats in medical schools to train Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to become brutal psychiatrists, who then “work” in American hospitals. The psychiatric drugs are exceedingly brutal, most people die from these drugs, some kill themselves to
avoid additional horror, neither the Democrats nor the Republicans, nor political parties in other countries address the issue because they benefit when they prevent people from inappropriately squeaking. You folks laugh at the victims of psychiatric
horror, or ignore them, then allow an influx of Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists and train them at your universities to become brutal psychiatrists. And Trudeau allows them to “work” in Canada without them being Canadian citizens. So you continue tithing
to the churches that teach you to turn trees into decorated idols, and they use that money to buy courts (and judges), schools (and pedophiles), hospitals (executioners), governments (traitors) and to train the Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to become
brutal psychiatrists. The priests and ministers taught the sheep to turn trees into decorated idols and then they parroted their very own politicians and media and told their sheep to take a poison death jab. And as they twitch, convulse and necrotize
from the toxins, their greatest desire is to attend church this winter and see the trees that blink.
You now have learned to hate Disneyland for the perverts there and for the perversions they teach, but you still love Mickey, Minnie and Donald Duck because they pose beside the idols, which you love more than God’s Word. The reason Americans either
voted for Obama or tolerated his presidency (past and current) is because he decorated and he posed next to your beloved trees. Anybody displaying the appropriate behavior is rewarded. Now the American patriots are waiting for Christmas 2022 so they can
pose beside the many decorated idols in their communities, or will fly to distant tropical resorts and pose with the idols there. You will post pictures of your children posing with the blinkin’ trees on Facebook where the witches shop for their next
Americans will vote for Republican politicians who pose for photographs beside the blinkin’ Catholic idols, for it is tradition. Likely the American Republican politicians will pose with the Catholic evergreen tree idols and not address the issue of
psychiatry. If the patriots in Canada and the USA raid the hospitals and destroy the psychiatric and other deadly drugs, occupy the airports and seaports and appoint mayors and police chiefs and police officers and teachers who uphold basic human rights
in Canada, or who uphold the Constitution of the United States in America, and deport the invaders, the result would likely be civil war and the Moslems who had not been detained and deported will be exploding bombs, while Charles will come with his
United Nations army, while the patriots would lose the battle as they only annually enrage God when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols. You really should not allow Islamists near your food, water and medical supplies (trucking,
processing, storing, preparing, serving, administering) and stop turning trees into idols… just a gentle suggestion to those who have ears.
These recent immigrants dream of becoming union members and then working for high wages as janitors or food service providers in the psychiatric facilities and in other hospital wings. Some will become aids and assist in the sterilization of your
children, again for the high union wages. Deport them, we have Treaties between the Red Aboriginals and White Europeans in Canada that do not give either of us permission to import Africans, Asians and Latin Americans. All the Latin Americans, Islamists,
the Hindus and the Sikh appeasers have to go, leave Canada, either cross the border to USA or be deported to Africa, Asia, the Middle East or to Latin America.
In the news (not the mainstream news), Trudeau is handing over many millions of dollars to Islamic organizations. The Bank of Canada prints “money” out of thin air, then the government of Canada borrows this “money” and makes Canadians pay
compound interest on the unnecessary debt (nations have the right to coin their own debt-free currency). Canadians are borrowing bogus “money”, then giving it to Islamists, then paying compound interest on the unnecessary debt. While this is goink on,
Canadians are being tortured to death in psychiatric facilities, and universities are training Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to become brutal psychiatrists, who are then allowed to “work” (torture white Canadians to death) without they themselves
being Canadian citizens. The NDP came to power provincially in Saskatchewan and their first act of legislation was to remove more rights from the psychiatric abuse victims, then the Saskatchewan Party was elected and kept the NDP’s abusive legislation
on the books. And people laugh and sing Jingle Bells (engage in fertility tree whoreship) and continue to support these political parties.
In the mainstream news in August 2022, the medical system is collapsing in Canada, hospitals are closing their doors and refusing to “treat” those seeking care. Nurses are in short supply, many took the jabs and either now dead or too sick to work,
other nurses see the carnage caused by the gene-altering snake venom-filled syringes and are unable to cope with the influx of the vax-injured. Hopefully this will continue until the psychiatric facilities shut down. Under Trudeau people may work in
Canada without being Canadian citizens, so it is likely that more people from third-world shit holes will be staffing the psychiatric wards in order to keep them open and to keep Canadians in their place, and these invaders are exempt from taking the
death jabs. Christians are praying for peace (while at the same time are teaching the world to engage in fertility tree whoreship and are supporting the spread of Islam), they would be a more effective force if they picked up arms and forced the third-
world invaders to return to Africa, Asia and Latin America. They would have to occupy the airports and enforce a no-fly zone, then peacefully bus or possibly fly the invaders to a seaport and put them on ships bound for distant shores, while guarding
their own shores and borders.
Treat them nicely, don’t abuse them. Feed them along the route, give them fresh fruit and beef steaks, and baked potatoes with lots of sour cream, onions, chives, olive oil and such. Offer a variety of cheeses, including old cheddar, mozzarella and
blue cheese. Offer salmon sandwiches, Greek salads with black olives and feta cheese. Make certain to provide cinnamon-raisin toast, lavishly covered with butter and honey. Provide a variety of pies for desserts along the route, offer Apple, Saskatoon
Berry, Pumpkin, Rhubarb, and Lemon Meringue, together with a choice of at least two different high quality vanilla ice-creams. Make sure it is all fresh, don’t be offering sour and rubbery lemon tarts, and make an effort to heat the apple pies. Make
their deportation a pleasant experience. I can imagine how this will play out, the Islamists, Sikhs and Hindus would travel together and sit next to one another. They will say things like “Excuse me young woman, would you please be so kind as to cook
my steak to medium rare?” and “Excuse me young man, would you please be so kind as to provide me with some extra sour cream for my baked potato?” By the time they arrive to Dakar, Karachi, Mumbai, Rio and Shanghai, they will be satiated and fully
rested, ready to tell of their varied experiences in the New World and their pleasant journey home.
It is an error to allow Islamists into Canada, here they are engaged in rapes and other brutal crimes, and then have the audacity to stand in front of inner-city mosques and make dress-code demands of the non-Islamic women walking by. Studies show over
and over that as they increase their percentage of the population, that they make increasing demands upon the invaded nations. For centuries Islamists prided themselves in their knowledge of herbs, they are skilled in using herbs to reduce the fertility
of the non-believers, but now there are witches that are adding snake venom to the mixture. Some 80% or more of the white European Canadians and the native American Indians took the jab that will take their lives, soon you will have few patriots and
warriors left to pick up arms and halt the invasion.
Christian prayer is not stopping the invasion, Christians are praying to the god of the evergreen tree fertility idols and to a version of Jesus that is too young to speak and rebuke their pagan rituals, and many of them purchase Halal certified foods
and so directly help fund the spread of Islam. Christians laughed at me and assaulted me when I attempted to inform them that Scripture condemns their evergreen tree idols, other Christians hear about it and smugly sit back waiting for their next round
of pagan winter festivities. Their churches are phallic-capped, their churches are censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism, their churches are run by pedophiles and cannibals. The psychiatric torture was brutal, absolutely horrendous, but the
mainstream Christians should not fear psychiatry as they are not being persecuted, they are more likely to phone the police on other Christians who quote unpleasant Scripture, and more likely to work in some psychiatric support role in order to
experience financial gain where they will help turn a tree into a blinkin’ idol. Decorate your fertility tree idols with tinfoil, tell the opposition they are wearing a tinfoil hat, hold them down while the nurse comes with their psychiatric needle,
then willingly take bullshit covid injections that remove your fertility and your lives. They turn trees into decorated idols then claim their prayers are oh-so-powerful. God proclaims in Scripture that He is ENRAGED when He sees you arseholes turn trees
into decorated idols. He cares little which particular fertility cult occupies this land. You have miniature Egyptian penises on the roofs of your churches and on the very tops of your blinkin’ evergreen tree idols. Those who pray to Mary are praying
to the dead and are engaging in necromancy, Jesus did not agree with the woman who believed His mother was blessed. The prayers of the righteous have great power, it is not righteousness when you merge pagan fertility rites in with your Christian worship.
Christians voted for Obama (a homosexual Indonesian Islamist, pedophile and cannibal) after they saw photos of him posing with the blinkin’ fertility tree idols, they simply adored him and thought he shared in their values.
In the news (not the mainstream news), Obama (an Islamist, he tells Biden what to do and say, while Obama has a direct connection to Satan) is provoking an American civil war, in order to impose martial law and cancel the next elections, and so that
there is an excuse for the United Nations (Islamic) army to come to America and disarm Americans, so they can be later beheaded or killed in some other manner. Charles (an Islamist and is the Anti-Christ) is the head of the United Nations (Islamic) army,
he has been using his fabulous wealth to build mosques and otherwise fund the expansion of Islam into western nations, for decades. The Chinese may also come to America on a peace-keeping (taking people’s guns away) mission. It is suggested that Biden (
Obama) will order the American military to stand down while the Chinese unload their troops, tanks and artillery along the west coast. To the north, Canada is ruled by an Islamist who raped a little girl than paid her money to shut up about it, Trudeau (
Islamic pedophile) thinks the Chinese (communist) system is simply fabulous, and so the Canadian military will also be ordered to stand down while the Chinese unload their tanks, trucks, robots and artillery.
Some of the victims of psychiatric torture were able to eventually break free of the evil psychiatric system and live free of the drugs, but they lived their final years horrified by the drugs, they were eternally tormented by the drugs and by the
compassionlessness of their neighbors who were unwilling to lift a finger to get them out of the psychiatric system. The drugs make one very disturbed, think, act and talk disturbed, the pre-psychiatric years the victim experiences no longer matters, it
is all now about what the psychiatrist has done to them and continues to do to them, or threatens to do to them again if they do not comply to the order. Psychiatrist Dr. Gene Marcoux, self-proclaimed expert in religious delusions, said my posters were
crazy and if he ever catches me placing additional posters in Saskatoon, that he would have me returned to him for further treatment. Although the psychiatric treatment was horrendous, I am horrified even more by the people who allow it to occur and
laugh about it and who then abuse the victim further, so now when the Chinese and The Anti-Christ (Charles and his UN army) invade, all I can do is laugh at your calamity. I think that Canadians should have been assisting any and all psychiatric abuse
victims by spiriting them out of the country and giving them a holiday, rather than spend billions of dollars annually turning trees into decorated idols. In my case, it was criticizing the evergreen trees and other pagan fertility rites pushed by your
churches that resulted in my repeated arrest and torture. Now your preachers not only teach you to turn trees into idols, they told you to take a jab that is sure to cause sterility and take your life, your vaginas and other body parts may necrotize
before you perish, and still your greatest desire is to tithe to your phallic-capped evergreen tree fertility churches. Your churches pushed the pagan fertility rites and then demanded you take a jab that destroyed your fertility and is sure to take your
In the news (not the mainstream news) 5 employees at the Superstore in Mission British Columbia Canada dropped dead on August 7th 2022, they closed the store for the day after the 5th person died. All the dead were vaccinated. This means that those
who did not die from the bullshit covid jab will buy larger trees and decorate them to greater degrees, and will phone the police on me if I dare inform them that Scripture condemns turning trees into decorated idols, that nothing in the Bible supports
the idea that they should pray to Mary, and that Scripture repeatedly indicates that witches are eating people. The surviving employees will volunteer to decorate the store’s pagan symbols of fertility and will abundantly tithe to the churches
displaying the pagan idols… they will tithe to the priests and ministers who parroted the media and who parroted the politicians, priests and ministers who strongly urged the sheep to take the death jabs, they will tithe to the priests and ministers
who ram their penises up your children’s arseholes and who teach your children to do the same. They will laugh at the victims of psychiatric horror and then take injections that will cause them to necrotize, and while necrotizing they will cover their
ignorant faces with masks while claiming to know the truth. All I can do is cry out to God against the rest of the employees of the Superstores across the nation, and laugh at your calamity (Proverbs 1:24-26).
It is written in the Saskatoon Star-Phoenix on August 17th 2022 that hospitals are closing their doors to new victims, and are claiming the Covid-19 outbreak as being responsible. But there is no pandemic, the beds are not being occupied by people who
caught a cold, the people laying in the hospital beds are there due to vaccine injury, they have had their immune systems destroyed by the jabs. Even psychiatric units are shutting down due to the lack of staffing… the psychiatric nurses are either
sick at home due to vaccine injury, or are in the hospital beds due to vaccine injury, or are dead due to vaccine injury, or have realized that they are torturing and killing people due to those people expressing conflicting religious and political views
and decided to quit. Still, the psychiatric wards are closing down too slowly, and there is an influx of Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists who desire to work there and keep them open, we will still have to force an end to psychiatry and deport the Hindus,
Sikhs and Islamists, all of them, the red and white Canadian treaties do not give us permission to import these fertility cults.
I complained to a psychiatric nurse that the psychiatric medications were making me nauseous, made my hair fall out, made my skin hard and dry, made my jaw lock open, made my tongue and lips turn into hard leather, made my brain pound in unbearable
pain, and she just laughed and told me it was my own damn fault for not drinking enough water. Forcing psychiatric drugs upon people is a crime against humanity, the employees are at risk of bring hung.
I think that the vast majority of those people who adopt the Catholic fertility rites and turn trees into decorated idols, and make decorative wreaths from the branches of evergreen trees and place them on the graves of the war dead, and who bend down
to Egyptian penises and place the decorative wreaths at the base of the dinks, and who place miniature Egyptian penises on the very tops of their decorated trees, and those who attend churches that are capped with miniature Egyptian penises, are the same
people who took the death jabs. The more likely you are to post photographs on social media of your kids posing beside the pagan idols, the more likely you are to allow your kids to be injected with the bullshit covid death jabs. Even the star you place
on the very top of your blinkin’ fertility tree idol is yet another pagan fertility idol. You cap your blinkin’ fertility tree idols with another fertility idol (a sparkling miniature Egyptian penis or a glittering star), tithe to cannibals, then
phone the police on me for daring to speak out against your filthy churches, or simply laugh at the victims of psychiatric horror, and you think you are going to heaven.
In the news (not the mainstream news) Americans are being encouraged to enter into a civil war, and should they do so they would be doink so without consulting God on the basic issues of decorated idols and sacrifices to foreign gods. If you read
Scripture you will see that God is ENRAGED when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols. Americans loved Obama (a homosexual Indonesian Islamist, pedophile and a cannibal) because they thought he shared their values when they saw the
photographs he published showing himself posing with evergreen trees turned into blinkin’ symbols of fertility. The Americans, the Christians among them included, assumed he was one of them, for they all embrace the blinkin’ fertility tree idols.
Then they loved Trump as well, in part because he similarly poses with the pagan idols (mainly they like the freedom, opportunities and security that Trump offers, the evergreen tree idol is just a bonus stumbling block). Different aspects of the winter
festivities together are in direct violation of God’s First Three Commandments. The left and the right are united in turning trees into decorated idols. The Islamists don’t turn trees into decorated idols, just the Islamic leaders such as Obama do it,
they do it in order to appear non-threatening to the non-Islamists in order to obtain their votes, and in order gain compliance to their governments. Existing laws outlaw Islam in America, and the presence of Moslems in Canada violates different aspects
of Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The Islamists always become vicious when their numbers increase, while the Sikhs and Hindus are also over represented in economic and other crimes in North America. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
doth not grant Canadians the right to own neither guns nor land, and the safety it promises is just a sham.
Turning trees into decorated idols is a religious activity, when Obama (a homosexual Indonesian Islamist, pedophile and a cannibal) poses with the pagan fertility tree idols, he is given a pass because he shares in America’s main religious activity.
During the First World War the opposing armies took time out from their battles, displayed the pagan idols and sang Jingle Bells together, and so it is likely that during America’s upcoming civil war there will be attempts to stop the fighting on
December 25th so that the opposing armies can join together and wallow in their pagan filth and once again sing Jingle Bells together, jingle all the way. At a cost of many millions of dollars they have me repeatedly arrested and tortured in psychiatric
facilities when I pointed out their pagan rituals are in opposition to God’s Commandments (and when I pointed out their churches were censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism). Scripture dothn’t proclaim that God is enraged when He sees witches
such as Obama rape, kill and eat your children, instead Scripture proclaims He is enraged when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols. So post pictures on Facebook (where the witches shop for your children) of you and your children posing
with the pagan fertility idols and off you go to war. Maybe your leaders will erect some new Egyptian obelisks (representations of penises) to commemorate the upcoming deaths. You may have a statue made of your likeness, wearing a helmet and holding a
rifle, standing upon an Egyptian dink and people will come and place decorated wreaths (pagan symbols of fertility) next to the penis your statue stands upon. They will bow down and place pagan symbols of fertility at the base of the Egyptian symbol of
fertility your statue stands upon. Good for you, I sure hope you win!!!
In the news (not the mainstream news), doctors in Canada are encouraging the poor and the sick to kill themselves and are assisting them in their suicides. Doctors assisted 10,064 Canadians to die in 2021, which is a 32% increase from the previous
year. In Europe the cost of natural gas is increasing some 8 times over, this together with the increased cost of food is resulting in people starving, and they will be freezing to death this fall and winter. The politicians continue to claim there is a
climate emergency and are targeting the farmers and reducing their ability to plant, fertilize and harvest their crops. About a thousand Islamists are crossing the channel daily from France and invading Britain, they are mainly males of fighting age,
they are placed into warm hotels and provided with money. Scotland is cutting down 14 million trees to make way for wind turbines. Hundred-year-old trees are being cut down in America, turned into wood pellets and shipped across the ocean to Europe.
American tax payers are now forced to pay off the student loans for the Democrats (communists) who were taught bullshit university programs, while the universities are allowed to keep the money they earned from teaching the bullshit (and from having
people tortured to death in their psychiatric facilities). The university programs that result in jobs have their seats reserved for foreign students (Islamists), who remain in western nations after completing their schooling. White British people are
being beaten, stabbed and killed, the police have no funds to investigate the crimes and are instead using their time to dance in public with the homosexuals. Entire cities in Britain have been transformed into Third World shitholes, there are very few
white people to be seen, and those people who speak of the great replacement are troublemakers, they are racists. Southern Sweden is no longer a place that one would want to visit. Millions have already died from the jabs, others are too sick to work,
now Saskatchewan is short of workers and seeks to import replacements from around the world, as doth other western provinces, states and nations. Still people are being paid not to work, even non-Canadians who were unable to obtain employment in Canada
were provided with huge benefits by Trudeau. The Koran commands their flock to conduct immigration jihad, they use immigration to take over nations, and Trudeau and Obama, the Islamic leaders of Canada and the USA, are therefore obligated to implement
policies that benefit immigration jihad, whereas the Bible suggests we tear down the houses of the invaders and use the material to help secure our borders.
The mothers and others took their bullshit Islamic Covid death jabs by choice while the victims of psychiatric horror had absolutely horrid injections forced upon them. The mothers and others turned trees into decorated idols while I and other
Christians were brutally tortured in psychiatric facilities as a reward for criticizing your churches teaching pagan idolatry rather than God's Commandments. The mothers and others laughed at the victims of psychiatric horror, told them that they were
wearing tinfoil hats and to go take a pill, then they draped copious quantities of tinfoil on their blinkin' trees. The mothers and others flew to tropical resorts, posed with their children next to the blinkin' idols over there, then posted those photos
of their children on Facebook, where the witches shop for your children. The witches search Facebook for a child that appeals to him or her, they place an order, the child is abducted, delivered, raped, tortured, killed and eaten. Some Christians tried
to warn the mothers and others that the same churches that were teaching them to bow to blinkin' trees were also censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism, but to no avail (they were arrested under the Mental Health Act and tortured to death at the
western universities). Now as the mothers necrotize from the bullshit Islamic covid death jabs, their vaginas are rotting, they smell like death before they die. And still their greatest desire is to survive until “Christmas” (not His Mass, it is the
use of God’s Name in vain) so they can attend various churches and see the trees that blink.
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