• All of life is a preparation

    From Weedy@21:1/5 to All on Tue Sep 13 00:11:57 2022
    All of life is a preparation

    I must constantly live in preparation for something better to come.
    All of life is a preparation for something better. I must anticipate
    the morning to come. I must feel, in the night of sorrow, that
    understanding joy that tells of confident expectation of better things
    to come. "Sorrow may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the
    morning." Know that God has something better in store for you, as long
    as you are making yourself ready for it. All your existence in this
    world is a training for a better life to come. I pray that when life
    is over, I will return to an eternal, spaceless life with God. I pray
    that I may make this life a preparation for a better life to come.
    —From Twenty-Four Hours a Day

    13 September – Saint Amatus

    Monk and Hermit, Penitent, miracle-worker, together with St Romaric,
    he founded Remiremont Abbey. Born in c 560 at Grenoble, France and
    died on 13 September 627 in Remiremont, Vosges, France of natural
    causes. Also known as – Aimé, Amad, Amat, Amé.

    Amatus was born about the year 560 to a noble family at Grenoble.
    Around 581, he entered the Abbey of St Maurice Agaunum and at the age
    of thirty retired into a hermitage, where his reputation for a life of
    penance and prayer, privileged with the grace of miracle working, drew
    the attention of St Eustace of Luxeuil, who persuaded Amatus to join
    his community.

    One of his missionary journeys brought him to the court at Metz and
    there he converted a former Count Palatine of King Theodebert II, the
    Frankish noble St Romaric. S. Romaric founded with Amatus a double
    monastery for men and women at Remiremont Abbey, on land that had been
    in Romaric’s possession since his days as a Count Palatine.

    Amatus was its first abbot. He ruled this Abbey for many years and
    established there the difficult pious practice of the “Laus perennis”
    or Perpetual Praise, which consisted in the maintaining in the Church,
    an uninterrupted service of Psalmody and Prayer, day and night.

    Saint Amatus died in the year 627 and at his own request, was buried
    just outside the church door. Later, his remains were suitably
    enshrined under one of the altars of the same church. Saint Amatus was Canonised on 3 December 1049 by Pope Leo IX. He is greatly venerated
    in Grenoble, France.


    The Redemption

    “The Incarnation of God was sufficient to have saved us.
    It would have been enough for God made man, to have offered Himself to
    God, for our redemption in a single act of love.
    Every act of Jesus, the God-Man, had infinite value and was,
    therefore, sufficient to be offered to the Father as an infinite
    satisfaction for all our sins.
    But, if Jesus had desired to show more clearly His great love for us,
    He could have offered His sufferings as a child in the cold cave at
    Bethlehem, when He lay whimpering on a wretched straw bed.
    He could have offered the sorrow of His exile in Egypt, He could have
    offered a single drop of His Precious Blood , during the ceremony of
    the circumcision.
    He could have offered the difficulties and privations of His simple
    working life at Nazareth, or the fatiguing exertions of His apostolic
    All these, would have been more than enough to have made amends to the
    divine Father for all the sins of humanity, to have ransomed us from
    the devil and to have restored to us, God’s grace and love.
    But in God, everything is infinite.
    His love has no limit.
    “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God, with thy whole heart,” He has
    commanded men “and with thy whole soul and with thy whole strength and
    with thy whole mind and thy neighbour as thyself.”
    He, Himself, did infinitely more than this, however, Jesus was not
    satisfied merely to love us, His brothers by adoption, as He loved
    Himself but, He wished to love us “more than He loved Himself. Greater
    love than this no-one has,” He said, “that one lay down his life for
    his friends” (1 Jn 15:13).
    This was what he Himself did.
    Sinful though we are, He called us friends.
    “You are my friends” (Jn 15:14).
    Out of love for us, He gave Himself entirely.
    He perspired blood in the Garden of Gethsemane, He was betrayed by
    Judas, denied by Peter and, abandoned by the Apostles, He was bound
    like a criminal, insulted, scourged, crowned with thorns, condemned to
    death and burdened with a cross; finally, when He arrived at Calvary,
    He was nailed to the gibbet, where He shed His Precious Blood and gave
    His life for our redemption.
    Such was the extent of Jesus’ infinite love for us.
    “Calvary” writes St Francis de Sales,“is the school of love.”
    The Saints were moved to tears by the strange spectacle of
    God-made-man, dying on the Cross for men.
    What is our reaction?”
    by Antonio Cardinal Bacci

    Saint Quote:
    Reason is the eye of the soul; but like the bodily eye, it needs light
    in order to see; and how can it see Divine things clearly, if deprived
    of the light of Divine revelations?
    -- St. Augustine

    Bible Quote:
    And then shall many be scandalized: and shall betray one another: and
    shall hate one another. And many false prophets shall rise, and shall
    seduce many. And because iniquity hath abounded, the charity of many
    shall grow cold. But he that shall persevere to the end, he shall be
    saved. (Matt 24:10-13)

    "Lord Jesus, our Savior, let us now come to you: Our hearts are cold;
    Lord, warm them with your selfless love. Our hearts are sinful;
    cleanse them with your precious blood. Our hearts are weak;
    strengthen them with your joyous Spirit. Our hearts are empty; fill
    them with your divine presence. Lord Jesus, our hearts are yours;
    possess them always and only for yourself."
    --(Prayer of Augustine, 354-430)

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