• The Testimony of Creation

    From Weedy@21:1/5 to All on Sat Sep 3 00:08:10 2022
    The Testimony of Creation

    "When I asked the earth, it responded: "I am not God." When I asked
    the heavens, the sun, the moon, the stars, they said: "Nor are we the
    God you seek." I said: "Speak to me of my God."
    Loudly, they exclaimed: "It is He Who made us." The heavens, the
    earth, and everything that is in them, all these things tell me to
    love you."
    --St. Augustine--Confessions 10, 6

    Prayer: It was you, O Lord, who created the heavens and earth. They
    are beautiful because you are beautiful. They are good because you are
    good. They have come to be because you are.
    --St. Augustine--Confessions 11, 4

    3 September – Blessed Brigida of Jesus Morello

    Religious Sister and Founder of the Ursuline Sisters of Mary
    Immaculate, Widow., Eucharistic adorer, apostle of the Passion of
    Christ and a Marian devotee. She was born Brigida Morello, on 17 June
    1610 in San Michele di Pagana di Rapallo, Genoa, Italy and died on 3
    September 1679 in Piacenza, Italy of natural causes. Patronages –
    Ursuline Sisters of Mary Immaculate, Widows.

    Brigida Morello was born on 17 March 1610 in Genoa as the sixth of
    eleven children to Nicolò Morello and Livinia Borzese.

    She married Matteo Zancano from Cremona on 14 October 1633 and the
    pair moved to Salsomaggiore in Parma to live their new life together.
    But this would be short and she was widowed at the age of 27 after he
    died on 11 November 1637. She made a vow to remain chaste after her
    husband died and tried to join the female branch of the Order of
    Friars Minor but was rejected due to her widowhood.

    She moved and became a spiritual student of the Jesuits in Piacenza in
    1640 and also placed herself under their spiritual direction. In
    obedience to her confessor she began a journal with entries that
    spanned from 1642 until 1645.

    In September 1646 she began to gather a group of women at her home in
    Parma under the guidance of Saint Ursula and set the foundations for a
    new religious congregation that she herself would soon establish. She
    devoted herself to a state of constant penance and charitable works to
    benefit the lives of others and encouraged this amongst her
    companions. She declared her order would dedicate itself to the
    education of girl’s. The new institute was established on 17 February
    1649 – on Ash Wednesday – in which she professed her vows as a member
    of it. The founder assumed the name of “Brigida of Jesus” and placed
    her congregation under the care of the Jesuits. Morello was not
    selected as the first superior but was appointed in 1665 and
    reconfirmed twice in 1670 and 1675 around the time health began to
    fail her.

    Brigida wrote down the rules and regulations for her dear
    Congregation. Two weeks before her death she gathered her loving
    sisters and spoke to them her last words of instructions. She
    commended herself into the hands of the Almighty on 3 September 1679.
    She could say with St Paul – “I have run the race, I am ready Lord.” Death is a beautiful experience for those who live close to God.

    Brigida was a prophet of her times as she responded to the needs of an
    age where materialism and power had influenced even the Christian
    doctrine and faith adversely. Moved by the love of God, she pioneered
    the formal education of women, preparing them to love God and to
    become true Christian Mothers. The Charism left by Brigida can be
    summed up in: “Identification with Christ Crucified and Risen”. She
    is usually portrayed with a Crucifix in her hand, thus implying that
    following Jesus Crucified is the only way to holiness. Her
    Christo-centric spirituality stemmed from her contemplation of the
    Mystery of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of the Saviour, from
    her love of Jesus in the Eucharist and from her tender devotion to
    Mother Mary, the Immaculate. A precious heritage indeed!

    Her teachings were left in writing as a precious heritage for those
    who would follow her through the centuries under the Ursuline banner.
    When unfolding this treasured gift so unique to their Foundress, we
    discover some of the striking characteristics of her spirituality and
    charism. She was Beatified on 15 March 1998 by St Pope John Paul II at
    Rome, Italy.


    Bible Quote:
    42. Jesus saith to them: Have you never read in the Scriptures: The
    stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the
    corner? By the Lord this has been done; and it is wonderful in our
    eyes. 43. Therefore I say to you, that the kingdom of God shall be
    taken from you, and shall be given to a nation yielding the fruits
    thereof. 44. And whosoever shall fall on this stone, shall be broken:
    but on whomsoever it shall fall, it shall grind him to powder.
    (Matthew 21:42-44)

    Saint Quote:
    Do you wish to study to your advantage? Let devotion accompany all
    your studies. Consult God more than your books. Ask Him to make you
    understand what you read. Never begin or end your study except by
    prayer. Science is a gift of God. Do not consider it merely the work
    of your own mind and effort.
    --Saint Vincent Ferrer

    Bible Quote:
    Wise men lay up knowledge: but the mouth of the fool is next to
    confusion. (Proverbs 10:14) DRB

    Meditation for troubled times

    I will try to be unruffled, no matter what happens. I will keep my
    emotions in check, although others about me are letting theirs go. I
    will keep calm in the face of disturbance; keep that deep, inner calm
    through all the experiences of the day. In the rush of work and worry,
    the deep, inner silence is necessary to keep me on an even keel. I
    must learn to take the calm with me into the most hurried days.
    I pray that I may be still and commune with God. I pray that I may
    learn patience, humility, and peace.
    —From Twenty-Four Hours a Day

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