• The grace of Christ bears us up

    From Weedy@21:1/5 to All on Sun Jun 26 23:55:44 2022
    The grace of Christ bears us up

    "'My yoke is easy and my burden light'... The prophet says this about
    the burden of sinners: 'Because my iniquities lie on top of my head,
    so they have also placed a heavy burden on me' (Psalm 38:4)... 'Place
    my yoke upon you, and learn from me that I am gentle and humble of
    heart.' Oh, what a very pleasing weight that strengthens even more
    those who carry it! For the weight of earthly masters gradually
    destroys the strength of their servants, but the weight of Christ
    rather helps the one who bears it, because we do not bear grace; grace
    bears us. It is not for us to help grace, but rather grace has been
    given to aid us."
    from an anonymous early Christian teacher(excerpt from the

    27 June – Blessed Benvenutus of Gubbio OFM

    (Died 1232)
    Lay Brother of the Order of the Friars Minor of St Francis,
    ex-Soldier, apostle of the sick and of lepers. Benvenutus was graced
    with an ardent and mystical devotion to the Blessed Eucharist and to
    the Mother of God. So ardent was his faith and contemplation that he
    was seen to hold the Divine Infant in his arms. Born in the
    12th-century Gubbio, Italy and died in 1232 in Corneto, Italy of
    natural causes. Also known as – Benvenuto.

    In the Umbrian town of Gubbio, north of Assisi, there lived a Knight
    named Benvenutus, who had achieved great martial fame for his valour.
    When St Francis came to Gubbio in 1222 in order to preach in that
    vicinity, Benvenutus saw him and listened to him with astonishment.
    His martial spirit took great pleasure in the Saint’s perfect
    mortification and contempt of the world.

    The grace of God so touched his heart, that, after a few days,
    Benvenutus presented himself to St Francis in complete knightly attire
    and entreated him humbly to admit him as a lay brother. Francis always
    had great esteem for soldiers who distinguished themselves in
    obedience, self-denial and fearless courage, for he considered such
    training a very good preparation for the religious life. Since
    Benvenutus evinced, in addition to these good qualities, a very
    profound humility, Francis recognised in him, the true soldier of
    Jesus Christ and gladly received him among his brethren.
    Clad in a poor garment and girded with a cord, the stately warrior was
    now seen heroically overcoming himself. The poorest in clothing,
    dwelling and food was his choice. The purity of his heart shone in his countenance and in his entire external appearance. He seemed to have
    no will whatsoever of his own, so perfect in obedience was he at all

    St Francis charged him with the care of the sick in a leper hospital.
    There he had, in truth, daily and hourly opportunities to practice
    heroic charity and self-denial. But Benvenutus was always seen, to
    wait upon the patients, even the most repulsive among them, with such
    cheerful devotion and care, as if he were serving his Divine Lord.
    Jesus Himself. Otherwise very serious and reserved, he was very
    sociable when he spoke to the sick and the depressed in order to cheer
    them up.

    Benvenutus was also favoured by God with a high degree of
    contemplation. Sometimes he spent whole nights in prayer, pleading
    with God with burning tears, for the conversion of sinners. Towards
    the Blessed Sacrament he entertained an ardent devotion filled with
    lively faith and frequently, our Diving Lord descended into his arms
    in the form of a charming child. He also had a very special devotion
    to Mary, the Blessed Mother of God.

    The more completely, to purify his soul and increase his merit, God
    allowed Blessed Benvenutus to be seized with a severe illness, after
    he had himself tended the sick for many years. As his active charity
    formerly edified everybody, so his patience and perfect resignation to
    God’s holy will did so now in a greater degree. Blessed Benvenutus of
    Gubbio died ten years after his entrance into the Order, in 1232, in
    the City of Corneto.

    Astonishing miracles wrought at the grave of Blessed Benvenutus gave
    evidence of his holiness, and attracted a great concourse of pilgrims,
    so that only a few years after his death, Pope Gregory IX sanctioned
    his public veneration in Corneto and the surrounding country. Pope
    Innocent XI extended the devotion to the entire Franciscan Order in
    the year 1697.


    Saint Quote:
    "Ask of God his graces in the name of Jesus Christ, and you shall
    obtain whatsoever you desire. This our Saviour has promised, and his
    promise cannot fail"
    --St. Alphonsus de Liguori - "The True Spouse of Jesus Christ”

    Bible Quotes:
    "if you ask the Father anything in my name, he will give it you" (John 16:23)

    "If you then being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children:
    how much more will your Father who is in heaven, give good things to
    them that ask him?" (Matthew 7:11)

    A Prayer of Commendation

    I commend you, my dear brother (sister), to Almighty God,
    and entrust You to your Creator.

    May you return to Him
    Who formed you from the dust of the earth.

    May Holy Mary, the Angels, and all the Saints
    come to meet you as you go forth from this life.

    May Christ, who was crucified for you
    bring you freedom and peace.

    May Christ, who died for you
    admit you into His garden of paradise.

    May Christ, the true Shepherd,
    acknowledge you as one of His flock.

    May He forgive all your sins,
    and set you among those He has chosen.

    May You see your Redeemer face to face,
    and enjoy the vision of God for ever. - Amen.

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