• On Forsaking Creatures to Find the Creator [IV]

    From Weedy@21:1/5 to All on Fri Jun 10 23:48:42 2022
    On Forsaking Creatures to Find the Creator [IV]

    Alas, after a short meditation we break off, and do not make a strict examination of our lives. We do not consider where our affections
    really lie, nor are we grieved at the sinfulness of our whole life.
    Yet it was because of the wickedness of men that the Flood came upon
    the earth.(Gen.6:12) When our inner inclinations are corrupted, the
    actions that spring from them are also corrupted. And this is a sign
    of our lack of inner strength; for from a pure heart alone springs
    the fruit of a holy life.
    --Thomas à Kempis --Imitation of Christ, Bk 3, Ch 31

    June 11th – St. Paula Frassinetti, Virgin, Foundress
    d. 1882

    After the French Revolution and the flood of impiety it had let loose
    over Europe, the need of Christian education became everywhere more
    clearly understood by those who had the cause of God at heart. We find
    then a considerable number of religious institutes devoted to this
    work growing up everywhere during the first half of the nineteenth
    century, many of them being founded by earnest and saintly souls who
    seem to have been divinely guided in their efforts to meet a most
    crying need. Such a valiant woman was Paula Frassinetti, the sister of
    a priest well known as the author of a number of devotional books and
    himself a very ardent apostolic worker. Paula was born at Genoa on
    March 3, 1809. Her health in early life was very frail and in the hope
    that a change of air would prove beneficial, she joined her brother
    who was then parish priest of Quinto.

    There she undertook to instruct poor children and in a short time it
    was apparent that she had found her true vocation. She felt inspired
    to gather others round her and to found an institute which should be
    devoted entirely to such work. She had many difficulties to encounter,
    complete lack of resources being not the least of the obstacles in her
    path. But her tact, self-sacrifice and ardent devotion--she often
    spent the best part of the night in prayer--triumphed in the end. The
    Sisters of St. Dorothy--for this was the name by which the
    congregation was known--spread and multiplied not only in many parts
    of Italy, but also beyond seas in Portugal and in Brazil. The
    institute was formally approved by the Holy See in 1863.

    St. Paula was credited with a wonderful insight into character and
    with a knowledge of the secrets of hearts. After a series of strokes and
    worn out with incessant labours, she died very peacefully in the Lord
    on June 11, 1882.

    See the decree of beatification in the Acta Apostolicae Sedis, vol.
    xxii (1930), pp. 316-319, and also the Analecta Ecclesiastica for
    1907. There is an Italian life, by A. Capecelatro (1901), and one in
    English by J. Unfreville, published in U.S.A. c. 1944, called A
    Foundress in the Nineteenth Century.

    Her brother was a parish priest in the city, and she assisted him by
    teaching poor children in their parish. From this humble beginning in
    1834 began the Congregation of St. Dorothy, which soon spread across
    Italy and then to the Americas. Beatified in 1930, she was canonized
    in 1984.

    Saint Quote:
    He who truly loves God prays entirely without distraction, and he who
    prays entirely without distraction loves God truly. But he whose
    intellect is fixed on any worldly thing does not pray without
    distraction, and consequently he does not love God.
    --St. Maximos the Confessor

    Bible Quote:
    Let love be without dissimulation. Hating that which is evil, cleaving
    to that which is good, Loving one another with the charity of
    brotherhood: with honour preventing one another. [Romans 12:9-10] DRB

    Daily Offering to the Sacred Heart
    By St Therese of the Child Jesus of Lisieux (1873-1897)
    Doctor of the Church

    O my God!
    I offer You all my actions of this day
    for the intentions and for the glory
    of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
    I desire to sanctify
    every beat of my heart,
    my every thought,
    my simplest works,
    by uniting them
    to His infinite merits
    and I wish to make reparation for my sins
    by casting them into the furnace
    of His Merciful Love.
    O my God! I ask of You for myself
    and for those whom I hold dear,
    the grace to fulfil perfectly
    Your Holy Will,
    to accept for love of You
    the joys and sorrows of this passing life,
    so that we may one day be united together
    in heaven for all Eternity.

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