• The Lord fills all things with blessing from above

    From Weedy@21:1/5 to All on Mon Feb 28 23:44:03 2022
    The Lord fills all things with blessing from above

    "So that by every means the Lord might be known to be God by nature,
    he multiplies what is little, and he looks up to heaven as though
    asking for the blessing from above. Now he does this out of the divine
    economy, for our sakes. For he himself is the one who fills all
    things, the true blessing from above and from the Father. But, so that
    we might learn that when we are in charge of the table and are
    preparing to break the loaves, we ought to bring them to God with
    hands upraised and bring down upon them the blessing from above, he
    became for us the beginning and pattern and way."
    by Cyril of Alexandria (376-444 AD) (excerpt from FRAGMENT 177)

    March 1st - St. Suitbert of Kaiserwerth
    (Also known as Suidbert or Swithbert).

    Apostle of the Frisians, b. in England in the seventh century; d. at Suitberts-Insel, now Kaiserswerth, near Dusseldorf, 1 March, 713. He
    studied in Ireland, at Rathmelsigi, Connacht, along with St. Egbert
    (q. v.). The latter, filled with zeal for the conversion of the
    Germans, had sent St. Wihtberht, or Wigbert, to evangelize the
    Frisians, but owing to the opposition of the pagan ruler, Rathbod,
    Wihtberht was unsuccessful and returned to England. Egbert then sent
    St. Willibrord and his twelve companions, among whom was St. Suitbert.
    They landed near the mouth of the Rhine and journeyed to Utrecht,
    which became their headquarters. The new missionaries worked with
    great success under the protection of Pepin of Heristal, who, having
    recently conquered a portion of Frisia, compelled Rathbod to cease
    harassing the Christians. Suitbert laboured chiefly in North Brabant, Guelderland, and Cleves.

    After some years he went back to England, and in 693 was consecrated
    in Mercia as a missionary bishop by St. Wilfrid of York. He returned
    to Frisia and fixed his see at Wijkbij Duurstede on a branch of the
    Rhine. A little later, entrusting his flock of converts to St.
    Willibrord, he proceeded north of the Rhine and the Lippe, among the
    Bructeri, or Boructuari, in the district of Berg, Westphalia. This
    mission bore great fruit at first, but was eventually a failure owing
    to the inroads of the pagan Saxons; when the latter had conquered the territory, Suitbert withdrew to a small island in the Rhine, six miles
    from Dusseldorf, granted to him by Pepin of Heristal, where he built a monastery and ended his days in peace.

    His relics were rediscovered in 1626 at Kaiserwerth and are still
    venerated there. St. Suitbert of Kaiserwerth is to be distinguished
    from a holy abbot, Suitbert, who lived in a monastery near the River
    Dacore, Cumberland, England, about forty years later, and is mentioned
    by Venerable Bede.

    [Note: Suitbert or Swithbert is popularly invoked as the patron saint
    of those who suffer from angina.]


    Saint Quote:
    "Let us bind ourselves tightly to the Sorrowful Heart of our Heavenly
    Mother and reflect on it's boundless grief and how precious is our
    --Saint Padre Pio

    Bible Quote:
    And there came to him the blind and the lame in the temple; and he
    healed them. 15 And the chief priests and scribes, seeing the
    wonderful things that he did, and the children crying in the temple,
    and saying: Hosanna to the son of David; were moved with indignation.
    (Matthew 21:14-15)

    “For the measure you give, will be the measure you get back.”… Luke 6:38

    REFLECTION – “Let us give alms because these cleanse our souls from
    the stains of sin.
    Men lose all the material things – they leave behind them in this
    world but they carry with them the reward of their charity and the
    alms they give.
    For these they will receive from the Lord the reward and recompense
    they deserve.” – St Francis of Assisi (c 1181–1226)

    PRAYER – We beseech Your mercy Lord, let Your Spirit come upon us in
    power and fill us with His gifts, to render our minds and hearts
    pleasing to You and make us docile and merciful as Your Son has taught
    us. May our Lord Jesus, Your Son, guide us and may the prayers of St
    Albinus of Angers assist us to engrave Your precepts in our hearts and
    actions. Through Jesus Christ with the Holy Spirit, God now and
    forever, amen.

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