• On Offering Ourselves wholly to God [V]

    From Weedy@21:1/5 to All on Wed Sep 1 00:02:08 2021
    On Offering Ourselves wholly to God [V]

    I offer Thee also all the holy aspirations of devout persons; the
    needs of my parents, friends, brothers, sisters, and all who are dear
    to me; and the needs of all who have desired or asked me to pray and
    offer the Eucharist for them and theirs, whether living or departed. I
    pray that all these may enjoy the assistance of Thy grace, the aid of
    Thy comfort, protection from dangers, and deliverance from pains to
    come; and that, freed from all evils, they may offer glad praise and
    thanks to Thee.
    --Thomas à Kempis--Imitation of Christ Book 4 Ch.9

    1 September – Saint Lupus of Sens

     (Died 623)
     Bishop of Sens, Priest, Monk at Lérins – where he undertook whatever
    was required, doing the lowliest duties with great love, Confessor and Missionary – born near Orleans, Gaul (in modern France) and died in
    623 in Brienon-sur-Armançon, Yonne, France of natural causes. He was
    renowned for his love of music and his generosity to the poor.
    Patronages – against epilepsy, of epileptics. He is also known as St
    Loup de Sens, Loup de Naud, Leu, Lowe, Lupo.

    Lupus was the son of Betton, Count of Tonnerre, “Blessed Betto,” a
    member of the royal house of the Kingdom of Burgundy. Early in his
    childhood he displayed a great love of Christ and His Church. His two
    saintly maternal uncles, Saint Austremius, Bishop of Orleans and Saint Aunarius, Bishop of Auxerre, both arranged his education and eventual Ordination.

    St Lupus was so greatly loved and his holiness so highly esteemed that
    in 609, when the Bishop of Sens died, the King, at the request of the
    people, appointed the saintly Lupus to replace him. Tradition leaves
    us this wonderful miracle of St Lupus – whilst celebrating Mass,
    during the Consecration, a jewel descended from heaven into the
    elevated chalice.

    When Lupus hesitated to acknowledge Clotaire II as the rightful ruler
    of Burgundy and insisted that the will of God exceeds the will of
    rulers, Clotaire used the excuse of slander about Lupo and a woman to
    exile him to Ansenne, a predominently pagan area. Lupus evangelised
    the people of the area, converting many, including the region’s
    governor. When Lupus’ replacement in Burgundy, the politically
    ambitious Monk Monegisil, was killed during a riot, the people
    demanded the return of their rightful Bishop. Clotaire recalled Lupus
    and punished those who had spoken against him. He returned
    triumphantly to Sens, stopping in Paris for the Council of 614.

    He was buried in the Monastery of Sainte-Colombe-lès-Sens, which he
    had founded in Sens. In 853 his relics were transferred to the new
    Church dedicated to him. His cult was of special renown during the
    Middle Ages.

    Among the many Churches and Monasteries dedicated to him in France are Saint-Leu-Saint-Gilles in Paris (1235), Saint-Loup of Naud (Provins),
    and Saint-Loup of Esserent, near Senlis.


    Saint Quote:
    Perfection does not consist in not seeing the World, but in not having
    a taste or relish for it. In a word, the perfection of charity is the perfection of life; for the life of our soul is charity. The primitive Christians lived in the world in body but not in heart, and were
    nevertheless very perfect.
    -- St. Francis of Sales

    Bible Quote:
    Religion pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to keep
    oneself unspotted from this world.  (James 1:27)

    Good Advice

    A great preservative against angry and mutinous thoughts, and all
    impatience and quarreling, is to have some great business and interest
    in your mind, which, like a sponge shall suck up your attention and
    keep you from brooding over what displeases you.
    --Joseph Rickaby

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