Envy comes to us from Hell
Envy, my children, follows pride; whoever is envious is proud. See,
envy comes to us from Hell; the devils having sinned through pride,
sinned also through envy, envying our glory, our happiness. Why do we
envy the happiness and the goods of others? Because we are proud; we
should like to be the sole possessors of talents, riches, of the
esteem and love of all the world! We hate our equals, because they are
our equals; our inferiors, from the fear that they may equal us; our
superiors, because they are above us.
--Saint John Vianney
20 May – Blessed Maria Crescencia Perez FMH
Virgin, Religious Sister of the Daughters of Our Lady of the Garden,
Nursing Sister, Teacher, Catechist. Blessed Maria had a great devotion
to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and experienced visions and mystical
union with Jesus – born as María Angélica Pérez on 17 August 1897 in
San Martín, Buenos Aires, Argentina and died on 20 May 1932 (aged 34)
of natural causes in Vallenar, Atacama, Chile. She was known as
“Sister Sweetness.” Patronage – Nurses. Her body is incorrupt.
María Angélica Pérez was born on 17 August 1897 in Buenos Aires to
Spanish immigrants Augustín Pérez and Ema Rodriguez as the fifth of
eleven children. She was raised on a farm and helped her father with
work around the farm. She was a pious child, known for her devotion to
the faith, through the untiring dedication of her mother. One of the
families regular devotions was, each day to gather the children and
pray the Holy Rosary together.
And so these children grew up, with that strong mother who taught them
to respond with love to the love of God, by speaking of Him with full understanding and to transform joys and sorrows into moments of grace.
Maria Angelica studied at “Hogar de Jesus,” “House of Jesus” in Pergamino. She also received a degree as a craft Teacher from the same
Her religious vocation, which had been growing throughout all these
years, took a definite course, when on 31 December 1915 she entered
the Novitiate of the Daughters of Our Lady of the Garden, in Buenos
Aires. She received the holy habit and her religious name –Maria
Crescencia- on 2 September 1918, in circumstances of great sorrow as
just before this time, her father, Don Agustín Pérez, had died.
Desiring nothing else than to please God with a holy life, she gave
herself totally to her mission, becoming “All for All” in perfect
obedience and in unlimited charity. According to some witnesses, the outstanding virtue of Maria Crescencia was humility. This allowed her
to live the great demands of fraternal charity and of a perfect life
together, with intimate and serene joy.
During the first years of her religious life, she taught crafts and
Catechesis, first in the Workshop School attached to the Provincial
House and then in “Colegio del Huerto” in the Capital of Buenos Aires.
The second stage of her life is marked with sickness. She was assigned
to serve at Mar del Plata Maritime Sanatorium (Solarium), a place
dedicated exclusively to the hospitalisation and care of children
affected by bone tuberculosis. She stayed there for three years but
was there infected with lung disease. As her frail health began to
decline rapidly and seriously, her superiors decide to send her to a
place where the weather would help her recover. They choose for it
Vallenar, in the Republic of Chile, where the Daughters of Our Lady of
the Garden serve at the Hospital.
In spite of how much it cost her to leave her homeland, her family and
her community, Maria Crescencia clearly saw the will of God in the
words of her Superior and gladly accepted what He asked of her. She
said “For fulfilling the will of God I would go to the end of the
world.” She lived in Vallenar totally dedicated to the service of the
sick people, within the joy of community life and grew unceasingly in
the love of God, to whom she had consecrated her life.
In 1928, Sister María Crescencia visited Pergamino for the last time
to say goodbye to her family forever. Shortly after, accompanied by
the Provincial Superior, she travelled to Chile, where she spent the
last stage of her life.
Given the progress and severity of her illness, she was hospitalised
for three months in a hospital near Vallenar, completely isolated to
avoid infection. She spent the last weeks of her life in Vallenar, in
her community, with the Sisters assisting her and she them, with her
serenity and deep inner peace.
With true piety she received the Holy Viaticum, surrounded by her
Superior and Sisters. While she prayed the prayers of the dying with
those present, she sat up and bowing deeply before the picture of the
Sacred Heart of Jesus, repeated the words that Jesus Himself taught
her: “Heart of Jesus, for the sufferings of Your divine heart, have
mercy on us.”
God had reserved a very special grace for this moment. According to
the chronicles, she received in a vision then, a visit of the Founder,
Saint Antony Mary Gianelli (1789-1846) (His life here:
From the image of the painting of Our Lady of the Garden that was next
to her bed, Mary blessed her and the Sisters. Baby Jesus moved to
leave the arms of His Mother and Maria Crescencia extended her arms to
receive Him.
Then she breaks into a fervent prayer: “Heart of Jesus bless me and
bless my Sisters, give them strength to fight with courage and seek
the salvation of souls in these difficult times. Bless our Institute,
from which I received so much good and in which, in these moments, I
consider myself the happiest creature in the world. I ask You Most
Holy Heart of Jesus that You send many good vocations to our
Institute, oh Heart of Jesus, I ask You a special blessing for Chile
and since it is Your will that I die here happy, I offer You this
sacrifice for the peace and tranquillity of this nation.”
It seems that the Heart of Jesus made her see the prize that He had
prepared for her, because she continues, “When, Lord, have I deserved
that? What are the sufferings of this world compared to the happiness
of heaven? I am more than a miserable creature, the smallest of all, I
am less than a worm of the earth, where did I deserve so much
happiness? Heart of Jesus I do not deserve all that. Everything is the
work of Your Heart, Jesus.”
Her desire to join Jesus was vehement, so she exclaims “Do not stop me anymore … Do not stop me anymore … Yes, let all go to the Most Holy
Heart of Jesus, there you will find the salvation of your soul”.
Finally she says smiling, “Father … into your hands I entrust my
spirit.” Thus she died on 20 May 1932.
Shortly after her death, at “Colegio del Huerto” in Quillota, 600 km distant from Vallenar, the Sisters together perceive a fragrance
similar to the perfume of violets, which remains several days within
the walls of the school. Because of this inexplicable fact, the
Superior says, “Sister Crescencia has died.” Immediately a telegram
arrived announcing her death.
When the community left Vallenar, the population did not want them to
take the body of what they called “La santita,” “The little saint.” So her body remained there for 35 years. On 8 November 1966, the
Congregation ordered the transfer of her remains to Quillota. Provided
with a small urn, they opened the coffin to reduce her remains but
they found her body and her holy habit intact and in perfect
preservation. The whole city of Vallenar gathered to verify this
singular fact. The wake was celebrated again and then she was taken to
Quillota where she rested for 17 years in the vault of the Sisters.
In 1983 her body was moved to the Church of the Sisters in Pergamino
until 26 July 1986 when, on the occasion of the opening of the
Diocesan process for her Beatification, it was transferred to the
Chapel of Our Lady of the Garden School. On 3 October 1990, the Sacred Congregation for the Causes of Saints opened the process in Rome.
Her tomb is today ceaselessly visited by numerous pilgrims from all
over the country and surrounding countries, who come to venerate her
remains, to ask for help, or to thank for favours. These are the facts
God uses to communicate His message and tell us of His designs about
Sister Maria Crescencia. In Pergamino, on Saturday, 17 November 2012,
at 11 o’clock, she was Beatified. The recognition was celebrated by
Cardinal Angelo Amato, prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of
Saints, on behalf of Pope Benedict XVI. Let us pray for her
Saint Quote:
By word of mouth, by letters, by miracles, and by the example of his
own life, Saint Paul bore the name of Jesus wherever he went. He
praised the name of Jesus "at all times," but never more than when
"bearing witness to his faith."
-- Saint Bernardine of Siena from one of his sermons
Bible Quote:
He said therefore to them again: Peace be to you. As the Father hath
sent me, I also send you. When he had said this, he breathed on them;
and he said to them: Receive ye the Holy Ghost. Whose sins you shall
forgive, they are forgiven them; and whose sins you shall retain, they
are retained. (John 20:21-23)
A prayer to Our Lord's Sacred Heart, for His Church:
Most sacred Heart of Jesus, shower copiously blessings on Thy
holy Church, on the Supreme Pontiff, and on all the clergy;
grant perseverance to the just, convert sinners, enlighten
infidels, bless our parents, friends, and benefactors, assist the
dying, liberate the souls of purgatory, and extend over all
hearts the sweet empire of Thy love. Amen.
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