Work While It Is Day
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All on Mon Apr 19 23:48:40 2021
Work While It Is Day
"Work while it is day," admonishes the Lord; "the night cometh when no
man can work." (John ix.). The laborers in the gospel who did not
begin to work until the 11th hour, received the same wages as those
who had worked longer, because in their zeal they had done as much in
the last hour, as the others during the whole day. St. Chrysostom
says: "At the 11th hour are called those who are advanced in age. This
parable is intended to encourage those who do not reform until they
are old, that they may not think that their happiness in heaven will
not be as great as that of others." But Christ gave this parable to
comfort not only the aged, but all those who have been negligent in
the service of the Most High. Such people especially when they feel
that their end draws near, should employ all their strength to serve
the Lord, in order to repair, in a short time, what they have
neglected. They will surely gain eternal life by acting thus. St.
Chrysostom says: "The older we are or the nearer we are, for other
reasons, to eternity, the more eagerly must we run along the way to
April 20th - Blessed Robert Watkinson & Francis Page, Martyrs
d. 1602
ROBERT WATKINSON and Francis Page suffered martyrdom together at
Tyburn on April 20, 1602, for the offence of being Catholic priests
who were exercising their ministry in England.
Robert Watkinson (who used the alias of John Wilson) was born at
Heming borough in Yorkshire. He was ordained at Arras, and sent upon
the English mission in 1602. Always a delicate man, he was under the
care of a physician in London when he was arrested. The previous day
he had been accosted in the street by a stranger of venerable
appearance, who said, “Jesus bless you, sir: you seem to be sick and
troubled with many infirmities; but be of good cheer, for within four
days you shall be cured of all”--a prophecy which was fulfilled on the following Tuesday, when he received the martyr’s crown.
Francis Page appears to have been born at Antwerp, although his family
belonged to Harrow-on-the-Hill. He was intended for the law and was
brought up a Protestant, but after he had formed an attachment to a
Catholic gentlewoman he was induced to study her religion. He became a Catholic, gave up all his worldly prospects, and went to Douai, where
he was ordained and allowed to return to England. He was betrayed by a
woman, tried at the sessions, and condemned to death. In prison he was
visited first by extraordinary spiritual consolations and then by
great desolation. When told to prepare for execution his peace
returned, and he died cheerfully after making a profession of faith
and a declaration that he had vowed himself to the Society of Jesus.
See Challoner, MMP., pp. 262-268 Publications of the Catholic Record
Society, vol. v, pp. 375-381 and 390-391.
Saint Quote:
Affliction or consolation, health or sickness, is all one to a heart
that loves. Since we wish only to please God, it should be enough for
us that His Will is accomplished.
--St. Margaret Mary Alacoque
Bible Quote:
Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, and of the leaven of Herod! (Mark 8:15)
He is Risen, Tell the Story
By Father Willard F Janusch (1930-2018)
He is risen, tell the story
to the nations of the night;
from their sin and from their blindness,
let them walk in Easter light.
Now begins a new creation,
now has come our true salvation.
Jesus Christ, the Son of God!
Mary goes to tell the others
of the wonders she has seen;
John and Peter come a’running
what can all this truly mean?
O Rabboni, Master holy,
to appear to one so lowly!
Jesus Christ, the Son of God!
He has cut down death and evil,
He has conquered all despair;
He has lifted from our shoulders,
all the weight of anxious care.
Risen Brother, now before you,
we will worship and adore You.
Jesus Christ, the Son of God!
Now get busy, bring the message,
so that all may come to know
there is hope for saint and sinner,
for our God has loved us so.
Ev’ry church bell is a’ringing,
ev’ry Christian now is singing.
Jesus Christ, the Son of God!
A Parish Priest, Seminary Professor and prolific Musician and Hymnist,
Fr Willard was Ordained in 1956 and died at the age of 88 in 2018.
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Weedy@21:1/5 to
All on Thu Apr 20 01:40:49 2023
Work While It Is Day
"Work while it is day," admonishes the Lord; "the night cometh when no
man can work." (John ix.). The laborers in the gospel who did not
begin to work until the 11th hour, received the same wages as those
who had worked longer, because in their zeal they had done as much in
the last hour, as the others during the whole day. St. Chrysostom
says: "At the 11th hour are called those who are advanced in age. This
parable is intended to encourage those who do not reform until they
are old, that they may not think that their happiness in heaven will
not be as great as that of others." But Christ gave this parable to
comfort not only the aged, but all those who have been negligent in
the service of the Most High. Such people especially when they feel
that their end draws near, should employ all their strength to serve
the Lord, in order to repair, in a short time, what they have
neglected. They will surely gain eternal life by acting thus. St.
Chrysostom says: "The older we are or the nearer we are, for other
reasons, to eternity, the more eagerly must we run along the way to
April 20th - Blessed Robert Watkinson & Francis Page, Martyrs
d. 1602
ROBERT WATKINSON and Francis Page suffered martyrdom together at
Tyburn on April 20, 1602, for the offence of being Catholic priests
who were exercising their ministry in England.
Robert Watkinson (who used the alias of John Wilson) was born at
Heming borough in Yorkshire. He was ordained at Arras, and sent upon
the English mission in 1602. Always a delicate man, he was under the
care of a physician in London when he was arrested. The previous day
he had been accosted in the street by a stranger of venerable
appearance, who said, “Jesus bless you, sir: you seem to be sick and
troubled with many infirmities; but be of good cheer, for within four
days you shall be cured of all”--a prophecy which was fulfilled on the following Tuesday, when he received the martyr’s crown.
Francis Page appears to have been born at Antwerp, although his family
belonged to Harrow-on-the-Hill. He was intended for the law and was
brought up a Protestant, but after he had formed an attachment to a
Catholic gentlewoman he was induced to study her religion. He became a Catholic, gave up all his worldly prospects, and went to Douai, where
he was ordained and allowed to return to England. He was betrayed by a
woman, tried at the sessions, and condemned to death. In prison he was
visited first by extraordinary spiritual consolations and then by
great desolation. When told to prepare for execution his peace
returned, and he died cheerfully after making a profession of faith
and a declaration that he had vowed himself to the Society of Jesus.
See Challoner, MMP., pp. 262-268 Publications of the Catholic Record
Society, vol. v, pp. 375-381 and 390-391.
Saint Quote:
Affliction or consolation, health or sickness, is all one to a heart
that loves. Since we wish only to please God, it should be enough for
us that His Will is accomplished.
--St. Margaret Mary Alacoque
Bible Quote:
And he charged them, saying: Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, and of the leaven of Herod.
[Mark 8:15] DRV
He is Risen, Tell the Story
By Father Willard F Janusch (1930-2018)
He is risen, tell the story
to the nations of the night;
from their sin and from their blindness,
let them walk in Easter light.
Now begins a new creation,
now has come our true salvation.
Jesus Christ, the Son of God!
Mary goes to tell the others
of the wonders she has seen;
John and Peter come a’running
what can all this truly mean?
O Rabboni, Master holy,
to appear to one so lowly!
Jesus Christ, the Son of God!
He has cut down death and evil,
He has conquered all despair;
He has lifted from our shoulders,
all the weight of anxious care.
Risen Brother, now before you,
we will worship and adore You.
Jesus Christ, the Son of God!
Now get busy, bring the message,
so that all may come to know
there is hope for saint and sinner,
for our God has loved us so.
Ev’ry church bell is a’ringing,
ev’ry Christian now is singing.
Jesus Christ, the Son of God!
A Parish Priest, Seminary Professor and prolific Musician and Hymnist,
Fr Willard was Ordained in 1956 and died at the age of 88 in 2018.
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* Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)