The Risen Lord Jesus reveals himself
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All on Sat Apr 3 22:32:08 2021
The Risen Lord Jesus reveals himself
to us as we listen to his word
Mary's message to the disciples, I have seen the Lord, is the very essence of Christianity. It is not enough that a Christian know about
the Lord, but that we know him personally. It is not enough to argue
about him, but to meet him. In the resurrection we encounter the
living Lord Jesus who loves us personally and shares his glory with
us. The Lord Jesus gives us "eyes of faith" to see the truth of his resurrection and his victory over sin and death (Ephesians 1:18). And
he opens our ears to recognize his voice as we listen to the "good
news" proclaimed in the Gospel message today.
The resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead is the foundation
of our hope--the hope that we, too, who believe in him will see the
living God face to face and share in his everlasting glory and joy.
"Without having seen him you love him; though you do not now see him
you believe in him and rejoice with unutterable and exalted joy. As
the outcome of your faith you obtain the salvation of your souls" (1
Peter 1:8-9). Do you recognize the Lord's presence with you, in his
word, in the "breaking of the bread," and in his church, the body of
April 4th - Blessed Gaetano Catanoso (AC)
(also known as Cajetan)
Born at Chorio di San Lorenzo, Reggio Calabria, Italy, February 14,
1879; died April 4, 1958; beatified May 4, 1998. Gaetano was the son
of wealthy, pious Christian parents. After his ordination in 1902, he
gained a reputation for holiness while serving as a parish priest. His sensitivity to sin and desire to make reparation for them caused him
to establish a confraternity of the Holy Face in his parish, which
spread through a newsletter launched in 1920. In addition to this lay association, Gaetano founded the Poor Clerics to encourage priestly
In 1921, he was transferred to Santa Maria de la Candelaria in Reggio
Calabria, where he revived Marian and Eucharistic devotions,
intensified catechetical instruction, and crusaded for observance of
liturgical feasts. He also encouraged cooperation among parish priests
to provide missions, especially during Lent and May, by going to
different parishes than their own to preach and hear confessions.
For 29 years Father Catanoso served as spiritual director to various
religious institutes, the local prison, a hospital, and the
archepiscopal seminary. In 1929, he offered himself as "a victim of
love" to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. In 1935 in Ripario, Reggio
Calabria, he founded the Congregation of the Daughters of Saint
Veronica (Missionaries of the Holy Face) to offer continual prayers of reparation, catechesis, and other service to poor children, priests,
and the elderly. His holiness was exhibited in his docility in obeying
his archbishop's request that he curtail the activities of the
congregation. Nevertheless, the constitutions of the institute, which
he had written, were approved by the diocese March 25, 1958
(L'Observattore Romano)
Saint Quote:
It is blasphemy if you pray before God while you are full of anger.
--St. Ephraem the Syrian
Bible Quote:
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against
principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the
darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high
places." (Ephesians 6:12)
Saint Quote:
"Whatever you do, think not of yourselves but of God."
--Saint Vincent Ferrer.
Prayer for Healing of Mind
O Jesus, come into my sorrows,
anxieties, mental troubles
and to every stages of my growth and formation.
Deliver me from the painful memories of the past.
Fill me with your Holy Spirit.
I forgive all those who hurt me
and fill all of them with your Holy Spirit.
Thank you Jesus.
Praise you Jesus.
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