• The Drug War is Over

    From Mr. B1ack@21:1/5 to Voter on Sat Jul 29 21:43:19 2017
    XPost: alt.politics.usa.congress, alt.atheism, talk.politics.misc
    XPost: alt.politics.usa.republicans

    On Sat, 29 Jul 2017 11:58:34 -0700, Voter <Voter@Vote2016.com> wrote:

    Recreational drugs, should be marketed for medicinal purposes, and sold out of >sight, out of mind, to people who have passed, a several hour class, apprising >them sufficiently of the dangers.

    But there's far more money and power and votes
    and money ... did I say that twice ? ... in the 'war'.

    It's not just the kickbacks FROM the cartels and
    their minions - there's a lot more in the river of
    money for persuing the 'war' - everybody gets
    to dip out a bucketfull. The 'war' finances huge
    police departments, for-profit prisons, all that
    cop stuff right down to the doggies and dope-
    test kits and armored vehicles, and then there's
    the expanded judiciary - all those needy judges
    and lawyers and clerks and such. Then there's
    the money sent offshore, "interdiction" money,
    where nobody's sure where it winds up ....

    Oh, and the 'war' is POWER ... especially in that
    it's a great excuse to keep the po' folks in their
    place. An all-purpose excuse. It also brings in
    tons of "donations" and votes from pin-headed
    soccer moms and neo-puritan control freaks.

    So skip the "logical case" model - you're looking
    at the wrong logic. It's the logic of money/power/
    control that's at work here - as usual. Our Land
    Of The Free becomes more like Iran - but so long
    as our reps and their patrons get a kickback that's
    just a-OK.

    "When in question, when in doubt, follow the money
    and you'll find out !" -- me

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Malcolm McMahon@21:1/5 to nowhere@nada.net on Sun Jul 30 14:06:12 2017
    XPost: alt.atheism, alt.politics.usa.congress, alt.politics.usa.republicans XPost: talk.politics.misc

    Mr. B1ack <nowhere@nada.net> wrote:
    On Sat, 29 Jul 2017 11:58:34 -0700, Voter <Voter@Vote2016.com> wrote:

    Recreational drugs, should be marketed for medicinal purposes, and sold out >>of
    sight, out of mind, to people who have passed, a several hour class, >>apprising
    them sufficiently of the dangers.

    But there's far more money and power and votes
    and money ... did I say that twice ? ... in the 'war'.

    It's not just the kickbacks FROM the cartels and
    their minions - there's a lot more in the river of
    money for persuing the 'war' - everybody gets
    to dip out a bucketfull. The 'war' finances huge
    police departments, for-profit prisons, all that
    cop stuff right down to the doggies and dope-
    test kits and armored vehicles, and then there's
    the expanded judiciary - all those needy judges
    and lawyers and clerks and such. Then there's
    the money sent offshore, "interdiction" money,
    where nobody's sure where it winds up ....

    Oh, and the 'war' is POWER ... especially in that
    it's a great excuse to keep the po' folks in their
    place. An all-purpose excuse. It also brings in
    tons of "donations" and votes from pin-headed
    soccer moms and neo-puritan control freaks.

    So skip the "logical case" model - you're looking
    at the wrong logic. It's the logic of money/power/
    control that's at work here - as usual. Our Land
    Of The Free becomes more like Iran - but so long
    as our reps and their patrons get a kickback that's
    just a-OK.

    "When in question, when in doubt, follow the money
    and you'll find out !" -- me

    Have you noticed that as a politician gets closer to real power they toe the line on the war on drugs more and more, even those that were liberal on the issue before?

    But, whereas there's something in what you suggest, I think there's a more universal, and less rational instinct at work. At the moment when someone dies of a drugs overdose the blame is apportioned between the adict and the pusher. Suppose they legalise, less people will die, but where will the blame go for those that do? It will be directed to the legalisers. Politicians simply won't accept the moral responsibility for legalisation.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Mr. B1ack@21:1/5 to Voter on Mon Dec 18 22:07:50 2017
    XPost: alt.politics.usa.congress, talk.politics.misc, alt.politics.usa
    XPost: talk.politics.guns

    On Sat, 16 Dec 2017 13:30:35 -0800, Voter <Voter@Vote2016.com> wrote:

    Recreational drugs, should be marketed for medicinal purposes, and sold out of >sight, out of mind, to people who have passed, a several hour class, apprising >them sufficiently of the dangers.

    But that's not the logic that dictates the rulings of
    politicians and judges.

    There are two ways to end the 'drug war' :

    1) Take all the profit/kickbacks/bribes out of it for
    the politicians, judges and cops.

    2) Make sure they get a much bigger profit out
    of legalization.

    The second option is easier.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)