• States Are More Likely To Decriminalize Use/Possession Of Pot? If Y

    From Mr. B1ack@21:1/5 to walter.clay.scott@gmail.com on Thu Jul 27 21:51:52 2017
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.politics.republicans, alt.politics

    On Thu, 27 Jul 2017 14:28:54 -0700 (PDT), Walt In Seattle <walter.clay.scott@gmail.com> wrote:

    Jeff Sessions, if he manages to remain U.S. Attorney General, shows signs he may be willing to take on states that have allowed people to legally possess/use pot

    Yea ... the 'drug war' mentality is still alive and well,
    despite overwhelming evidence that it causes far
    more harm in far more ways than what it intends
    to control.

    The latest major face-plant is, of course, the Great
    War On Opioids. Used to be opiate-lovers could go
    to the pharmacy and get good clean quality stuff ...
    but when the War On Opioids started a few years
    ago the puritans celebrated their self-righteousness
    by cutting off most of that supply. So .. everybody
    was gonna become a good little Xian soldier hmm ?
    Nope, they turned left at the light and met up with
    the friendly neighborhood heroin dealers instead ...
    now the complaints about a few ODs a week has
    become a bucketfull of ODs per day.

    But nobody wants to notice that ...

    IMHO, puritans aside, the WOD isn't very much
    about drugs per-se. It's about all the MONEY that
    surrounds them. There's kickbacks, but there's
    also a vast amount spend on every aspect of
    the "war" - a river everybody gets to dip into.

    So, I do NOT expect the federals to stop or even
    meaningfully reduce their 'war' - and there's gonna
    be even more money floating around if they have
    to go into certain states and try to stamp out the
    pot trade.

    Clinton didn't stop the 'war', "W" didn't stop the 'war',
    Obama escalated the 'war' and now Trump is gonna
    escalate it even further. BIG money in psychic
    micromanagement it seems. It just feels so RIGHT,
    in a nation built by so many ejected puritan types ....

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Bobbie Sellers@21:1/5 to All on Thu Jul 27 20:21:03 2017
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.politics.republicans, alt.politics

    On 07/27/2017 06:51 PM, Mr. B1ack wrote:
    On Thu, 27 Jul 2017 14:28:54 -0700 (PDT), Walt In Seattle <walter.clay.scott@gmail.com> wrote:

    Jeff Sessions, if he manages to remain U.S. Attorney General, shows signs he may be willing to take on states that have allowed people to legally possess/use pot

    Jeff Sessions wants to return to the thrilling days of yesteryear when everyone knew their places, women were in the
    kitchen never in a pulpit or seen without husbands, black people
    kowtowed and were never mentioned in a positive light unless they
    were Broadway entertainers, Gay people were invisible and
    Transgenders were unheard of.

    Au Bas Sessions!


    Yea ... the 'drug war' mentality is still alive and well,
    despite overwhelming evidence that it causes far
    more harm in far more ways than what it intends
    to control.

    The latest major face-plant is, of course, the Great
    War On Opioids. Used to be opiate-lovers could go
    to the pharmacy and get good clean quality stuff ...
    but when the War On Opioids started a few years
    ago the puritans celebrated their self-righteousness
    by cutting off most of that supply. So .. everybody
    was gonna become a good little Xian soldier hmm ?
    Nope, they turned left at the light and met up with
    the friendly neighborhood heroin dealers instead ...
    now the complaints about a few ODs a week has
    become a bucketfull of ODs per day.

    But nobody wants to notice that ...

    IMHO, puritans aside, the WOD isn't very much
    about drugs per-se. It's about all the MONEY that
    surrounds them. There's kickbacks, but there's
    also a vast amount spend on every aspect of
    the "war" - a river everybody gets to dip into.

    So, I do NOT expect the federals to stop or even
    meaningfully reduce their 'war' - and there's gonna
    be even more money floating around if they have
    to go into certain states and try to stamp out the
    pot trade.

    Clinton didn't stop the 'war', "W" didn't stop the 'war',
    Obama escalated the 'war' and now Trump is gonna
    escalate it even further. BIG money in psychic
    micromanagement it seems. It just feels so RIGHT,
    in a nation built by so many ejected puritan types ....

    bliss dash SF 4 ever at dslextreme dot com

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Governor Swill@21:1/5 to All on Fri Jul 28 22:31:33 2017
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.politics.republicans, alt.politics

    On Thu, 27 Jul 2017 21:51:52 -0400, Mr. B1ack <nowhere@nada.net>

    On Thu, 27 Jul 2017 14:28:54 -0700 (PDT), Walt In Seattle ><walter.clay.scott@gmail.com> wrote:

    Jeff Sessions, if he manages to remain U.S. Attorney General, shows signs he may be willing to take on states that have allowed people to legally possess/use pot

    Yea ... the 'drug war' mentality is still alive and well,
    despite overwhelming evidence that it causes far
    more harm in far more ways than what it intends
    to control.

    The latest major face-plant is, of course, the Great
    War On Opioids. Used to be opiate-lovers could go
    to the pharmacy and get good clean quality stuff ...
    but when the War On Opioids started a few years
    ago the puritans celebrated their self-righteousness
    by cutting off most of that supply. So .. everybody
    was gonna become a good little Xian soldier hmm ?
    Nope, they turned left at the light and met up with
    the friendly neighborhood heroin dealers instead ...
    now the complaints about a few ODs a week has
    become a bucketfull of ODs per day.

    But nobody wants to notice that ...

    IMHO, puritans aside, the WOD isn't very much
    about drugs per-se. It's about all the MONEY that
    surrounds them. There's kickbacks, but there's
    also a vast amount spend on every aspect of
    the "war" - a river everybody gets to dip into.

    It's also about oppressing and eliminating the poor and non white.
    Both groups have high drug use rates.

    So, I do NOT expect the federals to stop or even
    meaningfully reduce their 'war' - and there's gonna
    be even more money floating around if they have
    to go into certain states and try to stamp out the
    pot trade.

    Clinton didn't stop the 'war', "W" didn't stop the 'war',
    Obama escalated the 'war' and now Trump is gonna
    escalate it even further. BIG money in psychic
    micromanagement it seems. It just feels so RIGHT,
    in a nation built by so many ejected puritan types ....

    President Eisenhower, April 16th, 1953:

    "Every gun that’s made, every warship launched,
    every rocket fired represents, in the final sense,
    a theft from those who hunger and are not fed,
    those who are cold and are not clothed."

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)