• Re: Drug War Chronicle, Issue #1205 -- 2/23/24 Table of Contents with L

    From Bobbie Sellers@21:1/5 to Joel on Mon Feb 26 11:47:25 2024
    XPost: alt.drugs.psychedelics

    On 2/26/24 01:09, Joel wrote:
    Bobbie Sellers <bliss-sf4ever@dslextreme.com> wrote:

    Subject: Drug War Chronicle, Issue #1205 -- 2/23/24 Table of Contents with Live URL plus lead story!!!

    Thank you so much, Bobbie.

    As always you are welcome and so is anyone else reading. t was in
    another newsgroup and had occasion to look up the work of one of
    my hero's Peter McWilliams who died when a damned judge demanded he
    stop using his anti-nausea medication, cannabis. I am motivated
    by the sad stories of the miscarriages of justice in the War on
    Some Drugs users.
    <https://www.amazon.com/Aint-Nobodys-Business-You-Consensual/dp/192976717X> >>
    Peter McWilliams was not the only one to die. In Southern California a >> very well off retired man was killed by police when
    they invaded his property(on the advice of a state agency that
    wanted his property). They found no cannabis garden. In Boston
    a black minister died of a heart attack when the police acting
    on information from a low level deal invaded his home in the
    middle of the night. This is still going on with the instance where
    the Emergency Medical Tecnician was murdered by the fearful police
    when her boyfriend thought they were being invaded by rival gang
    members. Again no illegal drug was found.

    Unbelievable. :(

    I get inspiration just from reading the news. But some news
    organizations suppress the stories of police murders in pursuit of
    self-medicating people.
    I am glad the situation is somewhat different in San Francisco
    and that no one has cause to reproach me for my use of edible cannabis.

    Take care Joel and all other readers.
    The Law is an Ass and remember Asses kick hard.

    It's time for the revolution.

    bliss- Dell Precision 7730- PCLOS 2024.02- Linux 6.6.18- Plasma 5.27.10

    I'm running Mint on my self-assembled machine made from a stimulus

    If I could self assemble a creditable laptop I would but better to keep this heap of plastic, silcone and and metal as well as a poisonous
    battery out of the waste stream. i buy second hand and
    this is a few years old and does not get as hot as my i7 6540 nor
    yet my highly portable 7450. I paid for it with part of my
    stimulus payment as well. I need the larger screen due to eyesight

    In the USA the surest place to win a revolution has been
    at the ballot box. In 2016 the forces of reaction won a counter
    revolution there. In 2021-01-06 they tried violence to retain the
    power and were defeated again as in the 1860s.

    Vote this year against the obvious idiot who seems to have
    added dementia to his disqualifing traits.

    Note the followup address as it is important to get the
    talk to that group, talk.politics.drugs.

    bliss- Dell Precision 7730- PCLOS 2024.02- Linux 6.6.18- Plasma 5.27.10

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