• Nearly 300 pounds of cocaine seized during traffic stop in Colorado

    From useapen@21:1/5 to All on Sun Oct 1 05:50:54 2023
    XPost: alt.colorado.grand-junction, alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, talk.politics.guns XPost: sac.politics

    GRAND JUNCTION, Colo. (KKTV) - Two people are suspected of drug
    trafficking following a traffic stop along I-770 in Colorado.

    Colorado State Patrol is reporting they seized more than 290 pounds of
    cocaine Monday morning at about 3:30. A Trooper with the Colorado State
    Patrol Smuggling-Trafficking-Interdiction-Section stopped a Chrysler
    minivan for a traffic violation on Interstate 70 near milepost 27 on the
    west side of the state near Grand Junction.

    “During the stop, the Trooper became suspicious of criminal activity and
    asked for consent to search the vehicle,” part of a news release from
    Colorado State Patrol issued on Wednesday reads. “The driver declined and
    a search warrant was obtained. A vehicle search resulted in the Trooper locating a significant amount of drugs hidden in suitcases. The drugs are suspected to be kilos of cocaine and had a total approximate weight of 290 pounds.”

    Tyleke Stokley from North Carolina and Darvin Campbell from Alabama were arrested. They are both suspected of intent to distribute more than 112
    grams of cocaine and special offender for transporting more than seven
    grams of cocaine.

    The Mesa County Sheriff’s Office and Fruita Police Department helped in
    this case.

    Copyright 2023 KKTV. All rights reserved.

    https://www.kktv.com/2023/09/27/nearly-300-pounds-cocaine-seized-during- traffic-stop-colorado/

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