• The Minimum Wage Ought To Be 65% Per Capita GDP Of The County Every

    From Regulation Of Commerce@21:1/5 to All on Sat Dec 7 14:56:11 2019
    XPost: ca.general, ca.politics, alt.california
    XPost: alt.abortion, alt.drugs.abuse

    The Donald should also get this going for all of NAFTA. 65% per capita GDP of the
    county. It extremely important the minimum wage of Mexico be raised, to stop the
    Mexicans from coming here.

    Mexicans also need to start using birth control (2 disparate methods concurrently), and abort in the first trimester, before there is a brain or a ghost in the fetus. Unplanned childbirth is the scourge of nations.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From a425couple@21:1/5 to Regulation Of Commerce on Sun Dec 8 08:47:32 2019
    XPost: ca.general, ca.politics, alt.california
    XPost: alt.abortion, alt.drugs.abuse

    On 12/7/2019 2:54 PM, Regulation Of Commerce wrote:

    There is 2%-2.5% inflation per year, 20%-25% per decade.

    So, we can see that either
    #1 Your education never included compound interest,
    #2 You were not paying enough attention to that lesson.

    What level of schooling have you finished?
    What is the highest level class in economics you took?

    "Compound interest - meaning that the interest you earn each year is
    added to your principal, so that the balance doesn't merely grow, it
    grows at an increasing rate - is one of the most useful concepts in
    finance. It is the basis of everything from a personal savings plan to
    the long term growth of the stock market. It also accounts for the
    effects of inflation, and the importance of paying down your debt."

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)