• Drug War Chronicle, Issue #1066 -- 5/16/19 Table of Contents with Live

    From Bobbie Sellers@21:1/5 to All on Thu May 16 07:15:34 2019
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    Drug War Chronicle, Issue #1066 -- 5/16/19
    Phillip S. Smith, Editor, psmith@drcnet.org https://stopthedrugwar.org/chronicle/1066

    A Publication of StoptheDrugWar.org
    David Borden, Executive Director, borden@drcnet.org
    "Raising Awareness of the Consequences of Drug Prohibition"

    Table of Contents:

    Larry Krasner is shaking things up in the City of Brotherly Love. https://stopthedrugwar.org/chronicle/2019/may/15/philadelphias_maverick

    A Democratic presidential contender rolls out a package of veterans'
    medical marijuana bills, the Alabama Senate has approved a restrictive
    medical marijuana bill, edibles are coming to Maryland, and more. https://stopthedrugwar.org/chronicle/2019/may/15/medical_marijuana_update

    POSSESSION, MORE... (5/10/19)
    The Senate majority leader refiles a bill to end federal marijuana
    prohibition, North Dakota decriminalizes, New Jersey's legalization
    effort appears stalled, and more. https://stopthedrugwar.org/chronicle/2019/may/10/chronicle_am_mi_reforms_asset

    WAR ON WEED, MORE... (5/13/19)
    Civil rights and civil liberties groups join drug and sentencing
    reformers in calling for a moratorium on DEA enforcement actions,
    residents of Cowtown takes to the streets in support of legal weed,
    Italy's hard right interior minister picks a fight with low-THC weed
    sales, and more. https://stopthedrugwar.org/chronicle/2019/may/13/chronicle_am_call_dea_suspend

    New Jersey and New York efforts to legalize pot this year are faltering,
    New Jersey expands its medical marijuana system, US AID sends $160
    million to Colombia, and more. https://stopthedrugwar.org/chronicle/2019/may/14/chronicle_am_nj_and_ny

    It's a tale of the good, the bad, and the ugly for marijuana
    legalization at the statehouse this week, Bahrain is set to execute two
    hash smugglers, and more. https://stopthedrugwar.org/chronicle/2019/may/15/chronicle_am_nh_and_vt

    (Not subscribed? Visit https://stopthedrugwar.org to sign up today!)


    [FEATURE] https://stopthedrugwar.org/chronicle/2019/may/15/philadelphias_maverick

    Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner made waves last week by
    reportedly saying he is "very close (https://www.philly.com/news/philadelphia-district-attorney-larry-krasner-drug-possession-20190508.htm)"
    to implementing a policy that would decriminalize the possession of all
    drugs, but that was just the latest salvo in the former criminal defense
    and civil rights lawyer's war on the war on drugs.

    Since taking office in January 2018, Krasner has made a number of policy
    moves that are helping to cement his reputation as one of the country's
    most radical prosecutors, and he's doing it in one of America's largest
    cities. His progressive approach didn't come out of nowhere, though.

    Krasner's decades of experience in the defense bar -- as opposed to
    rising through the ranks of prosecutors -- have provided him with a
    unique perspective on the social and racial impacts of the drug war, one
    deeply at odds with the law-and-order views of most DAs. For 30 years (https://www.philly.com/philly/news/politics/city/Longtime-civil-rights-attorney-Larry-Krasner-wants-to-reform-DAs-office.html),
    Krasner represented the poor, the oppressed, and the brutalized, filing
    civil rights and police brutality lawsuits.

    He often represented protestors and activists, including 400 people
    arrested at the 2000 Republican National Convention, AIDS activists, and members of the Black Lives Matter movement. He helped hundreds of
    imprisoned on false charges by a notoriously corrupt drug squad. And he
    sued the Philadelphia police dozens of times (https://www.newsweek.com/philadelphia-da-larry-krasner-radical-path-remake-criminal-justice-system-1194093)
    in civil rights and police brutality cases. This is not the career path
    of your average DA.

    In an early sign that a new era is at hand, one of Krasner's first acts
    was to demand the resignations of 31l ine prosecutors and supervisors he
    saw as obstructionist and to see them escorted from the building to
    ensure they didn't take anything with them other than personal effects.
    Krasner said he made the quick move on the advice of Houston's reformist
    DA, Kim Ogg, who told him that when she gave inherited personnel two
    weeks' notice she would be asking for resignations, recalcitrant
    employees deleted massive amounts of emails, wiped hard drives, and took
    other steps to sabotage her efforts.

    Critics called his move a purge, but for Krasner, it was lessons learned (https://www.newsweek.com/philadelphia-da-larry-krasner-radical-path-remake-criminal-justice-system-1194093):
    "We had some awareness from working as attorneys in this city -- and interacting with people [in the office] -- of who was really never going
    to get with this program," he says. "I felt we couldn't take the risk
    that there might be some effort at sabotage here."

    Krasner got national attention the following month when he issued a revolutionary memo (https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/4415817-Philadelphia-DA-Larry-Krasner-s-Revolutionary-Memo.html)
    on prosecuting policies designed to "end mass incarceration and restore
    balance to sentencing." The memo said prosecutors must decline certain
    charges, namely marijuana possession and prostitution. The ban on pot prosecutions held regardless of weight, and included not charging for paraphernalia or for getting caught buying weed. The ban on prostitution prosecutions applied to anyone who had fewer than three previous
    prostitution convictions; those with three or more convictions could be
    charged and sent to a special problem-solving court set up to get
    prostitutes out of the life.

    Philadelphia had already decriminalized small time marijuana possession
    in 2014, but police continued to arrest people for larger amounts and
    under a rarely used state law making it a crime to purchase the drug.
    Krasner's memo brought a further decline to already dramatically
    shrinking marijuana arrests numbers (https://billypenn.com/2017/10/24/marijuana-arrests-down-75-percent-since-philly-decriminalized/),
    mainly by ending the prosecutions for buying it.

    Arrests for that offense haven't completely vanished, as police continue
    to make them despite knowing they won't be prosecuted, but 2018 saw a 30 percent decline (https://billypenn.com/2019/01/08/black-people-in-philly-are-still-arrested-disproportionately-for-buying-marijuana/)
    in such busts. Still, racial disparities persist: Blacks made up 85
    percent of all arrested pot buyers.

    The memo more broadly called for plea bargains to have the lightest
    sentences possible under state guidelines and, most dramatically,
    mandated that prosecutors assess how much the defendant's incarceration
    would cost and why it was worth spending public money on it.

    He has worked assiduously to ensure that city residents who unlawfully
    had cash or property seized under a city asset forfeiture program deemed unconstitutional by the court are made whole. His office is
    administering a $3 million fund for victims of the city's lawless
    practices, which saw thousands of people lose their homes, cars, cash,
    and other property to profit-driven policing and prosecutions.

    "What happened was that there was a 'keep what you kill' approach,"
    Krasner said (https://whyy.org/articles/da-krasner-philadelphians-whose-property-was-wrongly-seized-should-be-reimbursed/).
    "And all that it did was incentivize prosecutors to always try to take grandma's house, always try to take a working person's car, and often to
    do it simply because someone's nephew did something illegal out of the basement. And the owner, who may have been at church, didn't know."

    Most recently, a May 1 interview that Krasner did for Axios on HBO that
    will air next month was teased by with the headline "Scoop: Philly
    prosecutor may stop charging drug users as criminals (https://www.axios.com/exclusive-philadelphia-larry-krasner-drug-possession-0e4b0a63-e057-4541-81d3-e0d4ded743f6.html)"
    and this lede: "Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner, one of the
    most progressive district attorneys in the country, told 'Axios on HBO'
    that he is 'very close' to implementing a policy that would relax the
    penalties for drug possession laws."

    "One of the things we're looking at is essentially diverting all
    possession of drugs cases," he said in the interview. "Possession is
    different than dealing. It's different than carrying a bunch of drugs
    that you intend to sell or deliver later… We are talking about people
    who are using drugs, the vast majority of them suffering from addiction.
    I do not see value in convicting people like that, thereby making it
    harder for them to get a job."

    The Axios interview garnered lots of attention, but Axios -- and many of
    the outlets that ran with the story -- oversold it (https://www.philly.com/news/philadelphia-district-attorney-larry-krasner-drug-possession-20190508.html)
    as Krasner endorsing drug decriminalization. Even Krasner isn't quite
    ready to go that far, although it's an approach that has worked in
    Portugal (http://www.drugpolicy.org/resource/drug-decriminalization-portugal-learning-health-and-human-centered-approach)
    for nearly 20 years.

    Instead, Krasner spokesman Ben Waxman said late last week that Axios got
    the story wrong (https://www.phillymag.com/news/2019/05/10/larry-krasner-axios-drug-policy-wrong/).
    Krasner was talking diversion, not decriminalization, Waxman said.
    Diversion means people charged with drug possession could enter a
    treatment program and, if they successfully completed it, end up with no
    prison time and no criminal record. Decriminalization means they
    wouldn't be arrested and charged in the first place. "The Axios piece
    really conflated a bunch of different stuff," Waxman said. "I don't
    think they understood the difference between diversion and

    Axios is sticking to its guns, though (https://www.phillymag.com/news/2019/05/10/larry-krasner-axios-drug-policy-wrong/).
    "Axios went to extraordinary lengths to clarify the specifics of this
    story with Krasner's team, as well as other experts, to ensure the
    article's accuracy given the complexity and nuances of the topic," a spokesperson wrote in a statement. "This interview was recorded on
    video. We stand by our reporting."

    Meanwhile, drug diversion is already going on in Philadelphia -- last
    year almost half of the 5,458 arrests for drug possession ending up in
    already existing diversions programs -- so Krasner was actually talking
    about expanding existing programs. That's a good thing, but not nearly
    as sexy or sensational as drug decriminalization.Still, Larry Krasner
    has been a model of what a progressive prosecutor (https://www.motherjones.com/crime-justice/2019/04/progressive-prosecutors-ferguson-wesley-bell-kamala-harris-kim-gardener/)
    can do, and he's got time to do more. But maybe he should take a couple
    weeks off and visit Portugal.

    This article was produced by Drug Reporter (https://independentmediainstitute.org/drug-reporter/), a project of the Independent Media Institute.
    ================ ...

    It's time to correct the mistake:
    Truth:the Anti-drugwar

    Cops say legalize drugs--find out why:
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