If I Were Mayor of Saskatoon - Part A - By Kabatoff, Daryl S. (2/3)
Daryl Kabatoff@21:1/5 to
All on Sun Jun 7 10:29:36 2020
[continued from previous message]
If you don’t follow through with your work then the parts you constructed may be used by another… the parts you build can be passed down to a friend or family member or donated to the aviation department to use at their discretion. A finite number
of designs would be permitted so that people who lose interest in the project can more easily pass the parts they did manage to complete to others who adopted the same design. The aviation department will be in charge of administering the boat, airplane,
track, trailer and engine departments, and will be designing and providing security to the entire facility. People should have the confidence that their projects will not be compromised in any way. Anybody building composite planes or composite wings,
and people involved in painting and gluing, will conduct their affairs in separate facilities designed to handle the stink and the mess. The senior aviators in Saskatoon’s aviation department may eventually develop planes of our own designs, and turn
those designs into easy-to-build kits. Other communities will desire to partner with Saskatoon’s aviation department, some may offer to build parts for our use in trade for parts we manufacture here.
We should be building water taxis, such as gyrocopters with pontoons that seat between 4 to 7 people, or amphibious airplanes that accomplish the same. We should have ground effect taxis travelling just above the rivers or in other designated areas,
connecting communities. We should have rocket assisted aircraft designed specifically to travel the nearly identical distance to either Calgary or Edmonton. We should have small detachable rockets designed to assist the launching of planes, and smaller
rockets designed to give gliders a little push.
More realistically, we could start by building a prototype a composite single seat mono-wing airplane (such as a Yak), as the cost per aircraft will be considerably lower than constructing TIG welded airframes - reduce the cost of the airplanes to
make them an achievable goal to work towards. And, we could be concurrently working upon a prototype of a TIG welded single-seat STOL (short take off and landing) airplane as an option to the cheap composite aircraft mentioned above. If there is huge
interest then we can develop a prototype of a powered glider that has an enormous wingspan. Many builders will chose to build a plans-built plane of a pre-existing design rather than wait for the development of the protypes. We should be providing
options for people rather than taking options away.
By simply following the principles of aviation and without using complex mathematics nor wind tunnels, people may construct airplanes that fly very well. Consider that those people who use the complex mathematical formulas and even wind tunnels end up
with airplanes that still undergo revision after revision after revision. See “Flight Without Formulae” by A.C. Kermode for further reading.
Saskatoon requires three new airports on the outskirts specifically made for landing and storing the homebuilt aircraft. We should not allow the homebuilt creations to fly over the city, with the exception that the smaller and quieter planes should be
allowed to travel immediately above the South Saskatchewan River – planes could even be launched from a slipway or the roof of the TIG welding facility and then navigate along the river. We could have races and paintball dogfights over the river.
The way I figure it is that we should be building multiple forms, and then allowing builders to borrow our forms, and they would drape their plywood and/or fiber glass and/or carbon fiber and such over our forms. While the forms are being developed,
the builders could rebuild engines, build speed reduction units and propellers for their engines, build landing gear and other smaller parts. We could have forms for members to borrow that result in sleek and fuel efficient racers, like the Yak. We can
also allow members to build scaled-down version of the P-38 Lightning. We could build a powered glider that resembles the U-2 Spy Plane, we could make multiple forms for the fuselage out of concrete or some other stiff material. Small jet engines are an
equivalent cost of a cheap used car, buy a pair of these small jets and make them retractable. We can accomplish much when we work together.
If I were mayor of Saskatoon, I’d encourage both city residents and our neighbors living outside of our city to participate in using the proposed facilities to construct both boats and aircraft. People should have options in life, governments should
be trying to help provide people with options and not take options away.
If we choose to break ties with Canada’s so-called democratic government, we may choose to govern ourselves as a “Republic”. Living under a “Republic” we would have the guaranteed freedom to own land and guns, to be paid in silver and gold
coins, and have the freedom to innovate and build and fly our own aircraft without government interference. Democracy on the other hand allows for people to vote your very lives away. Vote “Republic” in the upcoming civic election and in future
provincial, state and federal elections. The choice is between freedom and continued and worsening slavery. Please run in rural, city, provincial, state and federal elections as “Republic”, and affirm that you are defending:
1) the right to own property, including land and guns
2) the right to free speech and beliefs
3) the right to be paid in real money which is gold and silver coins
4) the right to “freely” innovate, to fly your own aviation creations without government interference nor taxation, the right to movement
Affirm that you support these four points on your election literature and run for office under the “Republic” ticket. I believe that people should also have the right to innovate and place their own automotive creations on the roads but should be
taxed for road construction and road maintenance. Somewhat similarly, people flying will have to pay for airport landing and storage fees should they choose to land at and fly from such facilities. Furthermore I believe people flying or driving their own
creations should have affordable insurance available to them, and government subsidized if necessary. Governments should be giving people options and not taking options away.
There are sure to be accidents and people will lose fingers or other appendages, these can be humorously pickled and placed on display as we should always make the best of our situation. Anyway Stalin was wise to give the students the option to build
the composite Yaks, for those Yaks saved Russia from utter ruin.
Recently administrators at the main downtown library discarded massive number of books citing that people bound to wheelchairs were unable to reach the books on the highest and lowest shelves, they decided to remove access to books that other people
could reach. Over the last few decades the head librarians have been filling our shelves with material promoting witchcraft and homosexuality, this is in addition to the librarians pushing books advocating Catholic fertility rites. It costs taxpayers
about a million dollars every time a single individual gets infected with HIV, but you won’t read about that in books at our libraries. The libraries are being patronized by drug addicts who have little interest in reading, and who’s presence
negatively affect the learning of those who are so inclined. I do not support spending any money on a new larger downtown library, nor on spending money to annually turn the existing libraries into Catholic temples of fertility, nor on spending any
additional money on new crappy books advocating Catholicism, Islam, witchcraft nor homosexuality. Nor should we be spending money on computers (and computer support technicians) for patrons to play games on, and we can save money by reducing or ceasing
the purchase of adult fiction books. The library is for housing books and making these books accessible, not to cruise the internet and play computer games. We should stop spending money on paying wages for the administrators who turned our libraries
into jokes. We should radically cut the budget on the libraries and find new administrators who will allow books that are critical of the Catholicism, Islam, witchcraft and homosexuality. Rather than censor Michael Rowbotham’s “The Grip of Death: A
Study of Modern Money, Debt Slavery, and Destructive Economics” and even purge the record of the book ever having been at the library, we should instead buy several copies of the book. Rather than having hundreds or even thousands of different children
s books advocating witchcraft and homosexuality, we should be providing children with books that encourage independent thinking. Currently far less than 1% of the people in Canada are ramming their penises up each other’s arseholes, we should not be
using taxpayer’s money to encourage the other 99% to do so. Until the homosexual / witchcraft books are removed from the children’s section of the libraries, consider carding people and preventing anybody under the age of 18-years-old from entering
the public libraries, lest the city face a law suit for contributing to the delinquency of children. Children are created by a union of a man and a woman who ideally unite as a family and work together to raise these children, the public libraries (and
Hollywood and the media and the churches and the schools) are being used to contribute to the delinquency of children by advocating the removal of the fathers from the lives of his children and tearing families apart. City council should recognize that
the libraries have been co-opted by individuals that have very dark agendas and do everything possible to prevent additional money transfers that allow these damaging agendas to continue. Michael Rowbotham has a plan where interest-free money can be
created to pay for new infrastructure (bridges, overpasses, sewers, roads, schools, libraries, homebuilt aviation insurance…), it would be helpful to give the citizens of Saskatoon access to such material. This interest free money can be “created”
by the City of Saskatoon to pay for any liability caused by our homebuilt aviators. At present, so-called “money” is printed by private banks out of thin air, and then loaned to the governments at compound interest, thereby enslaving us. Recently
people have had access to an excessive amount of fiction and are confusing fiction for non-fiction.
Anticipate a new provincial government that will not pay rent for welfare recipients but will instead help the former renters become homeowners. Home ownership, even if the home is tiny, will go a long way to improve the lives of people. The tiny
homes should have concrete floors, concrete walls and a flat concrete roof to lessen the build time and provide shelters of substance that cannot easily be destroyed. Provide tiny homes (approximately 200 square feet per adult, 100 square feet per child),
eventually the new home owner may get their act together to upgrade the cheap windows and stove provided, add insulation, expand the first floor or add a second story to the structure, make an outhouse, add solar panels or a windmill for electric
lighting, or even dig a water well. Provide each new residence with a heavy steel door that cannot be easily kicked in. Rather than giving away tax money monthly to pay rent to a landlord, instead provide some building materials and kick-start home
ownership. Place leans upon each property so that the houses may not be sold without the taxpayers recouping their investments. The City of Saskatoon should not wait for provincial nor federal government assistance with our homeless crisis, we should
purchase a block of four or six sections of land several miles away from the city for the new small homes. The land can be fenced and shared with bison, the houses need to be concrete as the bison would rub against them on occasion. Some new homeowners
would opt to live in bison-free areas - people should have options in life - governments should be providing options for people rather than taking options away. Governments removed building options from people and forced them to use construction
techniques that result in rotting homes of limited life spans… it is likely better to live in a concrete home surrounded with bison than live in the basement of a rotting home surrounded by discarded needles while having your privacy and the sanctity
of your home repeatedly violated by your landlord who refuses to give tenants the legally required 24-hour notice before barging into the premises.
Stop funding the downtown Lighthouse shelter and instead provide the impoverished with small homes in the countryside, and find other ways to build confidence in consumers so they will return to the downtown core and patronize the stores. The Russian
peasants living under the Russian Tsars had the right to live in small shacks in the countryside and were allowed to have gardens or small crops, while the Canadian slaves living at the Lighthouse are fed grossly substandard meals. I’ve seen grown men
cry at the Lighthouse, as they were made to wait over an hour for their dinners to arrive, and when the dinner finally arrives the food provided is unpalatable and the portion insufficient to sustain life. People come out of a six-week psychiatric
torture session at the University of Saskatchewan, or at Saskatoon City Hospital, and their Brahmin psychiatrist has them injected with a long lasting CIA inspired “depot” drug on the final day of that horror, leaving them in utter nauseous misery
and horror for another couple of months after they are released. Then they end up at the Lighthouse and continue to be mistreated, it’s no wonder that grown men cry. Management at the Lighthouse benefits from the donations and are widely known to take
food home for themselves while their inmates suffer. Many people who are repeatedly “treated” to the six-week long psychiatric sessions end up in Filipino (Catholic) run group homes where the food provided consists mainly of starches (bread and
potatoes) and minimal fruits and vegetables. The Filipino Catholics don’t open group homes to provide loving care for the disenfranchised, they open the group homes in order to profit from their misery. What taxpayers pay to keep the poor in group
homes, and in homeless facilities such as the Lighthouse can easily buy concrete homes for these people in the countryside. And what taxpayers pay to keep people in prisons and psychiatric torture centers could instead easily buy those people multi-
million dollar mansions, and for each and every one of them.
Saskatoon needs to provide places to park horse-drawn carriages. If I bothered to run for mayor and if I was elected the mayor of Saskatoon I would seek to reserve appropriate locations for tying up and corralling horses, as some visitors from out of
town will arrive on horses or in horse driven carriages. We should provide space for the horses and carriages beside every major mall, visitors should be able to park their horses and carriages at the Midtown Plaza and other major shopping malls. Of
course the space would be constructed to provide water and shade for the horses. People on bicycles will come along and pick up the horse shit for free, they will take it back to their gardens in the city, or next to their concrete homes in the country.
Free people are paid in gold and silver coins and are allowed to own land and guns… allowing some Canadians to possess land and possess guns, and allowing them to buy commemorative gold or silver coins at the post offices and banks at greatly
inflated prices, is just a show. The Charter of Rights and Freedoms foisted upon us by Trudeau Senior doth not recognize our right to own neither land nor guns. Those that have gun licenses should be aware that the license is just a temporary permit to
possess a gun and the gun may be removed from them at any time, and similarly those that have land risk similar loss. In some regards the Russian peasants had more freedom than the Canadian slaves. Both the Russian peasants and the Canadian slaves are
provided with priests that wave smoke and splash some water around. The Russian peasants were made to fight for their country while the Canadian slaves are made to eat substandard food while their nation is handed over to Chinese and Islamists. The
Russian Tsars defended their nation while Ottawa strikes secret deals with both the Chinese and the Islamists, and even allows the Chinese to launch legal suits against us in secret courts should we hamper their unfettered access to Canadian resources.
If I were mayor of Saskatoon, I would pay my employees in real money, which is gold and silver coins. The City of Saskatoon could strike it’s own gold coins to pay their employees. As mayor of The City of Saskatoon I’d give the average worker a 0.
06 troy ounce (0.06 AGW), gold coin for eight hours work. This will reduce taxes to homeowners and to business owners considerably. Workers wanting more than a 0.06 Troy Ounce gold coin for their work per eight hour work day can go west or to the North
Saskatchewan River and mine more gold for themselves, there. Free people are allowed to have guns, land and are paid in gold and silver coins, back in the day when people were free Mexico made a 2.5 Peso (.0603 oz) gold coin from 1918-1948, and the coin
was alloyed at 90% gold to 10% copper, it was alloyed in order to make the coin harder and more durable during circulation. We should have a small gold coin that is similar to that Mexican coin, but containing 0.06 ounces of gold instead, or less, it
would be a savings of at least .0003 ounces of gold per coin, again saving money for the home and business owners by reducing taxes, perhaps. We’ll be rich. And the supposed poor among us would have concrete homes in the country - they get their own
concrete homes and a garden, they can work towards gaining wealth with their gardens and taxpayers wouldn’t have to give money to landlords. City home owners would not pay taxes for landlords, and would obtain access to locally grown produce. In Soviet
Russia they shot the landlords, we would not be doing that here, if I were the mayor.
We may alloy the gold with either copper, nickel or silver or combinations thereof, to make the coins harder and more durable to the wear that results from the circulation of the coins. We should determine, using “science”, to see which particular
alloy of gold we should be using in our coins. We can use “science” to determine which alloy works best. We can try using “science” from time to time, at city hall, if I were mayor.
The City of Saskatoon may strike coins containing the “alloys” of precious metals, we should make gold, silver, platinum and palladium coins, and using “science” we will harden these coins by adding small amounts of either base or precious
metals in a mixture or “alloy”. Whenever the city strikes and sells coins containing any amount of silver, platinum or palladium, the city should strive to always profit from the manufacturing and sale of these white coins, and save money for the
taxpayers. But when we manufacture gold coins it is because we require the coins to pay our workers in gold, so “they” may profit. For example we could use combinations of platinum, palladium and silver, and perhaps hardened with small amounts of
copper or nickel or gold, and manufacture commemorative coins, which The City of Saskatoon would sell at a profit, to reduce taxes. I’m sure that a lot of guys would be more likely to invest in these silver, platinum and palladium alloyed commemorative
coins if they depicted a woman showing off her breasts. It is certainly something to think about.
Anyway, the copper, nickel and chromium coins are all known or suspected carcinogens while the silver, platinum and palladium coins are not. If the city is selling commemorative coinage, we would be on better ground by offering coins that are not
toxic. Similarly if the city is paying workers their wages, we would be on better ground by paying our workers in gold coins, which is real money. Some workers will opt to be paid in commemorative silver, platinum and palladium coinage instead of the
gold coin, the city will do the math and benefit on the short term with the exchange, allowing it to lower taxes, while the worker who chooses to be paid with the silver, platinum and palladium coins in place of a gold coin, may profit over time due to
the rising market value of the platinum and palladium. We can start by lowering taxes by paying a small gold coin (maybe 0.0404 Troy Ounces AGW) to most city employees for a day’s work, I propose that we call this gold coin a “Namur”, and we can
even put a picture of my cat Namur on one side. People will wonder why they are not being paid with gold coins containing 0.0603 or perhaps 0.0600 Troy ounces of gold instead, it would remain a mystery. When I am deceased or defeated, the following
mayors may be free to decorate their coins with Mary, whichever pope, Charles, the Easter Bunny, an Egyptian obelisk, or perhaps even Santa Clause and a blinkin’ tree. People like blinkin’ trees, a coin depicting a blinkin’ evergreen tree may prove
so very popular among the peasants, the city may rake in a fortune in coin sales and then cease collecting taxes from homeowners. Using metallurgy, “science” and tasteful art, we would strike coins and thereby reduce or even eliminate property taxes
for the home and business owners, maybe even provide rebates. Everybody will be very happy and will break into dance and song.
An end to Catholic (pagan) fertility rites on city property… no money spent on decorated evergreen trees, decorated evergreen tree wreaths and blinkin’ lights, on their purchase nor on their annual installation and removal. Removal of the pagan
representations of penises on Broadway Avenue. Removal of all Egyptian phalluses located on city owned properties (such as on the Broadway Bridge and at City Hall). An end to the arrest and psychiatric torture of those who criticize the Catholic (pagan)
phallic traditions. An end to psychiatric treatment (torture) within the city… it is the churches that are sick and not the people who criticize the pagan traditions taught by these churches. The city should look at not only ending torture in the
hospitals (a real mismanagement of tax money) but look at compensating people who suffered under the hands of psychiatry. There is a real risk that if we do not stop psychiatry, then “normal” people across this nation will start facing widespread
The so-called “Christian” churches teach people to honor pagan fertility tree traditions that are in direct opposition to God’s First Three Commandments… people are taught to honor pagan fertility traditions in place of God’s Commandments
and then these people go on to commit violations of other of God’s Commandments, the resulting crime destroys lives and results in higher taxes for businesses and homeowners. The churches (and mosques and temples) should be taxed in order to alleviate
these higher taxes that they themselves are causing through their pagan teachings. The Doukhobors should pay increased taxes as they too have adopted the Catholic fertility rites and so have become Catholics, they claim to abide by God’s Commandments
but they honor Catholic fertility rites which are in violation of God’s First Four Commandments. Doukhobors used to be a benefit to Canadians, now they negligently teach people to abide by Catholic fertility rites. When people adopt Catholic fertility
rites then they become Catholics, and that includes Doukhobors. It will be difficult to collect increased taxes from the Zoroastrians as they are difficult to find… Zoroastrians faced tremendous persecution from Moslems over the centuries and now they
hide. The Doukhobors (the Old Believers) faced tremendous persecution from Christians over the last few centuries and now they avoid persecution by embracing Catholic fertility rites and by changing their Slavic names to Anglicized names. The Canadian
Ukrainians turn eggs and trees into decorated idols and actively help to teach my Doukhobor relatives to embrace the Catholic fertility rites. Now my Doukhobor relatives love Catholic fertility rites far more than Jesus. The Jehovah Witnesses are a
Catholic church as they embrace the Vatican’s Sunday Sabbath. The Jewish community will not face additional tax burdens because they do not systematically teach people to violate God’s Commandments but teach people to abide by God’s Commandments
instead. Please note that I never stated that one is saved by keeping God’s Commandments, nor do I hold such a view.
People are systematically taught to embrace traditions in place of God’s Commandments, their libraries are filled with books advocating witchcraft and homosexuality, and their media is but a mouthpiece for the Catholic Church that repeats the call
to turn trees into decorated idols and provides encouragement to violate additional Commandments, resulting in crime and higher taxes. So not only should the churches, mosques and pagan temples be taxed to help pay for the costs they impose upon society,
their media should be taxed as well.
Multitudes of soldiers gave their lives for our freedom – our civic governments (and other governments) honors their sacrifices by erecting Egyptian obelisks (representations of penises) and by placing statues of soldiers next to or on top of these
Egyptian penises, and by getting other soldiers to bow to the pagan penises by placing fertility tree wreaths at the base of the Egyptian dinks. These are traditions that have become so important that society is willing to have those who point out the
pagan filth be arrested and tortured in psychiatric facilities. The city should demolish the cenotaph (an Egyptian dink), those citizens who oppose the demolition of this pagan phallus should be allowed to remove it from the city and erect the erection
elsewhere. There are more appropriate ways to thank service men and women for their service than to honor them with a pagan dink.
The city closed down the Mendel Art Gallery, it was a wonderful place that provided free access to art and to a conservatory full of plants. Only once I went to Saskatoon’s new art gallery, I was turned away as the entire facility was closed to the
general public, but other people were still being admitted, those being admitted were arriving in limousines and they were wearing outfits that exceed the cost of what I spend on clothes in three years. I did not return. One would think that with four
stories the new art gallery is large enough to always accommodate people of differing social-economic backgrounds at the same time. One would think that the old gallery would not be shuttered until the new gallery was ready for occupancy, but this was
not the case and the general public was left without a gallery for years – the wealthy among us cared little that the city was without a working gallery while the new gallery was being constructed as they could easily afford to frequently fly to other
communities and other countries to view the art there. I support the re-establishment of the Mendel Art Gallery and an end of cash transfers to the new gallery. A study should be done on the new gallery and determine how it can be repurposed, perhaps it
can be used to teach aviation or perhaps the space can even be used to build small airplanes. There is a much greater desire of city residents to own their own cars, motorcycles, boats, airplanes and helicopters than to spend money for admission into an
exclusive art gallery where people arrive in limousines.
The city used to hold the immensely popular “Louis Riel Relay Race” in the 1980’s and 1990’s, the event drew great crowds to the center of the city. It was a way to bring together people of all cultures, not just Metis, but also Native
Aboriginals, Whites, Chinese and most of the rest of the diverse community. Then the city cancelled the event and put Chinese Dragon Boat Races in their place. About the same time the Chinese Dragon Boat Races began, the media stopped their campaign to
demonize the Chinese people, and instead ran “news” stories of how the Chinese were embracing “Christmas” (aka turning trees into decorated idols), saying “Look at their beautiful blinkin’ trees - the Chinese people are just the same as you
and me.” The media played upon people’s love of pagan fertility rites in order to push a pro-Chinese agenda. I support a return of the Louis Riel Relay Race to downtown Saskatoon. If Chinese people want to maintain their traditions they should do so
without cancelling our traditions.
Help lower taxes in the city by targeting high school students who litter the streets with cigarette butts, fines imposed upon the students can be directed towards lowering the property taxes of the homeowners who are negatively impacted by these self-
centered students. The schools should be teaching the students how to properly cross the streets and how to deal with their personal wastes, if they failed learn these skills in primary schools then they should spend time daily learning the subject in
high schools. We should assume that those high school students that litter the streets with cigarette butts similarly don’t know how to wipe their arses properly, provide them with remedial classes at the end of the school day and give them lessons on
many different aspects of waste management, including when it is appropriate to flush and the importance of properly wiping and washing their butt holes. If they are unable to attend such waste management classes at the end of the day, have them attend a
class in the morning before the start of the school day. Tossing their carcinogenic cigarette butts on the ground is far from being a joke. If the students continue to think that littering carcinogenic substances is a joke, then add a fee to their parent
s annual taxes so that money will be made available to clean up after their ignorant progeny, we can call in “Your ignorant progeny joke tax.” When submitting the annual tax bill to the parents, include a video of their ignorant child tossing a
cigarette butt on the ground.
High school students know how to smoke in large groups, resulting in clouds of carcinogenic toxins irritating the homeowners living close to the schools… if the students can afford drugs, tattoos, body piercings, designer clothes, automobiles and
smart phones, then they can also afford fines for littering and jaywalking. Sometimes the weather is such that the cigarette smoke hangs in the air, it makes life miserable for those residents who live adjacent to the high schools.
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