• MSNBC Host: Omicron "Something That Looks Like The Flu"

    From Ubiquitous@21:1/5 to All on Fri Dec 31 12:24:03 2021
    XPost: alt.tv.pol-incorrect, alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, alt.politics.usa
    XPost: sci.med.diseases

    Uh oh.

    While the mainstream (read: liberal) media have gone wild with
    speculation of the newly emerged Omicron variant, one MSNBC host now
    says it may be much ado about nothing.

    Chris Hayes said Wednesday on his nightly show that sure, COVID-19 is
    bad for anyone who is immuno-compromised or has a co-morbidity. “But
    for the people who don’t fall into that [high-risk] category – and
    we’re talking about, 150 million people, maybe, or more — those people
    who are vaccinated and particularly those who are boosted, you know,
    the personal risk went from something we hadn’t really dealt with
    before in our lifetimes … to something that does look more like the
    flu,” Hayes said.

    “Now, the flu of course can still be dangerous – kills tens of
    thousands of Americans every year — but we do not orient our lives
    around the flu,” he said. “So that’s closer to the level of risks that,
    you know, 200 million Americans or less than that are now dealing

    After nearly two long years of shutdowns and lockdowns, school and
    business closures, along with government mandates for mask wearing and vaccinations, Hayes said Americans have just about had it.

    “And then when you add in the sheer exhaustion many people feel — and I
    don’t have to tell you this I’m sure because you’re just feeling this
    yourself, many of you — but the length of this disruption to our lives, obviously the politics of the pandemic are just completely different
    than they were earlier in the pandemic,” Hayes said.

    .@chrislhayes on the weird reality for vaccinated folks amid
    omicron wave:

    The risk went from something we hadn’t really dealt with
    before in our lifetimes, to something that looks more like
    the flu. The flu can still be dangerous—but we do not reorient
    our lives around the flu. pic.twitter.com/4K5qNOplpW

    — All In with Chris Hayes (@allinwithchris) December 30, 2021

    The media breathlessly reports the ever-rising number of cases that
    have hit the U.S. this winter, but several recent studies — and even
    Dr. Anthony Fauci, who usually leans toward the worst-case scenario —
    are now saying Omicron appears to be less severe compared to the Delta
    variant that has been widespread.

    During a White House COVID-19 briefing on Wednesday, the top U.S.
    immunologist cited a study from the University of Edinburgh that
    suggests the risk of hospitalization from Omicron is two-thirds lower
    than Delta.

    “As we get further and further in the experience with Omicron — and
    perhaps even variants that might come after that — it’s very, very
    clear: For example, with Omicron, if you have a larger number of
    infections — and as the data that I presented here indicate that there
    is — it looks like a significant lessening of severity compared to
    others — it becomes much more relevant as to what the seriousness of
    the impact on society is,” Fauci said.

    “We’re never going to stop counting tests. But we’re looking forward,
    as I think everyone feels is appropriate, that, ultimately, when we’re
    going to have to, quote, ‘live’ with something that will not be
    eradicated and very likely would not be eliminated, but can actually be
    at such a lower level of control — namely a control that does not
    disrupt society, does not disrupt the economy — that it will be much
    more relevant as to what the level of seriousness of impact is, as
    opposed to infection, which might turn out to be milder,” the doctor

    Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases who served on former President Trump’s White House Coronavirus
    Task Force and is now President Joe Biden’s chief medical adviser on
    COVID-19, also said the “final conclusion about the level of severity
    in children remains to be determined.”

    But he added: “And so to repeat what we say so often and it deserves reemphasis, the risk of severe disease from any circulating variant,
    including Omicron, is much, much higher for the unvaccinated. And so,
    adults and children who are eligible, get vaccinated and vaccinated
    people, get boosted when eligible.”

    Fauci’s comments mirrored the recent findings from the U.K. Health
    Security Agency (UKHSA), which operates much like the U.S. Centers for
    Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The agency found that those who
    contract Omicron are less likely to become severely ill compared to
    people who get the Delta variant, according to the data, Politico

    “More people are likely to have a mild illness with less serious
    symptoms — probably in part due to Britain’s large number of vaccinated
    and previously infected people, and possibly because Omicron may be intrinsically milder,” Politico reported. “Chief Medical Officer Chris
    Whitty has previously cautioned against too much optimism based on the
    initial optimistic signs from South Africa in the past few weeks.
    However, the UKHSA’s view after studying cases in Britain is that
    Omicron is indeed usually less severe than Delta.”

    But the report included one caveat: “The less good news is that while
    Omicron seems milder overall, the UKHSA has found it is not necessarily
    mild enough to avoid large numbers of hospitalizations. The experts
    have found evidence that for those who do become severely ill, there is
    still a high chance of hospitalization and death.”

    Let's go Brandon!

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