• OPERATION MIND CONTROL -- Secret Government War Against Its People

    From davidktall607@gmail.com@21:1/5 to ac...@blake.u.washington.edu on Sun May 12 00:11:12 2019
    On Friday, March 1, 1991 at 11:29:24 PM UTC-5, ac...@blake.u.washington.edu wrote:
    (This book is dedicated to those who are obedient to authority. May they follow in the path of Daniel Ellsberg, L.Fletcher Prouty, Victor Marchetti, John Marks, and George O'Toole, become responsible, and break free from
    the chains of command.)

    "Operation Mind Control: Our Secret Government's War Against Its Own People" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEHIND _The_New_York_Time's_ headlines ... by
    BEHIND The Rockefeller Report ... W.H. Bowart
    BEHIND The C.I.A.s partial disclosure ... c. 1978
    This is the terrifying, documented story!

    (Foreword by Richard Condon, author of _The_Manchurian_Candidate_):

    The father of Grock the clown, having had his legs broken in eight places
    by -his- father for professional reasons, broke Grock's legs in eight places to be certain that the child would grow up walking grotesquely so as to ensure his eminence as a clown. The act brought much pain and indignity forever but, Grock's father reasoned, was there not a wholly justifiable element involved? Was not the clowning tradition immortally enhanced by those unnatural legs?

    As demonstrated inescapably by Walter Bowart in this book, our Father who
    art in the American secret police has endowed hundreds of scientists at American universities to unravel methods for fracturing American minds. That this research in so many great halls of learning has exceeded a cost of untold millions of dollars (the only yardstick remaining by which we are willing to measure anything) indicates that this Grockian entertainment
    being produced by our secret police is a matter of ambiguous policy rather than the happenstance of cloak-and-dagger adventure.

    In this book Walter Bowart has proven each step of this official, terminal, government anarchy, even though that appears to be a contradiction in terms. To alter and control human minds is the ultimate anarchy. What is offered
    by official apologists as a tribute to the needs of derring-do by romantic spies are acts of hatred and sadism against all people in an insane and degraded determination to extirpate conscience from society.

    Walter Bowart underwent a long and extensive process to assemble the hard facts which comprise this book. Each document attesting to secret police intent had to be ferreted out of government archives by badgering persistence until, page by page, the information was released to him by his right under the Freedom of Information Act. The essence of that law seems to be that
    one need only write away to a federal agency for information about the general areas in which the citizen is interested. Not so. Walter Bowart needed to expend large sums of money to employ researchers in Washington
    and elsewhere in order to discover the precise -name-, -number-, and -description-of-contents- of each document toward which he was groping through black streams of informational darkness. Without this it would
    have been impossible to apply for the transfer of copies of these documents to himself for this book. He had to comb the United States for people
    from many walks of life who knew, vaguely rememberd, or suspected that
    they had been under the mind control of secret police with information gleaned from them to labyrinthine research among thousands of federal archives.

    Please keep fearfully in mind that the astonishing information published
    in this seminal work of investigative reporting, concerning avenues taken
    to decision and execution by our secret police to fracture or dissolve
    human minds, then to operate those minds as a small boy might operate a Yo-Yo, for purposes of counter-intelligence military "efficiency," and
    the destruction of democratic institutions, was drawn directly from federal records and from official laboratory archives of the highest educational purpose -- as well as from the reviving memories of those who had already undergone the dehumanizing process.

    The prostitution of the mind by our secret police preceded the murder of
    the mind. To attain the advanced techniques now available to "magnetic
    and attractive" political personalities, it was necessary to turn out the laboratories of science as a pimp turns out his heartless whores upon the winter streets; our hallowed educators, army and navy and air force commanders and personnel, the beloved medical profession, august and inspiring temples of the law, our esteemed statesmen, and all Americans living and dead. Each one of these groups is involved in this dismembering of the mind. Taxes and the collective conscience make the urination of
    the secret police upon the human mind possible. "Brainwashing" per se
    is no news to any of us. Controlled assassins are not known to us only through fiction. Advertising assaults on behalf of poisonous materials
    to induce us successfully to buy and consume are early on bastions of
    mind control.

    No one -- not anyone -- needs theologians to answer the question: "Where does the soul live?" We know the soul lives in the mind because the soul
    is the mind in all of its unfathomably intricate individual conditioning.
    It is the mind of intent, of hope, of purpose, of achievement by the
    spirit beyond achievement by physical action. When Grock's father broke
    his son's legs in eight places there may have been alarm, on the one hand, that a man could do such a calamitous thing to his son but, on the other,
    the same people responded to Grock's genius to which those hopelessly deformed legs had contributed, and roared with laughter. That was the
    normal reaction when we were the audience and crazy-legs Grock was the
    clown. But Walter Bowart demonstrates to us in this book that we have
    become Grock. We are the spinning, hobbling, waddling clowns in the
    eyes of our vivdly delineated secret police.

    "Oh no!" (Can you hear the outcry?) Oh, yes, writes Walter Bowart in this fearful record you now hold in your hands.

    Apologists rush in, hired for all such occasions from everywhere, by the secret government crying out, "You are, as usual, like all of your exaggerating kind, making a mountain out of a molehill. While it may (or
    may not) be true that our secret police occasionally swing the sledgehammer on little minds, it is (or is not) being done as a patriotic act to protect our beloved people." They reel backward, hands clutching chests as the
    full realization seems to hit them. "My -God-! Bowart -cannot- believe
    that our government of the people, by the people, and for the people would use such loathsome forces against citizens. If such research were done
    (or was not done) then it would be for purely -abstract- research reasons
    -- for the expansion of human knowledge."

    Walter Bowart's book is also a freezing vision of the mutations of the aspirations of science. Scientists, educators, and their leaders, The
    Great Men, having stumbled upon the possibility of controlling the human mind, might well have withheld this knowledge from the secret police and brought it forward for all to share, would you not say? If the means are
    at hand actually to enter and control the mind -- not through the far-off smoke signals of psychiatry and pschoanalysis -- can we conceive of what might be found in terms of medical triumphs, the conquest of pain and of group hatreds, and mental energy released by unraveling the Gordian knots
    of mental perplexity to make one straight laser line that might then pierce the doubts and fears which beset each one of us? In terms of education light-years ahead of the educational means we presently employ, in basic
    and advanced learning of cultures, languages, and skills; in short, understanding each other across the face of the world, this development
    of Mind Control makes the invention of movable type seem like a primordial grunt from the shadows of a rain forest lost in time.

    What has been achieved by the secret police in relation to mind control
    is scrupulously set down in Walter Bowart's extraordinary book. The
    question the book puts is this: do you wish this immeasurably important technique to remain as a weapon to be used -against- you and your children
    by what Bowart calls the cryptocracy, or do you wish to use it as a
    universal key to unlock a thousand new chances that your children will not
    be murdered in future wars?

    In an epigraph to this book, Zbigniew Brzezinski measures the political probabilities of mind control use when he says, "exploiting the latest communications techniques to manipulate emotion and control reason." Today our secret police and our military establishment have demonstrated, in Vietnam and elsewhere (examined by Bowart herein), the powers to create assassins out of our children. The expansion of these powers, which are
    able to turn young men and women into murderous criminals at will, goes
    on unchecked by the oft-called "investigative" press, by "moral" leaders
    at the bar, in the pulpits, in high government, and on campuses. Yet the people they call the public have long suspected that it has become
    government policy to control minds. If there is general information
    abroad on this subject, then consider that which must be at the disposal
    of congressional investigating committees as they bugle their determination to control the powers of darkness within our secret police. Zombie is a quaint, old-fashioned folklore word but its meaning becomes obscene when
    our children's minds are being controlled by any one of dozens of federal secret police agencies. Have government agencies perfected methods
    sustained by the taxpayers to control the minds of the people who shot the Kennedys, Martin Luther King, and Orlando Letelier, the former Chilean economist and diplomat? Were the assassins programmed to forget they did
    it or were they programmed to do it? We may never know for they stand bewildered, idiotically grinning for the cameras. Have the techicians developed a model Giant, Economy-Size Government Assassin which can easily
    be turned out by the thousands?

    The murders of a few hundred humans by a few hundred other humans is commonplace enough but, for the flavor of horror and terror, of endless nightmare rampant upon a landscape of what was once American democracy, consider this expansion of the Brzezinski epigraph which cannot be repeated often enough: "In the techtronic society the trend would seem to be toward the aggregation of the individual support of millions of uncoordinated citizens, easily within the reach of magnetic and attractive personalities, effectively exploiting the latest communications techniques to manipulate
    and control reason."

    The threatening state of American political leadership over the last fifteen years may seem to murmur that the "magnetic and attractive personalities" might rather not resist the destruction of democratic institutions by "effectively exploiting" these shocking gains into the control of minds.
    It might even be wise to consider Walter Bowart's real evidence herein,
    then to do what we can to protect ourselves if that proud right, with the love of freedom, has not been atrophied by "the latest communication techniques."

    There is an alternative. We can all forever more be transformed into
    the image of Grock the clown.

    Richard Condon, author
    Kilmoganny, Ireland
    31 May 1977


    Chapter One: The Cryptorian Candidate

    It may have been the biggest story since the atom bomb. The headline, however, was small and ignored the larger issue. "Drug Tests by CIA Held More Extensive Than Reported in '75," said the _New_York_Times on July 16, 1977. What it should have said is "U.S. Develops Invisible Weapons to Enslave Mankind."

    The testing of drugs by the CIA was just a part of the United States government's top-secret mind-control project, a project which had spanned thirty-five years and had involved tens of thousands of individuals. It involved techniques of hypnosis, narco-hypnosis, electronic brain stimula- tion, behavioral effects of ultrasonic, microwave, and low-frequency sound, aversive and other behavior modification therapies. In fact, there was virtually no aspect of human behavioral control the memory and will of both individuals and whole masses of people.

    The CIA succeeded in developing a whole range of psycho-weapons to expand
    its already ominous psychological warfare arsenal. With these capabilities, it was now possible to wage a new kind of war -- a war which would take
    place invisibly, upon the battlefield of the human mind.

    "Literature always anticipates life," Oscar Wilde said. "It does not copy it, but molds it to its purpose." By Wilde's definition, then, Richard Condon's _The_Manchurian_Candidate_ is literature.

    Condon published his tour de force in 1958. It was the story of an American Army sergeant who was captured by the enemy during the Korean conflict and, in an improbable nine days, was hypno-programmed to murder on cue. The sergeant returned to the United States and was post-hypnotically triggered
    to kill by the sight of the queen of diamonds in a deck of cards. The sergeant automatically killed several people, among them a candidate for President of the United States. After he killed, his memory of the event
    was forever sealed by amnesia.

    At the time _The_Manchurian_Candidate_ was published, few people in the world, Richard Condon included, knew that total control of the mind was possible. Condon was writing fiction: he had merely read up on popular Pavlovian contitioning manuals and imagined the rest. He had no way of knowing then that mind control had already been the subject of eighteen
    years of research within agencies of the U.S. government. The tricks of
    mind control he described were later employed (right down to the queen of diamonds cue) by programmers of real political assassins who developed foolproof techniques for the control of thought, memory, emotions, and behavior.

    _The_Manchurian_Candidate_ brought the idea of "brainwashing" to public consciousness. Brainwashing is the use of isolation, deprivation, torture, and indoctrination to break the human will. But what the book actually described was something more than brainwashing. It was mind control: a total takeover of an individual's mind by someone else. The someone else
    in Condon's version was a mad Chinese psycho-scientist. Always the satirist, Condon brought the Fu Manchu myth up to date. But, ironically, the techniques he described were first perfected and used not by the Chinese
    or the Communists, but by the United States.

    Condon's portrait of POWs during the Korean conflict went against the accepted scientific and medical opinion of the time, which held that a man could not be made to commit a criminal act against his own will or inner moral code by -any- known means. Although Condon's book was not completely on target about the details of GI mind control, he did accurately describe some of the motives, coercive methodology, and psychological results of real-life mind control.

    The psychological techniques described in _The_Manchurian_Candidate_ were to become a reality less than a decade after Condon saw his story set in type. As if Condon's fiction had been used as the blueprint, a group of hypno- programmed "zombies" were created. Some were assassins prepared to kill on cue. Others were informers, made to remember minute details under hypnosis. Couriers carried illegal messages outside the chain of command, their
    secrets secured behind posthypnotic blocks. Knowledge of secret information was removed from the minds of those who no longer had the "need to know" -- they were given posthypnotic amnesia.

    The ordinary foot soldiers who fought in the dirty, televised Vietnam conflict were released to civilian life without debriefing. For them there was no "decompression" from the rage of war. They were released with all the reflexes of trained assassins intact.

    Those who had been conditioned in the black science of the war of torture, terror, and technology were debriefed with special attention. Their memories were so completely erased before they were turned out of the military that they returned to civilian life with only the minimum, fragmented knowledge
    of who they were or what they had done. The rest of their memories had been smudged or removed by drugs, hypnosis, behavior modification, conditioned reflex therapy, or some other evil wonder of mind control.

    I encountered my first case of mind control in the midst of the Watergate scandal. A young man I'd known since childhood had returned from a tour of duty in the U.S. Air Force, with amnesia, remembering nothing of his service years, except having had a good time. He subsequently learned, through intensive private psychotherapy, that he'd been hypnotized and conditioned. His mind had been unmade, then remade: his mind had been controlled.

    I was completely fascinated by his story, but naturally, in 1973, I thought it was an isolated, single event. Then, quite by accident, a few months later, I overheard another man in my hometown telling what was essentially the same story: how he figured he'd been hypnotized and had his memory erased at a "debriefing" prior to his separation from military service.

    After hearing the second story I began to wonder how many more men had had their memories erased. I decided to run the following classified ad: "Researcher/writer interested in contacting anyone with knowledge of the use of hypnosis by the military, including ex-servicemen who have reason to believe they were hypnotized (or drugged) while in the service and subsequently exhibited signs of amnesia or hypermnesia (improved memory).
    All info held in strictest confidence ... "

    I placed the ad in _Soldier_of_Fortune_ (a magazine which reports on the activities of mercenaries), a number of small publications aimed at hypnotists, behaviorists, neurologists, and other professionals, and
    popular magazines such as _Rolling_Stone_. To my amazement, I received more than a hundred replies to the ad. Many stated that they had amnesia.

    Ignoring the obvious crank letters, I followed up on the others and discovered
    that many men were unable to say just what had caused their loss of memory. In some cases, it was obviously a result of the trauma of war -- what came
    to be called "the post-Vietnam syndrome." So I concentrated on those who
    had not seen combat but who either had high security clearances or were employed at the periphery of the intelligence services.

    Letter and telephone exchanges narrowed the field down to eighteen persons who fit the pattern of the first two men who had reported their amnesia to me.
    All eighteen had had security clearances -- and could only recall isolated events from their GI experience. I narrowed the field still further to those who remembered enough to have at least some idea, however fragmentary and incomplete, of what had happened to them.

    Their stories were believable, but they shed little light on how amnesia
    had been induced and what behavior had been controlled. To answer those deeper questions I went to the libraries, and after two years of research I was able to find enough scientific reports and government documents to tell the whole story of what I call Operation Mind Control.

    Though the documented trail of mind control extends back many decades, it was not always called by that name. The church and state have always engaged in psychotheology and psycho-politics, the psychological manipulation of belief, opinion, and actions for political and/or religious ends. But the complete control of the human mind was only managed in the late 1940s. Therefore,
    my research is concentrated on the period from 1938 to the present, the period during which I found there was an effort made by the agencies of the U.S. government to develop sophisiticated techniques of psycho-politics and mind control.

    The objective of Operation Mind Control during this period has been to take human beings, both citizens of the United States and citizens of friendly
    and unfriendly nations, and transform them into unthinking, subconsciously programmed "zombies," motivated without their knowledge and against their wills to perform in a variety of ways in which they would not otherwise willingly perform. This is accomplished through the use of various techniques
    called by various names, including brainwashing, thought reform, behavior modification, hypnosis, and conditioned reflex therapy. For the purposes of this book the term "mind control" will be used to describe those techniques generically. * (*Various meditation groups use the words 'mind control' to describe meditation, contemplation, and self-hypnosis; all these are usually harmless if not beneficial practices. These techniques might more properly be called 'mind self-control,' for the individuals who use them seek control over their -own- minds and bodies to obtain desired effects. The mind control
    examined in this book is the control of one individual's mind by another.)

    Mind control is the most terrible imaginable crime because it is committed not
    against the body, but against the mind and the soul. Dr. Joost A.M. Meerloo expresses the attitude of the majority of psychologists in calling it "mind rape," and warns that it poses a great "danger of destruction of the spirit" which can be "compared to the threat of total physical destruction ..."

    Development of mind control was accomplished largely through the efforts of individual psychologists, psychiatrists, and chemists, working in isolated conditions under government contract. Each researcher or research team was allowed to know only what he or she needed to know to accomplish his or her fragment of the research or testing. The contracts were let through a
    number of government and private agencies and foundations so that the researchers were, by and large, ignorant as to the intended use of their research.

    While the CIA was a major funder of the mind-control research, virtually every major government agency became in some way knowingly or unwittingly involved. While I began my research believing that a "cult of intelligence" was behind the mind-control program, I found that there is, in fact, no single originating force, but several. The operation is too widespread and complex for it to be created by a "cult." If a cult there must be, then it is a cult within a cult, in an interlocking chain of invisible mini-governments
    with unwritten rules, unwritten plans, and unwritten loyalties. It is the plan of a secret bureaucracy -- what I call a cryptocracy -- which conspires against our laws and our freedoms.

    "Cryptocracy" is a compound of -crypto-, meaning "secret," and --cracy-, meaning "rule, government, governing body." The cryptocracy, then, is the secret government whose identity and whereabouts have slowly and reluctantly been hinted at by the Congress thorugh its investigations into Watergate, the CIA, and the rest of the intelligence community.

    While the CIA, near the top of the intelligence pyramid, has been drawing most of the fire, the evidence of a cryptocracy clearly implicated the National Security Agency, the Defense Intelligence Agency and its subsidiaries
    in military intelligence, as well as the civil service. The alliance
    extends even among private contractors and institutions and religious organizations. With Central Intelligence in the vanguard, the cryptocracy
    is composed of persons operating within the Office of Naval Intelligence, Army Intelligence, Air Force Intelligence, Department of Justice, Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Bureau of Prisons, Bureau of Narcotics, Atomic Energy Commission, Veterans' Administration, General Services Adminis- tration, National Science Foundation, and even major American corporations, especially certain airlines, oil companies, and aerospace contractors.

    The cryptocracy invades the privacy of citizens and corporations. It meddles,
    often violently, in the internal politics of foreign nations, and has hired, trained, and equipped mind-controlled assassins for the murder of heads of state. The cryptocracy may have been involved in attempts to control U.S. elections. It may control key figures in the U.S. and world press.

    The story within the story, I discovered, is an astonishing one of a psychological war waged by this U.S. cryptocracy against the American people. The scientific reports and histories place the story in time, and at the government's door. However, the literature of the cryptocracy ignores the very real human factor. There is no written record of the mental anguish, the torture to the soul that comes from the loss of memory and the resulting identity crisis. That mental anguish is the human story of mind control.

    The stories that follow are told by the failures of Operation Mind Control -- failures because the victims remember -something-; for where mind control is successful there is no memory left.* (*Due to editorial considerations, many of the stories I uncovered have been left on the editing room floor. Each individual in this book stands for and tells the story of many victims of mind control. In many cases the individuals I interviewed believed their lives or sanity would be in danger if their names were made public. I have honored that concern and have withheld real names and places when so requested.
    Except in these details, the first-person storeis in this book are completely true.)

    One of the characters in _The_Manchurian_Candidate_ described his recurring dream that resulted from the suppression of memory. "It's not so much that
    I can't sleep. It's more that I'd rather not sleep. I'm walking around punchy because I'm scared. I keep having the same nightmare ..." The nightmare Condon's hero described was actually the memory of having killed
    on cue. On stage, before an audience of Communist mind controllers, he strangled one of his fellow soldiers with a scarf, and blew out another's brains with a high-powered pistol at point blank range. Several of the men
    I interviewed had dreams which could have been written by Condon.

    Tex was an army sergeant stationed in the Mediterranean area. He came back from service with amnesia. But in his dreams a vivid scene was replayed again
    and again: "In the dream my buddy -- I know him real well, we've shared things together -- my buddy is taken with his hands behind his back. I'm standing in rank in a line of other soldiers and we are like a firing squad. I keep thinking I won't shoot my friend, I'll turn the rifle on the commander. But we don't have any rifles. My buddy is marched into an open area in front of us with his hands tied behind his back. He is blindfolded and some Ay-rab is talking to him, or reading to him. Another Ay-rab comes up and hits him behind the knees with a rifle butt and he falls to a kneeling position. Then while he's on his knees, one of the Ay-rabs takes a big sword and cuts his head off. His neck squirs blood, but surprisingly little. ... his head rolls on the ground. His face has a peaceful expression. His body twitches and squirms like a chicken... That's when I always wake up..."

    So Condon was right. In their sleep, the memories of atrocities surface to vivid awareness among the victims of mind control. Night after night terrible images, suppressed by deeply conditioned responses, emerge as terrifying nightmares. Are they mythological? The stuff of dreams? Or
    are they recovered memories? Tex's dream is a mere fragment of more than 1,200 pages of such testimony.


    [ Back Cover Blurb: For Over 25 Years The CIA Has Been Developing A Technology
    of Terror!
    Its Purpose: "to devise operational techniques to disturb the memory, to
    discredit people through aberrant behavior, to alter sex
    patterns, to elicit information and to create emotional
    Its Goal: "to program individuals to carry out any mission of espionage or
    assassination, even against their will ... even against such
    fundamental laws of nature as self-preservation."
    NOW ... against a background of more than 2,000 CIA documents, and 1,200
    pages of testimony,
    tells the story of our hidden government's "failures" -- those
    people who, despite "memory smudging" techniques can still recall
    and relate the shocking details of their experience.



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