From a425couple@21:1/5 to All on Wed Jun 26 19:00:58 2024
from Buzz feed
2. "I dated a guy who unexpectedly inherited $6 million. His parents had
been killed in a drunk driving accident when he was a baby, and so their
life insurance and money from a legal settlement sat in an account
collecting interest for 18 years. He got a call from a lawyer on his
18th birthday, and that's how he found out about it. He went nuts. Every
time I saw him, he had a new car. He bought an extravagant house and
insisted on taking these big vacations. He would go to our local comic
shop and buy EVERYTHING. His spending was a major factor in why we broke
up. It was all too much, watching him blow through money like that. He
didn't invest any of it. He blew through all his money in five years.
Last I saw him on Facebook, he was destitute."