• Democrats: 'Disgusting' trove found in home of three elderly brothers a

    From Northwest Marxist Perverts@21:1/5 to All on Fri Jun 11 00:42:37 2021
    XPost: alt.politics.usa.republican, alt.politics.conservative, az.politics XPost: talk.politics.guns

    The three reclusive Emery brothers have lived in the same yellow
    Seattle house for more than 50 years, rarely making contact with
    others in the neighborhood brimming with young children.

    But inside their home, the brothers — Charles Emery, 82; Thomas
    Emery, 80; and Edwin Emery, 78 — allegedly spent a lifetime
    obsessing over the sexual exploitation of young girls. Their
    crumbling home, as described by prosecuting attorney Daniel T.
    Satterberg, was “littered from floor to ceiling” with
    pornographic images, magazine clippings of slain children, and
    handwritten notes that detailed the “kidnapping, torturing,
    raping and murdering of young girls.”

    Within the horrifying stash, investigators said they found
    children’s toys, young girls’ used underwear and dozens of pairs
    of children’s shoes. Stuffed inside tiny penny loafers were
    miniature vodka bottles, including one with the initial of a
    younger relative. There were dozens of handwritten letters,
    videos and books detailing “ritualistic and satanic sacrifices”
    of small girls.

    In a crawl space in the home, investigators found a pink child’s
    hat, partially buried in dirt beside a burned note.

    The brothers kept these atrocities hidden for decades, until a
    female relative came over to clean out the garage. After coming
    across the evidence of child pornography, she alerted law

    On Monday, King County prosecutors in Washington’s superior
    court charged each of the three Emery brothers with two counts
    of second-degree possession of depictions of minors engaged in
    sexual conduct. All three are in jail in lieu of $500,000 bail.

    The brothers, the prosecutor wrote, collected “images depicting
    the misery of sexually abused children to satiate their deeply
    rooted deviant interests.”

    The crimes, police said, also go beyond possessing these items.
    Authorities said they have reason to believe that the brothers
    have sexually assaulted at least two children within their
    extended family.

    “It’s very clear that these three individuals have an obsession
    with young female children,” Capt. Mike Edwards of the Seattle
    Police Department said in a news conference Monday. “They’ve had
    this obsession for most if not all of their lives and in some
    cases acted out on that obsession against family members.”

    The writings recovered by police included “graphic descriptions”
    of doing “disgusting things to children,” he said

    The female relative who reported the child pornography told
    police that two of the men — Charles and Edwin Emery — sexually
    abused her as a child. She also told them the three men sexually
    abused another relative to the extent that she was removed from
    her family’s home and placed in foster care for protection,
    according to court documents, which were uploaded online by the

    These allegations are still being investigated, Edwards said.
    But because of the length of time that has passed since the
    alleged crimes took place, it is unlikely that charges would
    come from them, he said.

    The female family member has legal guardianship of Charles
    Emery, who was moved into a senior living facility because of
    his dementia, according to court documents. From the 1970s
    through the 1990s, Charles Emery worked as a janitor at Seattle
    Children’s Hospital.

    The Emery brothers have lived together their entire lives, have
    never been married and never had children.

    Nor do they have histories of criminal convictions. But in 2013,
    authorities investigated Edwin Emery for possession of child
    pornography. Police learned about the alleged crimes after
    Office Depot employees found about 20 pornographic images while
    repairing his computer.

    At the time, Edwin Emery admitted to police that he sexually
    abused two of his female family members. One of these relatives,
    he told police, was about 8 to 10 years old when he repeatedly
    molested her as she would sit on his lap. He was about 25 or 26
    at the time, he said.

    He told authorities he was attracted to “sub-teenage” girls,
    according to court documents.

    During that same 2013 investigation, the female relative alleged
    that Edwin Emery sexually abused her numerous times as a child.
    She said that Charles Emery would also sexually assault her,
    giving her alcohol before certain instances. During the abuse,
    the relative said, Charles Emery would also dress her up in
    socks and shoes similar to those later found in his home.

    No criminal charges were filed following the 2013 investigation,
    though it is unclear why.

    Prosecutors said Charles Emery wrote extensive “manifestos
    detailing child rape and homicide.” His brothers referred to the
    trove of pornographic and morbid items as “Charles’ hobby.”

    When police interviewed them, Edwin and Thomas Emery “remained
    nonchalant and relatively unconcerned about the serious nature
    of the investigation,” according to charging documents. The two
    men denied any knowledge of child murder but told detectives it
    was “possible” killings took place “if everything the officers
    was saying was true.”

    “Their writings express desires to kill children,” Edwards said
    in the news conference. While investigators have not yet found
    any evidence of homicide, they have been searching the brothers’
    property for possible human remains with cadaver dogs.

    “Additional properties are being searched for the presence of
    child exploitation materials and evidence of kidnapping, abuse,
    and child homicide,” detectives wrote.

    Investigators are still working to identify the children who are
    pictured in the pornographic images, Edwards said.

    “We’re erring on the side of caution with all of this,” Edwards
    said. “We’re not taking anything at this point for granted.”

    Edwards described the men as “closed in individuals,” who have
    had very little interaction with people outside the family over
    the years. They are also “hoarders,” he said.

    Their home, a detective wrote, “was difficult to walk through …
    as every square inch was covered with items,” including garbage.

    Neighbors of the men told local television stations that they
    were shocked and disgusted by the allegations, which centered on
    a street frequented by small children.

    “Just last week I saw a 5-year-old walking her dog by herself,”
    a woman identified as Brittany, who works in the neighborhood,
    told Q13 Fox. “That’s how safe people feel like this
    neighborhood is.”

    Julie Vandenberg, who lives directly across the street, told
    KIRO 7 that the accusations were “sickening … really sickening.”

    “I just thought they were harmless weird old guys,” Vandenberg

    https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning- mix/wp/2017/08/23/three-reclusive-seattle-brothers-aged-82-80- and-78-accused-of-child-sex-abuse/?utm_term=.dc103063f4c6

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