• A German Jew Who Died In Teheran in 1945

    From Jacob Yehiel Rosen abuwasta@yahoo.c@21:1/5 to All on Sat Sep 21 14:49:03 2019
    X-No-archive: yes
    Dear Genners and Siggers,

    I had a chance to look at a partial list of graves in the Jewish Cemetery in Teheran and saw there an entry in Persian alphabet

    which reads like Gelb Kroner Aldsa BRANSTIN. The way the entries are organized differs from what we are used to in other communities and it may contain the deceased father's name as well. The surname is probably BERNSTEIN or BRAUNSTEIN. He
    died in 1945 and the remark on the entry is that he is German.

    I am not sure that he was German but probably spoke German. I wonder whether it rings a bell.

    Jacob Rosen
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