Hallo Jan,
Was al een tijd op zoek naar jullie familie en dat valt niet mee.... tot ik op deze genealogy page terecht kwam. Noch onder Noud, Kiek of Mignon kan ik iets vinden. Heb jij een email adres van Noud?
Freek Beerens
Den Haag - Kuala Lumpur
Most of my relatives live in Germany, Holland, Switzerland, New
Zealand, and Australia.
Our family tree is now traced back to 1600 (in Germany mostly in
Sonsbeck), but of course still a lot of information is lacking.
Names included in our family tree include for example Smulders,
Hessels, Hartman, van Erve, Coenen, de la Motte, Anrtzen (or Arntz /
Arnts), Lauf, van der Leeuw (traced back to 1540), etc.
I printing a document below with information that I now have.
1. WHO has any other information about Tecklenburg families?
2. Does anyone have any information about a "Teklenburg" married
with Maria Petronella Coenen (in Arcen, Limburg, Holland on 1825 Oc,
1836) or can anyone track back information about these "Teklenburgs"?
3. WHO has information that may be interesting regarding the
Tecklenburg / Teklenburg family?
4. WHO may I help with information that I have?
You may mail me:
John A. Teklenburg
E-Mail: JohnTek@cgo.wave.ca
Telefoon (in Canada): +1 (905) 681 2555
website: http://www.cgocable.net/~johntek
One may speculate about the origin of our family name. Yet the name obviously points to the city of Tecklenburg, near Munster in the
present state of Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany. That city still uses
the ruins of the counts' castle, now serving as an open-air theater.
The castle was once in the hands of counts with the name von
Tecklenburg. They, and several other noble families before them, were
in charge of the county until the last count by the name von
Tecklenburg died in 1557. The count von Bentheim, married with the
daughter of the last von Tecklenburg count, then took over the helm.
Later, Tecklenburg came under the administration of Friedrich I (king
of Prussia) between 1702 and 1705 (parts in 1702, completely in 1705).
Perhaps, the first Tecklenburg known to me, a Gerrit who lived in
Sonsbeck (situated in the present day state of Nordrhein Westfalen -
part of former Prussia) came from an impoverished side of the von
Tecklenburg family. Were his forefathers the victims of family twists
in the 1400's and 1500's when part of the von Tecklenburg family lost
its noble rights? Or perhaps, Gerrit came from a child born out of
wedlock to a lady von Tecklenburg. Even more likely, Gerrit's
forefathers (or he) simply left the city Tecklenburg and called
himself "coming from" ("van") Tecklenburg. Several other people may
have done the same thing and ended up in several other parts of what
we now know as Germany.
The textile business (linen weaving, tailor profession and linen
trade) was common in the city of Tecklenburg and may have been brought
along to Sonsbeck by Gerrit. In any event, several of his descendants
in Sonsbeck (our forefathers) were involved in that business.
Sonsbeck, much like the city of Tecklenburg, is part of what is now
known as Nordrhein Westfalen and, also like the county of Tecklenburg,
once was a part of the kingdom of Prussia (Pruisen).
Perhaps our forebears moved out of Tecklenburg during the 80-year war (1568-1648) from Tecklenburg. They were probably Catholics while the
counts of Tecklenburg adopted the reformation, causing strain with the surrounding Spanish.
Families by the name of Te(c)klenburg (spelled mostly with a "c") can
be found in a number of countries, including Holland (some may not
come from Gerrit and apparently went to Groningen and from there may
have left to other countries or died out), Switzerland, other parts
of Germany (outside Nordrhein - Westfalen such as in Schlesweich
Holstein), Switzerland, Great Britain, the United States (at least
from the 1800's), Canada (since the 1950's - all related to us),
Australia (at least from the 1950's - and I believe with many related
to us) and New Zealand (I believe all related).
This is an overview of our family tree (abbreviated sketch).
I. Gerrit van Tecklenburg, was reportedly born around 1600 and lived
in Sonsbeck, Germany (information from Robert Krebber, Lehmkuhler Weg
10, Hilden 40723, phone 49-21-0323586), The dates of his birth, death
and the name of his spouse are unknown to me. Gerrit may have been
born in Sonsbeck. The two children of Gerrit are known to be born in Sonsbeck:
1. Elisabeth a Tecklenburg, born around 1621. Elisabeth marries a
"Martin" and on 11 June 1651 she gets a child by the name of Joannes
Georg (?).
2. Gerard van Tecklenborgh, born around 1636 - See II.
II. Gerard van Tecklenborgh. (Source: Krebber) Born about 1636 in
Sonsbeck. (Date of marriage / name of wife unknown to me). The
following children are known to be born in Sonsbeck:
1. Margaretha van Tecklenborgh, b. 15 November 1658
2. Esther van Tecklenborgh, b. 04 June, 1666
3. Thomas, see III.
4. Thomassina Tecklenborg, b. ??, 1682, died 3 July 1725 and on 27
February 1715 in Sonsbeck she gave birth to a child which may have
passed away around birth (??).
5. Geesken van Tecklenborg, b.. January ??, 1719, died 10 January,
III. Thomas Tecklenberg. (Source: Krebber) Born __(?) September, 1661
in Sonsbeck. Married 22 June, 1700 in Sonsbeck with Margaretha Peters,
who was born about 1670 in Sonsbeck, and whose parents may have been
Jan Martens Xantensis (Peters?) and Joes Sanders. Thomas died 10
October 10, 1722. Children:
1. Gerhard Tecklenburg, b. in 1703 or 1704, probably dies 2 Oct 1773
(RIN 6228 in Sonsbeck file of John T, Canada). One of his children is
known to us: Thomas Tecklenbourg, b. in 1727 or 1728 (John T. Sonsbeck
file RIN 432), and marrying a Henrietta Kanders in 1843 (John T.
Sonsbeck file RIN 9819).
2. Regina van Tecklenborg, See III.1
3. Joanna Margaretha van Tecklenborg, b. 8 September, 1709
4. Helena van Tecklenborg, b. 11 March, 1713 (Is this really a
daughter of Thomas & Margaretha? - not sure). She dies on 3 December,
IV. Regina van Tecklenborg. (Sources: Krebber and John T., Canada RIN
430). Born 1706 in Sonsbeck, baptized there on 21/09/1706, died
11/01/1746 Regina was not married when she became the mother of Thomas Tecklenburg (see V.). POSSIBLY (far from clear evidence is
available!), Regina had an earlier child, namely Ann Charlotta Maria Elisabeth Vogd (b, 19 April 1738 when Regina may have been married
with Jacobus Vogd??).
V. Thomas Tecklenburg. Born March 1745 (John T., Canada RIN 430) in Sonsbeck. Baptized 04/03/1745 in Sonsbeck, died 16/12/1814 in
Sonsbeck. Married on 05/07/1773 in Sonsbeck with Christina de la
Mott(e), born about 1750 in Groningen, Holland (Copy of marriage act
in write up of Jan Tecklenburg - Holland). The date of her death 26
March 1804 (John T. Sonsbeck file RIN 1220). Also called Christin
Lamott. It is interesting to note that Thomas and Christina give 3 of
their 5 sons the first (baptized) name of Johannes. Was Thomas
illegitimate father a Johannes or did he grown up with a Johannes as
his caretaker? We see no Johannes as Regina's relatives!. Perhaps
Johannes was the name of Christina's father (making it also therefore worthwhile to trace her parents back). He takes on the same trade as
existed in his family before him (tailor - linen trade). This
suggests that he was perhaps in touch with his relatives - perhaps
growing up within the family of one of his mother's sisters (It might
be interesting to find out if one of them was married to a Johannes).
Yet, none of the children of Thomas and Christina are named after his grandfather or uncle Gerhard. Their eight children (at least 4 of
which die as children) now known to me are:
1. Regina Tecklenburg, born 17 March 1774 (John T. Sonsbeck file RIN
2. Johannes Bernardus Tecklenburg, born March 7, 1776 (John T.
Sonsbeck file RIN 3272). We have no idea whether Johannes survived
childhood and/or if he married or got children.
3. Theodorus Tecklenburg, born 3 Feb 1780 and died 3 Sept 1780 (John
T. Sonsbeck file RIN 3021)
4. Anna Susanna Tecklenburg (twin with Theodurus), born 3 Feb 1780,
died 27 Jan, 1782 (John T. Sonsbeck file RIN 3022)
5. Jo(h)annes Tecklenburg, born 4 March 1783 (inscribed as Johann
Tecklenborg - see (John T. Sonsbeck file RIN 2773) is baptized April
3, 1783, see VI.
6. Theodorus Tecklenburg is born 25 September, 1786, died 1 April 1786
(John T. Sonsbeck file RIN 2600).
7. Maria Elisabeth Tecklenburg born 18 June 1787, died 31 Aug 1790
(John T. Sonsbeck file RIN 2451).
8. Johannes Heinrich. Tecklenborg is born May 1, 1790 (John T.
Sonsbeck file RIN 2287) and according to Sonsbeck Catholic Church
registers, he probably died in the same year.
VI. Johannes Tecklenburg. Born 4 March 1783 (inscribed as Johann
Tecklenborg - see (John T. Sonsbeck file RIN 2773). He was baptized
April 3, 1783 and he died in Sonsbeck on 12/02/1832 (Jan Tecklenburg Holland?). He married in Sonsbeck on 17/10/1808 with Hendrina
Wilhelmina Arntzen (also called "Arnts" or "Arntz"), who was born in
or about 1779 in Sonsbeck (John T., Canada RIN 8073). Information I
obtained (Sonsbeck Kirchenbucher) shows that she too died in Sonsbeck
at the same date as her husband on 12/02/1832 (Kirchebucher,
Sonsbeck). I wonder if this information is correct or whether that
death was the result of an accident (fire?) as the age of death is
relatively a young age (49). Was this the reason of our forefather
(one of Johannes' sons) to move to Holland?
Children from this marriage (Source: Krebber):
1. Gerhard Tecklenburg, b. 31 May 1809 - We have no idea where he went
or whether he survived childhood.
2. Hermann Tecklenburg, b. 10 October 1811 - See VII.
3. Henricus/Heinrich Tecklenburg, b. 21 February 1814 - See VII.
4. Theodor Tecklenburg, b. 15 December 1815
VII. Henricus/Heinrich (Herman???) Teklenburg. He was the first one
known to us who lived in what is known today as The Netherlands as he
moved to Arcen (Province of Limburg - Holland). His inscription in
the Arcen registers is without a c in the last name. Hence our family
name is officially spelled as "Teklenburg" since those days.
According to information from my cousin, Jan Teklenburg (The
Netherlands), Heinrich was born on 10/10/1811 (Sonsbeck) and died
08/12/1883 in Arcen. Yet, information from Robert Krebber indicates
that that was the birth date of Hermann Tecklenburg (not Heinrich).
His brother Heinrich was born on 21 Feb 1814. I have found a Heinrich Tecklenburg marrying in 30 May 1843 with a Henriette Kanders and
suspect that this is the Heinrich born in 1814. In any event, our
Arcen forefather Herman or Heinrich married on 25 Oct 1836 in Arcen
with Maria Petronella Coenen, born around 1815 in Arcen, and daughter
of Henricus Coenen en Magdalena Hanssen.
According to Jan Teklenburg (Holland), Heinrich and Maria got seven
children, the youngest one (Theodorus b. 1852) died within a year. It appears that the second child (Gerard b. 1840) may have died as an
infant (although no information to confirm this information). Joseph
was the third child (b. 1841), Gerardus (b 1844) was the fourth,
Helena (b 1846) was the fifth and Wilhelmina (b. 1849) was the sixth.
The second through the sixth child all move to Stralen (present day
Germany). By the way, several Tecklenburgs can be found in the
Stralen archives. The oldest (b. January 6. 1839) moves temporally
back to Sonsbeck in 1850 (with his parents?). He is:
1. Joannes, See VIII.
The remaining information of this document to a large extent comes
from John Te(c)klenburg in Holland:
VIII. Joannes ("Jan") Teklenburg. He was born on 1Jan 1839 in Arcen.
He was able to sign his marriage act and was inscribed as linen
merchant and tailor. On 13/04/1863 he married (in Venray, present day province of Limburg - Holland) with Anna Maria Lauf, who was born on 13/02/1836 in Venray as the daughter of Johan (Jan) Lauf en Anna Maria Hulsken. She declared at her wedding that she could not write. Family tradition has it that she brought the fish trade into our family as
she was a vendor of fish on open markets, etc.
The couple got 10 children:
1. Anna Maria (b. 20 January 1864 in Venray - Married with Joseph
Cornelis van Lit on March 1, 1882 - the couple settled in Helmond,
province of Noord Brabant, The Netherlands).
2. Maria Petronella (b. 7 March 1865 in Venray - Married in Helmond
with Alphonsus Augustinus Mutsaert on 21 Feb 1885. On February 21,
1889, the couple moved to Tilburg, province of Noord Brabant, The Netherlands).
3. Hermanus (b. March 31, 1866 in Venray, died in Venray on 14 April
4. Julia Josephina (b, 19 March 1867 in Venray, died in Venray on 25
February 1870)
5. Hermanus: The oldest son - see IX.
6. Theodorus: Born June 7, 1871 in Venray. Married in Eindhoven,
province of Noord Brabant, The Netherlands, on January 4, 1893 with
Antonia Lammers. This couple had an oldest son Peter who moved to the Melbourne area in Australia in 1956. I am in e-mail correspondence
with Peter's oldest son Theo, born 23 August 1936. The address of
Theo is 2 Gordon Court, Woori Yallock, Victoria 3139, Australia. His
E-Mail address is: teko@netspace.net.au
7. Hendrika (b. 7 June 1781 in Venray, married 10 February 1871 with
Antonius Cornelus Verhoeven in Eindhoven).
8. Christina Regina (b. 27 Feb 1876 in Boxmeer, province of Noord
Brabant, The Netherlands, married 10 April 1907 with Petrus Antonius
van der Bruggen, in Boxmeer, province of Noord Brabant, The
Netherlands. Moved on August 29, 1907 to Boxtel, province of Noord
Brabant, The Netherlands.
9. Anna Catherina (b. 11 January 1877 in Boxmeer, married in Eindhoven
on 27 April 1903, with Johannes van Dinther, and moved to Boxtel on 27
April 1903).
10. Wilhelmina Gerarda (b. 27 Feb 1880 in Helmond - no further info).
IX. Hermanus ("Herman") Teklenburg. Born 25/04/1870 in Venray,
merchant, died 18/09/1949 in Den Dungen near Den Bosch, province of
Noord Brabant, The Netherlands. He passed away in the "St.
Antoniusgesticht" (a nursing home) in Den Dungen and was buried at the
Orthen graveyard. He married in Eindhoven on 09/01/1897 with Antonetta
Agnes van der Leeuw, born in Den Bosch on 11/02/1871, daughter of
Gijsbertus Franciscus van der Leeuw and Johanna van Elten, and she
passed away in Den Bosch on 12/02/1940. Antoinetta's forefathers can
be tracked till Jan Van der LEEUW, born around 1540.
The marriage of Hermanus and Antoinetta produced 10 children,
information about whom I have on file, and most I have known
personally while I grew up in Holland. I do not yet have the birth
dates of the children of Hermanus and Antoinetta, except for that of
Johannes Gijsbertus, my grand father. See information as per Jan
Tecklenburg for information about the 10 children:
1. ??? A first child died soon after birth.
2. Johannes, Gijsbertus, Agnes ("Jan"), b. 12 November in Gemert, near
Den Bosch, Noord Brabant: See X.
3. Gijsbertus ("Bert") married Antoinetta Dungen and had a fish shop
in Eindhoven.
4. Hermanus ("Henk"). He emigrated to New -Zealand where he became an exporter of eel. Married with Sophia van den Eerenbeemt. He initially
took over his dad's business (Hinthamerstraat in Den Bosch) and sold
it to Johannes (4 under X.) as Hermanus emigrated to New Zealand in
the 50's.
5. "Koos" (Baptized Jacobus?), had a fish shop in Helmond for a while,
then moved to Den Bosch and became an insurance agent.
6. Theodorus (Theo). Was married with Maria de Bever from Vught,
Noord Brabant. Originally had a fish shop in Oss, Noord Brabant, then
in Vught. After his divorce he moved to Essen. (Germany) were he
entered the automotive and heavy equipment business.
7. Johanna ("Jo") married with Johannes Baert, an electrician. The
couple lived in Den Bosch.
8. Maria ("Mies") married with Wilhelmus van den Eerenbeemt who had a
butcher shop in Hinthamerstraat in Den Bosch.
9. Antoinetta ("Netty") married with Henricus Portier, who was fire
chief and manager of the public swimming pool in Drunen, Noord
X. Johannes Gijsbertus Agnes ("Jan") Teklenburg was born on 12
November 1898 in Gemert, near Den Bosch and married Maria Elisabeth
Hartman, who was born in Den Bosch on 3 November 1895. Johannes died
in Tilburg on 30 September 1963 in Tilburg. His wife, Maria
Elisabeth Hartman, died in Tilburg on 28 May 1982. Johannes started a
fish and delicatessen shop in Tilburg (Heuvel square) that grew out
during 3 generations to a wholesale business catering to hospitals,
convents, etc (about 100 km around Tilburg). He was awarded a queen's
honor medal for his activities to support retail education in Holland
(I have copies of award certificate on file). Grandma was a daughter
of Enoch Hartman, a folklore market vendor in Den Bosch (I have copies
of magazine articles about him on file). They had 12 children, all
born in Tilburg:.
1. Hermanus ("Herman"), b. 21 April 1922. (See XI.)
2. Johannes ("Jan"), b. 1 September 1923. Died there on 14 November
3. Antoinetta ("Netty"), b. 26 September 1924. "Netty" married with
Johannes Tuerlings (divorced in the 80's). Three of their children
now live in Canada. Netty lives in Tilburg
4. Johannes ("Netty") b. 19 February 1926. Married with Toos Remmers
(who died in the 90's). Johannes lives in Den Bosch where he had a
fish and delicatessen store.
5. Gijsbertus ("Bert"), b. 4 March 1928. Married Maria van Loon who
passed away in 1986 in North Bay, Ontario, Canada, leaving behind 3
children in Ontario. Bert, who owned fish restaurants in Northern
Ontario, died in 1993, also in Ontario.
6. Dymphina ("Dymphe" or in English, "Daphne"), b. 31 May 1929.
Married with Paul Elie, now living in London, Ontario, Canada. Paul
ran a catering business in London, Ontario.
7. Franciscus ("Frans" or in English "Frank"), b. 25 August 1930.
Married and divorced Rini Hannenberg while living in Barrie, Ontario,
Canada. Frank owned fish restaurants in Barrie.
8. Maria ("Mieke"), b 4 January 1932. Married Cornelis Struyken and
lives in Roosendaal, province of Noord Brabant, The Netherlands.
Cornelis ("Kees") was a family physician (medical doctor).
9. Theodorus ("Theo"), b. 14 July 1933. Married with Johanna van
Asten. Theodurus took over the business of his father in Tilburg.
These days Theo and Han spend 50% of their days on their sail boat,
docked in France. Theo's son and two daughters live near Tilburg.
Theo's son Jan informally writes his name with a "c" (Tecklenburg),
much like his dad and our grandfather did (although official documents
must be signed by them without the c). Jan has done considerable
genealogy collection work presented here. He presented it in a
written document entitled "The Tecklenburgs" (1987), containing copies
of several birth and marriage documents of our forefathers. His
e-mail address is info@tecklenburg.nl He lives with his wife Maria
and his daughter in Goirle, near Tilburg, but may move to Esbeek (also
near Tilburg) during the coming months.
10. Jacqueline, b 8 September 1935 in Tilburg. Married with Piet-Hein Burgering, who is an economist by education, serving in a senior
public position ("Dijkgraaf").
11. Josepha ("Jose"), b 6 April 1938. Married with Joop Ghering,
living in Tilburg. Joop was a teacher.
12. Antonius ("Ton" or in English "Tony"), b 9 June 1940. Married
with Anke Willems, now living in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada, Sudbury,
where he owns a new restaurant (sold previous businesses).
XI. Hermanus Gijsbertus Johanna ("Herman") Teklenburg was born in
Tilburg on 21 April 1922 in Tilburg. Until 1977, he was married
October 1948 with Johanna Maria Elisabeth Smulders, daughter of
Arnoldus Smulders and Henrica Hessels. Arnoldus owned a sports shoe
factory in Tilburg. Herman owned a catering house in Tilburg and
later dedicated to the production of French pates under his brand name
"La Table du Roi". He sold the pate business to HIC, now integrated
within the Ahold Group (Albert Heyn) in The Netherlands. In 1979,
Hermanus married Judith Maria Johanna de Grauw, b. 22 January 1935 in Tilburg.
The following offspring, all born in Tilburg, resulted from Herman and Johanna.
· Johannes, Arnoldus, Maria ("Jan" or in English "John"), b 9 July
1949 in Tilburg (See XII.)
· Henrica Gijsbertus Maria (?) ("Kiek"), b 17 January 1951. Initially married (1974) with Herbert Veenstra (the couple got three children:
Iris, Maartje & Jaap, now all living in the city of Utrecht, The Netherlands). Now married with Bart Combee (psychologist), living in Veldhoven near Eindhoven.
· Arnoldus Petrus Jaqueline ("Noud"), b 26 January 1953. Married with Adriëtte Nooten, living in Tilburg. Two children: Gijs (University of Utrecht) and Saskia..
· Mignon Anna Maria ("Mignonne"), b 14 December 1957, en married with
Wil Voogt (software designer), living in Tilburg. Three children:
Siebe, Meike and Joris, now all attending high school in Tilburg).
XII. Johannes Arnoldus Maria ("John") Teklenburg, the author of this document, was born on 9 July 1949 (Tilburg). Married in Tilburg on 15 September 1973 with Norberta Petronella Johanna Maria ("Nora") van
Erve, the daughter of Walter van Erve (b. 9 September, 1913 - died 18 September 1988) and Maria Elissen (b. 17 September 1913). Nora's
parents married 27 January, 1948. Nora was born in Tilburg on 21
December 1948) and completed her Library college education in Tilburg,
The Netherlands (Bibliotheek Academie). John, who is an executive in
the international heavy machinery trade and industry, obtained his
degree in Economics from the Catholic University of Brabant ("KUB")
and a Masters Degree in Business Administration (MBA with
International Specialization) from Illinois. The couple resides in Burlington, Ontario, Canada since 1982, lived in the USA between 1975
and 1981, and in Peru during 1981 and 1982. They have 2 children:
· Tom: see XIII.
· Joshua James. Josh, was born in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada on 21 December 1987 and was adopted on 30 June. 1992 by John and Nora in
Canada. He is a Canadian citizen.
XIII.. Duncan Thomas ("Tom") Teklenburg, who now has a Canadian and
Peruvian citizenship as well as a Dutch passport, was born on 8
November 1981 in Lima, Peru and adopted on March 1 1982. He currently attends his last year of high school in Burlington, and thinks of a
liberal arts education with plenty of music (he plays several
instruments and enjoys playing in several bands and orchestras).
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