• Americans are endangered by the rule of donkey

    From Tuana Le@21:1/5 to All on Sat Oct 8 20:53:26 2022
    Hoa Truong, 7.10.2022

    The communists have never respected the people, the country, and the national interests. Instead, communism replaces patriotism, human right turns to genocide, and corruption plus robbery become the revolutionary morality. The animals covered by human
    bodies called the apes of Karl Marx are worse than animals like the dog can repent after doing something wrong by waving its tail. Therefore, the communist enjoys genocide, robbery, and enslaving the people.

    The mongrel communists in democratic countries like the Democratic Party in America enclose the Democratic politicians and high profiles including the left academics, left journalists, and left wealthy components to respect the crimes, corruption, and
    treason. Patriotism and honesty rule out the leftists, the most dangerous thugs in the United States. Therefore, innocent people have fallen into the demagogic policies of the left parties, so the ape herds are elected in governments, Senate, and
    Congress. Moreover, the Democratic judges and Justices in the Supreme Court have exploited the attorney power to support the bush law of Democratic lawmakers. Nevertheless, when the Democratic president rules the White House, the FBI and the Department
    of Justice become the legal terror tools to terrorize the opponents and the concerned citizens. Commonly, the communist party and mongrel communist party schedule the communist revolution proceeds into the stages:

    1-The government robbery: almost, the communist party was a small group among the nationalist parties and other political organizations in the country. Certainly, the communist party couldn’t win the election, instead, the government robbery was
    applied by using terror, and malicious tactics. On the other hand, the communist party and the mongrel communist party (the left party) are the super MAFIA gangs that profess the genocide, corruption, and treason labeled the revolution. The evil theory
    of Marxism-Leninist-Maoists use to protect and sophisticate the inhumane regimes.

    -China’s Communist Party robbed the authentic government of the Chinese people in 1949.

    – In August 1945, Hồ Chí Minh led Vietnam’s Communist Party to rob the first national government of Vietnamese people ruled by Prime Minister Trần Trọng Kim after Japan surrendered, then traitor Hồ Chí Minh declared the hidden communist
    government on September 2, 1945, at Ba Đình Square. Therefore, Vietnam’s Communist Party couldn’t control the whole of Vietnam because the Global Communist Bloc didn’t have enough strength, actually, China’s Communist Party was engaged in the
    Korean War, and the Soviet Union just recovered after the Second World War, so Hồ Chí Minh must accept to sign the Geneve Conference on July 20, 1945, as the tactics called buying the time, taking one step back to prepare three steps forward, and
    talking during the fighting. North Vietnam was ruled by the communist regime, and South Vietnam had a democratic government. However, the Global Communist Bloc provided the weapons to Hồ Chí Minh, then the Vietnam War followed the Indochina War to
    create bloodshed that cost ten million lives of Vietnamese people. Eventually, Vietnam’s Communist Party invaded and robbed the democratic government of the Vietnamese people on April 30, 1975.

    -The Democratic Party collaborated with the Global Deep State, China’s Communist Party, and domestic thugs to rob the presidential election on January 20, 2021. The White House robbery was attempted by the six thuggish Justices in the Supreme Court and
    the coward traitor MikePence. The presidential robber Joe Biden, and vice presidential robber Kamala Harris dominate America with communist methods to make America worsens ever.

    2- Reset the nation and uproot the social fundament: the method of Russian physician Pavlov by creating a social crisis, and following the social purge, the second stage after the communist party, and mongrel communist party robbed the government, and
    applying the terror before totally controls the people.

    -The communist party in China, Vietnam, North Korea, and the Eastern European Communist states applied the social purge to kill, imprison, and eliminate the opponents like wealthy families, land owners, academics, and intellectuals. The landlord reform
    campaigns created bloodshed to uproot the social fundament, and the change to social valuation pivoted to socialism caused the famine plus the inhumane policies to kill a hundred million people around the world. The tactic of public denouncement has been
    applied in communist regimes to destroy society and families at the grassroots. The police force, the people’s army, the public security guards, and the government system carry out terror to oppress and destroy all components

    -The Democratic Party in America with the leaders Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and the super leader Hussein Barrack Obama apply the social purge into multiple fields

    *The public denouncement targets the patriotic President Donald Trump since the first term with the witch hunts like the Special Counsel of legal terrorist Robert Mueller cost the taxpayers $US 32 million. The illegal House Select in Congress functions
    as the people’s court to publicly denounce President Donald Trump based on the sham riot on January 6, 2021, made by Nancy Pelosi with the decoy witnesses like Cassidy Hutchinson and the distorted documents that failed. The Mar-A-Lago was raided on
    August 8, 2022, by the FBI, and DOJ plus the thuggish judge Bruce Reinhart hit back at the poll of Democrats.

    *The hoax climate change’s public denouncement applies to the fossil energy that reflects the energy purge to destroy jobs, livelihood, and industry. The energy purge is not different from the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, the people must work as laborers
    on the farmland, and the machinery was replaced by human power while the communist leaders travel with jets, and luxury cars, not horses, bicycles, or the electric jets

    *The racial purge has applied since the era of the first Muslim, communist, Kenya-born, and black President Barrack Obama. The racial purge aims at the major white people including their children in schools and other ethnic groups. The Democratic Party
    has launched the racial purge in 2008 and now Joe Biden continues to publicly denounce the labels like the right wing, far rights, and White Supremacy. Instead, Barrack Obama, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and Democrats promote BLACK SUPREMACY like the noble
    class in the United States. The icon George Floyd highlights the Black Supremacy in America, and the series criminal George Floyd canonized the saint plus the national hero like Mao Tse Tung goes to Pope, genocide Hồ Chí Minh becomes the successful

    The social purge in America applies the same methods as the communist regimes in China, Vietnam, and North Korea. The mongrel communist, the presidential robber Joe Biden uses the FBI, the Department of Justice, and the Democratic judges to terrorize the
    opponents like Donald Trump, former White House aides, MAGA activists, and Republican politicians. Moreover, the impoverishment and brainwashing by the left-stream media line and the big tech communication companies also apply throughout the United
    States. Actually, the Democratic states become the model of hell’s communist paradise as California, New York, and others. Nevertheless, the China virus pandemic applies the vaccine purge to force people to jab the trial and risky vaccines. The
    unvaccinated people were publicly denounced, they lost their jobs and couldn’t access public places.

    After nearly two years, the Democratic Communist Party with leaders Joe Biden and Kamala Harris schedule the communist process. The White House robbery succeeded, and now, the social purge with terror, and brainwashing. If the Democrats repeat rigged of
    the election in 2020 to rob the outcome of the mid-term congressional election in November 2022, and the leader Joe Biden, or Kamala Harris will continue to rule the White House, the total communist methods will be complete, and the hell of communist
    paradise in the US will come, the American people are endangered if the Democrats use rigged the election to rob Congress and Senate, and Biden will continue the second term.

    However, the American people acquired democracy when the country was founded in 1776. Moreover, the multiple political parties with Republican Party can stop the Blue Donkey MAFIA gang to transform the United States into a hell of a communist paradise
    like China, North Korea, Cuba, Laos, and Vietnam. Therefore, the weirdness of America belongs to the ballots of the people. Certainly, the American people knew the model of communism is imposed by Joe Biden, Kamala Harris creates the national disaster,
    the petrol price hikes, the highest inflation in 40 years, and the social mayhem. Actually, the terror agencies like the FBI, the Department of Justice, Black Lives Matter, and Antifa currently terrorize the people. For survival, the American people must
    stand up to fight with their ballot weapons, or the civil war if Democratic Communist Party repeats the rigged election to rob the outcome of the mid-term congressional election in November 2022 and the presidential election in 2024. Certainly, the
    Democratic Party, the Global Deep State, and traitors can not prevent the people’s power with hundreds of millions of armed militias acting for the country, and the future of the United States. The rigged election and the government robbery will not re-
    apply when the people are outraged and know the real face of the Democratic Communist Party in America. The futuristic rigged election will cause dire consequences for the culprits, their lives at risk, and assets have not guaranteed to remain.

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