• Black Lives Matter and Antifa plus FBI are the same

    From Tuana Le@21:1/5 to All on Mon Oct 3 18:24:59 2022
    Hoa Truong, 3.10.2022

    The Democratic Party got lost its characteristics of the political party after the terror, robbery, and burglary exposed to the public. Nevertheless, the trifling rigged election in 2020 proved Democratic Party is the super robbery gang, they could rob
    anything, including the White House. Nowadays, the American people and the world consider the Democratic Party’s response to the gang, or the Blue Donkey MAFIA gang, and also the hidden communist party in the United States.

    Certainly, the Democratic Party respects communism and renamed globalization to cheat innocent people, actually the young generation plus the students. Moreover, the Democratic politicians favor corruption, treason, and crimes that fit for the bandit
    gang in Congress, Senate, the White House, and the courtrooms. On the other hand, patriotism rules out the Democratic politicians, and the high profiles. The political bandits exposed the first Muslim, communist, Kenya-born, and black President Barrack
    Obama who ruled the White House from January 20, 2008, to January 20, 2017. Moreover, the prominent political bandits like Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and all Representatives, and Senators are the bush lawmakers, or the constitutional thugs making a
    disaster for the United States when the politicians become the bandits with the constitutional power, and also acquired the terror, burglary, and robbery tools as the FBI, the Department of Justice and the Democratic judges could distort the career and
    justice to the bush law.

    The banditry, terror and robbery, and burglary boosted under the SATAN’s era of the 44th President Barrack Obama who used the racial shield to publicly denounce targeting the white people, and other ethnic groups. The unity and social harmony of the
    United States are shattered by the black foreigner elected for two terms in the White House, so Barrack Obama has never loved the American people. Instead, he affords the wealthy, and luxury life comes from the taxpayers and the people’s sweat. The
    malicious conspiracy of stranger Hussein Barrack Obama made America the worst in 8 years, and now, Obama continues to dominate the White House in the untold third term by manipulating the male mongrel ape zombie Joe Biden, and the female mongrel ape
    zombie Kamala Harris. The global warmaker and the most dangerous thug Barrack Obama activates the BLACK SUPREMACY in the United States and spread worldwide.

    The alien Hussein Barrack Obama is the culprit of the black racism discriminated against the white people and other ethnic groups, and the black people become the black noble class in America. Commonly, a crab needs legs and pincers, so a gang must have
    the members including the hitmen to carry out the banditry. Under the rule of the black alien Hussein Barrack Obama, the Black Lives Matter and Antifa terrorized the people with the dishonest black components, they freely robbed, looted, abused, and
    burnt down the shops, and intimidated the people including the black people with the endorsement of Barrack Obama, and Democratic Party. Moreover, the distorted law biased the rights of black people, so the crimes rose when the FBI, the Department of
    Justice, and the Democratic judges deserved the safety net for black felons. The Black Supremacy is on the high tide in the United States, the dishonest black components are like the Black Guard with the Black Lives Matter and Antifa applying the model
    Red Guard of Mao Tse Tung in the Culture Revolution in China. The black shield wins over the law, the politics and dominates society. Nowadays, the United States is shattered, and complicated when the dishonest black components become the black
    superclass with the support of the Blue Donkey MAFIA gang. In the series felon, George Floyd canonized the black saint and the national hero that reflects the dangerous situation in America. During Hurricane, Ian to devastate Florida, Governor Ron
    Desantis, and his state government does anything to help the people. Therefore, the 49th illegal vice president Kamala Harris highlights that black people receive priority help before white people and other ethnic groups. Certainly, the forte of Kamala
    Harris is keen to operate on the bed, not the White House and other issues, so Kamala Harris has done nothing for nearly two years, except she could release the inappropriate laugh, and affords the taxpayers plus national privileges.

    The White House robbery attempted on January 20, 2021, was legalized by the six Justices in the Supreme Court, and Senate Speaker Mike Pence certified the 306 fraudulent electoral colleges of the current Sleep Joe Biden. The 46th illegal president Joe
    Biden transforms the federal government facilities like the FBI, the Department of Justice, and the Democratic judges into terror, robbery, and burglary tools. The banditry supports the politics, actually, the mid-term congressional election in November
    2022 rushes the Democrats pushing the terror aiming at the patriotic President Donald Trump, his children, and the former White House aides. The Mar-A-Lago raid exposes the FBI, and the DOJ profess the terror, burglary, and robbery. Therefore, the terror
    hits back at Democrats, and the Democratic candidates received bad polls.

    The commander in terror Joe Biden flags the FBI operating as the gang covered by the taxpayers. The FBI authorizes to rob, terrorize and steal anything of US citizens. On September 30, 2022, the FBI stormed the US Private Vaults store in Beverly Hill,
    California, they confiscated 800 to 1,400 safety deposit boxes with $ 86 million in cash, jewelry, and poke chips valued at $US 1.3 million. The robbery of the FBI fears US citizens, businesses, and banks. Despite the lawsuit filed against the FBI,
    therefore, the Department of Justice and the bush law system of Democrats can waive Beverly Hill’s robbery, and the FBI uses the taxpayers for the expensive legal fees to protect the terror tool. The incident raises in Beverly Hill creating more fear
    for the American people including the tourists and foreign workers when the FBI becomes the tool of the Blue Donkey MAFIA gang with the super Godfather Joe Biden and the great super Godfather Hussein Barrack Obama.

    The United States is endangered when the federal government is robbed by an actual henchman of China’s Communist Party after Hunter Biden behaved Joe Biden to receive $US 1.5 billion from China as the henchman’s deposit. When the American locomotive
    is stormed by the robbers and the Blue Donkey MAFIA gang, so America becomes the untold colony of China. Recently, the 49th illegal vice president Kamala Harris officially announces that North Korea is a US ally. Certainly, Kamala Harris told the truth
    because North Korea is a colony of China, and her husband Douglas Craig Emhoff does the law firm with China. The Democratic Communist Party destroys the United States to the grassroots with the terror tools like the FBI, the DOJ plus thuggish judges and
    also leads the world’s wealthiest country into the hell of communist paradise and China’s colony. The mid-term congressional election in November 2022 is an opportunity for the American people to get back their sovereignty, and also expel the Blue
    Donkey MAFIA gang from Congress, Senate, and states. There is only the patriotic MAGA movement can save the country, and restore prestige and American trust. Let’s go Brandon transforms to let’s develop the ballot’s power to make America great

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