• The evil and satan appeared in the United States

    From Tuana Le@21:1/5 to All on Wed Sep 7 19:54:48 2022
    Hoa Truog, 8.9.2022

    The viruses can live and activate in unhygienic conditions, so communism can operate, and influence poor countries. The evil communism developed in the colonial era, and after the Second World War. The poor countries with major illiterate populations
    easily became a hell of a communist paradise. The propaganda, obscurantism, and low education contributed to the success of the inhumane theory.

    The human community has been attacked by the atheism created by Karl Marx. The evil bible has risen and ruined the social valuation labeled human morality since the ape covered the human body after Karl Marx released the first communist manifesto in 1848,
    and the world suffered the cold war. Despite the Soviet Union’s collapse in the early 1990s, therefore, the vestige of communism remains in China, Vietnam, North Korea, Laos, and Cuba, the Cold War is not over yet, instead, the Cool War is activated
    by China’s Communist Party. Certainly, communism continues to torture human society with the communist parties, and the mongrel communist parties in the democratic countries. The hidden communist parties in democratic countries proclaim themselves as
    progressive components. Instead, the leftists label the opponents and the concerned, patriotic people with the title of aggression, the right wings, the far-right, and the White Supremacy. In the US, the Liberal movement is a close comrade of the
    Democratic Communist Party

    Communism applies the socialism that couldn’t develop in wealthy countries like the United States, European nations, Australia, Canada, and others. Therefore, the cursory constitution, the legal loopholes, the dishonest lawyers, dishonest judges
    including the Justices in the Supreme Court, the corrupt politicians, the dishonest academics, the left parties, and the love profit businesses create an opportunity for communism, or the evil theory to intoxicate the people. It is incredible when the
    evil communism silently grows into the wealthy countries when communism conflicts the capitalism like water and fire. Communism is dangerous, the evil can infiltrate everywhere like corruption and treason. The domestic thugs conduct the communism
    developing in the wealthy countries.

    The negligent American components plus the tragic constitution of 1871 become the wonderful medium of evil and Satan to dominate the politics, economy, the legal system, the White House, Congress, Senate, the Supreme Court, and mother government
    facilities. Despite the Catholics, Christians occupied the majority in the United States. Therefore, Satan and evil cornered society, and the evil also joined the religious line as Satan Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, and other high profiles of the Democratic
    Party. The Buddhism fable novel” Journey to the West” was written by Chinese author Wu Cheng’en and published in the 16th century highlights the role of Monkey Magic could recognize the evil disguising the Buddha to deceive his master Xuanzang.
    Despite Monkey Magic telling the danger, therefore his innocent master didn’t listen to the advice, instead of punishment, master Xuanzang was cheated by the evil, and Monkey Magic is rescued after defeating the evil. The situation of innocent, and
    negligent American people reflects the master Xuanzang in the Journey to the West, so they voted, and supported the evil, Satan covered the political party called the Democratic Party. Nowadays, the United States is endangered, the critical mistake must
    pay the price. The hell of communist paradise is imposed by evil Joe Biden that woke up the innocent people after nearly two years ruled by the mongrel communist party in America.

    The Global Deep State, the foreign enemies like China’s Communist Party, and the domestic thugs represent the Democratic Party to dominate the United States, or the evil and Satan operating in the United States. Despite America being the wealthiest
    country on the planet, unfortunately, the Global Deep State, the foreign enemies, and the domestic thugs create the United States into an unstable condition when the White House changes the president every four years or eight years. The Global Deep State
    does love the wars, and conflicts to make a profit. Nevertheless, the Congress, Senate, and the Supreme Court plus the multiple levels of court become the tools of the Global Deep State, and the foreign enemies using the money, privileges, and businesses
    to buy the judges, politicians like China controls the US politicians tied the businesses with China’s state companies.

    The world and allies doubt the foreign policy of the United States, actually when the Democratic presidents and the Democratic Congress occupy the majority. The US tragedy has been perpetuated since 1871, the cursory constitution contained a heap of
    rubbish tips called the amendments plus legal flaws.

    However, the US disaster comes from the dishonest lawyers practicing the legal services as the robbers with the paper-knife, and the dishonest judges, the Justices in the Supreme Court become the robbers with the wooden hammers. The legal evil and the
    legal Satan have developed the legal black magics to drive justice in the wrong direction with the bush law. The evil, Satan lawyers, and judges plus the guru of law schools throw the legal knowledge into a bin. Instead, the legal Satans distorted the
    law and developed loopholes to serve the evil party (Democrats). The deranged constitution, confusing law, and distorted justice made America lose the world’s trust, and the American people have no safe when the law, the economy, and other national
    issues changed after the White House elected a new president. Moreover, federal facilities like the US Army, the FBI, the Department of Justice, the CIA, and the Supreme Court become the tools of the thuggish government, actually the Democratic

    American people tasted the SATAN era of evil after the first Muslim, communist, and black, Satan President Barrack Obama ruled the White House for 8 years. The evil regime of Hussein Barrack Obama made America into a disaster, and the economy shattered.
    Therefore, the dark period ended after patriotic President Donald Trump was elected in the presidential election of 2016. The SANTA era of President Donald Trump made America great again, the allies trusted, the enemies feared and the evil with Satan
    shrunk. Nevertheless, evil appeared on the faces in the White House Swamp.

    Unfortunately, the evil and Satan enclosed the Global Deep State, China’s Communist Party, the Democratic Communist Party, and the RINOs used the rigged election to rob the White House on January 20, 2021. The 46th illegal president Joe Biden robs the
    federal government, and Biden builds back the SATAN era of Barrack Obama. Despite the patriotic President moving out of the White House as the confused constitution when the presidential term expired, and the presidential robber Joe Biden illegally
    inaugurated with the presiding the Satan Chief Justice John Roberts. However, the American people knew Donald Trump is the virtual president, and the Mar-A-Lago becomes a favorite place of the people and the world while the White House is ruled by the
    animal covered human body, and evil robs the US presidency plus the commander in chief. The SATAN government of Joe Biden is isolated and besieged by the American people, so the evil and Satan is boycotted when the 46th illegal president Joe Biden
    arrived everywhere with the chant and slogan” Let’s go Brandon” and TRUMP WON.

    The Satan regime of Joe Biden kills the livelihood of 330 million American people, the abortion law kills millions of millions of unborn babies, and the evil forces are the Black Lives Matter and Antifa currently terrorizes the people. Under the rule of
    the Satan regime of Joe Biden, the statues of national heroes were removed, including the statue of Jesus vandalized. Instead, the statue of felony saint George Floyd is set somewhere. Moreover, Satan Joe Biden and Satan Congressional Representatives and
    Pelosi knelt to pay the respect of felony saint George Floyd. Certainly, the underworld elected Satan Joe Biden with 81,000,000 ghost ballots, and Satan Joe Bidden brags to live 151 years. Despite Satan, Joe Biden can not speak properly and read from the
    teleprompter, therefore, the underworld and the evil forces back Biden, and the regime remains.

    The White House robbery is just a first battle as French Colonel Charles De Gaulle said on June 16, 1940, after the German army entered Paris” France has lost a battle! But France hasn’t lost the war”. Certainly, the virtual President Donald Trump
    has never conceded because he knew the greatest victory made in US history, and Sleepy Joe Biden robbed the White House. Despite the evil and Satan, or the pupils of Karl Marx who follow atheism robbed the White House. Therefore, the battle fights
    between the evil regime and the American people with the MAGA movement has not stopped since January 20, 2021. The battle that occurs between the evil and the people following God is going to decide on November 8, 2022. The Satan regime of Joe Biden used
    the FBI, the DOJ, and the evil judge Bruce Reinhart to storm the Mar-A-Lago on August 9, 2022, and on September 2, 2022, Satan Joe Biden declared the war on American people. The crucial battle escalates when the people line up to fight against the evil

    However, patriotic President Donald Trump defeated the Global Deep State, the henchmen of China’s Communist Party, and the domestic thugs when the hidden thugs and enemies appeared on their faces and activities. The death vulnerability of the Global
    Deep State and its enemies couldn’t hide as the viruses appeared on the microscope. The evil and Satan are publicized, and the people can recognize and attack exactly every member of Satan in Congress, Senate, Supreme Court, the multiple levels of
    judge, the FBI, the DOJ, the left media line, the evil wealthy components, and the evil big tech communication companies. The battle occurs between the American people with the MAGA movement and the evil plus Satan is clear when the people recognize who
    are the evil. In God we trust- In MAGA, we support-In evil and Satan Democrats, we thrash.

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