• The live zombie Biden succeeded to destroy the US

    From Tuana Le@21:1/5 to All on Tue Aug 30 18:02:10 2022
    Hoa Truong, 31.8.2022

    The mongrel ape live zombie Joe Biden made by China, the Global Deep State, the RINOs, and the ape herd in America (Democrats) promotes to rob the White House, and destroy the United States to the grassroots. The live zombie Hoe Biden is fed by the US
    taxpayers, the national privileges, travel the Marine One, the Air Force One, and the Cadillac. Moreover, live zombie Joe Biden also fed $US 1.5 billion paid China, his mongrel ape son Hunter Biden behaved Biden to receive it. The ape’s family of
    zombie Biden was fed $US 3.5 million paid by Russian business (the close henchman of Vladimir Putin).

    The communist party is the center of cruelty, robbery, terror, corruption, genocide, and serious crimes against humanity, and Karl Marx represents the great ancestor of the ape, the first ape on the planet that covered the human body with viral
    characteristics. Pity, love, and humanity rule out the aggressive ape, the most dangerous animal that is keen to kill people with cold blood, living on the people’s sweat. The communists and mongrel communists have never repented for the wrongdoing,
    despite the people condemning, and hating the crimes. The ape of Karl Marx lives on the working of people becoming the slaves of apes, so the communists and mongrel communists enjoy the taxpayers, the assets of people.

    The mongrel communists in democratic countries have the same characteristics as the communists in China, Vietnam, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, and others. The mongrel communists enclose the left parties, the Greens Party (Garbage Party), the left media
    line, the left big tech communication companies, and whoever collaborates with the communists to animalize the apes. In the United States, the Democratic Communist Party represents the ape herd covered by the political party. The US ape herd is the most
    dangerous animal when the apes rule the White House, controls Congress, Senate, states, and the courtrooms, including the Supreme Court with the Justices animalized.

    The mongrel ape Joe Biden has no human mind, including the animal instinct, instead of the viral characteristics that are worse than the dog exposing the remorse after doing something wrong to upset the owner by waving the tail. Therefore, the mongrel
    ape, live zombie Joe Biden has never repented the corruption, treason, and other serious crimes despite the public and the world condemning and recognizing Joe Biden, and his family members committing all crimes. Its reason explains Joe Biden has never
    heard the chant” let’s go Brandon” echoes nationwide, and in public places, and the banner” TRUMP WON” when Joe Biden arrives everywhere in the United States. Moreover, the Democratic Communist Party is the den of corruption and treason, so the
    people can not find a concerned, patriotic politician in Democrats. Certainly, Joe Biden joined Democrats, the Blue Donkey MAFIA gang fits the favorites of Biden and his family.

    The White House robbery attempted on January 20, 2021, becomes the shame of America. Therefore, the male mongrel ape Joe Biden and the female mongrel ape, Kamala Harris pride themselves on the national humiliation and enjoying the presidential, and vice-
    presidential robbery. The 1871 constitutional disaster to trash the United States when the major Justices and the Supreme Court and the Senate Speaker were animalized after approval of the rigged election and certified the 306 fraudulent electoral
    colleges the mongrel ape Joe Biden to rob the White House. The United States is endangered when the White House has no president, instead, the robber controls the federal government with the bush law, and uses the government facilities like the FBI, and
    the Department of Justice to terrorize, and oppress the opponents, the main targets are the patriotic, virtual President Donald Trump, and the former White House aides like Peter Navarro, Steve Bannon.

    The situation in America worsens when the male mongrel ape Joe Biden becomes the live zombie. The presidential robber Joe Biden is controlled by the hidden bosses standing in the shadow. Actually, super President Barrack Obama is the prominent boss of
    the live male zombie Joe Biden, and live female zombie Kamala Harris. The live zombie Joe Biden can not read properly although the bosses arranged the teleprompter that predicts the zombie is going to bury in a pet cemetery. The presidential robber Joe
    Biden is the live zombie of an ape-covered human body, so the mind is emptied, not animal instinct, but instead the viral characteristics. The executive orders and the foreign agreements are valueless, all signed by the live carcass of a mongrel ape. The
    Democratic Communist Party, the heads of the US Army, the FBI, the CIA, the DOJ, and the illegal cabinet are responsible for the illegal executive orders, and the foreign agreements. The Mar-A-Lago terror comes from the order of the commander in terror
    Joe Biden. Therefore, the live zombie complied with the order of the zombie owners in the shadow. The henchmen are the FBI director Christopher Wray, Attorney General Merrick Garland, the thuggish judge Bruce Reinhart, and 40 FBI agents plus 3 officials
    of the DOJ who are going to learn the fate with the term” when a hunter recognizes the dog can not do the job properly, a hunter must know how to eat the dog’s meat”. Initially, the FBI agent, Timothy Thibault was fired, he is a reliable FBI agent
    is targeted by the investigation of John Durham, and also involved the Spygate, covering the laptop of Hunter Biden. The incident proves the terror of Mar-A-Lago to show the failure of the terror. Moreover, the seized documents illegally confiscated from
    the property of the virtual US President Donald Trump violates the law, and national security risks when the presidential documents must seal, and no one can access them, except President Donald Trump. Nevertheless, the FBI becomes the terror tool of
    Democrats, so national secrets should leak, or sell by the corrupt FBI agents and the officials of the DOJ.

    The mid-term congressional election in November 2022 comes closed, the panic of Democrats, the Global Deep State, and RINOs rises while the terror of Mar-A-Lago hits back Democrats, and the potential losses will be inevitable. Possibly, the mongrel ape
    live zombies Joe Biden should be buried, and the henchmen will face the criminal charges plus the treason. The rigged election in 2020 prioritizes making the law, and Democrats should pay all costs of the presidential election plus the economic damages.
    Possibly the debts of Joe Biden are illegal, so the lenders should contact Joe Biden, and the federal government can refuse the repayment. The next us President can overhaul the foreign agreements including the US taxpayers wasted by Joe Biden, actually,
    the hoax climate change needs to scrap.

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