• Three superpowers have been stuck in a quagmire

    From Tuana Le@21:1/5 to All on Fri Aug 19 20:12:07 2022
    Hoa Truong, 19.8.2022

    After the Second World War, the world radically changed when the regime of Nazi regime of Hitler was eliminated, instead, the three superpowers emerged. The world has been influenced by the three superpowers, including the United Nations, the UN Security
    Council, the World Health Organization, and the World Trade Organization. Nevertheless, the three superpowers are the United States, China’s Communist regime, and the Soviet Union acquired modern weapons including nuclear, and the three super nations
    that dominate the world, plus the regions. Actually, every super nation gathered the allies like the US, or vassals like China’s communist Empire, and the Soviet Union. Therefore, the United States becomes the number one superpower with US military
    bases located in Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and somewhere else while the US interest spread worldwide. During the Cold War, the Soviet Union presented and activated in Vietnam War, Eastern German, Afghanistan, and some nations. Particularly, China’
    s communist Empire expanded its power in Vietnam War by providing weapons and troops (at a time, China sent 320,000 troops to North Vietnam) to traitor and genocide Hồ Chí Minh. Moreover, the terror of rebellious organizations labeled Maoists appeared
    in India, Nepal, South America, the Philippines, and other places.

    However, the three superpowers reflect the different strategies and applications for multiple purposes. The Cold War occurred in the hot spots in Vietnam, the Korean peninsula, and West-East German became the current complication on the planet. The
    hottest spots created conflicts in the regions and the world’s tension. The world divided into two hostile blocs as the global communist bloc with China, the Soviet Union, and the democratic country was led by the United States with the European states
    founded NATO, the tension remained when both sides developed strength, the psychological warfare battled worldwide, so the Cold War was different from the previous wars.

    After the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe- Communist Bloc collapsed in the early 1990s. Once again, the world changed when the Cold War was temporarily suspended, and the cradle of global communism in Russia was ruined when the people stood up. Therefore,
    the toxic communism remains in Asia when China’s Communist Party gathered the vestige of Vietnam, Laos, North Korea, and Cuba to fight for survival by applying the tactics like taking one step back to prepare for three steps forward, talking during
    the fighting, and the buying time. Actually, China and Vietnam’s communist regime apply the lizard changes the color skin tactic to cheat the Western, and the US with the deceitful economy pattern” the free market is led by socialism”. The innocent
    leaders, the negligent Western people, plus the naive businesses do love a profit to fall into the trap of China exploiting the technology, market, and talented people to carry out the global hegemonic ambition. China’s communist Empire did nothing,
    but got anything as the Asia proverb” borrow the pig head to cook the rice’s soup”.

    The Cold War is not over yet, instead, it changes to the Cool War with the soft army of China’s communist Empire exploiting the trade, free trade agreements, and diplomatic relationships to colonize its counterparts. China’s Communist Party is the
    most dangerous enemy on the planet always applying the stratagem of Sun Tzu” hide a knife behind a smile”. The nice verbal diplomacy covers the sly conspiracy, instead, China deployed spy networks, including cyber spy, plus propaganda to carry out
    the global hegemonic strategy. Moreover, China’s communist Empire hires the left media companies to carry out psychological warfare to intoxicate the Western people with communism, or globalization.

    Nevertheless, the world currently has mayhem with the conflicts in the Middle East and somewhere else, actually, the fighting against terror has the involvement of China, the Russian Federation, and the United States with NATO. The twenty-first century
    changes the world when the three superpowers are stuck in a quagmire, peace is threatened, and the global economy is uncertain.

    1-The United States leads the democratic countries and the world. Unfortunately, the ugly politics with the bush-obscurant constitution of 1871 makes America fall into the current crisis itself and influences the world when the White House changed the
    president every four years. Foreign policy depends on the US president, and Congress, and the Senate. So the enemies like China, Russia, Iran, and others have exploited the leadership change in the White House to develop tactics, and the interest against
    the United States plus its allies. On the other hand, the ugly constitution and the negligent political pattern of the United States curb the strength of the number one superpower. Mostly, the disaster in America comes from the dishonest lawyers, the
    dishonest judges with the Justices in the Supreme Court, the Democratic lawmakers with the lawyer’s background to create the bush law, and the heap of Amendments, so the bush law easily made and distorted to destroy the strength of America.

    Commonly, Republican Party exposes patriotism while the hidden communist party called Democratic Party is keen to intoxicate the American people with the communism renamed globalization. The Democratic Party becomes the domestic thug aiming to replace
    patriotism with communism, or globalization. Moreover, the Democratic politicians and the high profiles put the communist stance above the national interest, and Democratic Party is the den of corruption, plus treason. The people believe the Democratic
    Party is a treasonous organization and acting as the super MAFIA gang. Every Democratic politician is a political bandit.

    The corruption, weak, and timid characters of the US Democratic presidents like Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, and Barrack Obama, actually the 46th illegal president Joe Biden caused the wars, conflicts, and global mayhem. Most Democratic presidents
    humiliated the United States, the enemies snubbed, and allies distrust when the White House changed president. The Democratic presidents refect the term” homes wise, but folly market”, and “kiss up-kick out”. Democratic Party and the Democratic
    presidents oppress the American people in the US, actually the opponents like Republicans. Instead, the Democratic presidents are coward and timid while dealing with foreign enemies. President Jimmy Carter surrendered Iran and 52 hostages of the US
    diplomats with the citizens held for 444 days. Eventually, Republican President Ronald Reagan forced leader Sayyid Ruhollah Musavi Khomeini to release the hostages. The 46th illegal president Joe Biden kneels to foreign enemies like China, the Taliban,
    and others. Instead, Joe Biden and Democrats oppress the patriotic President Donald Trump with the public denouncement applies in the sham riot on January 6, 2021, carried out by the illegal House Select Committee. Moreover, the commander in terror Joe
    Biden uses the FBIT, and DOJT to raid the Mae-A-Lago of President Donald Trump. The Democratic Communist Party is a coward with enemies but aggressive to the American people and Republicans.

    Republican presidents like Ronald Reagan, and Donald Trump made America great, the enemies feared and the allies trusted. The White House robbery on January 20, 2021, worsens the US, the presidential robber Joe Biden is the weakest, timid mongrel ape
    ruling the White House with the fake presidency and the stolen commander in chief. The world has been complicated, the loss of Afghanistan and the Ukraine invasion, called the Biden War are the shame of America. The United States fell into a
    constitutional quagmire, so the strongest superpower couldn’t carry out the economic strength, and the strongest armed force on the planet while the country acquired high technology, the best economy, and the strength developing worldwide. The
    vulnerability of the United States can fix when the country totally eliminates the Democratic Party, or its party disbanded. An opportunity for the American people will come up in the mid-term congressional election that will be held on November 8, 2022.
    The Democratic Party exposed the real face of mongrel communists after Joe Biden totally imposed the hell of communist paradise to make America worsens ever in US history. When Republicans control Congress and Senate, the lawmakers can introduce the bill
    to open the rigged election in 2020, and the law forces Democrats to pay all costs for the rigged election plus the national damages made by Joe Biden. Possibly, Democrats shouldn’t repay and file the bankruptcy, the original constitution of 1776 will
    restore, and the US will return the world’s trust. Its reason explains Democrats crazily act when the mid-term congressional election comes closer.

    2-China’s communist empire was established in 1949 after robbing the authentic government of the Chinese people. Taiwan’s government represents the Chinese people, not the robbery regime in Beijing. The great genocide Mao Tse Tung committed was the
    massacre of a hundred million Chinese people from 1949 to 1976 with the bloodshed campaigns. Most leaders of China’s communist Empire are the tyrants like Deng Xiaoping who ordered the massacre at Tiananmen Square in 1989, Jiang Zemin, Hu Jintao, and
    now Xi Jinping continued to kill, and oppress the Chinese people, actually the ethnic purge applied in Sinkiang Uygur. China’s communist Empire plans to control the world, despite the empire has not enough capacity and technology to carry out the
    global hegemonic ambition. The stolen technology and using the free market to create the strength of China is like a house that has no fundament. However, the greedy power urges China’s communist empire to involve the arms race, space race, and
    economic race. The global hegemonic ambition pushes China to fall into the quagmire:

    -The one belt-road initiative deployed throughout 149 nations costs $US 4 trillion. Therefore, the China virus pandemic reflects the term” the sword made by China to stab Chinese”. The commander in viruses Xi Jinping couldn’t control and command
    the viruses, so the project cost of one belt-road initiative blew up double while China’s economy plunged, the products made in China being boycotted. Many members of the one belt-road initiative can not continue to build the road, including the people
    protesting against China, and the corrupt politicians, so some governments collapsed like Pakistan, and Sri Lanka.

    -The illegally artificial islands were built and militarized into the disputed waters. In 2013, the comrade of Xi Jinping is the first Muslim, communist and black President Barrack Obama flagged China building piratical stations to control the maritime
    way entering Asia, the annual goods transport estimated $US 5 trillion. Therefore, the piratical stations create hostility and tension in the region, moreover, the costs to maintain the piratical stations burden China’s budget. Therefore, Beijing can
    not withdraw after investing too much money.

    -The Three Gorges Dam puts China’s communist Empire endangered, the damp can burst anytime, actually the rainy season, earthquake, and national disaster including the missiles of Taiwan, the US, and the neighboring countries can destroy the dam that
    causes more than half population in the mainland will be wiped out. The water atomic powerful trap built that China commits suicide creating from the crazy ambition.

    3-The Russian Federation was established after the Soviet Union collapsed in the early 1990s. Therefore, toxic communism remains since the former KGB agent Vladimir Putin seized the power and controlled the former Soviet Union from 1999. Vladimir Putin
    silently restored the Soviet-Union Empire by building a military force plus modern weapons. Therefore, Russian Federation develops the national economy with natural sources. Fossil energy is the main profit. However, Vladimir Putin wants to get back 15
    nations of the former Soviet Union. The good opportunity comes up after the White House robbery, the timid, weak, and illegal president Joe Biden imposes the hell of communist paradise in the United States, the energy purge labeled the hoax climate
    change to shut down Keystone Pipeline, and Vladimir Putin dominates the oil and gas in Europe. Moreover, Joe Biden flags Vladimir Putin to carry out the regional hegemony when the fake commander in chief Joe Biden promised not to send the US Army to
    Ukraine. The Ukraine invasion matches the similar tactic with Democrats used to cover the terrible failure of Joe Biden, and Vladimir Putin confidentially invaded Ukraine. However, the indomitable and patriotic spirit of the Ukrainian people, and the
    patriotic president Volodymyr Zelenskyy ruined the plan for Putin to occupy Ukraine within a few days. Therefore, from February 24, 2022, to now, the Russian Army is curbed by the Ukrainian army and its people, so the plan of Putin is impossible, instead,
    the Russian army received heavy casualties, many generals killed and the modern weapons of Russian trashed, so the military legend of the Red Army, now the Russian Army collapsed, and Russia falls into the quagmire in Ukraine invasion. Certainly, the
    Ukraine invasion costs the economy, and the world boycotted. Nevertheless, the Ukraine invasion deeply influences European Union including the United Kingdom.

    The three superpowers have stuck in the quagmire, so the world falls into the complication. However, Japan and India emerged as the new superpowers while the United States, Russian Federation, and China’s communist Empire still struggle in the quagmire,
    they sowed the wind and reap the whirlwind. Therefore, India can not trust when the foreign policies are uncertain, actually in the Ukraine invasion, India buys oil from Russia. The world doubts India as an opportunistic country. Eventually, Japan will
    influence the world and has peacetime to build the country with high technology and the Japanese patriotic spirit. Nevertheless, the new economically powerful countries like South Korea, Australia, Singapore, Taiwan, and others will create a new era.

    Besides the three superpowers, the Global Deep State controls the world in the shadow with the cabals in governments, the monetary army, and the privileges. So the Global Deep State manipulates the politics and the financial system, the economy in the
    United States, and Western. However, patriotic President Donald Trump uprooted the secret members and the cabals of the Global Deep State within 4 years, and the American people, plus the world can recognize the hidden thugs in the politics and the legal
    system including the Supreme Court.

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