• Democrats collapsed after the White House robbery

    From Tuana Le@21:1/5 to All on Sat Aug 13 20:02:27 2022
    Hoa Truong, 13.8.2022

    Trust is the key to deciding the success or failure of a political party, the public is very important in politics. Certainly, the people have never trusted communist parties like China, North Korea, Vietnam, Cuba, and others. The political party without
    the support of people as the fish has no water. The Democratic Communist Party ignores the people’s power, the death vulnerability exposes after the White House robbery attempted on January 20, 2021. Certainly, when the people abandon, the political
    party is ruined, even facing collapse. The people hate evil and Satan, the gang, MAFIA, and the dishonest components. The American people and the world extremely abhor the communist parties, the mongrel communist parties, including the Democratic
    Communist Party. Nevertheless, people believe the pupils of Karl Marx originate the ape, the animal-covered human body without the human mind, or animal instinct, instead the viral character. The mongrel ape, farting-rotten zombie Joe Biden is the
    political worm. Therefore, the worm eats shit to make manure, instead, Joe Biden, and Democrats afford the taxpayers and national privileges. However, Joe Biden and Democrats destroy the United States to the grassroots. On the other hand, Joe Biden is
    worse than the worm, so the American people exhausted the language, including the coarse language to condemn, and disdain Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, the illegal cabinet, and the Democratic Communist Party.

    When a house is fired, the rats appear, the Democratic Communist Party exposed as the dangerous domestic thugs since President Bill Clinton, and Barrack Obama, actually, the 46th illegal president Joe Biden. The White House robbery was attempted on
    January 20, 2021, by the political worm, corrupt king, and treasonous specialist Joe Biden imposing the world’s healthiest country into the hell of a communist paradise, so the United States comes close to the situation of Venezuela, and going to be
    the vassal of China’s communist empire.

    The hostile movement rises against the presidential robber Joe Biden, vice-presidential robber Kamala Harris, the Democratic Congress, Senate, RINOs in the Supreme Court, and others that panic Democrats. Actually, the candidates of the Democratic
    Congress, Senate, and states have fallen into extreme fear, the worst is coming with the big loss will be inevitable while the MAGA movement grows faster than ever in US history. The American people consider Donald Trump is the virtual president, despite
    he exiled to Florida after the first term expired and Chief thuggish Justice John Roberts presided over the illegal inauguration to legalize the White House robbery of Joe Biden, and Kamala Harris after the legalization made by the six thuggish Justices (
    4 RINOs) in the Supreme Court and the coward traitor Mike Pence.

    The panic of Democrats conducts the crazily public denouncement with the illegal House Select Committee using the sham riot on January 6, 2021, created by Nancy Pelosi to attack the patriotic President Donald Trump with the decoy witnesses, the distorted
    document. Therefore, the malicious methods failed. Nevertheless, the monkeypox appears while the mid-term congressional election in November 2022 comes closer, the people believe Democrats launch the monkeypox pandemic as COVID-19 in the presidential
    election in 2020. The Biden War in Ukraine, the tension in Formosa Strait created by Nancy Pelosi to stray the failure of Joe Biden, and also carry out the multiple purposes. The panic of the Democratic Communist Party rises up to the ceiling while the
    rallies throughout many states of Donald Trump gathered massive supporters. Moreover, the fans of Democrats abandoned them and registered to vote for Republican Party. On August 8, 2024, the FBI stormed the mansion of Donald Trump as the ordered by
    Department of Justice, certainly, the 46th illegal president Joe Biden is the perpetrator carrying out the political terror. It is the first time in US history, that the virtual President Donald Trump is terrorized by the Blue Donkey MAFIA gang with
    terror leader Joe Biden. Two top head henchmen of the FBI Christopher Wray and Attorney General Merrick Garland carried out the order of Joe Biden, everyone knows. Therefore, the terror raid can not save the big losses of Democrats, instead, the people
    hate, and consider them as the enemies of the people, and the losses worsen while the approval rating of Biden, Kamala Harris, and the Democratic candidates continue to fall into the abyss. Nevertheless, on August 9, 2022, the robber with the wooden
    hammer called the U.S Court of Appeal for Washington D.C supposing the Democratic Congress occupied the House Way & Means Committee can see the tax returns of Donald Trump. Once again, the dishonest judges and Democratic Congress expose legal illiteracy.
    The tax returns are private, and no one can see, them except the IRS. If something wrong, the IRS should contact Donald Trump and anyone. It is not the career of the judges and lawmakers in Congress. During the first term, the U.S Supreme Court had no
    authority to see the tax returns of President Donald Trump, because the Justices knew it is illegal, so they passed the job to the local court in New Jersey at the order of the Democrats.

    Almost, the Democratic candidates are nervous, they don’t want the rotten mongrel ape zombie Joe Biden appearing in their campaigns. Even California, the stronghold of Democrats recognizes the disaster will come, so former state Senate leader Gloria
    Romero alerts with the pessimistic view that” these are essentially rats running from a sinking ship”.

    Nevertheless, Joe Biden wants to run in the White House race again in 2024. The RINOs also pay the price as the circumstance of traitor Liz Cheney who takes the role of the judge in the people’s court in China. Therefore, the illegal House Select
    Committee exposes the ugly form of Congress, indeed, Congress is not a courtroom. The seat of Liz Cheney will lose, and even her father, former Vice President Dick Cheney can not save his political career. Instead, he criticizes Donald Trump causes his
    daughter to lose her seat. Therefore, the people in Wyoming decide, not Donald Trump. Despite Dick Cheney being a billionaire. Unfortunately, the money can not win the trust, the people’s hearts and the fate of the traitor ended after November 2022.

    The farting male mongrel ape zombie Joe Biden and laughing female mongrel ape zombie Kamala Harris did the best destructive jobs in America of the Global Deep State and China’s Communist Party plus the foreign enemies like Iran. However, Joe Biden and
    Kamala Harris also made the disaster of the Democratic Communist Party. The zombies reflect as a knife with two blades, and now stabbing at the back of the Democratic Communist Party. The best choice for Democrats, China, and the Global Deep State to
    conduct the big losses of Democrats is going to come in November 2022.

    Democratic Communist Party is like a sinking boat in the ocean, everyone including the crew members must find the escaping way as soon as possible, and the rats have to do the same for survival. The incident of Democratic candidates in the mid-term
    congressional election in November 2022 fell into a panic while the MAGA movement growing, and the rallies of the virtual President Donald Trump throughout many states opposed the vapid rallies of the presidential robber Joe Biden’s response to the
    slogan, and chant” let’s go Brandon”, and RINO Mike Pence which predicts the big loss of Democrats.

    However, the Democratic candidates can use the election calling fundraising which is the election business with corruption. On March 29, 2022, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York warns Democrats to face a big loss in November 2022. The potential leader
    of the Democratic Communist Party runs out, and the presidential candidate in 2024 is the deadlock while Sleepy Joe Biden announces to run for the White House race again. Therefore, his bosses in the shadow, including Barrack Obama doesn’t want Joe
    Biden to contest the second term, they don’t want to throw the money into the bin, and the time for the loss. There are many presidential candidates in 2024 like Hillary Clinton, Michelle Obama, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. The leadership crisis of
    Democrats comes from the rigged election in 2020. The culprits and perpetrators must pay the price.

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