• Animal court exposes in the ape house select committee

    From Tuana Le@21:1/5 to All on Mon Jul 25 19:45:50 2022
    Hoa Truong, 24.7.2022

    The apes of Karl Marx animalized the Democratic Party in America for a long time. Therefore, the innocent people didn’t realize because the apes are malicious, the animal-covered human bodies are the politicians who use demagogic policies, and rhetoric
    to cheat the public. The anti-communist experts warn” do not listen to what the communists talk, let’s see what the communists did”, and a joke quotes” when a communist is born, initially, a midwife sees the mouth”. The deception of apes was
    debunked after the White House robbery occurred on January 20, 2021. The male mongrel ape Joe Biden, the female mongrel ape Kamala Harris transforms the White House into the zoo with the ape cabinet, the ape’s joint staff of the US Army, the White
    House’s ape Press Secretary Karine Jeane Pierre who has the face is like a mummy. Nevertheless, the Democratic ape’s Congress is led by female ape Nancy Pelosi, and the Democratic Senate has the apes like Chuck Schumer. The apes are plenty in America,
    the white collar apes are the ape noble class to rob the people’s sweat, and corner the legal system. The Democratic apes transform the legal system into the bush law, and wild rules. The British author George Orwell wrote,” Animal Farm” published
    on August 17, 1945, telling about the communists being like animals. Possibly, the communists and mongrel communists are the apes, not the people. The animal-covered human bodies in US politics expose inside the animal court by the ape House Select

    American people have never seen the bush law applied in the United States after the Blue Donkey MAFIA gang controlled Congress, and Senate is backed by RINOs Mitt Romney, Mitch McConnell, and others. Certainly, the RINO Justices in the Supreme Court like
    Chief Justice John Roberts, Justice Neil Gorsuch, Justice Brett Kavanaugh, and Justice Amy Coney Barrett did the greatest White House robbery by waiving the rigged election in 2020, and traitor Mike Pence certified the 306 fraudulent electoral colleges
    of political worm Joe Biden to rob the White House.

    The bush law highlights and dominates in America when the Blue Donkey MAFIA gang controls Congress, Senate, Supreme Court, and the White House. The illegal ape House Select Committee is a form of the people’s court in communist regimes like China,
    Vietnam, and North Korea. Therefore, the people’s court in America was established in Congress with major members of the Blue Donkey MAFIA gang plus some RINOs like Liz Cheney. The main function of the ape House Select Committee is the political purse
    is carried out by the public denouncement. The target focuses on the victims like patriotic President Donald Trump. The ape House Select Committee reflects the term” during the robbery, and calling the police”. Everyone knew the riot that occurred on
    January 6, 2021, was arrayed by the Democratic Communist Party, the ape political sorceress Nancy Pelosi is the culprit, and the commander in rioters. The ape House Select Committee is the obsolete people’s court in the United States because this
    country is not like China, there are not only Democrats. Therefore, the Republican Party, and major Republican states while Democratic Party is a minority in politics. However, the Democrats applied the rigged election to rob the White House, and the
    Global Deep State, China’s Communist Party used the money and privileges to control Congress, Senate, and the legal system.

    The public denouncement of the Blue Donkey MAFIA gang reflects the proverb of boomerang’s thrower hit back, so the American people abhore the Democratic Party, the mid-term congressional election will be held on November 8, 2022, that panics the
    Democrats, the politicians, and RINOs when the people will use the ballot to punish and expel the animal covered human bodies oust from the politics.

    The illegal ape House Select Committee is the ugly form of the viral court that distorts the law, and constitution, it is the animal court. Therefore, the left animal media line worldwide supports the propaganda of the attorney power of the illegal ape
    House Select Committee after the incident of bullshit subpoena declared to charge the former aides of the patriotic President Donald Trump like Peter Navarro and Steve Bannon.

    Certainly, the animals covered the media workers and animal den (the television, and left media) think the people are stupid like the ape Press Secretary Karine Jeane Pierre snubs the American people. Indeed, the people knew the illegal ape House Select
    Committee has no legal fundament. Instead, Congress is the place of lawmaking, not a court, so the subpoena is illegal. Its reason causes Professor Peter Navarro, and Steve Bannon to ignore, and the illegal ape House Select Committee applies the bush law
    with the so-called crime of contempt of Congress. Once again, after the make mongrel ape Joe Biden robbed the White House, the hoax climate change robs the authority of God. The Blue Donkey MAFIA gang robs the career of judges and Justices in the Supreme
    Court. Therefore, the RINO Justices have not applied the highest level of attorney power to disband, and nullify the illegal ape House Select Committee. The justice and legal system in America are not different from the communist regimes.

    The justice robbers in Congress mime the practices of the court by setting the grand jury with the decoy members, and illiterate law to do the final justice like the people’s court in Vietnam, China during the bloodshed Landlord Reform campaign, and
    the victims had no right to protect, there were the illiterate judges with the decoy witnesses that reflected the barbaric justice in the ruthless regimes. Unfortunately, the people’s court and the decoy jury apply to publicly denounce the patriotic
    President Donald Trump. Actually, the recent decoy witness Cassidy Hutchinson failed to denounce President Donald Trump when the Secret Service Agent confirmed the horrible lies released by Cassidy Hutchinson, and she becomes the people’s hatred.

    The grand jury is like a knife with two blades, actually, the judges avoid the responsibility by pressuring from politics, and corruption. The grand jury becomes the legal tool to carry out the job of the people’s court in the communist regimes. In
    America, the grand jury did many wrongs like the case of O.J Simpson was freed despite he killed his ex-wife Nicole Brown and her friend Ron Goldman in 1994. Certainly, the decoy grand jury was pressured by the shadow power under the rule of the thuggish
    President Bill Clinton, and O.J Simpson waived the crimes. The grand jury applies the public denouncement in the illegal ape Select Committee. Therefore, the ape judges can not harm the patriotic President Donald Trump although the illegal ape judges of
    the Select Committee exhausted the fake witnesses, and the distorted documents, including Biden’s administration, destroyed something. Certainly, they can not conceal when the incident is kept and publicized.

    The Blue Donkey MAFIA gang falls into an extreme panic when the people boycotted and the Democratic fans woke up to trash the ape herd in America. The loss of Congress and the Senate obsess the Democratic Communist Party. Moreover, the illegal ape House
    Select Committee failed to destroy the political life of Donald Trump. Instead, they publicly denounce former White House aides like Peter Navarro, and Steve Bannon with the vague crime called contempt of Congress like the counter-revolutionary
    conviction in China, Vietnam, and North Korea. Recently, the ape people’s court in Congress charged Steve Bannon facing a maximum of 30 days in prison, and $US 100, or $US 100,000. Mr. Steve Bannon reacted” I only have one disappointment and that is
    the gutless members of that show trial committee, the J6 Committee didn’t have the guts to come down here and testify in open court“. Certainly, the American people are the genuine judges to vindicate and approve Steve Bannon, Donald Trump, Peter
    Navarro, and other victims of the illegal ape House Select Committee. The decoy jury did a good job of the public denouncement of the Blue Donkey MAFIA gang, so the decision is lawless.

    The illegal ape House Select Committee proves Democratic being panicked when the main target Donald Trump vindicated and the people know the wicked hunt completely failed. Instead, the illegal ape House Select Committee crazily targets Steve Bannon and
    Peter Navarro who will not contest the presidential election in 2024. The bullshit bush law of the Blue Donkey MAFIA gang creates more loss and damages, so Steve Bannon said” we may have lost the battle here today but we’re not going to lose the war
    . Certainly, the illegal ape House Select Committee can not go further because they have no attorney power to decide the jail or the death sentence for Donald Trump and others.

    After the bush law of the Blue Donkey MAFIA gang, Republican Representative Ralph Norman said” there is no surprise with Bannon”, and he continued” because he knows this is all a dog-and-pony show. This is all an attempt to smear President Trump
    and to attempt that he doesn’t run for president [in 2024]. Democrats are scared to death that he can win”.

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