• Elon Musk can not deal with the rotten twitter

    From Tuana Le@21:1/5 to All on Mon Jul 11 18:23:09 2022
    Hoa Truong, 11.7.2022

    The sly administration of Twitter has deceived the users, businesses paid the wrong prices of advertising, the shareholders, and the people for a long time ago. Therefore, Twitter can not cheat Elon Musk who has experienced business battles and becomes
    the richest man on the planet. The people know Elon built business better from the ground zero to billionaire, instead, the political worm, global social dreg, the treasonous specialist, and the corrupt professional Joe Biden launched the demagogic
    slogan” build back better”, and it means” build treason better than patriotism”. The political parasite Joe Biden built his corrupt family feud reflects the stratagem of the ancient Chinese strategist Sun Tzu” creates something from nothing”.

    The patriotic heart of Elon Musk was proved by the action that convince the American people to adore the US concerned citizen despite he was born in Africa. Nevertheless, the Biden War in Ukraine invasion started on February 24, 2022, the Starlink of
    Elon Musk has helped the Ukrainian people defend, created the big losses of the Russian Army, and reduces the casualties, the injuries. Therefore, the 46th illegal president Joe Biden, and the Democratic Communist Party use the bloodshed in Ukraine for
    political purposes, actually the mid-term congressional election is going to poll on November 8, 2022.

    However, the patriotic heart of Elon Musk exposes while the US-born like Bill Gates, Bill Clinton, Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, John Kerry, and others commit treason, plus corruption. The treasonous and corrupt politicians of Democrats and RINOs are the
    shame of the world’s symbolic democratic country. The monetary rapaciousness creates domestic thugs in the United States, so the national disaster comes from the Democratic Party and RINOs. The traitors have exploited the high positions in the White
    House, Congress, Senate, and the Supreme Court to make a profit with the political businesses.

    The deal Elon Musk conducts the terrible discovery about Twitter is like a beautiful cloth covering the garbage bin, inside containing the trash promoted as a valuable asset to cheat the public. However, the richest man on the planet is also an expert
    business and respects the contract instead Twitter doesn’t and broke the deal as Security and Exchange Commission confirms, Shadden Arps attorney Mike Ringer said:” Twitter has not complied with its contractual obligations”. The terrible cheat
    hides inside discovered when Twitter has more than 20% ghost users among 200 million is like 81 million voters of the 46th illegal president Joe Biden boasts after robbing the White House on January 20, 2021. Certainly, Elon Musk can not accept the
    massive numerous fake users.

    Certainly, Twitter could cheat the shareholders, the advertising, and the users for a long time ago with the unreal valuation of the business. However, the administration of Twitter can not cheat Elon Musk easily. Moreover, he can not throw out $US 44
    billion into the bin with the rotten company. The deception failed and Twitter receives the consequences as the proverb” sow the wind, then reap the whirlwind” when Twitter doesn’t comply with the contract by telling the trust, and Elon Musk has
    the right to end the deal although as the term, and the rule” money-back guarantee” for the most products. Actually, the deal is worth $US 44 billion and must consider carefully. The deception was debunked, and Twitter has tried to sell the rotten
    company while the requirements have not been completed yet. Twitter’s board chair Bret Taylor does want to accomplish the deal as soon as possible because the share plunged and Twitter also threatens legal action against Elon Musk. However, Twitter
    does not snub Elon Musk, he can hire the top lawyers, and has enough reason to terminate the deal by business law. Twitter can not cheat Elon Musk as the Vietnamese proverb” the thick tangerine skin is broken by the sharp nails” (Vỏ quit dầy có
    móng tay nhọn). The legal argument must take a long time while Twitter plunging the valuation, and users distrust. Therefore, the legal process can not carry out in a few days, a few months, and a few years when the legal team of Elon Musk protects
    the right reasons to end the deceitful deal.

    The legal action is just on the desk of Twitter’s administration which is intimidation. Therefore, the deal breaches the agreement that is the fault of Twitter, and the deceitful administration while Twitter faces big losses when compares with the $US
    1 billion deposit of Elon Must when Twitter is the loser. The share before the deal was $US 54.20, and after the deal was $US 52.70, then in July 2022 is $38.81. The uncertain economy in the United States worries the investors on the Wall Street after
    the farting zombie Joe Biden robbed the White House with the rigged election. The hell of communist paradise is imposed by mongrel communist Joe Biden causes the highest inflation in 40 years, the stock exchange currently shakes for every stupid policy
    of Joe Biden, the livelihood of a hundred million American people being threatened, and many dire consequences torture the people in America including the big tech communication companies like Facebook, Google, actually, Twitter is fallen into the
    deadlock after the deal is going to end. Google challenges with Duckduckgo, Facebook is ruined by Truth social, and the people boycott the fake news plus the censoring big tech. Certainly, Elon Musk will lose nothing while Twitter loses the profit, the
    time is killing the big tech company. It is the fault of Twitter’s administration, not Elon Musk. Possibly, the shareholders and advertising companies may thank Elon Must who discovered the rotten Twitter, and the deception that occurred for a long

    -The shareholders, including Elon Musk can file lawsuits against Twitter for lying to more than 20% of ghost users. The compensation should seek the share’s valuation lost, and reimburse 20% of the share for each investor.

    -The advertising companies paid over the costs, so the companies may make legal action against Twitter to refund the money.

    -The users distrust Twitter, they don’t know the big tech should have another cheat. Actually, the Truth social of the patriotic President Donald Trump is the place of free speech and honesty.

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