• The ape parties to grant the license of evil saints

    From Tuana Le@21:1/5 to All on Sat Jul 9 19:22:43 2022
    Hoa Truong, 7.7.2022

    The ape communist parties in China, Vietnam, North Korea, Cuba, and others are the ape centers to train and make the corrupt components, and the evil saints, the genocide angels. Actually, the ape Communist Party in Russia granted the successful evil
    saints of the Soviet Union like Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, and others who killed tens of millions of Russian people from 1917 to the early 1990s. China’s Communist Party is the famous Maoist genocide center with a terrible record made from 1949.
    China’s Communist Party produced corrupt-genocide saints like Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin, Ho Jintao, and now Xi Jinping. Nevertheless, the great evil saint Mao Tse Tung killed more than 65 million Chinese people and enslaved a billion people.
    Nevertheless, China’s overseas communists and undercovered activists exploit the free speech in Western to propagate the evil saint Mao Tse Tung on television in Australia with the term” Mao goes to Pope”, and sometimes, the evil artist of the
    overseas Chinese communists opened the gallery displaying the paintings of evil Mao Tse Tung. The Vietnam’s Communist Party is the only ape centre made a lot of corrupt, Satan saints like Lê Duẫn, Lê Đức Thọ, Phạm Văn Đồng, Nông Đức
    Mạnh, Đổ Mười, Lê Khả Phiêu, Lê Đức Anh, Nguyễn Tấn Dũng, Nguyễn Phú Trọng, Nguyễn Xuân Phúc and the long list of corrupt saints recognized by the Vietnamese people, so every high ranking cadre of the communist party is the
    corrupt saint. Nevertheless, the great genocide saint Ho Chi Minh killed 1,700,000 Vietnamese people, and become the successful Buddha in Vietnam, the ape statue Hồ Chí Minh was established everywhere in Vietnam, and the embalmed body of evil saint Ho
    Chi Minh was stored at Mausoleum in Hanoi. Nevertheless, many Buddhist temples in Vietnam inserted the statue of genocide, evil Buddha Hồ Chí Minh with the statues of Buddhas at the main hall, and the Buddhists come to pray to the Buddhas and also
    pray the evil Buddha Hồ Chí Minh. Moreover, the pedophile saint Hồ Chí Minh is the idol of Jane Fonda, John Kerry, Joe Biden, Bill Hillary Clinton, and the ape left media line in Western.

    The Democratic Communist Party in America becomes the ape center to make the corrupt, treasonous angels and felony saints. The ape Democratic Party made many corrupt saints like Bill Clinton, Joe Biden, Barrack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Newsom Gavin, Kamala
    Harris, and the long list of corrupt saints, treasonous angels, so the American people knew the evil saints and Satan angels in Congress, Senate, the multiple levels of court including the Supreme Court exposing the saint of robbers with the wooden

    Nowadays, the current Satan saint is the 46th illegal president Joe Biden who is canonized for corruption, and treason with the records built the corruption better more than the other corrupt saints in the Democratic Party. The great corrupt Satan Saint
    Joe Biden and his evil family feud received $US 1.5 billion from China, $US 3.5 million from Russian business, and the corruption activated in multiple nations. Nevertheless, Satan saint Hunter Biden becomes the idol of corruption, and sexual
    practitioner with the whores including the wife of his brother, and Hunter Biden is also the drug saint in the United States. The drug user angel Hunter Biden is canonized after the laptop was publicized. On the other hand, all family members of the
    great corrupt saint Joe Biden are successful Satan saints.

    Whore College established in San Francisco in 1993 become the world’s first sex worker training school. San Francisco is also the place of the laughing zombie Kamala Harris, the successful saint with the art of the bed to make the Senator and the 49th
    illegal vice president. The bed saint Kamala Harris should replace the ape Satan saint Joe Biden anytime. The ape Democratic Communist Part granted the license for the corrupt saint politicians. Therefore, the ape Democratic Communist Party prioritizes
    canonizing the black saints only. The activists of the Black Supremacy easily become terror saints like the serious felony George Floyd was canonized the great saint on May 25, 2020, after attempting the last crime to use counterfeit banknotes of $US 20.
    Initially, the corrupt-treasonous Satan saint Joe Biden knelt to pay respect, and female corrupt evil saint Nancy Pelosi led her corrupt angels of Democratic congress to kneel. George Floyd becomes the saint with the license to rob, steal, and commit
    other crimes. The supporters of the ape Democratic Communist Party donated over $US 12 million, and the ape court in Minneapolis compensated $US 27 million. It is the great outcome of felony saint George Floyd who spent his whole life on the crimes.
    Unfortunately, the innocent police officer Derek Chauvin was sentenced to 22.5 years in prison by the ape judge of the Democratic Communist Party.

    The RINOS like ape Chief Justice John Roberts, ape Justice Neil Gorsuch, ape Justice Brett Kavanaugh, ape Justice Amy Coney Barrett, and ape Mike Pence were granted the corrupt saints and the bush law angels by the Democratic Communist Party.
    Nevertheless, former Attorney General William Barr became the evil saint of the Democrats after stabbing in the back of the patriotic President Donald Trump. Nevertheless, all academics of the Democratic Communist Praty automatically become corrupt
    saints or felony angels. Recently, the female ape Cassidy Hutchen is canonized as the lying saint of the ape Democratic Communist Party after the fabricated story lied about Donald Trump with the ape House Select Committee. The slogan of the Democratic
    Communist Party is” in evil we trust”, actually the ape corrupt saint Barrack Obama has the term” Yes we can follow Satan”, and the corrupt saint Joe Biden with” build back the evil better”. Nevertheless, all left media workers and the left
    big tech bosses were granted the fake news saints and the censor, they are the evil media in the United States.

    There are plenty of corrupt, treasonous saints and angels who were canonized by the Democratic Communist Partry in the United States, so the American people suffer the corrupt worship of the great corrupt saint Joe Biden always respects the motto”
    there is no God, but Satan” in the White House, including the main Satan church at Wilmington, Delaware, as the routine, weekly, the Satan saint Joe Biden must return to the radical den of evil in Delaware for the Satan’s worship.

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