• Zombie Biden turns dracula to suck the taxpayers

    From Tuana Le@21:1/5 to All on Tue Jun 28 18:30:23 2022
    Hoa Truong, 29.6.2022

    The Global Deep State, China’s Communist Party, the cluster of culprits like six Justices in the Supreme Court, Senate Speaker Mike Pence, the left stream media plus the left big tech communication companies, and the fans of Blue Donkey MAFIA gang
    created two live zombies in the White House. The main zombie is Joe Biden with the fart habit, or the FART ZOMBIE BIDEN, the stooge zombie is Kamala Harris with the laughing skill, or the LAUGHING ZOMBIE KAMALA HARRIS. Those special zombies remained the
    human bodies with the viral character, so the two noble zombies are worse than the dog because the dog waves its tail showing remorse to the owner after doing something wrong. The animal has the instinct, therefore, zombies Joe Biden, and Kamala Harris
    have never repented, certainly, the zombies have no minds. After the White House robbery occurred on January 20, 2021, the role of the Fart Zombie Joe Biden was highlighted in the United States and the world. Unfortunately, the two zombies above exposed
    the negative activities, and the people realize the US 46th illegal president robber Joe Biden, and vice-presidential robber Kamala Harris, both are the disgraced and losing control zombies caused the disaster of Democrats and the hidden bosses. Actually,
    the farting zombie Joe Biden becomes the most hateful face in the public, and the uncontrolled behaviors humiliated the prestige of America.

    The teleprompter reading, the instructive paper writes the details for every move that is provided by the powerful bosses in the shadow exposing the recent media’s meeting of the 46th illegal presidential Joe Biden. It is incredible when the
    presidential robber Joe Biden is the farting zombie, and all actions are planned by the political sorcerers and sorceresses. Certainly, a child in kindergarten can do properly the career of the US 46th illegal president Joe Biden, it is an easy job.
    Unfortunately, the farting zombie Joe Biden controls the US Army, the FBI, the CIA, the federal government, Congress, Senate, and holds the fate of 330 million American people, including the Liberal Justices at multiple judge levels, and the Supreme
    Court, the RINOs like Mitch McConnell, Mitt Romney and other high profiles of bipartisan politicians. Therefore, the people don’t know the daily instruction printing on the paper details handing over to zombie Biden about the details applies for the
    meals, and drink. Actually in the restroom warning carefully, and zombie Joe Biden should follow the instruction below:

    -Enter the toilet for male-only, must ask a cleaner before entering

    -Close the door, and lock it properly.

    -Sit down right on the toilet platform, not the floor, or somewhere else.

    -Fart and defecate plus urine right at the toilet bowl.

    -Use the paper to clean the anus.

    -Stand up, and push the toilet to flush

    -Step out

    -Do not speak online with everyone, including the national guests, and the foreign leaders during defecating.

    -Do not eat, and drink the urine and excrement in the toilet bowl.

    Possibly, without the daily instruction, the live zombie Joe Biden should urine, and defecate at the Oval Office. Therefore, the fake Oval Office without the camera is convenient, actually, the toilet should install under the chair. The bosses of zombie
    Joe Biden experienced Biden pooping the pants in the Vatican during talking with Pope Francis, and zombie Biden also released the long fart while meeting with the Duchess of Cornwall Camila Parker Bowles at the COP26 summit. The farts of Zombie Biden
    were repeated many times on television, and become the historic farts. Annually, the herd of cows on the planet released about 18% of dioxide. Therefore, the hoax climate change activists have never slammed the cow, including sheep, pigs, chickens, dogs,
    and other animals. Instead, the industry, cars, and electricity using gas, oil, coal, and freaking are condemned. Nevertheless, the hoax climate change activists and supporters don’t know about the farts of zombie Joe Biden released how much the
    quantity of dioxide.

    The farts of zombie Joe Biden without control that worries the bosses in the shadow including the permanent carer is education Dogtor Jill Biden. The noble carer Jill Biden can prepare the nappy for the domestic and the overseas trips for the farting
    zombie Joe Biden. However, the historic farts can not curb because zombie Joe Biden can release the gas, or dioxide from the anus anytime and everywhere.

    The people believe the bosses of the farting zombie Joe Biden are the supreme president Barrack Obama, the Global Deep State, and many hidden powerful persons to control Joe Biden, and Kamala Harris plus the illegal cabinet. Nevertheless, the live zombie
    Joe Biden can eat, drink, fart, urine, and defecate as a live human. Therefore, the zombie has no mind, instead of the sorcerers and sorceress standing behind to order. Moreover, the live zombie Joe Biden must return to the magical base in Delaware to
    recharge the program every week.

    Before becoming the live zombie, the political worm Joe Biden spent more than 46 years in the eaten taxpayers, and privileges. Actually, the corrupt king, the treasonous specialist Joe Biden developed the corrupt skills in 8 years of serving as the US
    vice president for the first Muslim, communist, and black President Barrack Obama. The worm eats shit making the manure while Joe Biden earns the US taxpayers, destroys America to the grassroots, and boosts the strategy, the global hegemony for China’s
    Communist Party.

    Indeed, the carcass of the global social dreg Joe Biden was buried after leaving the White House in 2017. Therefore, the sorcerers and sorceresses of the Global Deep State, China’s Communist Party, and others transformed the carcass of Joe Biden into a
    live zombie to cheat the American people and the world with a rigged election, indeed it is a presidential robbery. The permanent carer, Dogtor Jill Biden often appears beside the farting zombie Joe Biden for every move that is led by the bosses in the
    shadow. Therefore, the farting zombie Biden turns Dracula sucking the taxpayers of the American people after storming the White House on January 20, 2021. It is the first time in the US history, the live zombie Joe Biden becomes the 46th illegal
    president with the legalization of six Justices in the Supreme Court, and the coward traitor Mike Pence attempted the last presidential robbery stage after certifying the 306 fraudulent electoral colleges of zombie Bide Biden to win to a rigged election.
    The fans of Blue Donkey MAFIA gang, RINOs have no time to repent after discovering their iconic Joe Biden is the live zombie or the farting zombie and now transforms into Dracula sucking the taxpayers by the big-spending created the mountain of debt. The
    live zombie Joe Biden sucks the money everywhere including $ the US 1.5 billion from China and $ the US 3.5 million from Russian business. Certainly, the live zombie has no pity for the emptied mind like the virus, so zombie Biden just sucks the sweat of
    the American people, and enjoys the luxurious conditions, the wealthy life while the border unleashed by the order of zombie, the abortion aiming to kill millions of millions of unborn babies, and the newborn babies have not enough the powder milk, the
    shortage of the pads for women. Therefore, zombie Joe Biden is confident to enjoy the taxpayers and the privileges.

    The allies and foreign leaders wrongly met, attended the summits, and signed the agreements with the live zombie Joe Biden. Actually, NATO works with the zombie in the Ukraine invasion or the Biden War. Certainly, all orders, and agreements of zombie Joe
    Biden are valueless. However, the mid-term congressional election is going to poll on November 8, 2022, predicts the role of the farting zombie Joe Biden, and laughing zombie Kamala Harris will end. Certainly, the sorcerers and sorceresses will be
    nullified the magic when the Congress, and Senate are controlled by the Republican Party. Possibly, the carcass of zombies Joe Biden, and Kamala Harris should be dumped at the Guantanamo Bay, or buried in the pet cemetery because zombies Biden and Kamala
    Harris originated from the ape of Karl Marx, the apes are animals, not human beings.

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