• The tactical pandemics use in the us rigged election

    From Tuana Le@21:1/5 to All on Fri Jun 24 19:40:22 2022
    Hoa Truong, 24.6.2022

    Certainly, the global social dreg, the treasonous specialist, the corrupt king, the imbecile mongrel ape, the animal-covered human body with the viral character, and Sleep Joe Biden lost the presidential election in 2020 since the campaign, everyone
    could recognize, and compare the campaigns between the rallies of political worm Joe Biden and the patriotic President Donald Trump with the massive people gathered during the high tide of COVID-19.

    The vapid campaigns of traitor Joe Biden were like the funerals of the homeless despite the mongrel ape Barrack Obama, and ape pop star Lady Gaga helped the political worm Joe Biden gathered with a very small fan. Certainly, the left-stream animal media
    companies couldn’t conceal the disastrous campaigns. Nevertheless, Sleepy Joe Biden spent a lot of campaign time at the bunker in Delaware. Moreover, Joe Biden is always scared to appear in public while dealing with a serious mental health illness, the
    gaffs have occurred during the campaign and after storming the White House. Therefore, Joe Biden was illegally inaugurated on January 20, 2020, while the patriotic President Donald Trump won the historic landslide victory with 84% or 2,497 counties.
    Instead, the presidential robber Joe Biden just got 477 counties or 16%. On the other hand, Donald Trump won 49 states out of 50 states. The trifling rigged election applied the full-scale tactics, so the American people and the world knew” Trump won”
    , they displayed the banners in America and overseas to welcome the presidential robber Joe Biden plus vice-presidential robber Kamala Harris. However, six Justices of the Supreme Court plus the coward traitor Mike Pence illegally approved, and certified
    the 46th illegal president Joe Biden, and the vice-presidential robber Kamala Harris to rob the White House. The rigged election was debunked with blatant evidence plus a thousand witnesses. The rigged election applied the multiple tactics:

    -The ghost ballots secretly poured into the polling places, actually the swing states (mostly, the illegal ballots printed in China, and secretly transported to the US.”

    -CEO of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg used $US 400 million to bribe the judges, and the polling officials in the swing states (Mark Zuckerberg committed the serious crimes)

    -The names of dead people in the cemeteries added to the ballots of mongrel ape Joe Biden.

    -The Dominion decided the ballots by the sly technology.

    -Behind the rigged election supported by China’s Communist Party and the Global Deep States

    -The Democratic Communist Party in America was in charge of the rigged election.

    -The left stream animal media companies and the big tech communication companies created the fake electoral colleges of Joe Biden while the ballot counting was not over yet plus the lawsuits filed against the rigged election in the swing states.
    Therefore, the thuggish judges dismissed the legal action, actually, the Supreme Court rejected the lawsuits of Texas and 17 states filing the rigged election. The major Justices are RINOs with Chief Justice John Roberts, Justice Neil Gorsuch, Justice
    Brett Kavanaugh and Justice Amy Coney Barrett denied the career, they legalized the rigged election, so six Justices transformed the Supreme Court into the Supreme Shit. The rigged election was related to the constitution, therefore, six Justices denied
    it like a customer entering a Chinese restaurant looking for fried rice, and the restaurant owner confirms not to sell the fried rice. The US taxpayers waste for the irresponsible Justices.

    -The FBI lined up with the presidential robber Joe Biden, and Attorney-General William Barr didn’t investigate, and indict Hunter Biden while the Department of Justice holding the laptop, so the corrupt king, and treasonous specialist escaped the
    arrest, and continued to carry out the rigged election.

    However, the cultural pandemic of Democrats helped the rigged election with the mail-in-voting. The people believe China’s Communist Party, Dogtor Anthony Fauci, the former President Barrack Obaman, the leftist billionaire George Soros, leftist
    billionaire Bill Gates, and the Democratic Communist party used the China’s biological weapons to destroy the US, and also avoided the patriotic President Donald Trump in the second term to stop the Intercontinental Ballistic Tariff Missile, and China
    would continue the global hegemonic ambition. China virus pandemic and the trial-risky vaccine pandemic are like a stone to kill many birds, actually, the rigged election and the fake commander in chief Joe Biden weakens the US Army by the vaccine
    mandatory, so many soldiers and commanders were fired by refusing the vaccines. The World Health Organization was involved in the rigged election in 2020 which the election pandemic in December 2019, actually, the first Director-General without a
    doctoral medical degree, Dogtor Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, an actual henchman of China’s Communist Party, the communist and terrorist.

    The mid-term congressional election will be held on November 8, 2022, and the 46th illegal president Joe Biden with the Blue Donkey MAFIA gang fall into the extreme panic when the American people woke up after suffering the highest petrol, the highest
    inflation in 40 years, the unleashed border cause the national security threat and the social mayhem. Nevertheless, the tragedy in Afghanistan came from Joe Biden, whom the allies distrust. The Democratic Communist Party knows the disaster is coming, the
    doomsday of November 8, 2022, will mark the end of the US communist regime after Republican Party controlled the Congress and the Senate. The fate of the 46th illegal president Joe Biden, vice-presidential robber Kamala Harris, and the illegal cabinet
    will be decided. Initially, the 25 amendment is available to apply to traitor Joe Biden. Despite Democrats try using the blood of the Ukrainian people in the Biden War after Biden flagging Vladimir Putin to invade Ukraine, and Biden also handed over the
    bight of oil and gas to Putin, NATO falls into a passive reaction when the fossil weapons of Putin curbs the European Union, and America buys the Russian’s oil while Biden shut the Keystone Pipeline. The decoy House Select Committee failed the wicked
    hunt of riot occurred on January 6, 2021, and the people know the culprit is the political sorceress Nancy Pelosi.

    Therefore, the Biden War has not had enough the weight to stray from the disaster made by the 46th illegal president Joe Biden, actually, the rigged election alerts after the presidential robbery in 2020, the American people abandon the Blue Donkey MAFIA
    gang, the MAGA (Make America Great Again) of Donald Trump grows while the MAWE (Make America Worsens Ever) of Joe Biden and Democrats cause the big loss in November 2022 of Democrats. On June 22, 2022, once again, the cultural pandemic conspires to a
    rigged election. The 46th illegal president Joe Biden threatens the American people with another pandemic going underway after the Monkeypox disease seems not interested and effect. Possibly, the records of cultural pandemics of Democrats will apply the
    tactical pandemic like the Blue Donkeypox disease released from the Blue Donkey MAFIA gang.

    Certainly, the mongrel ape Joe Biden studied the law, so Biden has no medical career and knowledge, Biden doesn’t authorize to tell about the viruses, instead, Dogtor Anthony Fauci can. Therefore, the American people distrust Mr. Fauci who distorted
    his medical career during the COVID-19 pandemic. Whatever, the Republicans and American people knew the methods of the rigged election including the cultural pandemic that can not deceive the people, and the presidential robber Joe Biden can not convince
    the voters and the Democratic fans, the highest petrol price is the ballot to expel Democrats and Joe Biden in the mid-term congressional election in November 2022.

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