• The era of big Tech Communication companies is over

    From Tuana Le@21:1/5 to All on Sat Jun 4 19:11:56 2022
    Hoa Truong, 17.5.2022

    The big tech communication companies and the left stream media claimed the fresh victory in a rigged election in 2020, the historic fraud in the US election proved the truth, the thugs of media, and big tech profess to tell the wrong to right, the bad to
    good, evil and Stan are God. The left media and big tech media snub the people, they think the people are stupid. Therefore, the trifling fraud couldn’t conceal the public, actually, the American people’s outrage when the left stream media and the
    big tech communication companies ignore the people. Indeed, the American people have lived in a democracy since the country was founded in 1776. It is the first time, the White House has no the US president, instead of the presidential robber Joe Biden,
    and vice-presidential robber Kamala Harris stormed the White House, so all executive orders and the foreign agreements of the presidential robber Joe Biden are illegal, because the American people have never mandated the political worm Joe Biden in the
    election, instead, 103 million people voted for the patriotic President Donald Trump running the second term. On the other hand, the political worm Joe Biden was selected by six Justices in the Supreme Court and the coward traitor Mike Pence.

    The propaganda misled the outcome of the presidential election in 2020 and censored and gagged the free speech baffling the campaign of the patriotic President Donald Trump. Actually, Twitter and Facebook banned Donald Trump and his fans plus the bribery
    of the CEO’s Facebook Mark Zuckerberg to pay $US 400 million for the corrupt judges, and the polling officials destroyed the fair election, and the Republic of America was damaged. Despite the political worm, Joe Biden robbed the White House on January
    20, 2021, with the crucial decision of six robbers with the wooden hammers in the Supreme Court turned the Supreme Shit and the Senate Speaker Mike Pence. Therefore, the hidden domestic thugs plus the cabals appeared as the faces in the White House’s
    swamp. Within four years of President Donald Trump, the hidden thugs in Congress, Senate, and the courtrooms including the Supreme Court plus the RINO worms appeared to the public with the people’s microscope recognizing and identifying the harmful
    viruses. American people woke up after more than 150 years of living in the nightmare of fake democracy.

    The people and the victims act against the dangerous thugs, and foreign enemies with the competitive media like Newsmax challenging the left stream media, actually the big tech communication companies lose the exclusive position when the duckduckgo can
    have the functions like Google. Facebook plunged into the business a few years ago, and Mark Zuckerberg changed the business name to META, therefore, Facebook loses its users after the TRUTH Social of Donald Trump joined the tech communication field.
    However, the death vulnerability of the left media and the left tech communication companies is the users. The vital rule of a business is the customers. Therefore, the left media and big tech snub the people for a long time with the media empires like
    CNN (closed), ABC, NBC, MSNBC, CBS, The Washing Post, The New York Times, and other left media companies declined worldwide. The big tech communication companies and their related businesses face the people’s boycott. The dire consequences are
    inevitable, on May 5, 2022, within three days, the tech giants lose more than one trillion US dollars, their shareholders shaking when the worst will come.

    The era of left media and big tech is over, although they have the abundant finance to bribe and pay for the legal fees when dealing with the lawsuits. Therefore, the Republican states occupy the majority in America to fight against the enemies of people,
    the foes of the public, and the garbage in communication. Free speech protection revives while the left media and big tech have been abandoned by the people in America and the world. The fighting for free speech succeeded in Texas with the House Bill 20
    to ban the political censorship by the major big tech, and the other states like Florida did the same.

    The big tech communication companies know their essential tactic is nullified when the free speech is revived, and the censorship is useless by the state’s law. The big tech communication companies are like all kinds of viruses and insects struck by
    the strong stuff of insecticide, so they hire the robbers with the paper-knife and use the robbers with the wooden hammers to prevent the law in the Republican states. The Obama-appointed U.S District Judge Robert Pitman of Austin exploits the bush law
    called NetChoice to block the law of Governor Greg Abbott. Therefore, the 5th Circuit of Appeals rejects the big tech, so the group of left tech giants is Google, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, Tik Tok, Airbnb, and Palpal can not exploit the NetChoice to
    bully and abuse the free speech for a long time. The victory of Texas opens the advantage of battle, so the other states can apply the law, and constitution to get back the freedom of the people. Nevertheless, the world’s richest man Alon Musk promises
    to restore free speech when he takes Twitter. The communication changes when the big tech empires lose the users, finance, the legal battle, and the people hate them as the term” sowing the wind, then reap the whirlwind”. The dire consequences must
    pay, actually, the names of tyrannic CEO like Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey (despite he stepped down), and Sundar Pichai have never been forgotten in the minds of billions of people who have no choice but to use their tech with the gagged free speech, and
    censor. Nevertheless, the left media tyrants like Chris Wallace, Jim Acosta, and others have never removed the public condemnation. Certainly, the dens of fake news like the New York Times, The Washington Post, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, and others in America,
    including the fake news companies in the United Kingdom as BBC, The Guardian, and Australia like ABC, Channel Seven, Channel Nine, Channel Ten have struggled the financial battle when the readers, audience distrust and boycott.

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