• The victims of Joe Biden estimate a half billion people

    From Tuana Le@21:1/5 to All on Fri Jun 3 20:22:06 2022
    Hoa Truong 16.5.2022

    Six thuggish Justices of Shit in the US Supreme Shit plus the coward traitor, the Senate Speaker of Shit Mike Pence originate the tragedy in America, the world’s complication. Actually, the loss of Afghanistan and the bloodshed in Ukraine come from
    seven persons to rob 103 million ballots of the patriotic President Donald Trump in the rigged election in 2020. The White House robbery that occurred on January 20, 2021, worsened the democracy in America. Certainly, the corrupt king, political worm,
    and the mongrel communist Joe Biden couldn’t inaugurate if the major RINOs didn’t decide Sleepy Biden to win the rigged election.

    Behind the cluster of the White House’s robbery are the Global Deep State, China’s Communist Party, and other foreign enemies. Therefore, the political worm Joe Biden reflects the executive culprit to carry out the orders of the hidden bosses in the
    shadow, actually, the role of the thuggish President Barrack Obama doesn’t rule out controlling the White House. The political life of viral politician Joe Biden professes the corruption, treason, and many crimes hidden into the cover of Senator, Vice
    President, and now the presidential robber. The family of Joe Biden is considered the most social dregs on the planet, actually, Hunter Biden represents the symbolic characters of Joe Biden and his family members.

    Certainly, the bandits and dishonest persons often join the gangs such as Mafia, so Joe Biden chose the Democratic Communist Party, or the Blue Donkey gang to promote life, and make a profit by using the sly methods. On the other hand, the mongrel
    communist Joe Biden is like all leaders of the communists such as Mao Tse Tung, Pol Pot, Lenin, Stalin, Fidel Castro, and even the vestige communists in Russia Vladimir Putin. The communists and mongrel communists respect the term” Justifying the means
    , so they ignore the lives of people, instead the party’s interest and the individual favors plus the privileges are the topics of the pupils of Karl Marx. The animal-covered human body represents the apes of Karl Marx have created the greatest
    genocide in human history with more than a hundred million people killed, and other billion people enslaved. However, the mongrel communist Joe Biden reflects the communist leaders above, the victims of Joe Biden estimated 500 million people since the
    mongrel ape Joe Biden joined the Blue Donkey gang:

    -Senator Joe Biden, John Kerry, and the Democratic Party voted to cut the military aid of South Vietnam’s government. Eventually, Vietcong terror invaded and robbed the freedom of the Vietnamese people on April 30, 1975. The inappropriate loss of South
    Vietnam created the disaster of a hundred Vietnamese people losing their freedom.

    -The 46th illegal president Joe Biden robs the commander in chief to order the US Army to withdraw from Afghanistan, the country lost, and 40 million people lose their freedom under the rule of the Taliban, and the people lose their freedom.

    -The presidential robber Joe Biden flags Vladimir Putin to invade Ukraine. Biden announces the US Army will not send to Ukraine, and Biden also wants to remove President Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy to avoid the investigation of Biden’s family
    corrupted in Ukraine. The bloodshed in Ukraine created by Joe Biden is the key, and Putin executes the invasion. So the Ukraine invasion is the BIDEN WAR.

    -After January 20, 2021, the United States faces the tragedy when the mongrel communist Joe Biden leads 330 million people into the hell of communist paradise. The tragedy created by Joe Biden destroyed livelihood, and energy by shutting down Keystone
    Pipeline, the petrol hikes, the inflation hits, the border unleashed that caused the social mayhem, and the domestic terror organizations are Black Lives Matter and Antifa to terrorize the people. Nevertheless, the Democratic Communist Party uses the
    abortion law to kill tens of millions of unborn babies for a long time ago. It is unbelievable when the babies in America have not had enough powder milk while Joe Biden uses his stolen presidency to send the powder milk to the border for the illegal
    migrants. It is the shame of the superpower on the planet has not had enough baby powder milk, indeed, the Unites States aided many poor countries. During the babies in America did have not enough powder milk, therefore, Joe Biden wants to aid the Biden
    War in Ukraine with $US 40 billion. Possibly the Biden War in Ukraine focuses on the mid-term congressional election that will be held on November 8, 2022, actually, Biden doesn’t care about the lives of 330 million people including the babies, so
    Biden has never shown the pity with the Ukraine people. So the Republicans blocked the bill, Joe Biden.

    The anti-communist experts and the victims of communism have not been surprised by the essential tactics of the communists and the mongrel communists in the democratic countries formulate 3D= Deception+ Demagogy+ Destruction. The method of Pavlov created
    with the class struggle, and the social purge to reset the society before the communist party totally controls the people with the dictatorial regime, and the label of the communist paradise as the quote Boris Yeltsin” the pie on the Skye”, indeed,
    it is the hell of communist paradise.

    The communists and mongrel communists always apply brainwashing, impoverishment, and obscurantism. Three main tactics of the pupils of Karl Marx want to destroy the economy at the grassroots, so the mongrel communist Joe Biden and the Democratic
    Communist Party eliminate the energy covered under the label of the hoax climate change, the high unemployment rate, the high inflation rate, and the society is complicated by the Black Lives Matter, Antifa, the border unleashed target to reset the
    United States before transforming the country into the hell of communist paradise-like China, North Korea, Cuba, and other communist regimes.

    The tragedy in America continues to come when the mongrel communist Joe Biden and his Blue Donkey gang still rule in the White House. The White House’s robbery creates a national disaster while the country trashing by the fake president and the fake
    commander in chief Joe Biden. The records prove mongrel communist Joe Biden commits the genocide with more than 500 million victims which is enough to impeach, therefore, the constitution of 1871 transforms justice into Mafia law.

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