• The economic illiteracy of the Australian Labor Party

    From Tuana Le@21:1/5 to All on Fri May 6 20:34:00 2022
    Hoa Truong, 4.5.2022

    The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) is the highest level of an independent financial firm, it represents the economic situation and the financial status of Australia. When the Reserve Bank of Australia releases the interest cut, increases the rate, or
    holds the rate, all banks must follow. Certainly, the RBA reflects the pulse of the national economy, and financial system, so the leading bank in Australia can act to respond to the economic situation. On the other hand, RBA adjusts the economy, so
    every decision of the RBA deeply influences the people, including the business.

    Therefore, the politicians of the Australian Labor Party (Australian Leninist Party), and the major television networks in Australia like ABC (Australia Broadcast Communist), Channel Seven (far-left), Channel Nine, Channel Ten, SBS, and other media
    companies don’t understand the economy, therefore, they act like the economic gurus with the propaganda and misleading the public when the Reserve Bank of Australia changes the interest.

    The Australian people can not trust the media, and the Australian Labor’s leaders plus the high profiles of its party telling about the field that they have not much the knowledge as a carpenter advises about the pathology, cancerous treatment, or the
    politicians decide the vaccines while the medical career and the fighting against the pandemic is the function of medical doctors and the medical specialists.

    Almost, the leaders of the Australian Labor Party, and their politicians are illiterate about the economy, and financial management, so when Labor Party rules the government, the economy downed, and the debt increases. After the actual henchman of China
    s Communist Party, Opposition leader Kevin Rudd won the federal election in 2007. Within the first year ruling the government, Labor Government spent all the surpluses of $A 42 billion left over by the Coalition government of Prime Minister John Howard-
    Treasurer Peter Costello. Moreover, Labor Treasurer Wayne Swan and Labor Finance Minister Penny Wong (Senate leader of Labor, the prominent pro-China, the most powerful politician of Labor) created the debt, to make a huge profit for China (NBN and
    insulation scheme ordered the material made by China) so China’s Communist Party succeeded to deploy the debt trap. The ill-concerned economy and financial management of Labor worsened the national economy. Actually, Labor Party exposed the
    hypocritical human right turned human wrong by unleashing the border, so during the rule of Labor (2007-2013), there were 800 boats carrying 50,000 illegal migrants inundated that cost $A 17.8 billion. Do not listen to what the Australian Labor Party
    talks about, let’s review what the Labor did. The Labor means lie, and cheat of the deceitful party professes the propaganda of communists and mongrel communists like Labor reflects the term” when a communist is born, initially, a midwife sees the

    Since 2007, the Reserve Bank of Australia must cut the interest rate many times that deal with the economy downed. Therefore, every time the Reserve Bank of Australia cut the interest, Finance Minister Penny Wong, Treasurer Wayne Swan, and the left media
    companies (television networks) praised the economy grows, indeed, the national economy is in trouble. The economic illiteracy of the Labor Party caused the debt to rise while Finance Minister Penny Wong and Treasurer Wayne Swan were happy, and the left
    media praised the wonderfully economic management of the economic illiteracy’s talents.

    Once again, on May 3rd, 2022, the Reserve Bank of Australia increases the 0.25 to 0.35 rate while the federal election campaigning, then the Australian Labor Party, Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese and all the left television companies like ABC,
    Channel Seven, Channel Nine, Channel Ten launch the phony psychological warfare to support the Labor Party in the federal election is going to poll on May 21, 2022. The left media reflects the animal media chimes the ape’s herd of Labor Party to bellow
    as the cows in a field. On the other hand, the Australian Labor Party and the left media companies activate like the animal farm of George Orwell. Let’s go Brandon-Let’s go Labor-Let’go left media.

    Actually, Doctor Jim Chalmers who holds the shadow Treasurer attacks the government about the interest rise. Doctor Jim Chalmers (Bachelor of Arts, and Ph.D. of political science) who has not have much knowledge and experience about the economy and
    finance like Finance Minister Penny Wong of Kevin Rudd, and Julia Gillard government (2007-2013), so Mr. Jim Chalmers turns Dogtor of economy, and he doesn’t understand when the Reserve Bank increases the rate that means the economy grows (*). It is
    good news for jobs, and the national economy comes back, and recovers after more than two years suffered the pandemic. Moreover, Dogtor Jim Chalmers received the overseas trip plus luxury accommodation paid by Huawei, so Dogtor Jim Chalmers is not
    different from the Labor politicians like Penny Wong and others.

    However, after the Reserve Bank of Australia increased the rate, the ill-concerned Labor leader and politicians like Anthony Albanes, Jim Chalmers and the left media just tell about the interest rate influenced the home buyers, but they conceal the
    economy grows, the low unemployment rate 4%, and they mislead the public to support the incompetent Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese to win the election despite Labor has no policy, actually, Anthony Albanese doesn’t know the unemployment rate and
    the interest rate in the first day of the campaign. Nevertheless, the left media companies in Australia issue the false polls to confirm Labor wins the election, it is a form of a rigged election while the counting of ballots must wait for after May 21,
    2022. The bullshit polls repeat the polls in the federal election in 2019 with the same numbers. The left media companies think the Australian people are stupid, actually, they can not mislead the public with the fake news, and fabricated polls, the
    people know all fake news. Nowadays, major fake news companies like CNN have closed down, the big tech communication companies like Google and Facebook plunged, and the world’s richest man bought Twitter, so the fake news companies in Australia can not
    escape the dire consequences when the people boycott.

    The Coalition government plans, and predicts the economy, and finance while the Australian Labor Party has nothing, except the hoax climate change as their main policy. Instead of the propaganda and attacks on the Coalition, the target is interest rise.
    Unfortunately, politics is not a boxing arena, the best policies can convince the voters. No one wants to travel by the plane when the pilot doesn’t know how to navigate the plane, so the Australian people can not mandate the national fate to the
    mongrel communist party called the Australian Labor Party, actually, all Labor politicians are illiterate in the economy, no policy, but gains the polls of animal media. Moreover, behind Labor Party is China’s Communist Party, and Labor Party is led by
    Senator Penny Wong, the Opposition leader Anthony Albanese is a puppet of Penny Wong. The people in America have the 46th illegal president Joe Biden who leads the United States into the hell of a communist paradise. In Australia, the Australian Labor
    Party has the economic illiteracy leader Anthony Albanese and its politicians, the voters including the donkey voters of Labor must consider carefully the ballots, let’s boycott Labor before the hidden communist party controls the government as Kevin
    Rudd, Julia Gillard, and Penny Wong.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)