• Cheating

    From nguon pham@21:1/5 to All on Wed Sep 20 09:03:46 2023
    Hoa Truong, 18.9.2023

    The left parties in democratic countries are the mongrel communist parties. Therefore, the democratic countries respect the multiple political parties, freedom, and democracy which limited, and hampered the bloodshed campaigns called the revolution. The
    mongrel communist parties couldn’t use revolutionary violence to rob the government by military force. However, the mongrel communist parties could use propaganda, demagogic policies, privileges, bribery and exploit the constitution to rob the
    government with rigged elections, and other forms. The innocent people and the young components easily fell into the trap of the mongrel communist parties around the world. Nevertheless, since the Cold War, the left parties arranged for the union to be
    installed throughout the working places, including the schools, so the teacher union and the left teachers intoxicated the students many decades ago by communism, then renamed globalization. Its reason explains that young people support the left parties,
    and become leftists after graduating, and the academics become the activists, and the supporters of the left parties.
    Whatever, the left parties have the same deceitful policies, and the experts and concerned people could recognize the mongrel communist parties through the common cheating policies:
    -The hoax climate change is the main policy of the left parties, the people easily recognize the pupils of Karl Marx in the election. The left parties and the independents campaign with the hoax climate change, they are the mongrel communists. The hoax
    climate change deceives innocent people including the young components. The climate change psychological warfare intoxicated the people, and sent the wrong message about the temperature rises, and the ice melting at the North and South Poles with the
    wrong prediction of former US vice-president Al Gore, Dogtor Tim Flannery in Australia, and other high profiles. Indeed, the 31,000 scientists confirmed that climate change is a hoax. The hoax climate change activists, businesses, politicians, and others
    used natural phenomena such as storms, floods, droughts, bushfires, earthquakes, Tsunamis, and volcanos to shift the dioxide. The hoax climate change activists robbed the authority of God, and they stole the careers of psychics. The hoax climate change
    activists became the domestic thugs in the democratic countries. The hoax climate change activists kill the jobs, energy, and the future of the world. The dioxide comes from multiple sources while China freely releases the dioxide, but the small
    population countries like the Australian Leninist Party reduce the dioxide for nothing. The oceans provided 50% oxygen and the forest contributed 50%. For millions of years, the earth witnessed natural disasters.
    -The same-sex marriage legislation is a tactic to woo the ballots of the left parties. Therefore, homosexuality conflicts with the major natural couple, the religious faith, and the social values. Homosexuality hides political purposes. Certainly, the
    left parties gained the ballots of the homosexual voters
    -The illegal migrants labeled the human rights that turned human wrong. The left parties in Europe, Australia, the United States, and Canada invested in the illegal migrants for their ballots after the illegal migrants were granted citizenship
    -Abortion is the essential policy of the left parties. The unborn babies were killed by the policy of the left party and the left Justices, and judges. They commit the genocide, but the left parties have the vote of the abortion supporters
    -Euthanasia conflicts with religious faith and humanity. Therefore, the left parties ignored, instead they got the ballots from the supporters
    -Transgender conflicts the social values, therefore, the left parties collaborated with the medical business to transform the sex of whoever wants to change their gender. The left parties such as the Democratic Party in America advocate the transgender
    paid by the taxpayers. The 44th illegal president Hussein Barrack Obama and the 46th illegal president Joe Biden destroyed the US Army by permitting transgender and homosexuality.
    -The anti-racist targets the white people that label the protection of the black people. Indeed, Hussein Barrack Obama and the left parties used black people as tools to divide society and create hatred in the country. The criticism of race theory in the
    United States and the Voice of Parliament of the Australian Leninist Party reflect the racial struggle while the communist countries activate the class struggle. The left parties in America and Australia always raise the mouthpiece of national unity,
    indeed, they divide the country.
    -The fake morality of the left parties claiming the patriotic, the concerned people, and the opponents are the aggressive components. Instead, they acclaim themselves as moderate, progressive, and peaceful people. Therefore, the violence proved since the
    Cold War with the trioting protests in the United States, Europe, and Australia to support the Vietcong. In 2013, the 44th illegal President Hussein Barrack Obama flagged China for illegally building and militarizing the artificial islands in the
    Indochina Pacific, and Obama also raised the mouthpiece to condemn China. Nowadays, the 44th illegal president Joe Biden did the same, he flagged Vladimir Putin to invade Ukraine and also condemned the invasion. The United Nations released the Universal
    Declaration of Human Rights, therefore, the UN Human Rights elected China’s Communist Party and Vietcong in the Human Rights Council.
    The demagogic policies plus the propaganda of the global left media and the big tech communication companies conflicted the reality. The anti-communist experts warn” Do not listen to what the communists tell, let’s watch what the communists did”.
    The deception of the communists and mongrel communists reflects the proverb of the Vietnamese people” Treo đầu heo bán thịt chó” (hanging the pig head the sell the dog meat). The people make no mistake when seeing a political party raise the
    policies with the category above in the election campaign. They are the mongrel communists to cheat the people with demagogic policies.

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