• Biden again

    From nguon pham@21:1/5 to All on Mon Jul 10 19:10:35 2023
    Hoa Truong, 10.7.2023

    Despite a live male mongrel ape zombie Joe Biden being taken care of by the top medical team in the White House, actually the current noble caretaker, an education Dogtor Jill Biden who is in charge of every move of Zombie Joe Biden in the White House,
    Delaware, and the overseas trips including in the bed. Nevertheless, the Global Deep State and Democrats arranged the teleprompter, the instructive paper detailed for every move as entering the hall, sitting down, standing up, opening speech, and others
    with the decoyed reporters, and the facilities for zombie Biden to appear the public, television, and address the media with the sitcom called” The 46th President” while the American people chant this disgraced sitcom” LET’S GO BRANDON”. There
    is no US president, but a zombie. Therefore, the live male mongrel ape zombie Joe Biden has lost control that causes the bosses in the shadow to worry, but they can not correct, and manage the zombie when the black magic went wrong including the
    malfunction of the zombie body caused the pooped pants during meeting with Pope Francis in the Vatican, and the historic long farting echoes worldwide during talking with Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall at COP26 at Glasgow, Scotland. Nevertheless, the
    favorite food of zombie Joe Biden is ice cream, and dollars plus the privileges provided by the Tofu Communist Party in Beijing.

    According to the records, zombie Joe Biden exposed the heap of gaffs that occurred in the presidential campaign 2020, and after storming the White House. The live mongrel ape zombie Joe Biden is created by the Global Deep State with Democratic Communist
    Party arrayed the rigged election in 2020, and the deceitful legalization of the six thuggish Justices enclosing four RINO Justices in the Supreme Court and the cowardly traitor Mike Pence. The American people and the world recognized the live male
    mongrel ape zombie Joe Biden has lost control with deranged speech and disordered behavior. It is the wonderful careers of the six Justices and Mike Pence to legalize a zombie to rob the White House and the US commander in chief. Actually, the live male
    mongrel ape zombie Joe Biden holds the nuclear briefcase and commands the strongest army on the planet. The loss of Afghanistan, and the Ukraine invasion of tyrant Vladimir Putin, or the BIDEN WAR came the the prime culprits like the six Justices and
    Mike Pence. Moreover, the live male mongrel ape zombie Joe Biden signed a hundred destructive orders to make America worse than ever.

    It is unbelievable when the 46th illegal president Joe Biden told to live 151 years already, served 120 years in politics, and the United States has 54 states, Biden told the Covid-19 pandemic killed 200 million American people, or 2/3 of the US
    population. Sometimes, the live male mongrel ape zombie Joe Biden told Kamala Harris is the US president, and Biden doesn’t know his job is the US president as the approval of the six Justices and Mike Pence. Moreover, zombie Biden called Kamala Harris
    the First Lady causes Dogtor Jill Biden anger.

    The poor health of zombie Joe Biden couldn’t be concealed from the public when zombie Biden fell many times, shook hands with no one, and called the name of a dead Representative Jackie Walorski (R-Ind) in a media meeting. Moreover, the sleepy habit
    currently occurs, zombie Joe Biden could sleep anywhere and any time, including holding talks with some foreign leaders who came to the White House. The live male mongrel ape zombie Joe Biden contracted the KNEELING PANDEMIC outbreak in the Democratic
    politicians and the high profiles, so the male mongrel ape zombie Joe Biden could kneel to pay the respect of series felony George Floyd. The kneeling pandemic transmitted from the male mongrel ape zombie Joe Biden to the Democratic apes caused Nancy
    Pelosi and her Democratic ape Representatives to kneel after George Floyd died. Recently, Janet Yellen, Secretary of the Treasury of zombie Joe Biden contracted the kneeling pandemic, so she bowed to pay adoration to the Fofu’s Vice-Premier He Lifeng
    at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing.

    The 27 ape psychiatrists of Harvard and Yale, including the female mongrel ape Dogtor Bandy X. Lee, all hid somewhere else, including an asshole, they are shameless and irresponsible. Why don’t they say Joe Biden commits mental health illness? The 25th
    Amendment exempted the live mongrel male ape zombie Joe Biden because the noble zombie already has no mind, is it? The black magic of the Global Deep State and Democrats is invalid, so the malfunction of zombie Joe Biden exposed the instruction, and
    order of the hidden bosses to command the action and behavior. A live zombie Joe Biden told to media:

    -Come on, man! Give me a break! I need more time!

    -I’m not supposed to be answering all these questions

    -I’m really gonna be in trouble with my staff if I answer these questions!

    -I’m sorry, I’m going to get in trouble with the staff if I don’t do this the right way

    The public appearance worries the bosses of zombie Joe Biden when the lost control suddenly occurs, actually, the uncontrolled behaviors exposed on television. The Global Deep State and the Democratic Communist Party knew the live male mongrel ape zombie
    Joe Biden lost control for a long time. Therefore, the ape pawns of Democrats ran out, actually, female mongrel ape zombie Kamala Harris is worse than the male ape zombie Joe Biden, so the bosses chose zombie Joe Biden to run the presidential election in

    Nevertheless, the Global Deep State, the Democratic Communist Party, and the Tofu Communist Party will use the election in 2024 to impose the live male mongrel ape zombie Joe Biden robbing the White House for the second time. Possibly, the rigged
    election should repeat in 2024, and the six thuggish Justices in the Supreme Court will waive the lawsuits filing against the rigged election in the swing states, and the live female ape zombie Kamala Harris will certify the fraudulent electoral colleges
    of zombie Joe Biden. The White House robbery will be attempted the second time when the final decision is held by the six Justices in the Supreme Court. Their corrupt records are the blackmails to rope the six Justices obeying the orders of the Global
    Deep State.

    The American people and the world distrust the elections in America because the bush-obscurant Constitution of 1871 mandates the absolute power for the enormous number of Justices in the Supreme Court and the Senate Speaker to decide the US president, so
    the people’s vote is the deceitful form of the fake democracy in the United States. The live mongrel ape zombie Joe Biden was placed in the White House by the six Justices and Mike Pence, so they can legalize whoever, including Hunter Biden to be the
    US president if the Global Deep State, and Democrats support. The American people have never elected the Justices in the Supreme Court, therefore, they are the US presidential makers, actually, Chief Justice John Roberts holds the supreme power in the
    United States. Therefore the endurance of the American people is saturated, if the White House robbery is repeated in 2024, the Second Civil War is inevitable, the dire consequences are immeasurable, and the people’s power is invincible. The bosses of
    zombie Joe Biden must know the people wave can destroy their lives and assets.

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