• The US Department of Justice is the den of terror

    From nguon pham@21:1/5 to All on Tue Jul 4 07:03:57 2023
    Hoa Truong, 3.7.2023

    The dictatorial and communist regimes always use government facilities to terrorize and oppress the people, actually the opponents. The Third Reich of Dictator Hitler used the Gestapo in multiple terror forms and intelligence. Communist regimes like
    China, Vietnam, North Korea, Cuba, and others use the Internal Department, the Public Security Guard, the police force, the People’s Court, and the People’s Army to terrorize and oppress the people remaining ruthless regimes. The mongrel communist
    party in the United States has the same practices by using the government facilities like the FBI, the Department of Justice, and their judges to terrorize, and oppress the people, actually, the Republican Party and the patriots like President Donald
    Trump are focusing.

    When the Democratic presidents ruled the White House, the government facilities like the FBI, the CIA, and the Department of Justice became the terror tools to oppress the people, actually the opponents of the communist regimes. The Democratic presidents
    exploited the constitution to appoint the Justices in the Supreme Court, and the multiple levels of judges into the courtrooms. Nevertheless, the terror tools have been supported by the Democratic judges, and Justices in the Supreme Court to create a
    legal safety net for the protection of the Democratic politicians and the high profiles. Moreover, the government facilities above are the den of terror, treason, and the hub of corruption. The US legal system is rotten, and contracted legal cancer to
    torture the American people plus justice when the clever criminals came from the law schools with the law degrees, the experiences including the loopholes. Legal terror and corrupt officials know how to escape the crimes and continue to sink into
    criminal activities. No one sits above the law, but dishonest law school graduates know how to breach the law and create crimes.

    The communist regime applies the Bush Law, commonly, the vague crime called the counter-revolutionary conviction based on the fictional crimes as the tyrant of the Soviet Union, Lavrentiy Beria, the longest-serving secret police chief in Joseph Stalin
    quotes” Show me the man and I will show you the crime”. The innocent victims in the hell of a communist paradise in the Soviet Union died in the re-education camps, or their lives were ruined including their families, the children facing the social
    discrimination affecting at least three generations. The malevolent terror of communist regimes violates human rights and destroys social values.

    It is incredible when the Department of Justice in the United States applies the terror methods like the Soviet Union. According to the operation of the Department of Justice recorded its department is the den of terror and corruption. The viral
    officials in the DOJ inundated the department and transformed the legal services, and justice into a terror mission plus corruption, so the US Department of Justice became a cesspool. There is no justice, but the Bush Law.

    Almost the Attorney-Generals like Eric Himpton Holder Jr (Obama regime), Loretta Elizabeth Lynch (Obama regime) including RINO William Barr who served the first term of the patriotic President Donald Trump, but William Barr stabbed in the back Donald
    Trump and didn’t investigate the laptop of Hunter Biden despite the Department of Justice held in 2018, if not, Sleepy Joe Biden has disqualified the White House race in 2020, and avoid the White House robbery on January 20, 2021. The rumor spread
    about RINO Attorney General William Barr receiving the bribe of $US 25 million paid by Joe Biden to waive the investigation. Possibly, the new bosses of William Barr, Mike Pence, and the six Justices enclosing four RINO Justices in the Supreme Court have
    been trapped by their corrupt records, the blackmails tied the traitors with Democrats, so the RINOs always stand alongside Democrats, and absolutely obey the orders because their new bosses can release the scandal into multiple forms including the media.
    The RINOs face the dilemma when the Republican Party distrust them and new bosses of Democrats just use them as pawns. The spy proverb applies to the traitors” When a hunter recognizes the dog can not do the job properly, a hunter must know how to eat
    the dog’s meat”.The American people have not been surprised when seeing traitors Mike Pence, and Nikky Haley speaking at the rally of abortion supporters. It is the main policy of Democrats and Joe Biden.

    The Department of Justice is the legal cesspool, and the terror tool with the Special Counsel of the legal terrorist Robert Mueller who carried out the first witch hunt based on the fabricated dossiers written by the former British intelligence agent
    Christopher Steele to impeach the patriotic President Donald Trump. Nowadays, the Department of Justice reflects the active terror den, with Attorney General, terrorist Merrick Garland who was appointed by the 46th illegal President Joe Biden to
    terrorize the patriotic President Donald Trump, his family, and the Republicans. The quote of Lavrentiy Beria applies to the circumstance of the great leader of the MAGA movement” Show the D.O.J the name of Donald Trump, they will show the crimes”.

    The legal terror cohort with the active terror unit called the Department of Justice launches the indictment campaign against the patriotic President Donald Trump, and his family members including the First Lady Melania Trump was accused of storing the
    classifieds in the bedroom. The FBI and officials of the DOJ raided the Mar-A-Lago on August 8, 2022, proving the terror tools of Democrats and the 46th illegal president Joe Biden threatening the people, even US President Donald Trump becoming a victim
    of the cruel terror. The legal terrorists used the stolen documents to indict Donald Trump with the sham scene made by the terrorists in Donald Trump’s mansion, and the global left media propagate.

    The most legal terror campaign started in New York, the stronghold of the Bush Law of the Democratic Party, the Devil Party, the Dirty Party, or the Demagogic Party. All terror campaigns try to stop the great leader of the MAGA movement in the
    presidential election in 2024. The Democratic Party and the Global Deep State exhausted the tactics with the full-scale legal terror methods applying in the civil law focusing the business in New York with Attorney General of New York, Letitia James
    failed to fine $US 250 million when the federal judges threw the case in the bin because the incident was expired from many decades ago. The garbage indictment distorted the criminal law of Manhattan Attorney District Alvin Bragg as a farce when the case
    of Stormy Daniels in 2018 re-trial that conflicts with the constitution” The Double Jeopardy Clause in the Fifth Amendment to the US Constitution prohibits anyone from being prosecuted twice for substantially the same crime”. Despite District
    Attorney Alvin Bragg graduating from Harvard Law School, therefore he breached the constitution as an illiterate law practitioner. On the other hand, Alvin Bragg studied the law in America but applied the Bush Law of China.

    The one-way indictment against the patriotic President Donald Trump fabricated the 34 imaginary crimes called falsifying business records with 136 years in prison making the world laugh, even Law Guru, Professor Alan Morton Dershowitz has no idea after
    sixty years teaching the law including his student Alvin Bragg. The presidential election in 2024 comes closer, the campaign of Donald Trump attracted massive supporters with a financial contribution that fears the Democratic Party, the Global Deep State,
    and the mongrel communist Joe Biden, and the legal terror escalates to show the panic. The legal special terrorist Jack Smith indicated the classified documents were declassified with the Department of Justice confirmed by the certificate. Therefore,
    the special legal terrorist Jack Smith ignores and continues to apply the Bush Law. The legal special terrorist Jack Smith is a prosecutor of the Department of Justice. Certainly, his legal authority can not overtake the high court, Federal Circuit, and
    the Supreme Court. Therefore, Jack Smith and the Department of Justice designed 400 years in prison for Donald Trump, the innocent victim, and the victim of the witch hunts, the president’s robbery. During the heavy conviction deserved for Donald Trump
    with the imaginary crimes, the corrupt Crown Prince Hunter Biden has a sweet deal with the Department of Justice to avoid jail for an illegal gun possessor, and tax evasion. Everyone, including law experts, law guru, and Democrats know the arrest of
    Donald Trump is impossible when the fictional, and fabricated crimes conflict with the law and constitution. Actually, behind Donald Trump is hundreds of millions of American people who support, and protect. Nevertheless, the arrest of Donald Trump by
    the Bush Law should burst the civil war, the dire consequences are immeasurable when the people’s power should destroy the lives plus the assets of the Democratic politicians, and the high profiles including the corrupt-terror officials of the DOJ, the
    FBI, and the dishonest judges. Therefore, the global left media launched a smear campaign with fake news and fabricated stories misleading the public. They released fake news on television and YouTube with Photoshop about Donald Trump going to prison.
    The phony propaganda couldn’t convince the public, instead, the people stay away from the fake news companies.

    The United States and the American people couldn’t accept the Department of Justice functions legal terror of the people, including the patriotic President Donald Trump. Actually, Republicans control Congress, and the presidential election in 2024 will
    kick out Democrats in the Senate, then the patriotic President Donald Trump will return to the White House. The political change to make America great again, and restore the Republic of America and the legal system. It causes Democrats and the Global
    Deep State to rush legal terror, actually, the Department of Justice attempts to indict Donald Trump with fabricated crimes. From January 20, 2017, Democrats, the Global Deep State, the FBI, and the Department of Justice found nothing about the
    wrongdoing of Donald Trump, so the indictment for nothing, instead the Democrats lost time and money. The one-way indictment is valueless and has nothing to effect because the case must be processed in the court, then appeal, it must take a long time
    while the presidential election in 2024 comes closer. The United States needs to overhaul the functions of the FBI, the Department of Justice, and the judges appointed by Bill Clinton, Hussein Barrack Obama, and Joe Biden. The people want to defund all
    rotten agencies and clean up the legal system. The presidential election in 2024 is an opportunity for the American people to get back the country, and restore order. The patriotic President Donald Trump is underway to lead 330 million American people
    wading into the national disaster, and cleaning up the rotten legal system.

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