• The zombies and political carcass of Democrats

    From nguon pham@21:1/5 to All on Wed May 31 04:57:51 2023
    Hoa Truong, 28.5.2023

    The communist parties are the den of corruption, embezzlement, and bribery. Likely, the Democratic Party in America is the hub of corruption, and treason, the American people feel so hard finding a patriotic politician in Democrats. The dishonest
    component involves the gang including MAFIA while the treasonous persons interest the Democratic Party, the wonderful place of corruption.

    Democratic politicians are not different from the communists in China, Vietnam, North Korea, and others. Actually, the leaders and powerful members have never resigned, or given up the top jobs, the important positions in the party, and the government.
    China’s communist leader, tyrant Xi Jinping always keeps the top job in China’s Communist Party for life, and the government in the mainland. North Korean leader Kim Il Sung died, and the power was handed to his son Kim Jong Il, and after Kim Jong Il
    died, the power passed to Kim Jong Un.

    The Democratic Party in America is the same, the politicians are greedy for power and want to remain in their positions forever. The unlimited term granted by the Constitution of 1871 guaranteed the Democratic politicians keeping their careers in
    Congress, and the Senate, including the multiple-level judges, and the Justices in the Supreme Court. Normally, the politicians in democratic countries respect themselves, and the national interest, the concerned politicians in Japan, Australia, New
    Zealand, the United Kingdom, and other countries witnessed the politicians stepping down after committing the scandal, facing health problems, and other reasons. Therefore, in the United States, the Democratic Politicians, and the Justices in the Supreme
    Court have never stepped down although they committed the scandal, corruption, and treason, the illness, and even they become the political carcass, and zombies in the government. Actually, disabled politicians remain as puppets in Congress, senate, and
    the Supreme Court. The circumstance of a far-left Justice in the Supreme Court, the queen of abortion Ruth Bader Ginsburg proves the rapacious power of Democrats, although she suffered cancer for at least two decades, she didn’t retire because
    Democrats needed her decision in the Supreme Court. Therefore, she couldn’t win her fate and died despite Democratic Party wanting her life more than she could.

    The current Sleepy Joe Biden, the professional tax-worm, the treasonous specialist, and the serious mental health illness represents the greedy power of Democratic politicians and the negative aspect of the constitution in 1871. Certainly, the mongrel
    communist Joe Biden has shame, the animal-covered human body reflects the communists and mongrel communists with viral characteristics. The dog waves its tail to apologize to the owner after doing something wrong, but the Democratic politicians and the
    communists have never repented the crimes against humanity, and the national interest. The American people recognize the 25 Amendment matches the 46th illegal President Joe Biden including the mental health situation of Joe Biden appeared since the
    presidential campaign in 2020. Therefore, the Democratic Party and the Global Deep State plus China’s Communist Party ignored the public and chose Joe Biden as the zombie. It is incredible when the 46th illegal president Joe Biden doesn’t know his
    age, he is told to live 151 years already, served 120 years in politics, the United States has 54 states, and many gaffs released to the public. Moreover, Joe Biden doesn’t know what to do in the White House, sometimes he calls Kamala Harris, the US
    president. The zombie speech is supported by a teleprompter, and the ugly political practices of the world’s wealthiest country with the strongest army on the planet reflect the uncontrolled zombie Joe Biden, so a kid can read, and can do the US
    president. Nevertheless, zombie Joe Biden couldn’t control the body despite Jill Biden taking the full-time carer in the White House, the mansion in Delaware, and overseas trips. Therefore, the Democrats, and Global Deep State plan to use the live
    zombie Joe Biden for four years more in the second presidential election in 2024. Certainly, the victory of Joe Biden comes from the rigged election, and the second White House robbery should repeat in 2024. The American people raise the extreme alert
    about the presidential election 2024 when the Democratic Communist Party, the Global Deep State, and China’s Communist Party prepare for the rigged election 2024. The domestic thugs and foreign enemies fear the return of the patriotic President Donald
    Trump, so they use the legal cohort with the FBI, the Department of Justice, and the judiciary terrorists like Alvin Bragg, Letitia James, Jack Smith, and others to terrorize Donald Trump. Actually, they promoted some presidential candidates to challenge
    the great leader of the MAGA movement, and the global ape-animal media plus the giant tech communication companies currently attacking Donald Trump with fake news, fabricated stories, and created false polls. However, Donald Trump won the people’s
    hearts, and everyone trusts Donald Trump will make America great again despite the smear campaign, the legal abuse plus the multiple terror forms. If the Global Deep State and the Democratic Communist Party succeeded to impose Zombie Joe Biden in 2024,
    the civil war is the last solution to solve the deadlock and the horrible politics in the United States. The dire consequences will be immeasurable when the American people wake up, and choose freedom rather than the death of America.

    The live carcass of Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein raises the question to the public when an 89-year-old, committed the severe illness, and currently uses a wheelchair. Therefore, Democrats try to retain their political carcass in the Senate because
    they need a vote in the Senate to approve the nominee Justice of the 46th illegal President Joe Biden.

    The Bush and obscurant Constitution of 1871 guarantees the power, and interest of the Global Deep State with the unlimited term applying in Congress, the Senate, the courts, and the Supreme Court. Despite the Constitution of 1817 had the 25 Amendment, it
    avoided applying the serious mental illness of Joe Biden, the treasonous specialist, and the corrupt king. The Democratic politicians have never respected themselves, and a shame, they have never stepped down as Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris, Adam Schiff,
    and others have despite the people’s abhorrence, and condemnation. Instead, they try to stick to the power, and the positions until the people abandoned them in the election.

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