• CCP should baffle the trip of Biden to Australia

    From nguon pham@21:1/5 to All on Sun May 21 06:09:26 2023
    Hoa Truong, 18.5.2023

    The Australian government is preparing the Quad Summit in Sydney with the allies enclosing Japan, India, and the United States. Suddenly, on May 16, 2023, the 46th illegal president Joe Biden announced to cancel of his trip to Australia sophisticating
    the lying reason that caused the debt reached to the ceiling of more than $US31 trillion, and the illegal administration of Joe Biden want to borrow more while the Republicans control Congress, the lavish spending doesn’t come through while Republicans
    control Congress.

    Therefore, the reason for the debt doesn’t convince the American people, and the world because the treasonous specialist, the tax-worm professional, and the corrupt king Joe Biden have never cared about the people, the country, morality, and other
    national issues. Instead, Joe Biden just cares about the hush money, the secret businesses with China, the laptop of Hunter Biden waiving the indictment, the vast assets of the Biden family spread worldwide with more than 150 bank accounts, the second
    term’s election, the money laundering, the people’s smuggling including the pedophilia based on the unleashed border, and many crimes have not investigated and indicted yet.

    Certainly, the 46th illegal president Joe Biden is keen to travel overseas with Air Force One covered by the taxpayers. Recently, Biden arrived in Ireland to mark 30 years of ending the conflict between the IRA, and the British, despite someone welcoming
    Joe Biden. Therefore, the dog of Ireland’s President Michael D. Higgins barked and snubbed the presidential robber Joe Biden. The animal can recognize the dishonest person while someone including the global left media still supports, and praises Joe

    Moreover, Joe Biden has never worried about his health, because Democrats hampered the health check, and the cognition test although the American people and Republicans want to know about the health of Biden. Where are 27 medical Dogtor of Harvard, and
    Yale University including Dogtor Bandy Xenobia Lee? The global left media, actually the fake news companies, waved the losing memories of Biden after saying the pandemic killed 200 million American people, the United States has 54 states. Moreover, Biden
    was confirmed to live 151 years already and served 120 years in politics. He also called the name of the dead people Representative Jackie Walorski (R-Ind) during a meeting with the media. The presidential robber Joe Biden doesn’t know what to do,
    sometimes he calls Kamala Harris the US president. However, the Global Deep State and the Democratic Communist Party take care of anything, including the speech arranged by the teleprompter. Actually, the fake First Lady, Dogtor Jill Biden is the noble
    daily caretaker for Joe Biden in the White House and overseas trips. The people could see Biden falling many times while stepping on the Air Force One’s stairway displayed on television, and the internet, his pooped pants interested the world during a
    meeting with Pope Francis in the Vatican, and the long historic farting released during a meeting with Camilla in COP26, at Glasgow, Scotland. Therefore, the 46th illegal president Joe Biden didn’t attend the Coronation of King Charles III, instead,
    Jill Biden, and her grand-niece came to England. Certainly, Jill Biden didn’t represent the United States, but she behaved like the Biden family. Moreover, Jill Biden is not eligible to use Air Force One, including the 46th illegal president Joe Biden.
    The people believe Joe Biden didn’t attend the Coronation of King Charles III because Queen Consort Camilla should impress the long history farting of Joe Biden echoing worldwide.

    The reason for the debt raised by Joe Biden to cancel the trip to Australia lies. Moreover, Joe Biden and Democrats advocate the debt to rope the American people with the Global Deep State. Therefore, China’s Communist Party hates the AUKUS, and Squad
    of four countries, actually the nuclear submarine project of Australia caused China’s outrage. The domestic thugs in Australia strongly react against the defense of Australia. The former Prime Minister Paul Keating hit out at the AUKUS because he
    exchanged the national security, and the sovereignty of Australia for the job on the board of the Chinese Development Bank. The Greens Party (Garbage Party) attacked the nuclear submarine project.
    Moreover, in Western Australia, Labor Premier Mark McGowan proved the face of China’s henchman, during the visit of the first trip to Beijing, Mark McGowan attacks the patriotic Member of Parliament Andrew Hasties holds the Shadow Defense Minister who
    activates the national security to fight against the global hegemonic strategy of China’s Communist Party creates the current tension in the region. The pro-China politicians in Australia reflect the term” eating the Australian bread, but adoring
    China’s Communist Party”. They are the top treasonous politicians in Australia.

    The Squad Summit plans to open in Sydney challenging the global hegemonic strategy of China in the region. Certainly, Beijing can not stop the important summit, but China’s Communist Party should pressure an actual henchman, Joe Biden, who can stop the
    summit, so Biden canceled the trip to Australia, and Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese confirms the summit will not go ahead because Joe Biden’s role is very important.

    China paid $US1.5 billion for Hunter Biden and represented Joe Biden to sign the untold contract of henchmen. Now, the $US1.5 billion is workable, China uses Joe Biden to ruin and hamper the activities of Quad, and AUKUS. On the other hand, Joe Biden is
    considered as China’s under-covered activist ruling the White House, and Squad, plus AUKUS. The spy balloons of China detected the important military bases in the United States that alert the allies. China’s Communist Party applies a stratagem of Sun
    Tzu to attack the United States and its allies” defeat the enemy by capturing their chief”, and quote Sun Tzu in The Arts of War” If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but
    not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”China’s Communist Party succeeds to break the Squad Summit by pressuring the henchman Joe Biden to
    cancel the trip to Australia. On the other hand, Joe Biden is the essential component of the treasonous line and an actual henchman of China. The cancellation of the trip to Australia of Joe Biden proves the United States loses its sovereignty. The dire
    consequences for America and the world came from the six thuggish Justices in the US Supreme Court, and Mike Pence. Those enemies of the American people sit above the law and afford the taxpayers, and continue to raise the Bush law abusing the American

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